He would talk to her, he had to, just not here. As he poured his coffee he decided that it might be best to try and avoid Sara for the remained of the shift. He guessed it wouldn't be too hard because she was unlikely to want to talk to him here either. This subject was best saved for a more private location. His conversation with Greg did worry him slightly though. They had decided to keep their relationship private, partly because they thought it was nobody else's business who they were dating but their own, but also because they didn't want either of their careers to be jeopardise. He took a sip of his coffee as he mused over this decision, the hot liquid burning his throat slightly as he swallowed. Now he really thought about it, neither of them had actually verbalised this pack to keep the relationship from their friends. Just another thing they had failed to talk about. With a sigh, he moved to return to his office but was stopped as Sara walked in. He noticed her slight hesitation on entering the room but she quickly decided that changing her course would be childish so carried on towards the coffee pot. "Oh hey, Grissom." She smiled shyly. "How's the um, paperwork going?"

"Slowly." He replied, watching as she carefully poured the steaming liquid into her mug, her slender fingers wrapping delicately around the handle of the pot.

"I saw Catherine in the bathroom earlier. She didn't look too good." She said turning around to face him. "I know it's probably not my place to say it, but you should talk to her. I think she could use a friend."

"I already did." He said, adding, "But thank you for the advice." She nodded and began to make her exit but stopped at his next words, her back to him again. "I talked to Greg too." She gulped, turning slowly to face him, wanting to judge how he felt about Greg knowing but then maybe this wasn't even about that.

"Is he ok?" He didn't look angry, just a little sad and also slightly relieved for some reason Sara could not fathom.

"I'm glad you had someone to talk to Sara." He said slowly. "I'm just sorry it wasn't me, and that it ever had to come to that."

She nodded, her eyes now focused on the steam rising from the mug held tightly in her hands as she spoke. "You don't mind, I mean you're angry that he knows?"

"I would have the whole world know how I felt about you if I could." He said, his voice full of sincerity. She looked up and smiled at him, the first genuine smile he had seen from her since that brief encounter in the hallway the previous night, when the full weight of the situation had not had chance to dawn on either of them. "We'll talk later, after the shift." He said. "If you still want to?"

"I'd like that."

"I guess I should…" He motioned to the door.

"Yeah me too. Nick will be wondering what's happened to me." She had only come for coffee but had instead found him, and the answers she had been looking for. She suddenly knew what she wanted. Despite everything that had happened and everything she had thought and felt over that last month, she wanted him.

Grissom glanced at the clock on the wall. The past few hours had passed painfully slowly but he was pleased to see that it was only fifteen minutes until his shift would be over. He looked at the much diminished pile of papers on his desk with a satisfied smile crossing his lips. He was about to return to his work when a faint knock came from the door, which lay open, Catherine stood surrounded by the frame. She looked a little better though a remnant of pain still hung in her eyes. "I just wanted to say thanks for earlier." She said when he looked at her expectantly. "And for yesterday." She said walking further in to his office. "I realised I didn't have a chance to thank you earlier for staying with me. I really appreciate it."

"You would have done the same thing." He said simply. She nodded and tucked her hair shyly behind one ear.

"Oh and here." She said placing down the small box she was holding. He had put the box, containing the painkillers he used when suffering a migraine, on Catherines' desk after speaking with Sara, suspecting that she could do with something stronger than Tylenol to kill the pain. "I think they may have worked a little. Although I'm not sure how much of them I kept down." She winced. "I guess I took them too late. But thanks anyway." He nodded, taking the box and placing it in the top draw of his desk. He had only seen her experience a migraine twice before, both times relating to Eddie. The first time being after a blazing row that had come close to violence and the second being when he had died, almost taking Lindsay with him.

"You know Catherine, if you want to take tomorrow night off, if you're not feeling well…"

"No Grissom, it's fine. I guess it was just all a bit of a shock." He nodded sympathetically. "I may be a little late though, Brass needs me to give a statement about what happened before the shift. I know we're kind of busy here at the moment so I'll try and get here as soon as I can…"

"It's fine Catherine. Just do what you need to and if it's too much, my offer still stands. If you need it."

"Thanks Gil."

"It's ok. Now stop thanking me and go home. Get some rest." She chuckled.

"Ok." He flashed her a smile as she left. He glanced at the clock again then back at his desk. The paper work could wait. He stood up and picked up his jacket from the back of his chair, only then noticing the large box brown he had put to one side on arriving for his shift. He had forgotten it was there. He walked over and looked at it for a moment, wondering what it could possibly be but then shook his head. As curious as he was to find out, this would have to wait too. Sara was more important.

He arrived home to find the door still locked. Sara obviously wasn't back yet, something he was pleased about but that also made him a little nervous. What if she had changed her mind about coming here? He scolded himself; he couldn't let himself think like that. He flicked on the light, that same reassuring scent of home filling his mind as he entered the kitchen. Hank appeared behind him, nudging the back of his legs with his nose. "Hey boy. How was your night? Mine was certainly eventful." He sighed as he pulled a can of dog food from the cupboard and emptied it into the blow. He smiled as he watched his beloved pet eagerly dig into the food, sending the bowl sliding around the tiled floor until it eventually came to a halt against the wall. He chuckled slightly to himself as he made his way to the fridge for a bottle of water, pausing when he noticed the picture of him and Sara pinned to the door with a simple back magnet. They had taken it on one of their first walks with Hank out at Lake mead. He ran his finger down the image of her beaming face and found himself having to swallow a lump that was forming in his throat. There was a rattling sound and then the sound of the front door opening and swinging closed again. He ran his hand over his beard and turned to greet Sara as she came down the steps towards him.

