Summary: AU! When Harry has a dream about Hermione, he's eager to get rid of it. Using Hermione's Head Girl Status and the Pensieve, he manages to get rid of it, only to have Hermione's Time-Turner slip into the Pensieve. With the combining of both powers, Harry and Hermione are both sent tumbling backwards in time AND into Harry's dream. What happens while they're there? Most importantly, how do they get out? Rated T for some scenes (not too serious, though).

A/N: Here's that story I promised! I hope you enjoy and don't forget to review.

Chapter One: Dreams And Realities

From my point of view: (Hermione)

It all started with a dream. Harry's dream, to be more precise, one of which he chose not to speak with me about. All he told me was that he wanted to go to Dumbledore's office. And since I'm Head Girl (privileges include access to Dumbledore's office at anytime, so long as I inform my arrival) and he's my friend, he was thinking I could let him in. He did say it was a one-minute thing.

"Come on, 'Mione. It'll be really short, I promise." He begged, his hands clasped together.

"I don't know, Harry. Do you need to use something in his office or are you going to talk to him?"

"No, I need to use something in there. I just need to, let's say, 'deposit' something. I can't have you telling Dumbledore, Hermione."

I swallowed a heavy lump in my throat. "But I can't go against the rules, Harry. We're not allowed to use anything inside his office without his permission! We'd be breaking about thirty school rules! Not to mention a few rules on violation."

"Please? I mean, he told me how to use it and stuff. It'll be quick. I just need to—to forget."

My eyes were cast downwards. The pleading in Harry's voice made me look up at him and our eyes locked and my heart beat wildly. His eyes showed off an expression of urgency, panic and begging. It was then when I gave up. Carrying on with this disagreement wasn't going to do anything except make Harry annoyed.

I sighed. "Fine. But only one minute, you hear?"

He grinned. "Thanks, 'Mione."


I had no idea he wanted to use the Pensieve. It seemed off-limits to me, the way it was always enclosed in a glass cabinet ever since Harry managed to see Dumbledore's memory in our fourth year.

I didn't even touch it. And yet, here was Harry, in front of me, cautiously opening the glass doors. Its light blue aura somewhat frightened me.

"Isn't that used to store memories?" I asked, watching him pull out his wand. I was standing a few meters behind him, like he had requested of me. What memory could be so private he didn't even want me to see it? The fact that he was being so secretive hurt me a bit, but I immediately pushed my ridiculous feelings away.

"Yeah, but you can also store some unwanted things from your head in here. This is just one dream of mine I really want out of my head." He replied, peering into the Pensieve. That statement only made my curiosity stronger and I stepped two meters closer. He didn't seem to notice, so I decided to step another meter closer.

"Why's that?" I asked, trying not to sound like I was prying.

"It was strange." He replied, looking over at me, shrugging.

I decided to stay quiet, understanding that he didn't want to give out any more information about it. Suddenly, he looked over his shoulder at me; his look was heavy and firm. "Very strange," He murmured. His tone was unfamiliar and his face had a look I couldn't decipher. It seemed almost empty, yet there was a certain look I didn't recognize. I stared into his eyes and saw raw emotion in there.

He looked back into the Pensieve and murmured something inaudible. Then he placed his wand to the side of his head and drew it back slowly, a blue thread trailing after it. He led it to the Pensieve and it glowed brightly. I was scared that Harry could get blind.

I shielded my eyes from the light and looked at my wristwatch. Six forty-four. "We have dinner, Harry and I've still got Head Girl duties after that." I said, trying to stop him from staring into the bright light.

He turned around and eyed me suspiciously. "You're not overworking yourself, are you?" He asked, coming closer.

I swallowed and loosened my collar a bit. "N-No." I replied, suddenly feeling uncomfortable about the topic.

"Remember third year? You're not using the Time Turner again, are you?"

"No! I-I know better than to use it again." I felt for the golden chain around my neck and flooded with relief. It's true that I stopped using it, but that never stopped me from wearing it. It still hung onto my neck in double chains. The last thing I needed was Harry misinterpreting the situation and thinking I was still using it.

