I know I've made you guys wait forever for this, but a vacation can do that to you, I really can't wait to go home now, because it takes me that much closer to meeting Demi, anyway ENJOY AND REVIEW. Also when I speak of Mitchie in Alex's P.O.V its Harper in Mitchie's body…and Mitchie's POV is her in Harper's body…it's a bit confusing but I'll make it perfect enough to understand.

Alex's P.O.V

So for the past few days Mitchie and I have been together every second of the day, but why do I feel so distant from her? I mean there was one point…yeah twelve days ago, but I felt close to her and now I feel….well….Huh its hard to explain, she use to make me feel complete you know? But now I feel like something's missing, like she's not fully there or something. She's even dressing weird, I mean food on clothes? Who does that, but there is still something about her that pulls me into her. But sadly, its not her eyes although they use to pull me in constantly. Her body and hair seem to be perfect, her eyes? Not so much, but maybe I'm just over thinking everything.

Right now she's laying next to me in my bed, no we didn't do anything like that, but we have been close to having sex more than once. Its her trying to take control, and it creeps me out, but then again what doesn't these days? I know I'm filling my head up with stupid questions but I want Mitchie back, the Mitchie I met the first day of school, the Mitchie that stopped my heart and revived me by smiling. The first days with her seems like pieces are missing, its like something happened and I know I had a full day of things to do but somehow I can't remember them. I know I helped Mitchie from the bathroom, she was crying on the floor and I comforted her.

She's breathing hard right now, wearing a long dress to her ankles and a top that falls over the rim of her skirt. I'm in my jeans and converse with a bright green top. I've always wanted to know what made me fall for this girl and I thought I knew, but not anymore.

Mitchie's P.O.V

I couldn't see anything, everything was dark. I felt something cold press against my cheeks and I knew it was my tears but I didn't whimper. I was still in Harper's head, her thoughts, everything about Harper was now me. I tried to breath slowly but everyday air seemed to escape my lungs, slowly but surely it left me and didn't return. I don't know how long I was laying in this place, in this dark empty mind. I haven't heard anything but my own voice for the past few days.

"Ha……rrr….per," wait was that for me? A small echo came from the distance. It came as a whisper at first before it rolled around my ears.

"Harper…..can you hear me?" there it was again, but more clearly this time. I saw a small shimmer far off. I used what I could and crept towards the shimmer, it grew, spreading a bit before it dimmed.

"I'M IN HERE," I yelled using what strength I did have to scream, but no one heard me, the shimmer flashed off and I stood where I was again, quiet, thinking.

"Harper can you hear me?" The voice echoed sounding like a drum before the shimmer came back, I ran to it, my finger spread out in front of my face and my feet pounding whatever was below me. I couldn't stand being alone anymore, having these feelings for Alex and against the real Harper. I ran as fast as I could, my body was engulfed in the white shimmer and I slammed my eyes shut, I didn't want to open my eyes again, I was scared.

Alex's P.O.V

"Mitchie are you awake?" I ran my fingers through the girl's hair below me she didn't move or say anything. I leaned into her and pressed my lips against her forehead and her eyes hot open.


"Hey," I sat up once more as Mitchie did the same, she brushed her fingers through her locks and smiled brightly at me, rubbing her arm across mine before leaning on my shoulder.

"So, are you ready to try again?"

"No," I quickly said, I knew what she meant and I wasn't up to it at all, I was feeling a bit off, and still distant from her.

"Why not? You love me don't you?" at that question I nodded before kissing her lips, they were cold, almost icy and every time I touched them, I felt nothing. After pulling back that same smile stayed on Mitchie's face as my mom walked in the doorway.

"Alex, Mitchie, school remember?" I heard my mom say before I nodded and pushed myself from the bed slowly, before helping Mitchie up.

Mitchie's P.O.V

I took a deep breath and for the first time in forever I felt air rush into my lungs, my eyes watered while they were closed and I opened my eyes quickly. Light shone into my face, tubs were in my arms, and doctors were standing around me in shock. Jaws dropped, pens moving across a pad and a woman crying on my stomach, but that's when I realized, unless I gained weight and looked like a clown on most days I wasn't in my body, I WAS HARPER. Or in her body, I pressed my fingers into my forehead and took a harsh breath of air, it stinging my lungs as people ran around me. I ignored the people moving around me and turned my head towards the window, it was bright outside and the nearby clock on the wall read nine fifty.

"Alex," I cried out as the woman on my stomach raised her head and came into me. She brushed the tears from my eyes and help onto my cheeks.

"Who's Alex?"

"Alex, Alex Russo…Alex"

"Harper calm down, baby calm down"

"What I'm Mitchie…Mitchie Torres, Harper's in my body, I need to get to Alex," at the sound of those words needles were drawn by some. I kicked my feet and yanked my arms before everything popped out of my skin. A loud scream made its way into the room from me, everyone couldn't believe I made that noise, a scream and a screech I suppose. I stumbled sideways off the bed I was on and landed face first onto the floor below, people ran over to me and gripped my arm. I screamed as they helped me stand to my feet. I took a deep breath before leaning over and biting the woman to my right and elbowing the one to my left. My feet were heavy when I was on my own, but I didn't care, I did the best I could to force my way over to the door. The double doors I was in slammed open, knocking into the back wall as voices screamed for me to stop. Air brushed against my skin, my body shook as I pushed open a exit door and pressed my back against it. Knocks were heard but no one seemed to force the thing open. I closed my eyes, took a breath and moved my feet, that were really Harper's towards the steps. I must have took a few too many and slipped, hitting my butt hard on the next few. This happened every few steps before I pushed myself out another door, people still called out to me, my body cold but I didn't care. The light blinded me from the sun, but I forced myself to move forward, I had to get to Alex, she and her family were the only ones who's help me.

