The epilogue of this story. Finally the last chapter! I'm so happy, I could just kiss the first man of my age that passes in front of my house!

…Ok, maybe not that happy.

Still, I'm very proud of myself. Making the "A Dark Lover" stories was very difficult to plan, write and finish.

Ok, this epilogue will be divided in two. The epilogue part 1 and the epilogue-prologue (why epilogue-prologue, you'll see why later on). All the dedications and everything else will be posted between those two.

I hope you like it!


Warnings: Foul language and mysteries

Disclaimer: You know what is it.



(Normal POV)

Like every day, the normal routine starts in the human side. The people wake up from their slumber to prepare themselves and start their constructions of their home, finally content of being able to live on their homes without worry.

It's no difference with the powerpuff girls, who wake up to finish their hard work and make their loving Tokyo city a pretty place to live. Just like it was before.

Only, this time there is something different. The rowdyruff boys are with them, helping and loving their girlfriends.

And even though they all miss their supernatural friends and know they won't be seeing them again in their lives…they couldn't be happier.

Meanwhile, in the other side, the creatures prepare for other new things. Other new adventures, like the preparations for a newborn for example. Or their kings returning to their thrones with the same old routine. Peace is everywhere in the place.

But not everywhere is the peace something good. There is a place where there's always peace, a peace that makes you choke and cry in anguish.

The graveyard.

Edward is in there, feeling said peace in the air. He looks at the tomb of his friend Silver, a lily on his hand.

The piece of rock looks desolated and sad, only a black rose lying over it. He crouches, placing the daisy on the turf in front of it.

"I'm sorry you had to leave us, Silver" Edward declares, smiling sadly, "Everything has passed now, it has changed everything"

He moves his hand, petting the side of the grave with care, "You'll be happy knowing that we beat the bad guy, the humans are now in peace…the powerpuff sure did an awesome job, they say hi by the way"


He turns around, finding his ex-teammate, Hilary. Her belly is more swollen and her face has a surprised expression on it. Probably she didn't know he was in here.

"What are you doing in here?"

"I came to give Silver his lily" Edward declares, turning towards the grave, "And to catch him up with the news"

Hilary smiles softly, walking towards her friend and placing her nimble hand on his shoulder, "That is nice"

"Oh Silver, you won't believe it! Hilary IS pregnant! Not with my baby, but that can be arranged later"

He feels a light smack on his shoulder, making him chuckle, "And…Sebastian is not here either. The bastard's body can't be found yet, but I'm sure he must be doing all kinds of jokes with you up there"

An 'aww' sound can be heard, making his attention turn to Hilary. She smiles at him, pointing at the dark rose.

"How nice of you to add Sebastian's flower in here too! Silver will be happy to know you're taking Sebastian's gift to him"

Edward looks at her strangely, "What are you talking about? I thought this was your favorite flower"

Now is the turn of Hilary to look at him strangely, "No, you're confused. This is my favorite flower" she answers, motioning the white rose on her free hand, "And the gatekeeper made me know I was the second one to enter the graveyard…besides, the only ones who knew his favorite flower were us two".

Edward's eyes widen, a flashback passing through his mind with speed.

Sebastian laughs and takes the daisy, cutting the stem, "Hey, you're mean…flowers are for everybody to see and like, not only girls"

"Whatever…the only time you'll get a flower from me is when you die and it will be a dandelion only" Edward says, laughing mockingly. Sebastian laughs with him and answers his own mock with one of his own.

"Well, I'll give you a black rose"

"Black rose? I didn't know you liked me" Edward exclaims. Sebastian just punches him like a game.

"Hey, it's my favorite rose! They are rare and really awesome…so since you're my best friend I'll give you one, like any other close friend would receive one from me"

Both look at the trees, observing their movements created by the wind in astonishment, feeling watched all of a sudden.

"Someone could enter to the graveyard through the trees without problem, but only if the person was hiding for something" Hilary mutters, feeling some tears on her eyes.

"…Sebastian was here" exclaims Edward, standing from his crouching position and turning to the flower in the grave.

"He is alive…"

So there you have it. Before you read the next one, I'm just going to clarify something. I'm not going to make a sequel! And if I do, it won't be fanfiction, it will be completely original with my characters only. No more PPGZ. That's it.

Now, I want to dedicate this whole story to some important persons that helped this story to be made and finished:

My brother, What a pain: You helped me continue and finish this story. You always supported to me in the end, supporting me when the situation needed and pointing out my mistakes when you found one. You're a great little brother and I love you, those are enough reasons to dedicate this story to you! Thanks a lot, I'm so glad we are family!