"We should get to dinner, Harry. Dumbledore's going—"

"I know, I know." He smiled brightly at me. "Let's go."


I didn't know I'd be back in Dumbledore's office after only one day. This time, I—we were sent there. Harry and I got into a bit of trouble in Potions. Clearly Professor Snape intended us on having us sent there since he was the one who paired us op together for the experiment. Both of us were terribly moody. I was in a mix of emotions. I was angry with Harry for ignoring me, offended that he didn't trust me enough to tell me his dream, and another emotion I can't quite describe.

Harry, on the other hand, was always moody.

In the end, we argued over every little detail, from the cauldron's position on the table to the number of ingredients we needed. Professor Snape always came to our table, scolding us and telling us to concentrate. Strangely though, he never deducted any points from Gryffindor despite numerous times he visited our table.

After, our cauldron began to shake violently and Snape came over to investigate. In the end, he got covered in thick bluish-green goo. After yelling at us, taking away thirty points from Gryffindor and failing us, he sent us to Dumbledore's office then retreated to his bathroom in an attempt to clean himself.

We argued the entire way there. Even while waiting in Dumbledore's office.

"It's really all your fault! You always put too much salamander eyes!" He blamed, yelling at me.

"Me? You always put too little snakeskin powder! That's why the entire experiment went wrong! Do you have any idea what this could do to my Head Girl status?"

"This has nothing to do with your Head Girl status! I'm already falling behind as it is! That fact that we both failed this experiment is going to bring me down even more!"

"Oh Merlin, we failed! I can't believe this! How could I fail? I think I should ask for extra credit or something. Oh God, I can't fail! I never fail!"

"Could you just—"

Then the Pensieve opened by itself. The glass doors flew openand the Pensieve glowed brightly. We both stayed quiet and stared at the glowing object. I slowly made my way towards it and peered into it.

Inside it was a meadow. The meadow was a blissful green and the grass leaves were tall and were being blown by the wind, making it look like pulsing waves. The sky was a mellow blue and there wasn't a cloud in sight.

I squinted even closer and noticed that underneath one of the big, shady trees, there were two people resting under it. A boy and girl to be exact. I bent down even closer to see who it was. Harry was beside me, a look of horror on his face.

Then my Time Turner slid out of my school blouse and dropped into the Pensieve, which glowed brightly as a reaction. I froze. Harry frowned.

"The Time Turner—" He murmured.

"It isn't what you think, Harry! I swear I'm not using it anymore." I interrupted.

He merely nodded at me. I tugged in the Time Turner but it wouldn't come out. I pulled harder and it pierced the back of my neck. I yelped in pain. Harry's eyes flew to me. "What's wrong?" He asked, his voice still a bit cold yet concerned.

"My Time Turner's stuck in Pensieve. I can't seem to pull it out." I explained, looking at him. I couldn't help the tears in my eyes. The Pensieve tugged me in further; as a result, I screamed in shock.

Harry moved behind me. "I think you should unfasten it. I know you can't get another Time Turner ever again, but I think it's best that you leave the Time Turner here, we can't have you swallowed." He pushed my hair to one side and a chill ran down my spine. I felt his warm breath against my neck and didn't realize he was so close.

"Is that okay with you?" He asked, his breath giving me goose pimples.

I nodded slowly. I felt his hands move onto my neck and his touch sent a jolt through my entire body. He unfastened my Time Turner with a soft click. Still holding both ends of the necklace, he took it off and left it dangling off the edge of the Pensieve.

"Miss Granger, Mr. Potter?" We heard Dumbledore behind us. We turned around and saw that he wasn't there yet. Harry closed the glass cabinet and we went forward to look for the headmaster.

"Ah, there you are. Come out, don't hide there." He ordered us, gently. We moved forward as he descended down the stairs. Harry slid his arm around me and we walked forward cautiously. I looked over my shoulder at the Pensieve. I noticed that it was still glowing brightly and that the Time Turner was swallowed entirely.

"Miss Granger? Is anything the matter?" Professor Dumbledore asked, amusingly.

My head snapped back to look at him. "Oh, er, um, nothing's wrong, Professor." I replied, uneasily. I looked back at the Pensieve, which was now dark. "Nothing at all."