"Hey, you're home already?" She said, surprised. She was known for working hard and working overtime but the responsibilities of being supervisor meant even she usually made it home before he did.

"Yeah I decided the paperwork could wait until tomorrow." She nodded and came closer to him, leaning back against the counter opposite him. "You couldn't wait though Sara. This couldn't wait." He took both her hands in his, closing the gap between them. "Sara, I have told you from the start that I'm not good at this whole relationship thing and I know that I have made a mistake, lots of mistakes in fact. But if you'll let me, I would love nothing more than to keep learning and if you'll have me, I promise I will be the best student you have ever."

"Well I'm not entirely sure I qualify to be a teacher in that department." She smiled. "I mean I'm not exactly great at this either."

"Then we can learn together." He brought one hand to her cheek and she leaned into his touch.

"I'd like that," She turned her head to kiss his palm. "Very much." Her hand covered his and she breathed him in before slipping her fingers through his and dropping their hands back to their sides. "I just have to know," She paused looking down at their hands as his fingers played with hers before quickly returning to meet his crystal eyes. "What made you go?"

"It felt like the right time. Work was really getting me down and watching Ernie Dell…blow his head off in front of me like that… I just needed some time away from it all."

"Then maybe you were wrong, maybe I am selfish." She said sadly. He looked at questioningly and she continued. "You should have been able to talk to me if you were unhappy Gil. I should have noticed that something was wrong. You're always so attentive towards me, always asking if I'm ok, making sure I eat and sleep… I should be doing the same for you."

"But you do Sara and you are not selfish." He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it, drawing it away slowly. "You my dear are anything but selfish." He paused for a moment as they exchanged loving smiles. He sighed. "The team has just grown so much and I felt like I had taught you all everything I could. I felt like I wasn't needed here anymore."

"I need you." She whispered, running her hand over his strong jaw line, relishing the feel of his beard against her palm.

"And I you." He whispered in return, the hushed, low tone of his voice melting Sara inside. "That's why I couldn't tell you I was leaving. I was scared that if you looked disappointed, I would change my mind and I knew I couldn't do that. I had to get away, just for a while." She nodded and smiled. "But more than that," He continued looking a little shy now. "I was scared I would change my mind and that you would judge me for it, for not sticking to what I want."

"I would never judge you." She said, placing a hand on his chest. "I of all people have no right to judge you for anything."

"I don't know," He said stepping a little closer to her until their faces were practically touching. "You seem pretty perfect to me." The corners of her mouth turned up into a smile as her hand tightened around his shirt and she pulled him so their bodies were touching. She pressed her lips to his and gently parted them with her own. She deepened the kiss as his hands ran through her hair, her free hand sliding along his broad back. They stumbled back against the worktop as she pressed her hips closer to his. His mouth pulled back from hers, falling instantly to her neck, kissing down it until the soft skin made a junction with her shoulders.

"Sara," He whispered, slightly breathless. "If you don't want to do this…"

"Shhh." She covered his mouth with hers eliciting a soft moan. Her fingers made their way up his torso, slowly, delicately, unbuttoning his shirt, as his hands rested on her hips, his thumbs moving in small circles in time with the motion of her hands. As she reached his top button, she felt a gentle nudge at her knees, pulling her from her state of engrossed pleasure. She looked down to see Hank staring up with his big dark eyes. "I think someone's feeling a little left out." She chuckled.

"Then maybe we should take this somewhere else, stop making him so jealous." Grissom smiled, lightly kissing her soft lips. He took hold of her hand and led her their bedroom, spinning her around in his arms as they entered, pulling her close to him as he kick the door closed behind them. She narrowed her eyes at him, a small smile crossing her lips. "So we don't have anymore interruptions." He explained. She chuckled and then took hold of his mouth again. Their passion mounted as the fabric of their clothes fell away, leaving them both naked and exposed and ready. They fell against the mattress, bodies entwined. The sighs and moans and adoring cries of pleasure filled the room followed by the sounds of satisfied panting and the muffled words of "I love you" as they fell next to each other, speaking into each others mouths as they continued to kiss. After a moment, he moved his body to pull the sheets from under him and then draped them over the top of their naked bodies. He pulled her close and kissed her again, brushing the hair back from her face. The sun was rising, filling the room with a gently orange glow and their bodies were hot, filling the room with their scents. They lay holding one and other, breathless and blissfully happy, feeling wanted and needed and loved and at home. She nuzzled her face into his neck, relishing his warmth.

"I could stay here forever." She whispered, closing her eyes, tiredness welling in her body and evident in her lilting voice.

"Well I'm not going anywhere." He smiled, closing his eyes too, joining his love in the comfortable surrender of sleep.


A huge thank you to everyone who has taken their time to review this story. I have had some really lovely comments and I really appreciate it. I hope you like this last chapter. I'm not too great at the whole passionate loving stuff so I'm sorry for that part being rather short. With any luck you will still like their happy ending anyway! As you may have guessed, reviews make me happy so please leave me your feedback. I would love to know what you think. x