RRBZfanX3: You are just great! Always supporting me and my stories, and I don't mean only fanfiction, but my original stories in fictionpress too. You're a great friend, a great person and a great sister. Not only that, you are an awesome writer, you have me wanting to read your next chapter on fictionpress! Keep growing steady in your stories, you have an incredible imagination and will, I know you'll get far! Thank you so much for all of your support! I dedicate this story to you too!

Dejiko001: Thank you so much for every support you gave me and all the patience you had with this story. You're a great writer, a great supporter and the perfect reader. I'm not kidding, I'm lucky to have you reading my stories! You always read them, it doesn't matter if it's of another pairing or even in another language, you read them x3. You're a great friend and person, never change and keep growing steady in your writings like you are. Thanks for just being you and being there for me, this story is dedicated to you, little sister!

Carito-fox: Thanks for lending me your OCs (Naito and Torako) and making this story possible to be written with them included. This story is dedicated to you too!


I thank these specific reviewers for their comments. They helped me and I want to dedicate this story to you too: animeskullgirl16, Emmie-Chan14 , Desu Ze Prosezilla (thanks for the time to critic on chapter one!), Rickey(Chick not dude), Nakashima Kuroda, , Cassie M. M. , MutsomonoSatori, HunnyABee , Dinosaurs R Dead , Rain Karami , NatsukiYuri-chan, Dark Cemone ,BloodyKitten666 , CuteKitty12, Fire Nightfall , KeroNya , Michiyo Obana , EmoCornerLover.


Thanks to all the reviewers the commented the story! All of your reviews are very much appreciated! :D

Now to the epilogue, I hope you enjoy it :).

Inside a particular castle at night, an orange haired boy gazes at the sky from the tower. His orange eyes look lazily at the stars, trying to find some meaning for them to be up above them all. He feels a tremor pass through his body and with slow movement of his lips, he lets a lonely question out to the silence.

"Was it right, Rick?"

Another figure inside the tower nods, his golden eyes fixed on his teammate, "Yeah Carlos, it was all for the family"

The brunette lets his back lie on a wall, his eyes still on the orange-haired boy , "I don't like what we did, all that spying and recompilation of information for the Belle family. We are traitors, we gave our back to Sebastian and the rest, but it all was for the sake of the Belle family".

Carlos turns around from the window to look at his friend, worry in his eyes, "I know Rick…but was it necessary to kill that little boy?"

Rick sighs at the memory of the lost boy in the ruins, "We had to implicate the human's heroines so they could finish this human-vampire war farce, the only way was that".

Carlos suddenly chuckles dryly, his orange eyes sparkling with some bloodlust, "It's amazing how stupid humans can be, I just killed that boy by cracking his neck while you filled the place with Butch's DNA and wrote the message on the wall…everybody thought the rowdyruff boys' member was the one to blame"

Rick smirks, his pointy teeth glistening with the moon's light, "They never suspected from us and never will, isn't right elder Belle?"

The door of the room opens, letting a hurt elder appear on the scene. His eyes look at both boys, a crazy smile on his lips, "Great work, my boys. You were excellent spies and your reports were impeccable."

"How was your fight with Sebastian and Romeo?" asks Rick, getting a smirk from the older.

"Fantastic, the plan is going excellent. Sebastian turned completely evil and crazy, escaping with his mate when the attack finished, Romeo might try to find a cure to make Sebastian sane again."

"Now what, Mr. Elder?" asks Carlos is curiosity, "How we continue this?"

The elder lets a deep laugh out to the calm night, making both boys smirk evilly. The adult tries to calm himself, but his eyes still have that crazy look that always had.

"Now we must continue with the war between supernatural beings, the humans are not part of our plan this time" he declares, sitting on a black steel chair behind a large table.

Rick smiles innocently, "The Belle family will be reunited then?"

"It's almost time, Rick but for that we have to find Sebastian, Hilary, Solaria and the rest of the family and kidnap them"

A dark smirk appears on his face, looking directly at the two boys in front of him with superiority,

"Boys, it's time to hunt"

Hope you enjoyed it! Please critique the story in your reviews (how you liked it, what didn't you liked, my mistakes, etc). Thanks for reading and supporting this story!


Answering Anonymous Reviews:

Cassie M. M: Hahaha it's okay. What a drag to log in once again just t oread a story and review it. First: Yeah, Mojo had to feel a little powerful! Poor monkey is always being beaten up by those girls xD. Second: Hurray for author's lazyness! Third: Hahahaha, yeah I could think the same too xD. I hope you like the epilogue!

PowerGirl: Now its over. I hope you liked the epilogue!