Hello one and all. Sorry for the very late update, but I be a college student now, so it will be more sporadic until I has my schelude down. thanx for ur paintence.

DIsclaimer: Beware of toaster for they have coils of doom.

Special : The Last Horrah.

Summary: You can keep a good toaster down.

It wasn't that she was paranoid of toasters, or other various electronics, it was just that she didn't want to ever be alone in the same room with them.

"Emma for the last time." Sari sighed as she watched her old nanny stalk a blender with a bat, "The blender, the microwave, and the juicer are not out to get you."

"Uh huh." She nodded, "That what they said about that demonic toaster. You just wait and see."

"Whatever. I'm going out. Try not to break any more appliances."

"Uh huh." Emma nodded as she sat staring at the blender tightening her grip as the door slid shut. It was always like this, once the last was gone, they would attack her.

Minutes passed. Then hours.

She finally got up; stretching throwing glances over her shoulder as she sat on the couch flipping on the TV keeping one ear strained for any thing out of the ordinary.

Nothing but whoever was ranting on the TV.

She sighed rubbing her face, leaning back into the chair, tugging on her long black hair, as she sighed again.

It was so quiet now, with Sari all grown up. Course she kept her old room for the moment until she could find a decent job, and she had plenty of money from saving up over the years being a nanny, plus any other odd jobs she ever did.

And now all that was left was time. Loads of empty time on her hands, waiting to be filled with something new to do. She shifted, picking up her sketchbook flipping through her illustrations.

When she felt the coil tighten around her neck, cutting off her air supplies. She knew it.

No time, she had to get it off. She reached her fingers tugging as the appliance leaned against her back, using the counter balance to choke her faster. She glanced around desperately for anything to use to knock him off as she finally managed to throw it against the TV. Catching it off guard just long enough to loosen it's grip.

She gasped for air, glancing back at the familiar, rusted, slightly dented toaster that sparked as it leaped up from the floor.

"Leave me alone!" She screamed kicking at it and sprinting for the door as it hopped behind at a speed she didn't think was possible, gurgling and sparking as it did.

She yanked off the nearest heavy blunt object, "On Guard." as she waved about the circular pipe.

Gurgle. Gurgle. Spark.

"Hey leave my mother out of this." She warned as the toaster met her every swing and block as they paced the floor, circling each other as the hits got harder and harder.

She glanced behind her shoulder out the window at the narrow ledge. The toaster was pushing her out the window where she would only have herself to relay on.

Spark. Spark. Snap! Spark! Gurgle.

"Oh. Bring it on!" She answered as the toaster flipped the cord at her, as she jumped back onto the ledge feeling the wind rush by her as she placed one hand on the window to keep her balance.

That was easier said than done as the toaster got another good flick at her leg forcing her to slip grabbing onto the ledge.

Crunch. Spark.

The toaster stared down at her as she slowly began her descent to the ground her hand throbbing from where he had crushed her fingers.

She wasn't sure if she was even screaming as she landed hard on the back of something that was moving fast. Her fingers slipping as she tried desperately to hang on to whatever she was on the back of.


Spark. Gurgle. Spark.

The toaster was right in front of her able to balance, as it flicked it's cord as her, forcing her to let go as she plummeted to the ground as it stood triumphantly above her on the back of a slagging seeker. Who began instead to scream about organic appliances as he tried to forced the toaster of his back.

It seems we will meet the same fate, Emma thought to herself as the toaster began its hard plummet to the ground at alarming speeds.

Until of course she found herself in a familiar claw, as a prehistoric cry echoed in the air and she slammed her hands over her ears to avoid having her eardrums break.

She always hated being in the air, and it didn't help that Swoop's talons were only keeping her slightly supported as he dove right for the ground, dropping her off into a soft pile of garbage before flying off again.

"GO SCREW YOURSELF YOU POSH PRICK OF A TARODAYCTAL!" Emma screamed after the fast disappearing figure of the dino bot, as she climbed out the trash ready to dismantle the next thing that came her way.

Spark. Gurgle. Spark. The toaster limped towards her now, badly fried and singed black. There was only thing left to do, but finish it once and for all.

"This is it buddy. Only one of us is going to die, and it ain't going to be me." She muttered grabbing a heavy lead pipe from the trash as the toaster flicked it's cord sparking as it charged her.

She fended of the initial attacks feeling her arms grow heavy, as it whipped her again and again.

Come on Universe, give me some help, She thought desperately slamming the pole once more onto the toaster as springs and cogs fell out.

"Take that. And that." She screamed not hearing the warning as car tires squealed, only the sickening crunch of something metallic being smashed into a pancake.

"Get it off me! Get it off of me."

Was the last thing she heard before she fell to the ground with a Thunk and blacked out?


Emma was for once at peace, besides having a busted leg of course. It was the last thing to heal, after Sentinel not bothering to pay attention to organic road laws, used the sidewalk as his own personal pathway, stopping to late as he slammed into her, and ran over the toaster.

The second part she wasn't sorry about, the first part she had made him suffer, with the aid of Sari and Bee.

"Emma. Look Sentinel Prime sent you a gift." Sari told her as Emma smiled. At least the pompous idiot had enough sense to know when he had done something wrong.

She took the box, smiling as she opened it before she screamed, and began to pulverize it until nothing was left but cogs and springs.

Sari stood shocked off to the side as she whistled for the house cleaning bot who quickly sweeped away the mess, Sari muttered, "I'll tell him you loved It." as Emma sank back onto the couch flipping on the TV.

hey, lookit! maybe you should click the button an review/ fav! DO IT OR FEEL THE WRATH OF THE ONE KNOWN AS TOASTER