Alex's P.O.V

Mitchie and I parted ways and a small weight lifted over me, it felt like I had to protect her, or the fact that she was somehow weighing me down. I tapped my fingers against the principals office but he was gone out of the room. I didn't care and walked into the room sitting at the desk and pressing my head against the wood. I took a few deep breaths, trying to clear my mind, but all these new feelings flooded with the old ones and I hated it.

Mitchie's P.O.V

I laid my back onto some soft grass and breathed into it with my head turned a bit. A clothes line sat above me, I stared at everything on it before forcing myself to sit up on my elbows. I breathed, which I seemed to do a lot lately and got up completely before pulling clothes off the line and changing in the yard, right then and there. I was maybe a few blocks from the school, I only noticed a few sights, but a few would have to do.

Alex's P.O.V

"Miss Russo, this isn't the time to be in my office, class just started"

"I know, I just…I feel a bit sick"

"As bad as that sounds it's the nurse's problems, not mine, now go"

"Mr. Laritate, does Mitchie seem different to you?"

"Mitchie, oh the new girl? No why?"

"Never mind, I'll head to the nurse's"

Mitchie's P.O.V

I saw the school a few blocks away. My head was pounding but I knew that I, or at least my real body, and Harper was sitting somewhere in that school, trying to be me. But what hurt me the most was Alex, she was tricking Alex that she was me. I shuffled along the sidewalk a while before I felt like throwing up, but I didn't. I was still barefooted, walking in a skirt and a long boy shirt.

"Please let Alex be at the school" I chanted to myself the rest of the way. When I arrived I wanted to collapse but I didn't I couldn't. I made my way up the few school steps and into the door.

"Um, do you know you don't have shoes on?" A boy asked as I stared at him.

"Its art," I belted out as he laughed and walked away. I pushed myself towards Alex's locker and leaned up against it, catching my breath, which once again became hard. I wanted to curse, but that wouldn't solve anything.

Harper's P.O.V

"Hey Mitchie you're called down to the nurse's office" I heard someone say to me, I was in my short yellow gym shorts and white tank top and converses, I nodded and made my way down the school stairs. I skipped, it was fast as I headed down the stairs before spotting who I never thought I'd see again.

"MITCHIE??" I called out as the girl looked up at me, my body was in horrible shape. I hard bruises on my head, my legs were scarred and my arm was red.

"What did you do to me?" I asked running down to the girl as she looked shocked. I saw the nurse's office nearby and Alex emerge to the commotion.

"Mitchie, who are you yelling at?" she turned to me before stopping and turning back to my body and Mitchie sitting in it. She didn't look at me anymore, she watched the girl before walking over to her.

"Are you okay?" she asked as I yanked her arm back as she stared at me.

"Alex she's nobody"

"I'm Mitchie Torres, Harper has my body"

"Who's Harper?" Alex was confused, I saw her face, but she seemed to glow a bit.

"This is Harper's body, that's m body, I'm Mitchie, she's Harper," Mitchie said as I pulled Alex again.

"Lets go," I called out she almost did until…

"Alex…you're a wizard, we fought against her to free you from her mind, please believe me"

"This girl is crazy right?"

"Please she's not me, you should be able to tell"

"Don't listen to her"


"You don't believe her do you?" I didn't hear anything before Alex turned to me.

Alex's P.O.V

"I do," she whispered before narrowing her eyes. "I don't know her but I feel in some way, she's…right"

"WHAT?" I heard, what I thought was Mitchie say.

"Please, I don't know how to turn back" I whimpered as I felt the girl's hand press onto mine, it sent shivers though me, I felt connected with her.

"NO, SHE'S MINE," I heard Mitchie scream, or who I thought was her she reached over to me, before her hand landed on the girl's who's was on mine.

Mitchie's P.O.V

I felt a rush against my skin when I touched Alex, and it felt so good, but then I felt Harper's hand pound against my fingers. Flashes went off in my head, the pain I had on my eyes and body disappeared and I saw Alex holding onto Harper's arm before she let go and the girl swung at me. I screamed with joy, I was in my body again but that's when Harper's first landed against my nose and I gripped it screaming in horror. Alex pulled the girl away and made a fist that crashed against the girl's shoulder before it landed against her face. The girl limped backwards before falling onto the floor gripping her legs to her chest. I don't know how, but I was me again, and Alex knew it. She ran into me and placed her fingers against my face, her lips crashed against mine and my tears streamed from my face.

"I KNEW IT," the boy I once saw before in the hall with Alex said, neither one of us cared. Alex pulled back and kissed my nose, my cheek and came back into my lips, I couldn't resist, I wanted to stay in her arms forever. The nurse came out into the hall and ran over to Harper, tensing to her. I placed my arms around Alex's waist, our tears tasted bitter sweet, but neither of us cared….I was me again, and I was back with Alex, where I belonged.

I rushed it…sorry guys but that's what vacations can do when you don't have time to write.