Yosh! I finally made it!! Anyway, there's not much to say.

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue. I only own Kaori, Kenta and Masaru.

A picture of my OC isn't up on my DA account yet (Chichi-Bean) but I will post it! KEEP AN EYE OUT!!!

I have an MS paint version and a handrawn version. So yeah.

"A little fancy looking isn't it?" Remarked a girl with long ebony hair and pinkish eyes. She stood at about 5'2 and was wearing jeans, a red tank top and a white jacket. Pulled over her jeans were brown boots. She looked relatively normal with the exception of her eyes. But then again, in this world, anythings possible (A/N: ENOUGH! No fourth wall breaking!)

"Oh, hush up. When a school looks this elaborate you know they have good teachers as well! It's exactly what you need Kaori." Said a tall brunette woman who stood beside the girl, Kaori.

Said girl stared, "Are you calling me stupid?"

The woman flailed her arms frantically in a defensive motion, "What?! NO! I'm just saying you're extremely smart for a fifteen year old and you will finally meet your match at a prestigious school such as this!"

Kaori chuckled, "I know Hana-san, I was merely kidding." Hana pouted.

"How many times have I told you to call me 'Mom'?"

"Many..." Kaori sighed.

The two were obviously not related, they looked nothing alike and Hana didn't quite fit the description of 'Mom'. Hana's husband, Kaito, was Kaori's adoptive father and was currently waiting in the car.

A man with dirty blond hair popped out of a car window.

"Are you going in? Or am I going to have to make you?" Kaori puffed out her cheeks at her father.

"I'm going! I'm going!" She cried before heaving open the grand doors of Cross Academy and being shoved in by unknown forces.

Kaori's parents had died in a house fire when she was three years of age. Hana told her that the only reason Kaori survived was because she was playing on the front lawn. Being three, it was very hard to remember. So she gave up trying, knowing full well that she won't be able to remember her parents.

Kaori was met with a bunch of screams. At first, Kaori thought someone was committing suicide or something. But that didn't turn out to be the case.

The screams turned out to be squeals. The worst kind of screams mind you. (A/N:Stop the wall breaking!!)

'What the hell is going on?' Kaori thought. Her questions were answered when a group of extremely beautiful students came through two grand doors.

In front was a chocolate haired man with a handful of other beautiful people following him.

'I-is that it?! Just a bunch of gorgeous people?' God, she hated this school already...

"Look! I think that's the new girl the whole school's been buzzing about."

Kaori turned her head to find four people, a set of identical blond twins, one boy and one girl, and two other boys, a bleach blond boy and a brunette.

"Hey, what's up? The names Len, my sister over here that called to you is Rin." The blond boy said, gesturing to the only girl in the group. Said girl waved at Kaori, while she waved back.

"Hey new girl, I'm Masaru! Nice to meetcha!" The bleach blond boy grinned, wrapping his left arm around Kaori's shoulders. She could tell he was a very sugar high kid.

"And I, young mistress, am Kenta!" Bowed the brunette boy, he smirked up at Kaori and continued to pry Masaru off of her.

"Thanks... The names Kaori, Kaori Kiriyama." She smirked. Kaori turned toward the screams and the white clad students.

"Who're they?" She questioned. Luckily, the girls were too busy squealing to gasp at what Kaori said.

Rin looked wearily at the Night class before turning to Kaori.

"They're the Night class. Apparently, they're elite. The things-" The blond nodded her head at the fan girls, "-love them because they look good."

"Are they elite because they're smarter? Or because they look better?" Kaori asked.

Len shrugged, along with his sister, "I'm guess option number two, but you never know..."

"Besides!-" Masaru grinned, "You, my dear Kaori, look just as good as Rima or Ruka, and you're in the Day class..." He paused, "I think..."

Said girl nodded, "Of course I am." She had no idea who Ruka or Rima were, she just assumed they were one of the elite.

Masaru's grin grew wider, "There! See?"

Kenta stepped forward and shoved Masaru, who was currently clinging to Kaori's arm.

"I assume you have to meet up with the prefects. Go on now; we're all in your year, so we can meet up with you later."

Rin popped in and gave a gentle push to Kaori, sending the girl flying into the middle of the crowd, where a silver haired boy and a brunette girl were currently holding off a hoard of girls.

All went silent, and that was when Kaori realized she was in the middle of the walkway where the Night class was well...walking...

She clutched her luggage behind her and stared as the brunette girl with enormous eyes ran up to her. Over the girl's shoulder, she could see many sneering school girls glaring at her.

