Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this fic and this is pure fiction.

Warning: Rated MA. This is slash, if you do not like guy-on-guy, please do not proceed.

This is my first fic, I was upset with myself when Rratedauthor invited me to write a chapter on a Jeff/Adam fic she was writing. I turned her down cos' I'm not a writer, I 'm just an avid slash reader! But, reading all these wonderful fics, I feel challenged enough to try and put up one to see how it would turn out.

Credits to Rratedauthor for motivating me to start this and also to Ashura99 for giving me an idea of an unusual pairing with one of her fics. So please, I'll appreciate your honest reviews after reading this. Here goes....


"C'mon, let's go before we got locked up in the arena!" Matt cried out to his brother, Jeff. "Hold your horses, Matty, I'm coming." Jeff threw his satchel around one shoulder and hurried after his brother. They were running late, all the guys had left but earlier on, all of them agreed to meet at a club at the hotel they were currently staying in. "Do you have to take more than an hour to get ready, Jeffro? Sometimes, I swear you take longer than a girl " Matt huffed. Jeff giggled, "O Matty! My hair requires high maintenance, gotta dye and condition it or it will feel and look like hay!" "It's a crying shame you ain't a girl!" Matt sighed. He sometimes felt like he had a baby sister instead of a brother. Jeffro just smiled. He knew Matt was just being impatient, he couldn't wait to join the others at the club.

Matt went on ahead, setting a fast pace. Jeff tried to follow, he noticed that his shoelaces had came loose. Bending down, he redid them and stood up to see that Matt had just turned the corner. Hurrying, he went after his brother. As he turned the corner, "Owe..." Jeff hit a hard wall of chest and staggered backwards but arms caught him before he fell. His emerald eyes gazed up at the man he had collided with. "Are you alright kid?" Glen held onto Jeff's arms to steady him. He had a big grin on his face as his eyes roamed the kid's body. "Sorry, Glen, wasn't watching where I was going" Jeff replied, blushing. He noticed that Glen had not let go of his arms. " No worries, where're you rushing off to?" "Matt and I were just about to leave and join the guys at the club, are you coming?" Jeff asked shyly. Glen pondered and decided then to join them. He had wanted an early night, just going back to his room to read some and rest. But he was not going to let the opportunity of going out with Jeff slipped! "Yeah, could I take a lift from you guys?" "Sure, c'mon! Matty doesn't like to be kept waiting!".

Both of them hurried to the car park where Matt was standing by the rental. "Hey Glen, you're coming with us? That's great!" Matt greeted Glen. "Yeah, not often that we guys get to hang together, especially with Rainbow here since we are on different brands!" Glen replied, not taking his eyes off Jeff. Matt furrowed his brow, Is Glen hitting on my baby bro? Deciding to just keep an eye on the situation, Matt hurried them and drove off. Jeff sat in front while Glen sat just right behind him. That gave the big man the opportunity to study Jeff discreetly. Jeff's currently wearing purplish blue hair which was left hanging loose. Only he will look good with that color Glen thought and continued his observation. Dressed in a white wifebeater with a black jacket and tight black jeans, Jeff looked hot! In fact, he would go as far as to say that Jeff looked gorgeous; soft emerald eyes, pouty lips which at the moment was curled in a slight grin and soft fair skin. He remembered the touch of Jeff's skin a while ago when he grabbed his arms to steady him. Sighing, Glen wondered if he could build up enough courage to ask Jeff out.

Jeff and Chris had broken up several months back. Since then, Jeff was not seen dating anyone. Glen was intrigued by the shy and quiet young man who kept to himself most of the time. Unless he was with this brother Matt, Jeff would not be seen after matches, preferring to just hide out in his room for some quiet time. Sneaking a glance at Matt, he realized that Matt was watching him through the mirror and had a frown on his face. Woah! Matt knows! Glen thought and quickly averted his eyes and looked out the windows instead. He did not want Matt kicking his ass for eyeing his baby brother! Matt had been watching over Jeff's back ever since the breakup with Chris. Jeff had been hurt badly and Matt's protectiveness went into overdrive since then. No one would hurt his baby brother again if he could help it!

