Clouds in my Coffee

A/N: Title stolen as a lyric from the song 'You're So Vain', sung by, among other versions, John Barrowman. Who I do not own. Nor do I own any of the other actors, characters or Torchwood as a whole. Yet. Story came from a little plot bunny while listening to aforementioned song. Oneshot, set during KKBB. Enjoy, and reviews are love as always.

He was back. No matter how much Ianto tried to fight his emotions as he poured himself a cup of coffee, he couldn't understand how Jack could come back and pretend it was like nothing had happened. Ianto had changed over the time Jack had spent travelling with the Doctor. He had gone out, met new people and became altogether more confident with himself.

Which was irony in itself, really. Jack's cocky and sometimes arrogant nature had encouraged Ianto, one evening while mulling over a beer in a bar, to try and be more self-confident. Dare he say it, more like Jack. Not the outrageous flirting; that was something he could probably never do, but the simple ability to be bold and not doubt his abilities.

It was easier said than done. But slowly, Ianto had found a sense of self-worth and pride, and had managed finally to move on from the horrors of Lisa, the cannibals and Bilis Manger. Toshiko had noticed the new Ianto early on, and had to admit that it was an improvement.

What Ianto didn't admit to anyone, not even to himself, that he was becoming more like Jack to try and get over the idea that he might not ever be returning. If the assured, seemingly fearless boss wasn't going to come back, then someone had to adopt the role. Gwen had been effectively self-appointed as the new boss, and neither Toshiko nor Ianto had wanted to challenge her. Owen had been initially a bit put out by the newest member of the team taking charge, but after the first serious Rift activity since Jack's departure, which resulted in bear-like aliens eating trees, he had agreed to let Gwen lead. Not least because he didn't really have a leg to stand on any more after he had been unable to attend and help because he was completely drunk.

Ianto stood in the kitchen now, stirring the coffee. There was a small part of him that wished Jack had never bothered returning. Not like this. Not with John. The man was a psychopath, even more flirtatious than Jack had been (if that was possible) and Ianto loathed him almost immediately. If it wasn't for the nickname (Eye Candy! It was enough to make him puke) then for the almost certainty that he was shagging Jack. If Ianto knew better, he would say he was jealous.

No. He wasn't jealous, and especially not of John. Jack could shag who he liked; it wasn't really any of Ianto's business. The two men weren't an item, and who was to say that Jack and John didn't have something? It couldn't have been more obvious if they'd turned up to the Hub, hand in hand.

Ianto took a sip of his coffee and sighed. He couldn't hold out in the kitchen much longer; everyone would be looking for it. Relenting ever pestering Jack for a job, he walked out of the room.