She sweat dropped, 'I'm going to kill those four...' She slowly bent down to pick up a small rock and proceeded to chuck it at the unsuspecting quartet she acquainted five minutes prior.

The rock whizzed pass both Rin and Kenta, as they had ducked, and instead nailed Masaru in the head. Apparently, Masaru felt obliged to fall in a slow, comical motion. Everyone fell into a pregnant pause as Masaru hit the ground, before Len burst out in a fit of laughter. Kaori twitched and turned on her heel to face a stunned brunette.

"Um, hi! I'm the new student, Kaori Kiriyama, and I was told you were the Prefect?"

The girl shook her head to recover from the initial shock and turned to Kaori, "Yup! I'm Yuuki Cross! I've heard about you! After I finish up with crowd control, Zero Kiriyuu and I-" Yuuki pointed to the silver haired bucket of depression. "-Will show you to your dorm room."

Kaori nodded in response and continued to wait beside Yuuki as the crowd died down little by little. The Night class were near the school building by now.

She surveyed all of the Night class students. There was the chocolate brown haired man in front, a silver-violet girl stood by in a defensive position and there was another dirty blond girl who fought off the girls trying to grab the brown haired man. A blond baby-faced boy was cheering around the girls with a tall, dark blondish guy walking beside him. There was a charming guy with light blond hair, waving at all the screaming fans.

Behind the blond were two bored looking students. They stood in close proximity of each other, so Kaori assumed they were a couple of sorts. The male was very gorgeous; he had cordovan hair and ice blue eyes. The girl was orangey-blond and had electric blue eyes. All of the Night class had very pale complexions. A fact that Kaori thought was highly unusual, unless all of them stay out of the sun 24/7 like vampires.

She looked over at the bored couple again; Kaori recognized them as models she had seen in a few magazines. The raven haired girl looked over at the cheery blond guy with blue eyes. She knew him as the 'genius child' that appeared on many TV shows.

'Elite and successful... God must be playing favourites...' Kaori thought with a hint of bitterness.

"-riyama-san! Kiriyama-san!" Kaori turned to Yuuki, who had been calling her name for over a minute.

"I finished crowd control! Come on, Zero will get your bags. Can I see your paper?" The brunette chirped. Kaori noticed Zero move to pick up her luggage.

"A-ah! You don't need to do that Kiriyuu-san!" Apparently, he didn't listen and ended up carrying it anyway. Yuuki scanned the slip of paper Kaori handed her.

"You're in building number two of the girl's dorm on the fourth floor. The sun dorm is behind this gate. The door where everyone was gathered around before was the moon dorm." Yuuki explained, stopping in front of a large gate with a sun carving on it. Zero pushed through it despite his arms being full with luggage.

Yuuki ranted on about school rules, how you shouldn't bother the night class and other important things every new kid needed to know. Kaori zoned out until the trio reached a door labelled '402' and under the number was a new looking door plate that said 'Kagamine & Kiriyama'

"Okay, so here is your room, this is your key and your uniform and books are already inside." Yuuki smiled, handing Kaori a key with a fancy emblem with a rose and the word 'Cross' on it. Zero set down her bags near the room door and left with Yuuki trailing after.

"If you need anything, ask one of us!" The brunette chirped.

Kaori stared at her new dorm room before unlocking it and hauling in all the crap she brought with her, but couldn't get far in because she was slammed to the ground by a yellow blur.

"KAORI-CHAN!!!! SAY ALOHA TO YOUR NEW ROOMATE!!" Screamed the yellow blur, who Kaori was now able to identify as Rin.

"A-aloha?" Greeted a dizzy Kaori.

"Good girl" Rin grinned, patting her new roommate on the top of her head.

"I'm your roommate?"

The blond looked at her, "Damn straight! Come on, let's get you set up! Is there anything heavy in your bag?"


"Great! Let me get Len!"

Kaori stared, "Why just Len?"

Rin gave her a thumbs up, "Because if Len comes, then Kenta and Masaru come as well! It ingenious I tells ya! INGENIOUS!"

Kaori sweat dropped, "Okay..." She watched as Rin zoomed out of the dorm and came back about 5 minutes later with Len, Kenta and Masaru behind her. Kaori thought Rin must've been sugar high to perform such a task.

"Carry it in!" Rin demanded to her brother. Len gave his elder sister a frightened look before speeding into Kaori and Rin's dorm with luggage in hand.