"I can't believe we got stuck after dinner in the dungeons. This is—"

"Please stop it. We can't keep blaming each other or regretting what happened, Harry. It'll only slow us down."

I poured in a flask of orange liquid and the experiment bubbled lightly. Harry was quiet and began stirring the potion we were brewing.

"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, covering my face with my hands and collapsing onto the table. He was obviously shocked by my little outburst. "I-I'm just so tired lately! With Head Girl duties and the Time Turner incident, I'm going to break down, I really shouldn't use that as an excuse to be mad at you!"

I heard him move behind me. "Shh, it's okay, 'Mione. I'm fine. I'm used to you being mad at me anyway." He said, half joking and half serious. I continued sobbing into the table. I felt him envelope his arms around me and he continued whispering into my ear. I turned around and hugged him back, still sniffling.

"So, are we okay?" He asked, pushing the hair out of my face. I nodded, smiling weakly up at him. He wiped away some tears on my face. "Let's go to Dumbledore. We're finished, right?" He asked as I rested my head on the crook of his shoulder and listened to his steady heartbeat.

"Come on, you. Let's get going, the dungeon's creep me out at night." He said, letting me go. I nodded once more and we left for Dumbledore's office.


"Um, the password?"

I smiled at him. "Lemon sherbet." Then we entered the office.

"He knows we're coming, right?" Harry asked, looking at me.

I shook my head. "We'll have to tell him." I replied, looking around the office for our old professor.

All of a sudden, the Pensieve glowed brightly once again and the glass doors flew open, a mysterious draft enveloping us is cool air.

I walked to the Pensieve, the wind still blowing around me. I looked into the Pensieve and saw the meadow again, then the wind blew a strong gust into my face and I could smell the fresh scent of the grass and I could feel my hair whip around me. I leaned against the edge, trying to get a better look into the meadow, when my arm slipped into the Pensieve. I let out a scream of shock. Harry was by my side in an instant.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"My arm. It's stuck in the Pensieve." I replied, trying to tug it out.

"Hermione, we can't get you out unless you fall into the Pensieve and finish the memory."

"B-But this is your dream, Harry. I-I—"

"It's fine! We should both go in together. I don't want—I mean, I don't think you should be there alone." He was flushed a bit.

"But what about the Time Turner, it combined with the Pensieve! Won't that do something?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but—"

I interrupted him with a tiny scream as the Pensieve swallowed more of my arm.

"Hold on, I'll go with you." Harry informed.

"No way, Harry. Everyone would notice if you were gone. They'd probably send out a search party like the one for Sirius! Me, on the other hand, people wouldn't even send one person to look for me."

"Hermione, that's insane. Ron would've noticed. And I—We would've missed you."

I smiled at him. He grinned back sheepishly. More of my arm was pulled in, but I suppressed my scream and let out a soft grunt.

"My entire arm is swallowed, Harry. You should just leave and explain to Dumbledore. He'll know how to get me out."

"I'm not leaving you, Hermione. I'm staying by your side whether you like it or not."

The Pensieve pulled me in now, my shoulder with my arm. Harry gripped onto my hand. It began swallowing me, more forcefully than before.

After, I was entirely swallowed and I could feel myself falling. There was a strong rush of wind blowing into my face and I smelled the sweet scent of the meadows once again, but most importantly, I still felt Harry's tight grip onto my small hand.


"Hey 'Mione, wake up." Harry's voice said. I could feel his hand on my shoulder, gently shaking me back and forth.

I slapped his hand away. "Not now." I mumbled, a bit annoyed. I felt Harry's hand leave my shoulder and tickle my stomach.

I jolted awake and glared at Harry. He grinned devilishly at me. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty." He greeted, mockingly.

"Shut it, you." I said, playfully shoving his shoulder. I looked around at our surroundings and realized that we were under the tree I saw earlier. I could smell the familiar scent of the meadow behind Harry and felt the wind whipping around us.

"Where are we, Harry?" I asked, stupidly.

"My dream. It's a mushy dream, hope you don't mind." He replied, shrugging.

