OK, everyone. Here's my latest chapter and the moment you've all been waiting for! Oddly enough it seems that 13 is Atem and Miho's lucky number....I didn't plan that. Oh well, enjoy! I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!, 'The Climb' by Miley Cyrus (The lyrics that open up each chapter) , or 'Halo' by Beyonce (The song featured in this chapter)

Always gonna be an uphill battle....

Right after the confrontation with Bakura, Miho had escaped to her room and locked it with magic before anyone could start firing questions at the distraught girl. Everyone was thouroughly confused, how could Miho know The King Of Thieves? It had been about four days since the incident and Miho refused to come out of her room, or let anyone in.

Remember those walls I built?
Well, baby they're tumbling down,
And they didn't even put up a fight,
They didn't even make a sound.

Bahiti sighed as she walked away from Miho and her latest attempt to make the girl come out. She hadn't seen Miho so devastated since the destruction of her village. Bahiti prayed that someone could reach her soon. She didn't want Miho to starve herself to death out of grief.

I found a way to let you in.
But I never really had a doubt.
Standing in the light of your halo.
I got my angel now.

Miho was sitting on her bed curled into a ball and clutching her Ma'at doll close to her. She was dressed in a light blue linin night gown and her hair was out of it's usual pony tail, now it hung down her back and shielded her face like a curtain from the outside world. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying and her cheeks had tear stains on them. She hated this, she absolutely hated this! How could Bakura, nice sweet caring Bakura turn into a monster?! And the King Of Thieves for that matter. How did he become....so heartless?

'Oh Ma'at....please give me strength...'

Miho buried her face in her knees and blocked out Bahiti's latest attempt to let her in, she didn't want to talk to anyone right now.

It's like I've been awakend.
Every rule I had you breakin.
It's the risk that I'm takin.
I ain't never gonna shut you out.

Atem was lost in his thoughts as he walked down the hallways. After Bakura and his gang had broken in they managed to kill at least ten guards and all escaped expect for the man who had a spear run through him, and everyone knew that the dead didn't talk. Ever since the break in the entire palace had been thrown into pandemonium. And as the new Pharaoh, he had to solve it. At this moment he was supposed to be in a meeting discussing what to do next but he had snuck away to go and try to talk to Miho, according to Isis, she wasn't doing well at all. Atem had a feeling that Miho would talk to him, she always told him everything when they were children.

Everywhere I'm looking now.
I'm surrounded by your embrace.
Baby I can see your halo.
You know your my saving grace.

Atem reached Miho's room and knocked gently on the door.

"Miho, it is Atem. Can I please come in? Everyone is very worried about you."

Atem was met with silence and that didn't surprise him. He sighed and was about to turn around when the door opened for him. He blinked, stunned for a second then walked into Miho's room and the door shut and locked behind him.

You're everything I need and more.
It's written all over your face.
Baby I can feel your halo.
Pray it won't fade away.

Seeing Miho curled up on her bed miserably Atem felt his heart break, this wasn't right, Miho shouldn't be sad like this. She deserved to always be happy and full of smiles. With another sigh the new Pharaoh sat on her bed beside Miho and put a comforting hand on her shoulder, he didn't dare to press Miho with questions. The last time someone had done that the bluenett had snapped at them like an ill-tempered crocodile.

I can feel your halo halo halo.
I can see your halo halo halo.
I can feel your halo halo halo.
I can see your halo halo halo.

Despite her sadness Miho couldn't help but smile softly, Atem was always there for her it seemed. Always ready to help her and listen to her, she felt her heart start to beat faster, but her warm feelings were interrupted when her mind involuntarily replayed the sight of Bakura's face twisted in hatred, making her burst into tears again and fling her arms around Atem, hugging him like he was her lifeline to the world.

Hit me like a ray of sun.
Burning through my darkest night.
You're the only one that I want.
Think I'm addicted to your light.

Atem felt better as Miho seemed to calm down after he came and sat with her and was completely shocked when Miho suddenly burst into tears and hugged him tightly. Not knowing what else to do he gently wrapped his arms around her trembling body, pulling her close to him and humming a soothing song that he often heard Bahiti singing.

I swore I'd never fall again.
But this don't even feel like falling.
Gravity can't forget.
To pull me back to the ground again.

Miho's sobs soon taperd off to sniffles and hiccups after awhile. She knew that she would have to tell Atem the truth sooner or later, the bluenett was confident that Atem wouldn't judge her, no matter what, he would always always support her. Taking a deep shuddering breath she opened her mouth and began to speak, her voice weak and cracked from all the crying she had been doing.

"He...he was my friend...I g-grew up with h-him..."

Feels like I've been awakened.
Every rule I had you breakin'.
The risk that I'm takin'.
I'm never gonna shut you out.

Atem couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he felt Miho's sobbing dieing down to sniffles. He still didn't say anything even though his mind was buzzing with questions that he wanted to ask her, Atem snapped out of his own thoughts as he heard her start to speak.

Everywhere I'm looking now.
I'm surrounded by your embrace.
Baby I can see your halo.
You know you're my saving grace.

"His...his name is Bakura...w-we grew up to-together...if it was not for him I d-do not think I would b-be here today...he h-helped me to survive...we played together all the ti-time and saved me f-from some tight sp-spots..." Miho said in-between stuttering. "I...I thought he was dead...after the attack...I cannot b-believe that is h-him though...he has become a m-monster...I do not know wh-what to do..."