Kenta chuckled and dragged Masaru, who was whining about something no one particularly cared about, into the dorm as well. The brunette boy nodded his head at Kaori.

"Welcome to Cross Academy Kaori-san. Let's both hope you'll get some sleep with this girl as your dorm mate."

Rin glared, "Shut up Kenta!!" Said boy just laughed loudly.

Kaori waited as her new friends bickered, unloaded luggage or whined around, opting to observe the view outside the window.

She caught sight of a certain figure wandering on the other side of the window. It was one of the Night class students. He was the bored model she saw before; the boy was walking slightly behind a few others in the Night class. He must have sensed Kaori looking at him, so he turned around to face her.

Kaori glared at him with slight disgust. The boy reminded her of a man her biological mother had hated deeply. That fact was one of the only things she remembered about her biological parents. Kaori couldn't even remember whose looks she had gotten.

Kaori automatically disliked the boy, though admittedly, she hated the chocolate haired man far more. People have told her not to judge a book by its cover. But he just gave off such a revolting vibe, the Yuuki girl too, but not so much. Kaori could tolerate her presence at least.

The cordovan haired boy returned the same glare, minus the hint of revulsion. His orange haired companion turned and said something to him. He turned to her and replied. He gave one last look to Kaori before turning around to catch up to the other students.

For the whole time, Kaori was sending an intense glare at him, even when he left her sight.

"What are you glaring at?"

Kaori turned around to find Len, who had just finished placing all of her luggage in the room.

She smiled, "Thanks a lot, Len. You didn't have to do that, but I couldn't really stop Rin."

Len chuckled, "It's alright. She usually does this." He paused, "You still haven't answered my question yet."

Kaori looked around the room, Kenta and Rin were still bickering and Masaru was curled in the corner.

"I was looking-"

"Glaring" Len interrupted.

Kaori glared, "Right, I was glaring at one of the boys in the Night class."

"Which one?"

"The one with the cordovan hair and ice blue eyes."


"I think it's a mix between auburn and bole." (A/N: If you don't know any of the colors I mentioned, look it up.)

"Oh, him...His name is Senri Shiki. He's some famous model, along with Rima Touya, the chick with the orange pigtails. Why, do you take a fancy to Shiki?" Len questioned.

Kaori shook her head, "No, never. But I guess you could add him to the list of people I dislike in this school."

Len stared, "Already? You just got here! Oh well, any other people you hate?"

"Yuuki Cross, she's okay, but I'm kind of weary of her, I think she's a bit annoying. I hate that guy with the chocolate brown hair that sort of leads the group. I guess that's it so far." Kaori listed.

"That brown haired guy is Kaname Kuran. Don't worry, he rubs us the wrong way as well." Came a new voice. Both Len and Kaori turned to Masaru, who was plopped down on a chair. Kenta and Rin had stopped their argument and were now sitting on Kaori's bed, which was closest to the window.

"You should steer clear of all the Night Class in general. They give off a bad vibe." Kenta warned, sneering at the window.

"I'll keep that in mind..." Kaori said, before shooing the trio of boys out the room so she could unpack and get to sleep.

Shiki sighed, a small fraction of the Night class had inexplicably arrived at the Sun dorm in the girl's area, he had no idea why he was tagging along. Shiki guessed that it was because of Ichijou and Aido. They wanted to find Yuuki to ask about the new student apparently. Kaname, Seiren and a few other vampires remained in class, while the rest ditched. The teen froze, he sensed someone looking at him. A feat pretty much none of the day class girls could do. They were moving so swiftly (and yet were still walking) and they were hidden in the shadows of the trees. Unless they were trained like the Cross Academy prefects, no human could spot them.

Shiki looked up at a window, where a girl with raven hair and pink eyes glared at him in disgust. He assumed her to be the new girl that stepped in their path a few hours ago. She wasn't like the other girls that swooned over them. She had not even been here for a day, and it already seemed like she hated him.

Shiki threw the glare back. They remained like this for a few minutes before Rima spoke to him.

"Shiki, hurry up or you'll get left behind."

That girl was different. She gave off a bad aura, not one of a human, a hunter or a vampire. Nor any other mythical creature. Shiki just couldn't pinpoint the feeling.

'Such an odd girl.' Shiki thought, picking up the pace to catch up.

'This will be an interesting year.'

If you know who Len and Rin Kagamine are from shut the f**k up. I like them so much, I just had to put them in OKAY!? Or the name Kaito. Get it? Got it? Good.