Soaking In the Sunlight

Disclaimer: I dont own anything! These guys in suits keep glaring at me and telling me that I have to say that! So again to make them happy...I dont own anything.

Hermione began to stir in her sleep, she could feel the sun kiss her skin and it woke her gently. Her mind was still trying to decide where she was and why. She laid there for countless minutes looking around the room trying to wake up.

She looked down at the weight on her stomach and followed the arm to it's owner: Ron.

A smile came to her lips and as she tried to move her other hand, she found that Ron was holding tight on to it, unwilling to let it go.

She wanted to brush away the hair from his forehead to wake him, but had to settle for another way to do so.

She thought for a minute before deciding on leaning on her elbow as much as possible and kissing him. She rolled onto her side, which was difficult as Ron was basically on top of her with how small the bed was, but she leaned forward just enough to give him a gentle kiss on his pale lips.

He moved just for a blink of an eye but no more after that.

So she thought for a second longer and, more determined this time, she rolled as far as she could again and kissed him a little harder and a little longer then moved to his cheek, kissing the freckles she had grown to love so much.

Finally he opened an eyelid just a fraction and closed it again, but quickly opened his eyes when he saw her smile.

He smiled with her and leaned forward just a smudge and gave her a kiss.....a true kiss.

The grip he had on her hand tightened then let loose as he moved it to her hair while her now free hand moved to the nape of his neck.

She smiled against his kiss, letting a small giggle escape.

He stopped kissing her and sat up just enough to where his hair was touching her face.

"Well good morning Mr. Weasley." Hermione giggled.

She had never seen such a big smile come from Ron.

"I love you Hermione" he whispered before he gave her another kiss and laid back down pulling her with him, wrapping her in his arms and snuggling her close to him.

They laid there for more than an hour just soaking in the time they had together, breathing in each other's scents and whispering sweet words between them.

Ron was in the middle of smoothing her hair and almost putting her back to sleep when he heard her sweet voice whispering, even with how close they were to each other the sleepiness in her voice made it hard for him to hear her.

"What was that sweetheart?" he asked with his eyes still closed, breathing in her scent.

Hermione sat up on her elbow looking down at him her curls gently tickling Ron's eyelashes. She smiled sweetly at him and kissed the tip of his nose.

"I asked how I came to be in your bed with you?" He reached up and brushed her hair behind her ear.

"I carried you up here." he said smiling at her.

"Why? I don't remember falling asleep?" Ron's smile left his face, his eyes left hers and he cleared his throat sitting up a little straighter.

A small smile was still on her face and the way the sun hit her curls made her have a glow.

He took her hand in his and traced the small freckles on the back of it, they were there you just had to love her as much as Ron did to even notice them because they were so small.

"Ronald?" she whispered, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed his favorite freckle.

"We were at Hogwarts and you left for the lavatory...... I should have gone with you Hermione." He closed his eyes and put his head down.

"You were talking to Professor Snape, I don't know about what but he seemed genuinely concerned for you Hermione. As you two were talking he said that you just went ridged, he came and got us you were crying so hard and when I tried to talk to you…you started to scream and cry and you came after me kicking and hitting me. You stopped and when I had you calmed down enough I carried you to Professor Dumbledore's Floo and brought you home. You fell asleep when we got here, so I laid you down and I watched you sleep." He looked up her with tears brimming in his eyes.

Hermione did not know what to say, she wanted to tell him she was sorry that she had hit him, and she wanted to tell him thank you for loving her and carrying her to bed. But, she did not know how to say any of that..... Hermione Granger, the smartest witch of their age, did not know what to say. So, she just put a finger under his chin and lifted his head to look her in the eyes and she gave him a smile before kissing him.

Ron brought her to his lap and she wrapped her arms around his neck letting her hand become tangled in his hair as his arms wrapped around her back she kissed his eyes kissing a spot right above his ear before whispering into it, "I love you." He took a sharp breath, trying to get the lump out of his throat.

"God Hermione I love you…so much." they laid there just talking and looking into each other eyes for what seemed like hours......days even but, sadly, only thirty minutes or so.

They became lost in each other.

Hermione sitting on his lap while Ron smiled at her, marveling on her smile and the sun shinning through her hair giving her an angelic look and one he knew will never become tired of. She would laugh and he would push her curls behind her ears, his fingers becoming tangled in them.

They snuggled, and caressed, and breathed: soaking in the others scent, the rhythm of their breathing so close together.

Hermione heard movement coming from the kitchen, suddenly remembering that they were not the only ones in the house. Though, she had been so caught up in Ron's crystal blue eyes that she had totally forgotten reality.

She bent down and kissed Ron's lips tenderly, a smile planted on her lips and the sparkle returning to her eyes.

"Come on Ron, let's get downstairs. If I know your mother the way I think I do, she is probably worried sick." she giggled getting off of Ron's lap and planting her feet on the floor standing slowly while Ron grunted loudly in protest of losing her warmth.

Ron watched her stand and stretch with a mischievous grin on his face.