You're everything I need and more.
It's written all over your face.
Baby I can feel your halo.
Pray it won't fade away.

Atem listened as Miho spoke and he unconsciously began to run his fingers through her hair as she talked. With each word he felt more and more anger at this 'Bakura', how could he treat her like that?! After all of those years together...and he treated her like she was dirt! He didn't deserve to even know her. Choosing his words carefully he began to speak.

"I am so so so sorry Miho. He does not deserve a friend like you...I am not completely sure about what you should do, but I will always be here for you. No matter what. I promise."

I can feel your halo halo halo.
I can see your halo halo halo.
I can feel your halo halo halo.
I can see your halo halo halo.

Hearing Atems kind words Miho felt her face heat up and her heart began to race again. At that moment she was sure, she was in love with him. Miho hastily wiped her eyes on her arm and looked up at Atem, her eyes still red-rimmed and her face tear streaked, but there was a gentle smile on her face.

"Thank you Atem, I do not know what I would do without you...and I am not sure if you feel the same way but I really really really like you...no, that is wrong. I love you, with all my heart and soul. But...I understand if you do not feel the same way."

I can feel your halo halo halo.
I can see your halo halo halo.
I can feel your halo halo halo.
I can see your halo halo halo.
Halo, halo.

Atem smiled a bit and felt his spirits raised when he saw Miho look at him with a smile on her face, even though she looked tired and disheveled he thought that she looked more beautiful then the moon. What Miho told him next completely shocked him.

'Miho...likes me too? This...this has got to be a miricle from the Gods!'

Everywhere I'm looking now.
I'm surrounded by your embrace.
Baby I can see your halo.
You know you're my saving grace.

Miho was silent as she waited for him to answer her confession.

"Miho...I...I am in love with you too...I never thought that you would feel the same way too..."

Miho blinked a few times and was completely blown away when she felt his lips gently press against hers.

You're everything I need and more.
It's written all over your face.
Baby I can feel your halo.
Pray it won't fade away.

Pulling away from the soft kiss he gave Miho, Atems lips quirked upwards in a small smile, seeing her flushed face and dazed eyes. Taking her face into his hands he gave her forehead a kiss.

I can feel your halo halo halo.
I can see your halo halo halo.
I can feel your halo halo halo.
I can see your halo halo halo.

Miho felt a little dizzy when Atem pulled away from the kiss he gave her and blinked a few times when he kissed her forehead.


'Oh great! He must think I am a total fool!'

Atem laughed a little and pulled her into a hug.

"Do not worry Miho, being Queen is a long ways away...if you want to that is."

Miho's indigo eyes lit up and she almost knocked him over in a hug.

"Of course! Nothing would make me happier...I love you so much Atem..."

"I love you too Miho, now, please eat some food and get some sleep."

"Alright...only if you stay with me for a bit though..."

"Very well Miho....I promise."

I can feel your halo halo halo.
I can see your halo halo halo.
I can feel your halo halo halo.
I can see your halo halo halo.

Bakura silently seethed in his cave back at his hideout, no one else dared to approach him right now, knowing full well that if anyone dared to disturb him they would find a knife in their heads.

"How...dare they! How dare they steal away the one I care the most about! HOW DARE THEY!!!"

Bakura slammed his hand into the nearest wall which cracked under his strength. Still seething Bakura went over to an intricate bowl filled with water and kneeled down before it. Over the years Bakura had learned much dark magic and using water to spy on others was a difficult spell to learn. Putting his hands a few inches above the bowl he began to chant softly.

"By the grace of Osiris and the all-seeing-eye.
By the shadow summoned in my image.
By my birth in flame and the heat of my blood.
Grant me the freedom of Ka.
To see all.
To hear all.
To feel all.
To observe in silent vigil, in secret awareness.
By your grace, this gift I ask."

He removed his hands from over to bowl and peered into the water, intent on seeing how Miho was doing. What he saw made his blood boil and grind his teeth in rage.

He clearly saw Miho and the new Pharaoh embracing in what appeared to be her room, it looked like she had been crying for sometime, probably from the shock. His lavender eyes became icy cold when he saw them kiss and with a cry of pure hatred he grabbed the bowl and flung it into the nearest wall where it shattered into pieces.

"That bastard! How dare he touch what is mine! He and all of them will pay with their corpses! I will get Miho back! I will!"

A twisted smile came across his face as dark thoughts came into his head, he knew exactly what he had to do, it would hurt Miho emotionally and physically, oh yes, it would. But it would be the most effective way of getting her back. Bakura chuckled darkly as he picked up the necklace he was going to give to Miho. He would have her back even if he had to kill her and bring her back to life himself.

Wow....writing the last bit gave me the chills! Bakura always seemed like a twisted, possessive, psychopath. I wasn't sure if I should have added the last part with Bakura but I figured what the Hell?! It would add suspense and Ra knows when I'm going to get off my lazy ass and update again! The spell chanted by Bakura was thought up by Rahuratna, thank you so much! Still not gonna take this story off of hiatus...sorry!

Flames will be doused by my water powers. Persistant flamers will be pelted by hail.