They reached the hotel and decided to bring their bags into their rooms first before getting back together at the club. "We'll see you in 5 at the lobby." Matt said. Glen nodded. Matt and Jeff entered their room, "Hey Jeff, Glen was checking you out just now" Matt teased. "C'mon, Matt, we're just friends. He didn't say nuthing to me" Jeff shuffled his feet uneasily. He was bashful and did not want Matt to know that he was aware of Glen's interest in him, afterall, the big guy couldn't take his eyes off him when they were together. However, Jeff was not sure, not many people got close to Glen, the guy had an intimidating and intense aura about him. In fact, Glen kept to himself and was considered a loner, just like him. "Well, be careful, won't you? I don't want ya to get hurt or anything! And if Glen gives you any trouble, lemme know" Matt gave Jeff an affectionate kiss on the forehead. "Now, lets go and join the others."

They met Glen downstairs and proceeded to the club. Glen and Jeff kept giving each other sidelong glances, Jeff had a soft blush covering his cheeks and Glen wondered if he stood a chance as Jeff seemed attracted to him. Jeff felt unsure, he liked Glen well enough but did not know much about him. However, since Glen was Mark's brother and they get along well, he was sure that Glen was okay too. As far as he knew, Glen did not have any close liaison with anyone in the locker room, so he must be single. He sighed wondering if it was the right thing to do getting involved in another relationship and might end up getting hurt again.

Mark, Dave, Hunter, Shawn, Chris, Rey and Adam greeted them as they entered the club. Drinks were immediately placed infront of them. Glen and Jeff sat together with Matt sitting beside Mark. Chris furrowed his brow, watching Glen who was paying close attention to Jeff. The club was packed and they had to sit close to hear each other. "Hey Glen, thought you were heading off to bed, what changed your mind?" Chris asked. The other guys stopped talking and waited for a response. Smirking, Glen couldn't help but notice that Chris didn't look too happy with him sitting close to his ex-boyfriend, "Well, Jeff here invited me and I decided to tag along to enjoy his company" Chris' eyes narrowed when the big man followed that remark by putting one arm across the high stool that Jeff was perched on. Jeff looked uncomfortable, Chris' presence still unhinged him but it would be rude to just away. Noticing Jeff's discomfort, Glen drank half of his beer, placed the bottle down on the bar and bent towards Jeff's ear. "Hey, you wanna dance?" Jeff was taken aback. He paused only for a sec and nodded, "Yeah, like that."

They headed to the dancefloor. The quick tempo of the song had them gryrating their hips to the beat. Pretty soon, Jeff started to relax and enjoy himself. He realized that Glen was a good dancer. Losing his inhibitions, he closed his eyes, swayed his hips and danced real close to Glen. Oh God! He's turning me on dancing so close, hmmm, he smells damn good and I can feel his body heat. Glen felt himself hardening, aroused by Jeff's hips pushing against his crotch. Jeff looked down, saw the slight tenting and giggled, "Getting hot big guy?" Smirking, Glen decided that two could play the game. Putting his arms on Jeff's waist, he flipped and turned Jeff around with his back to him. Wrapping Jeff's waist with one arm, he pulled him close towards his chest, pushing his hips forward to thrust against Jeff's backside. That move made Jeff moaned softly. Glen bent down and spoke softly into Jeff's ear, "You like to tease, Jeffy boy? So do I.." Jeff gulped audibly and blinked, Did Glen just made his move on me? He recovered and with eyes twinkling with mischief, Jeff slid his body up and down Glen's thigh, thrusting his hips back to rub against Glen's. Lets see you walk out the dancefloor with that hardon I'm gonna give you! Jeff continued his teasing. Glen was trying to hold it together, If he continues to do that, I'm going to take him on the dancefloor, little tease! he moaned at that thought...

