Disclaimer: Yeah, I don't own The Dark Knight, just the DVD, and the shooting script. I don't own Twitter, either.

A/N: This chapter...I don't even know, haha. First of all, sorry it's late--I've been sick. The plot just randomly appeared, and I went for it. It's not the official parody of these events in the movie, it's more like a little different style parody of events to come. Just something that popped in my head and I thought it would be interesting, as to sort of foreshadow some of the stuff that happens in the future. This is the little shindig Bruce holds at his penthouse, for himself, Rachel, and Harvey...and he hopes, Natascha. Maybe consider it a little interlude…? Not sure—don't ask me, ask the characters. They get into all sorts of trouble. Oh, and I know in the fic Gordon isn't really the Commissioner, he's the Dean of Students, but I couldn't help using the nifty Twitter username…

Oh, and I'd like to take this moment to mention my wonderful partners in crime from the "Tales of Gotham" RPG board, because I feel very honored that we're now going to have an entire RPG site based around this amazingly chaotic fanfiction right here! You guys and the WSSC are awesome :}

Enjoy this little chapter because it was an interesting experience writing it... (Just a note: when another person's username appears after the poster's username, it's supposed be "at" that person. For some reason doesn't keep the "at" symbol.)



Commish_Gordon: There are 100,000 yellow Number 2 pencils on the floor in my office. I don't want to know how they got there.

BruceWAYNE: You know you've had a good night when you wake up to find half of Gotham High passed out in your penthouse.

AgEnTofcHaOs: Commish_Gordon HA HA HA HA HA…they weren't cheap, ya know. You owe me $10,000. Pay up…or die.

R_DawesXx: I'm missing a boyfriend. And…why do I have facepaint all over me?

HarveyDent: I have a wicked headache…possibly the headache to end all headaches…ughhhh

R_DawesXx: HarveyDent Where the hell are you??

BruceWAYNE: My wallet is missing—what the fuck?

Commish_Gordon: …And a potato peeler in the top drawer of my desk. Gee, I wonder who paid me a visit.

missanna718: I don't remember falling asleep with a crowbar.

MikeyEngel: Where are my clothes?!

AgEnTofcHaOs: Commish_Gordon Give that back, ya filthy thief! That wasn't, ah, yer partin' gift…

JonnyCrAnE: …I'm soaking wet. Did it rain last night?

AgEnTofcHaOs: missanna718 anna banana bandana fee fi fo…fanna has a 'lil case-a amnesia

JonnyCrAnE: AgEnTofcHaOs You suck at rhyming, clown.

MikeyEngel: Seriously, someone better give me back my damn clothes. I'm freezing my naked ass off.

Commish_Gordon: Road kill, in my mailbox. How thoughtful of you, Joker. At least it was gift wrapped…

Commish_Gordon: MikeyEngel please spare us that mental image, Mike.

BruceWAYNE: There's nothing but a receipt for…pencils. Pencils? $10, 000 worth of pencils, come on now.

R_DawesXx: Harveyyyyy, where are you? Answer me!

JonnyCrAnE: MikeyEngel Michael, I found your clothes. They're in a large vase of water sitting on top of the chandelier. Don't ask me. I don't know.

R_DawesXx: AgEnTofcHaOs this facepaint is a bitch to get off. I hate you. …Harvey, hit reply!!!

brian_d: Just woke up. Big mistake. Did I mention I'm afraid of heights?!

Mr-Nolan: No one's coming into school, I take it. Decision made.

BruceWAYNE: Okay, who puked all over my nice silk sheets and threw them under the table like I wouldn't notice?

AgEnTofcHaOs: Commish_Gordon aw, 'm touched. Sooo glad ya like it, Commish.

AgEnTofcHaOs: R_DawesXx hahahaha hee hee…ohh are ya sure 'bout that one? Didn' seem like it last night :}

AgEnTofcHaOs: Harvey, Harvey, Harvey Dent…

brian_d: Someone get me down! Now. Please…?

JonnyCrAnE I'm going back to sleep. I'm done with all of you imbeciles.

MikeyEngel: brian_d hey, while you're up there, would you mind throwing down my clothes?

BruceWAYNE: These were expensive sheets!

missanna718: I just discovered I've been lying on a clown mask. Clown mask + crowbar = memories I probably don't want to recall.

brian_d: MikeyEngel Yeah, if you'd like to catch me, too. Jerk.

Reeseman: BruceWAYNE Like you can't afford new ones. Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it, Wayne!

R_DawesXx: AgEnTofcHaOs Oh no…no, no, no…ewww! Tell me we didn't. PLEASE. No! I hate you SO MUCH RIGHT NOW.

R_DawesXx: I really have an overwhelming need to brush my teeth.

Commish_Gordon: Enjoying a well-deserved day off in light of recent events. What they do off school property is NOT my problem.

BruceWAYNE: The sight of Jonathan Crane sleeping sprawled out across a table with empty beer cans around him is amusing. Not to mention he looks like a drowned rat.

BruceWAYNE: …Almost makes me forget about my missing wallet, destroyed bed sheets, and a ridiculous bill for pencils. Almost.

MikeyEngel: I wanna know where the hell Reese came from. Creeper.

AgEnTofcHaOs: R_DawesXx heh heh heh…you started it, sweetheart.

