After many years of leeching off this site for my own amusement, I've decided to try my hand at writing my own fanfiction. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that it's going to be pretty bad, but you guys be the judge of that :3. It's going to be a NaruXAnko fic. Starts out the morning after the second round in the Chunin exams.




"Biju/Summon talking"

"Biju/Summon Thoughts"



The blue sky...that's all that was around him. Naruto Uzumaki was floating. No, floating wouldn't be able to describe this feeling that he was experiencing at the moment. He was swimming. Swimming, in the sky. The vast, endless sky. Now, whether he was falling to the earth, or rising into the unknown couldn't be determined. All that he knew, was to the left, the right, above and beneath him, there was nothing but the clear blue sky.

"...ruto." A voice called out to him from above him. He followed the voice, only to be blinded by an insanely bright light.

"..aruto." A black spec was now headed to him from the light.


"Naruto." A female figure was now distinguishable from the light. dark, and one light. He noticed black and white feathers started to fall all around him, headed towards the bleak blue planet that looked so tiny below him. Purple hair, tied into a pineapple shape behind her head. Deep, brown, empty eyes that described a long life, regardless of age. Her eyes looked almost lifeless. To Naruto, the angel or devil, whatever she was, would have looked dead. Aside from falling, she was unmoving, aside from her eyes that were focused so intently on him. She stopped in front of him and encircled the young blonde-haired boy, intent on reading the young blonde from head to toe. She started to talk, but words wouldn't come out. All that came out was the sound of an alarm clock blaring…


"Fuck me." He said groggily as he woke up, shielding his eyes from the blinding light penetrating through the window. A loud, ringing noise could be heard from Naruto's bedroom, quickly followed by the death of a certain alarm clock. This was the fifth time he's had that dream. Not exactly the same dream, per say. At first, it started out with the clear sky. After that, he heard his name being called, then started to notice the black spec that seemed to be coming closer and closer towards him. After that, he was able to distinguish the form of Anko falling towards him, and finally, he noticed her analyzing him.

He started to go through his daily morning routine, getting out of his bed and heading to the kitchen. His place wasn't too fancy. In fact, it was pretty run down, but it was still enough to live comfortably. From the entrance, there was a couch and a television, even though he received no broadcasts. A bed, with some sheets on it. One could tell upon inspection that these sheets had gone through multiple washings. This room was connected to the kitchen, and there was a door leading to the bathroom. All in all, not that bad.

He grabbed a bowl of instant ramen and poured some boiling water into it. Letting it cook he headed to the bathroom. Turning the knob on his sink, he started to wash his face lightly. Heading out of the bathroom, he went over to the dresser and put on a dark blue t-shirt and black, loose-fitting pants. He threw his orange jacket away yesterday due to the damage it received from his spar with Kiba, and needed to get a new one. Then again, the thing was a walking hazard. Might as well just get some more blue shirts, and more functional pants.


He was planning to leave for training ground seven a few hours late, anticipating the moves of his chronologically-tardy sensei. He decided to just take it easy for an hour or two, a luxury that he barely had time for lately. He climbed back into his bed after finishing off his ramen and dozed hour later though, he was woken up by several knocks on the door.

"Open up, dobe." Tsk. What did Sasuke want now? He racked his mind to figure out, but decided that asking him directly would be easier. To his surprise when he opened his door, he noticed his whole team behind the Uchiha. Kakashi, his sensei, present and everything. And of course, the prick in his side, Sakura. Who, incidentally, was blushing. Wonder why?

"What's with the change of clothes?" pondered Kakashi.

"What? A guy can't get comfortable in his own home? My jacket was ripped up yesterday, anyway." He squinted his eyes, still adjusting to the light from outside the door. "Why're you guys here?"

"We were just wondering where the hell our idiot was. I got us together to tell the two of you, Sakura and Naruto, that you're on your own for training. Seeing as how I'm apparently the only one that can train Sasuke here" He pats Sasuke, much to the raven haired boy's ire. "We're leaving on a training mission that'll last a couple of weeks. Naruto, I found a replacement for you. Be by the Hokage's office by 8:00. Ja ne." Just as Naruto was about to say something, he grabbed Sasuke and shunshin'd to who knows where?

"...Fuck me."


Well, there's the prologue. It's bad, but hey. Open to criticism/comments ^^

Edit: Thanks to Vanster X for cleaning this chappie up. More to come soon!