Matt and the guys were watching them from the bar. Some of them were smirking and chortling with laughter. Matt had a frown on his face, he didn't like his bro to be teased about it later. Damn it, they're getting down and dirty infront of everyone, I'll never hear the end of this! Chris was watching the scene with a scowl on his face. He got up, intending to go up and pull Glen off Jeff. Mark put a hand on his arm and growled softly, "Don't you dare go out there and spoil their fun. Jeff's having a good time. If you so much as take one more step towards them, I'm gonna make you feel sorry!" Matt scolded, "You should have cherished Jeff when he was with you, instead you cheated on him with Kelly. You lost any right to Jeff months ago. So, back off!" With a hiss, Chris threw off Mark's hand and walked out the club. All lthe guys breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't want any trouble from Chris. For the first time for a long time, they could see that Jeff was smiling and enjoying himself. Though Glen and Jeff made an unusual pair, they kinda fit well nicely. The guys resumed their drinking and conversation. However, Matt was watching his brother and what Glen did next got him off his seat. The big guy had lifted Jeff's wifebeater and was running his fingers teasingly up and down his abs, his face nuzzling Jeffy's neck and lip ghosting softly behind his ears. Jeff's breath hitched, aroused by the touches Glen was giving him. It had been a long time since he had been touched like that. He loved the sensations sweeping through his body. Gasping softly, he leaned back against Glen, turned his head further to the side to give Glen better access to his neck. Glen bit softly on his neck and licked his ear. Jeff whimpered in response. So, he likes what I'm doing to him! Glen grinned at Jeff's reaction.

At the bar, Mark was holding Matt back, chuckling at the same time, "Matt, calm down. Glen won't harm Jeff, alright?" "But... but..he's making out with my baby brother out there.." Matt spluttered. Mark laughed "So? They like each other. C'mon, Jeff is starting to come around. You should be glad that he has come out of his shell. Look at him, he's enjoying Glen's company. Let them be. Have a drink and just enjoy yourself." Mark refilled his glass.

On the dancefloor, Jeff panted and whined softly with the attention Glen was giving him. Those big hands moved teasingly over his hips and abs, and those lips touching his sensitive spots made him feverishly hot. Both guys were horny as hell! "Let's get outta here" Glen pulled him towards the door leading to the pool. When Matt saw them leaving, he got up to follow but was pulled back by the Deadman again. "Stop that, ya hear! They need some alone time." "But, what if .." "No, what ifs. So what if they make out, learn to mind ya business, Matt. Stop looking over Jeff's shoulders, he needs his space. C'mon, drink up.." Matt was still somewhat worried about leaving Jeff and Glen alone. He couldn't help it, his "big brother" protective mode had been running 24/7 ever since Jeff was born. But if Mark was not worried about Jeff going off with Glen, he shouldn't worry too much either, cos' he knew Mark would obliterate anyone who harms Jeff and that goes with his brother, Glen too! Sighing, Matt decided to heed Mark's advice and leave them alone. He turned back to his beer ....

Glen practically dragged Jeff to the deck chairs lying around the pool. It was late and no one was around. Without hesitation, he pulled Jeff close and kissed him hard on his lips. Jeff gasped at the fierce onslaught but responded with fervour and kissed back. It had been a long time, and that kiss opened up the floodgates to his emotions. He put his arms around Glen's neck and tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Feeling Jeff responding and slowly melting against him, Glen released his lips to suck his bottom lips into his mouth, God, he tastes so good, almost like candy.. Jeff moaned sweetly against his mouth. He licked Jeff's lips, teasing them to open and when they did, thrust his tongue into Jeff's mouth and explored the depths of his sweet cavern. Both broke off after a while, gasping for air. Jeff was feeling heady with the sensations sweeping his body, the hot kisses they were exchanging and the hands roaming his body, they were making him shudder with anticipation.

Glen moved to pull off Jeff's shirt . "Glen! We're outside, anyone can walk in on us!" Jeff protested half-heartedly. "Sshh, it's late, no one will come and I can't wait till we get back to my room" With that said, he quickly removed Jeff's shirt, unbuckled his belt, lowered his zip and slowly, pushed down his pants and thongs. He caught his breath when he saw Jeff's lithe body in the moonlight, "God, you're so beautiful Jeff" Glen whispered into Jeff's ear as he pushed Jeff to lie on the deck chair. He immediately removed his own clothes, climbed over Jeff and started placing kisses on his chin, moving down to his neck and then biting gently on his collarbone. Jeff moaned softly. Wrapping his arms around Glen's neck, he arched upwards to press against Glen. Glen moved further down, sucking and licking his chest and then teased his nipples into hard nubs. Jeff whimpered deliciously, he wanted more, "Glen....please, feels so good .." His mewls intensified as Glen continued his ministrations. Glen laughed softly, "You want me baby?" "Yesss... please...please...don't tease me Glen.." He looked down at Jeff's manhood, it was already hard and leaking precum. Smirking, Glen bent and took Jeff in his mouth, sucking gently on the head. Jeff gasped with delight, his body tingled all over and his toes curled with what Glen was doing to him. Glen moved his lips further down and deepthroated Jeff. He tightened his lips over Jeff's shaft and sucked. Jeff arched upwards, his moans were getting louder and his fingers dug into Glen's shoulders. Ohh...feels so good, want more...more....