He bounded forward wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her back against him and flopping down on the bed in a fit of giggles.

"Ron! We can't lay in bed all day!" She giggled as he brought her close to him and kissing her face, every inch of it, just small pecks everywhere with a glowing smile.

"No Hermione, just lay here in bed with me! I will put a locking charm on the door and no one can bother us. I just want to lay her and kiss you and hold you and…tickle you!" He screamed as he tickled her all over.

She began laughing hysterically.

So loud, in fact, that when George came out of the bathroom, he grabbed his wand and ran to the top of the stairs that led to Ron's room and threw open the door brandishing his wand everywhere ready to hex someone into oblivion if need be.

But when the door came bursting open, Ron and Hermione stopped laughing and looked up at the door, smiles slowly fading as they noticed the wand pointing at them.

"Sorry George, Ron was tickling me and I was just laughing so hard. I'm sorry I couldn't help it." She said playfully hitting Ron in the arm.

Slowly George put his wand arm down and a smile grew to his face and pretty soon he was chuckling right along with them, seeing the smiles on their faces..... Oh, it just lightened his heart.

George laughed and walked in, standing at the end of the bed just staring at Ron and Hermione, a stupid smile on his face. He took a deep breath in and held it as he looked at his youngest brother and his beautiful best friend.

The smile widened as he let out his breath, Ron was laying across the bed with Hermione propping herself up on her elbow staring at George, smiling at him.

He went to Ron and smacked his leg playfully.

"Good job baby brother! Finally catching on and getting her. And you!" he turned and looked at Hermione..... she looked so happy, her color was starting to come back to her cheeks, that gleam in her eye was returning, and the bags under her eyes were almost gone.

George just looked at her and winked before walking off and going back downstairs, but he turned around and came back to Hermione a few moments later.... She had stood up and George picked her up, he twirled her in the air and laughed.

"God Herms.... I am so happy for you! You look so much better!" He let her down, and Ron sat up, putting a hand on the small of her back with a smile on his face.

"Are you feeling better? Did you sleep ok?" he asked holding her shoulders pushing her back slightly to look into her eyes.

"Yea I slept pretty good, I feel very rested, George." he bent over and gave Hermione a kiss on the cheek before turning his attention to his Ron.

"The boys are making some breakfast, or they were last I knew, because Perce and Fred are down there and now I'm not sure if any is left..... So if you want any you better hurry it up." George smiled at them before walking to the door and shutting it quietly behind him.

Hermione turned to look at Ron with a shining smile and held her hand out to him and he accepted it. They stood together, looking into each others eyes.

Ron brought his free hand up to her face, tracing the outline of her jaw before leaning in and giving her a soft kiss on her lips.

The rush of emotion in the kiss brought tears to Hermione's eyes but as the tears came she smiled into his kiss.

They broke apart Ron looking at her smiling, leaning his head against hers.

"I love You." he whispered before they turned and walked to the door.

George was downstairs telling Charlie, Bill, Percy, and his twin how he had found Ron and Hermione, George's radiant smile had returned which caused the rest of the boys to smile.

Bill looked at the sight before him and thought lazily that they might just be ok, he knew it would take time but he knew that they all would be ok soon.

Ron and Hermione came walking in the kitchen hand in hand, even though they all knew Hermione had woke up in a great mood their smiles fell once they saw her.

She did look a lot better, but she was still not the Hermione they knew. She tried to make her smile brighter to let them know it was ok to smile; Instead she looked at the boys, got a mischievous grin on her face and looked at Ron giving him a wink.

Hermione let go of Ron's hand before walking to Bill, the brother closest to her, got on her tip toes and kissed his cheek.

She then repeated this with Charlie and Percy but when she came to the twins she put her arms on their shoulders and leaned between them.

"Hermione sandwich!" Fred screamed. They both gently squeezed her waist and kissed her cheek.

They all were smiling and laughing, just like it used to be.

Unfortunately Bill knew that it wouldn't be like this for a long while, he knew this was all just temporary. She was hurt more than any of them could imagine.

They sat down and ate their breakfast, none of them really sure what to talk about. They didn't want to seem insensitive and talk about other things and they didn't want to bring up David so most of the morning they sat in silence, a cough or a screech of a chair being moved was heard but no more laughter. Hermione finished her breakfast and excused herself for a shower.

A sound upstairs alerted everyone to Harry and Ginny waking up.

Hermione looked confused, as if she just realized that she had not seen them this morning and thought maybe they were outside flying around.

Bill told them that they had fallen asleep downstairs and he and Arthur carried them up to Ginny's room. He did not tell them that they were crying, he knew it would make Hermione feel guilty so he left that little part out.

"Where's mum and dad?" Ron asked suddenly doing a mental head count.

"They are outside for some time alone, Ronald." Charlie told them.

Ginny and Harry walked in holding hands. Hermione turned to look at them, her smile widened at the sight of them finally together, not hiding it from anyone.