"I-I think it's a good time to tell me about your dream, Harry."

"Oh. W-Well, maybe—are you sure? I mean, it was a weird dream. Like really weird."

"I honestly don't mind. I'm not going to make fun, I swear. It's just so we can analyze the situation and—"



"Fine, I'll tell you my dream."


"Look, do you want me to tell you my dream or not?"

A shocked look came across my face. "I-I—Sorry."

He looked up at me and his eyes seemed to soften. "Sorry. Just—It's embarrassing."

I smiled at him. "Just say it. I won't comment."

He nodded then took a deep breath. "Okay, so you know how you keep telling me to read old Muggle literature?"

I nodded.

"Well, I did start reading. Shakespeare, to be exact."

"Harry, that's great! You really should read 'The Taming of The Shrew', it's a really nice book—"

"Anyway, I started reading the one I'm most familiar with: Romeo and Juliet. I finished it as fast as I could, because every time I read it in front of people, Lavender and Parvati would giggle and start conversations like, 'So, who do you think can be Harry's Juliet?' I nearly died!"

I tried to stifle my laughter but ended up bursting into fits of giggles. Harry looked at me incredulously. "You promised you wouldn't comment!" He yelled.

"I-I'm not… *laugh* … saying anything… *giggle* … am I?" I managed to breathe out between laughs.

Before I could stop, Harry tackled me to the ground, pinning me underneath him while I still laughed. I tried to struggle against him, but he held down on my wrists.

"What's so funny?" He asked, looking at me.

I bit my lip in an attempt to suppress my laughter but burst out laughing. I shook my head in reply to his questions. After a while, I sobered and noticed Harry was still on top of me.

"What was so funny, Hermione?" He asked, looking into my eyes. I could feel his warm breath on my face and it made me suddenly nervous. Our faces were mere inches away.

"I-I—Nothing, Harry." I replied, my breath hitching.

"Really? Are you sure?" He asked, smiling amusingly at me.

I nodded, feeling a blush creep onto my cheeks. He smirked at me then leaned in a bit closer, making our faces only three inches away. "If you say so," He said, somewhat huskily. Then he rolled off of me.

I sat up and tried to get my breathing back to normal. "Your dream, Harry?" I asked, looking up at him. He was standing up and staring at the meadows and his hands were shoved into his pockets.

"My dream was barely like the book. The only similarities were the positions. I was Romeo. I never finished though; I woke up when 'Juliet' had kissed me." He continued.

I stood up and dusted the dirt off my clothes. "Who was Juliet?" I asked, going beside him. I looked at him and his expression was serious and contemplative.

"It was you."

I couldn't help the brief, surprised look on my face. "Oh."

Me? Why was Harry dreaming about me?

"Well, you know images in dreams are usually taken from what you were thinking of before you drift off to sleep or what you've been thinking of for the day." I said the last part slowly. It dawned on me. Harry's been thinking about me?

"I've been doing a bit of both actually." He said, looking at me now. I blushed.


"Miss Granger!" Someone yelled. We both looked in the direction of the voice. A scrawny, old maid was making her way to us.

"Who in heaven's name is that?" I asked.

Harry chuckled. "Your handmaid probably. I'm sure your parents want you home, right?"

"B-But if we're in the Pensieve, she shouldn't notice me."

"It combined with your Time Turner, remember?"

"Are we—Were we sent back in time?"

"Most likely."

"How are we supposed to get back?" My voice was struck with panic.

"I'll figure out a way, I promise. Just go to your parents first. I have to go too, right? You wouldn't want to be caught with a Potter."


He took hold of my hand and bent down to kiss it. "Farewell, Miss Granger." He bade. He squeezed my hand softly then let go, leaving in the other direction.

I swallowed heavily and decided to make no attempt to hold Harry back.

The combining of both the Time Turner and Pensieve sent us back in time and made Harry's dream a reality, trapping us both in the world of Romeo and Juliet.


A/N: Tell me what you guys think, all right? The whole plot seems a bit outrageous but this is what I get from daydreaming and listening to Taylor Swift. Stay tuned for the next chapter! ^_^