Glen suddenly pulled up. He lifted Jeff's legs on his shoulders, leaned down and licked Jeff's little pucker, getting it wet. Sucking gently, he probed and pushed his tongue into the pucker. Jeff whimpered with delicious delight. "Ohh...ohh.....Glen...Oh God!" Taking his time, Glen continued to lavish attention on Jeff's love hole, thrusting his tongue in and out. Jeff gasped with each stroke of the tongue. He was mewling and arching his body to get closer to Glen. "Oh God, Glen, please, please..fuck me ..." Jeff panted in short breaths. Glen pulled up and leaned up to kiss Jeff. He was so hard that it hurt. His nine-inch rod was leaking precum and he couldn't hold back any longer. Holding his hard cock in position, he penetrated Jeff to the hilt in one single move. Jeff gasped in pain, "Oww..... it..it....hurts.." his eyes started to tear with the pain shooting up his lower back. Glen kissed his lips to quiet and comfort him, "It'll hurt just for a while, the pain will go away, just relax..." Glen panted loudly. Holding still, waiting for Jeff to adjust to his size, Glen tried to control his urge to thrust. When Jeff arched upwards to indicate that he was ready, Glen pulled out slowly and thrust in deeper. "Oh God, so tight, so goddam tight.." Glen hissed. He was trying to hold it together, Jeff was so tight and his internal muscles were gripping his cock in a vice grip. He felt like cumming right there and then. But, gritting his teeth, he fought for control, he wanted to pleasure Jeff and make him come first. Kissing Jeff hard on the lips, he whispered, "You feel so good, so hot, so tight, so sweet Jeff...you feel wonderful!" Jeff whined in response. Glen panted harshly, "Hey, if you don't keep it down, we may get an audience out here in no time" "Damn you Glen, you put me in this situation... ohh...oh... Glen...." Jeff groaned his pleasure. He couldn't finish his sentence as Glen interrupted by thrusting in harder and deeper. Building momentum, his movements became more frantic as he pulled out and thrust in deeper. Jeff was in heaven, "Glen...Glen....oh god... harder....deeper.... " their pants rang out in the still of the night. Glen adjusted his position and thrust in deeper, hitting Jeff's prostrate. He moved to take Jeff's cock and squeezed. "Glennnn....I.. I ...can't hold back any longer...." Glen moved his mouth to cover Jeff's knowing what would come next. With a few more thrusts with each one hitting his prostrate, Jeff came, cumming hard. He screamed his pleasure into Glen's mouth. His cock tightened around Glen's rod and with a loud grunt, Glen went over the edge, filling Jeff to the brim. He collapsed onto Jeff, both panting harshly. When both their bodies had calmed down, Glen pulled himself out gently. Standing, he pulled Jeff up into this arms and kissed him gently on the lips, his fingers running softly through the rainbow hair, "Hmmm..that wa a hellavafuck! Care to go for another round?" Supporting himself against Glen, Jeff chuckled. He wrapped his arms around Glen and and giggled, "You're an insatiable beast, aren't you?" Cocking an eyebrow, Glen moved his hand down to squeeze Jeff's cock, making him squeak. "Insatiable? You got it right kid! I can go all night with you, that is, if you can keep up with me! But, let's do it in the pool next!" Without warning, he picked Jeff up and threw him into the pool, jumping in next. "Brrr...... damn it Glen! It's freezing in here!" Glen chuckled, pulling Jeff close to him, "Yeah? Let's get you warm up then!" Lifting Jeff's legs to wrap around his waist, he thrust in …."Glenn....oh..oh......."

Reviews appreciated. Hope you enjoy this....