Ginny smiled at Hermione, she was so excited to see her smiling.

She walked over to Hermione giving her a hug. Harry sat down next to Ron while Charlie flew a plate of breakfast to Ron and Hermione.

"I will get you two a plate in just a few more minutes." Charlie returned to the stove.

"I have a better idea Charlie." Ginny told him.

"I think it is a nice day today and its supposed to rain for the next few days so, I think we should go for a picnic, a swim or something just to get out of the house for a while. All of us.... the whole family!" Ginny looked at Hermione.

Ginny was really hoping that Hermione would agree that going on an outing would be a good idea. All Ginny wanted to do was to make sure that Hermione was going to be ok, that she was going to be happy, and she also just wanted to get everyone's mind's off of what was happening.

"I think that sounds like a great idea Ginny. I just need to take a shower and then I'll be ready. Ron you gonna go?" She looked at Ron expectantly, everyone in the room nodded they all wanted to go, get out of the house and have a great time.

Ron stood up next to Hermione, putting his arms around her waist.

"Of coarse I am going to go, Hermione. I would not miss this for the world." Ron leant down and gave her a small kiss on her lips, he warmed up instantly, Ron was on top of the world.

Wolf whistles were heard all around them as they kissed, Ron broke apart form her red as a beet, he would never forget that moment.....


Hermione left and went upstairs to take a shower and Ron was nervous that every time she left his side she would have a meltdown.

Ginny gave him a look telling him,'She'll be fine,' and it comforted him.

Once Hermione was out of earshot and Fred was sure she had gotten in her shower he patted Ron on the back.

"She doing better today? Really?" He asked Ron thought about it for a second.

"Better then yesterday but I am still worried about her." Ron hoped that answered the question, he really didn't know how to answer it.

Ron might not be the smartest but he knew that something like this was not going to be better over night no matter what he did, what anyone did for that matter.

He was scared for her, he was scared that she would get on the road back to living life, where she felt safe and no longer thought of what happened and then she would fall, she would lose the progress and have to start all over.

He had seen that happen with Harry numerous times but it always was because something else happened to make him fall.....Ron was determined to be there for Hermione, pick her up when she falls and help her build what she has lost.

Yes he was predicting that she would break and fall, but he also knows she is stronger then he could ever be.

Don't get him wrong..... he prayed to every God he knew about that she would never have to cry over David again, but he knew it best to understand the chance of her falling was higher then he could count, and he just couldn't get his hopes up for Hermione or himself.

Support, accept, love, understand: Those are the things he would live by from now on.

Last night, while he had been looking at the stars, he vowed he would always be there for her, always be understanding and available... Years ago he vowed he would always support her and he would always love her.

"Have you boys decided what we are going to do yet?" Ron was brought out of his thoughts by her voice.

He turned to look at her, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

Her smile gave his heart a lightness, like he was flying, his breath was becoming shallow, he was stunned, shocked by her, he always had been.

But today.... today: She brought tears to his eyes.

He admired her so much.... Her bravery, her smile, her determination to fight this, to live, and be happy.

She made his heart stop, he gave her every reason to fight, to love, to believe in 'happily ever after'..... She was his everything.

All he would ever need, she gave him peace when he was angry, she gave him faith in man and God, she gave him hope for the world to heal when they had been through something like she had.

He stood up and went to her, he did not care that he was crying in front of his brothers or her, they all disappeared except for her, his eyes focused on her, on her smile.

His hands found her face, soaking in the softness of her skin.

"Why are you crying Ron?" She asked whispering in his ear.

"You are so beautiful Hermione and I love you. These are happy tears, I love you so much you bring me to tears.... that's all baby." he whispered back into her ear he stepped back keeping his hands on her face giving her a soft kiss, then looking into her eyes and smiling with her.

"You are such a silly goose. Oh Ron I love you more than you will ever know." And so she kissed him deeply.

"Let's go lovebirds! Don't know how much longer the weather will hold!" Bill called to them, standing at the door.

"Get you coats it might rain!" he added, grabbing his and his parent's coats before going out the door.

Ron and Hermione grabbed their coats and headed out the door joining Mr. and Mrs. Weasley heading down the path to the lake.

"Swimming and lazing around sounds like a good day to me Molly, don't you agree?" Arthur said giving her temple a soft kiss before turning to Ron and giving Ron a wink and a smile.

"Yes it does dear." she said giving him a kiss on his cheek, bringing a small blush to Arthur's cheeks.

They were all together, the whole family.

Ginny and Harry last, behind everyone holding hands.

Fred and George in front of them with their arms around each other Charlie, Bill, and Percy up front talking.

Molly and Arthur holding each other close with Ron and Hermione by their side.

Everyone laughing and smiling, cracking jokes and leaving their troubles behind.

The way life should always be.

Well here you go yall! I hope you enjoyed it! Still have a few chapters to add on, so keep an eye out!

Please review! (Shamless Plug Warning!) Please read my new one-shot Reality and A Dream!!

Love Always

Maggie Ann