"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you."
- Winnie the Pooh

He could see it in the man's cold eyes, his internal battle. The shark could not help but feel remorse for his suffering. Torn between his brother, and his wife.



Itachi's tone was deadpan as he ordered, "Only Sasuke passes through."

Grimly, he responded, "Got it." Staring at the Uchiha's still form, "What of Koneko?"

The winds blew heavily, shaking the leaves from the sturdy branches. A chill ran down the Kiri nin's spine.

"She has gone ahead so we may bid our final goodbyes to one another." Itachi spoke slowly, "Kisame.. I would like for you to watch over her."

A large callused hand fell upon his shoulder, "Of course." He then told, "You both have very little time remaining. Don't keep her waiting, Itachi-san.."

Then with all haste, the man with black hair bid farewell to his comrade before departing.

He calmly closed his eyes, secluded in his thoughts. Koneko stared at their clasped hands, his thumb gently rubbing circles across her skin.

Oh, God... She didn't want him to go. Why did this have to happen..?

Not a word was spoken for what seemed like an eternity. She just... Couldn't believe that this day had come so quickly.

Removing her hands from his, she reached around to unclasp her silver necklace. He watched as she lifted his palm, dropping the piece of jewelry into it.

"I.. made a small change to it.."

Itachi somewhat frowned. Why had she-

"Promise..." A sharp intake of breath, "Promise that you'll never take it off..." She wiped at her tearing eyes with the back of her hand.

Itachi's heart wrenched in agony, "... Koneko, I-"

"Please..." She pleaded as her voice wavered uncontrollably. Unable to cope with the situation, she fell to her knees. Sobbing into her hands.

Immediately, he was on the ground beside her, jerking her lithe body towards him. The ivory skinned woman was a martyr to this heartache.

"I promise you, Koneko..." Itachi breathed, his hand resting on her silky hair, "I promise."

Her emotions poured, wailing out a cry. Her face pressed against his chest as he attempted to console her.

"I love you more than anything, Itachi..." Whispering brokenly as her tears stained his cloak like blood, "My heart belongs to you.. It always has."

Grinding his teeth together, he held her to him like a lifeline. Koneko soothingly put a soft kiss on his temple.

His emotions were coming up all at once.

"Koneko..." Few tears fell from his closed eyes, "I cannot go through with this..."

At the sight of droplets falling to the ground, her hand came around to the back of his neck and she gently pulled his head down to rest on her shoulder, "Oh, Itachi... You must.."

Itachi shook his head slowly as his jaw clenched so tightly that the muscles began to throb. He held his hands to his face to stop the wet flow. Koneko rubbed his chest, her eyes laden with concern.

Inhaling one resolute breath, he looked at his wife with profound sorrow. Though the tears didn't fully stop, there were no more sobs from him.

Opening his arms, he reached for her; "I refuse to just leave you here."

Her eyelashes clung together as she carefully wiped away his tears, about to protest.

"No.." Itachi said desolately, staring into her eyes. "You are my wife, Koneko. My world."

Averting her gaze, she murmured, "Sasuke is your brother. He is your family..."

Itachi exhaled, composing himself, "And you are also my family..."

"Sasuke came before me, Itachi!" Holding his taut face in her hands, she exclaimed, "I don't want to be the reason that you rid your plans for Sasuke..." Breath hitched in her throat, "I don't want to ruin the purpose of your sacrifice...!"

Itachi was silent as he lowered his head, brushing his lips against her hands.

"Tell me," He said lethargically, "What should I do, kitten...?"

Koneko sorrowfully replied, "I can only advise you, Itachi. The rest isn't my decision to make... Only your heart can make that choice."

"How is it possible when you have my heart...?" Itachi asked, slowly peering at her.

She smiled at him, "Would you like your heart back for a while?"

"No." His immediate answer, "It's yours to hold. Forever." Itachi then took her hand, kissing every finger and the inner side of her wrist before doing the same for her other hand, gently nibbling on her fingertips. She lightly laughed at the tingle.

The distressed man watched his beautiful lover's smile. Soon, Sasuke would be only a few miles off from the Uchiha stronghold.. He had to leave her.

"Koneko.." Itachi's low sultry tone vibrated in each syllable. She glanced at him and her elated smile vanished. The solemn appearance of his face told her..

It was time.

Her trembling hands clung onto the front of his mantle as they exchanged their final kiss. His arms were securely around her distraught figure, pressing her to him. Their lips passionately moved against one another, coaxing him to stay. The scent of this man and the feel of him, his warmth enveloping her. She... Couldn't bear it.

Once they parted, she wrapped her arms around her waist to uphold herself.

"Goodbye, Koneko.."

Her innermost thoughts screamed to bid him goodbye, but the hot lump in her throat forced back any opportunities of replying.

"I love you.."

He froze momentarily before he said to her, "And I love you."

As the obsidian crows dispersed, she crumbled to the forest floor as tears cascaded down her cheeks and dripped onto the soil.

Where could she be? Kisame Hoshigaki scoured the forest, searching for the young woman whom was supposed to be at their rendezvous point, yet was nowhere to be seen.

Soon enough, he came across a figure on their side, huddled in a ball against the earth. The long chocolate hair told him it was her.

"Kiddo..?" The kiri nin knew he had to be careful with her. A woman's fragile broken heart was not to be trifled with. As he lifted her into a sitting position, he saw the stains of dry tears on her snow-white face.

Gently, he picked her up and helped her on her feet, "Come on.. We shouldn't stay here. Can you walk?"

No response was heard from her lips as she stared at the solid ground. Nonetheless, he began carrying her away from the area.

Upon meeting with Sasuke and his team, she remained hidden by request from the aquatic man. To avoid any unnecessary conversations with the young Uchiha, she did as asked.

"Sasuke-kun, I'm afraid from here on you continue by yourself." Kisame explained, "Itachi-san's order. The rest of you will wait here."

"Fair enough. The only reason I formed this group was to make sure no one would get in my way."

"Sasuke, no!" The female of their squad argued, "Let's get rid of this guy and go on together!"

The soft-spoken brunette could faintly note the irritation that Kisame spoke with, "I'm not in the mood for a fight, really, but if you all insist on going there together then I won't have much of an option."

Sternly, "Stay out of this, Karin. This is my vendetta." He took off without so much as another word.

He flew past her while she was still concealed in the tree line, her eyes fell downcast.

This is the last chapter, but I think a sequel might be necessary.
If you want the sequel, please review and let me know.