MikeyEngel: I'm beginning to have vague memories of strip poker. I don't like them.

missanna718: Please don't let me have a criminal record. I'll never get into college! My mom will kill me! This sucks. I'm never touching alcohol AGAIN.

brian_d: The ground is so far away. I think I'm going to be sick. Why does this shit always happen to me?

R_DawesXx: A shower would be better. Two showers, maybe. Yuckkk. I feel so gross!!

R_DawesXx: AgEnTofcHaOs DO NOT 'sweetheart' me! I hate you!

BruceWAYNE: Currently drawing all over Crane's face with Sharpie. That'll teach him not to fall asleep in random places. Anyone care to join?

AgEnTofcHaOs: missanna718 Not if I kill you firrrrrrst, hmm?

brian_d: Hello, down there…where everything…looks like…ants. I'm gonna be sick…I'm gonna be sick…

brian_d: I need something to preoccupy myself. Before I puke.

brian_d: Oh, hey, look…there's a pack of cards in my pocket. And a book of matches. And some…bullets? Those are definitely not mine.

AgEnTofcHaOs: I do not, uh, ap-pre-ci-ate people stealinggg my stuff. I don't like it. at. all.

Pennyworth007: BruceWAYNE Master Wayne, you wouldn't be responsible for the garish mustache on my face, now would you?

MikeyEngel: Still naked…until Brian decides to throw my clothes down.

R_DawesXx: Going to find Harvey. …Eww, Mike, that's disgusting, dress yourself!

missanna718: I'm going home, before something even more disastrous happens and I somehow end up in Arkham. In a weird way, that would be like heaven in comparison. This is crazy.

BruceWAYNE: Pennyworth007 I wouldn't know anything about that. When did you get a Twitter, Alfred?

brian_d: MikeyEngel Screw you, Mike. Taste the revenge of Karma! Mwuahahahaha!

AgEnTofcHaOs: Ohhhhh Ha-Ha-Harveyyy! Come out, come out where'ver you areeee!

R_DawesXx: BruceWAYNE I found your wallet. It's in the toilet, but I wouldn't go fishing it out, trust me. That's enough nasty images for today, thank you. Spare yourself the pain.

AgEntofcHaOs: brian_d save the maniacal laughter for the pros and don't, uh, quit yer day job, sport-o.

R_DawesXx: This fucking facepaint, I swear, it's like superglue. I need to get rid of the evidence. There nothing like clown makeup to make you feel like a slut. It figures.

BruceWAYNE: Masterpiece completed. I'm taking a picture and uploading it to Twitter and Facebook pronto. Blackmail!

BruceWAYNE: Oh…shit…

brian_d: Any day now, guys. Really.

brian_d: Did Batman drop off the face of the Earth or something? Helloooo! Citizen in distress here!

JonnyCrAnE: WAYNE!!

MikeyEngel: Interesting new developments. There's a beautiful blonde bombshell sleeping peacefully in Bruce Wayne's bed. Hopefully, she's realized what happened to the sheets…

JonnyCrAnE: where's my mask? I NEED my mask! Where's my damn mask?!

JonnyCrAnE: brian_d Don't be foolish, Douglas, bats are nocturnal. If you weren't such an idiot, you would know this.

R_DawesXx: I'll never be able to live this one down. Damn you to hell, Joker! My reputation is ruined!

Commish_Gordon: Sitting back watching the shenanigans unfold from the safety of my home. It feels good not to be responsible for cleaning up a mess, for once.

AgEnTofcHaOs: R_DawesXx already there, doll

missanna718: I'm grounded for the rest of my life. Thanks a lot, bottle of Captain Morgan, you've been a real good friend. No thanks to the Joker, either.

BruceWAYNE: Ever seen a drowned rat when it's pissed? It's both terrifying and hilarious.

MikeyEngel: JonnyCrAnE I found your mask. It's in an interesting location.

Mr-Nolan: Commish_Gordon I've got popcorn.

AgEnTofcHaOs: hm hmm hmmm…la la de la…well hellloooo, Brian.

AgEnTofcHaOs: brian_d Enjoying the…ah, view?

DancerNat: Why do I have a burlap bag over my head?

R_DawesXx: Beyond humiliated.

BruceWAYNE: DancerNat So you're the blonde bombshell in my…how did that one happen?

JonnyCrAnE: Huh. This is rather…fascinating.

DancerNat: BruceWAYNE Sorry about the mess. I guess I can't hold my liquor well.

MikeyEngel: The next issue of Gotham Today is going to be a success. I can see it already.

BruceWAYNE: So much for the sheets.

brian_d: I don't like having that clown in the same room with me, even if I'm like fifteen feet above him.

AgEnTofcHaOs: I am not. A. bad. Man…but I do bad thingsss…verrr-y bad thingsss…such hor-ri-ble thingsss…ha ha aha ha haha…aha…

R_DawesXx: Wait—guys, has anyone found Harvey yet??

HarveyDent: Why am I handcuffed to a fire hydrant?

A/N: Make of it what you will. All I can say is that it was partially inspired by "The Hangover." Great movie. Should I do a chapter where you guys find out what happened during this party…? Let me know, and I just might. Points to whoever can name the song and artist of the lyrics The Joker had in his last Twitter update...