Bookstore, New York City

John was sitting at the counter of the book store reading a book. Business was slow today. Every few minutes he would look up to see if there was anyone in the store. It was sometimes dull working at the bookstore, but he got to catch up on his reading, especially on days like these. He looked back down at the book. "I can't believe how crazy this guy is." Jack was reading the book "Advanced Evolutionary Mutation." He was chuckling at everything he read because it made no sense. "I would love to see how someone could freeze things with their hands. This is just hilarious." He turned the page and continued reading.

There was something about book stores that seemed to pacifySirus. As he walked through the various isles, he began to feel like a kid again. Back home in London he would go to the public library almost on a daily basis. Often his mom, or his brother, hell even his father often drove him, taking turns, like shifts. Sirus knew it must have been a hassle for them, but that's the kind of love their family had been built on. But that was a long time ago.

Sirus stepped up to the cashier standing behind the front desk, "Excuse me mate, I was wondering if you had a phone book I could borrow; the one in the phone booth outside was stolen?"

John looked up from his book at Sirus. "Um, phone books… Let me check the archives." John turned to the computer and typed phone books into the search engine. John read what was on the screen and turned back to Sirus. "Sorry, we get our shipment of new phone books in two days. If you want I could check in the back for an older phone book." The book he was reading was sitting on the counter open to the section on predicting the future through precognition.

"Ah, sure, you do that," Sirus picked up the book as the cashier disappeared into the back room. He began to pick through the pages and then went to the index., "Huh, 'advanced' evolution my ass. There's nothing in here about photons..." Sirus set the book back and waited for the cashier to come back.

John didn't really go too far into the back so he wasn't out of earshot. He walked back to the man and placed the phone book on the counter. "This book is only a year old, so some of the newer stores and residents may not be in here." He scanned the book and looked back at the guy. "I don't mean to intrude or anything, but did you say something about photons?"

John quickly turned his head to the man who just walked in. "Yes, check in the fiction section under 'Rowling' and it should be there; if it is not in the fiction section then it is in the Science fiction section."

Sirus smiled and opened up the book and began copying down a few addresses. "Yes, photons. You know—light, solor energy, black holes...that sort of cosmic nonsense." Sirus finished copying down the five addresses he needed and handed back the phone book. "Interesting theories in there, it would be amazing if people could actually do that."

John nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, that is true." John quickly cleared the phone book from the register and placed it under the counter. "Look, I heard what you said about the book I was reading, but I won't talk about it here."

Daniel was outside the book store he was sent to. He feared for Maxie's life. Daniel slowly walked in the book shop and said, "Do you have anything by J.K. Rowling? My daughter loves her."

John looked at the man who had recently entered and asked for the Rowling books. For whatever reason John didn't think this guy was here for Rowling books.

Daniel was behind the book stand peering through. He saw a lot about the man. He was being cautious that he didn't touch him.

John saw something out of the corner of his eye. He didn't move his head, but he could tell what it was. The man who just walked in was looking at him, but the way he doing this was not secretive at all. The shop was too small for anyone to do what he is doing. John finally looked over at the man. "Do you need help finding the book you are looking for?" He would get back to the photon kid in a minute, because the man in the suit just gave him the creeps.

"No I'm ok, thanks. I'm just looking," he said, looking through the books; he was not looking at the man at all.

Maxie had been given the works of Dr. Suresh by his parents when he was a child. He decided to walk into the book shop to ask the man if there were any more books by him.

Sirus nodded his agreement, and while the cashier was busy talking to one of the other customers, Sirus reached down into the open register and grabbed several twenty dollar bills. He then turned and began heading for the door; as he walked out he passed a young man and gave him a smile and then winked as he vanished instantly in darkness outside.

"Do you have any books by Dr. Suresh?" Maxie asked. "If you don't, could I order one to my apartment?" Maxie looked round the store at the other people.

John spun quickly but not quickly enough. "Damn it!" He hopped over the counter and walked outside. He looked all around but saw nothing. "Damn it." He turned and walked back into the store. "Great." John closed his eyes in anger and walked into Maxie by accident. "Oh sorry." He placed a hand on Maxie's shoulder to show that he was acknowledging him that he was sorry. But for whatever reason John's hand seemed to glow, though he didn't notice it, someone else might notice it. "Suresh, um." He let go of Maxie and walked to the counter. He picked up the book and handed it to him. "I think this is what you are looking for."

Daniel looked up and saw his son. "Dear god," he mumbled to himself. He ran out of the shop and flew away.

John watched as the man flew away. "No way." He looked down at the book. "It is true. Everything in this book is true." He looked at the kid. "Before I sell you this book, why do you need it?"

"I'm not meant to tell you this but...." Maxie started, "I freeze things." Maxie put his finger on the glass of water on the side and watched it freeze over.

John's eyes shot open. "Wow." He was chuckling. "I can't do anything like that. I thought all of this was a load of bull, but after seeing that weird guy fly away, without buying a book, even though we have a full stock of Rowlings…" John turned away from Maxie with the book still in his hands. "Why did he come into this shop if he wasn't planning on buying anything." John became extremely confused and the hand holding the book turned light blue. The book froze instantly. John didn't seem to notice the book freeze though.

"Dude!" Maxie said. "You ok?". Maxie looked at the book "You do it too?".

John turned "Do wha-" John looked at the book and dropped it causing it to shatter against the ground. "No, I don't think I do that." He thought about what happened earlier. "I think this happened after I touched your shoulder. Hang on." He hopped over the counter and ran to the back of the store and found another copy of the book. He flipped to the very first ability mentioned. He emerged from the back and placed the book on the counter. "I think that I do this." He pointed at the page. "Because when I grabbed your shoulder I think I felt something coursing through my veins."

"What's mine then?" Maxie said looking at the man "I mean, what can I do exactly?" Maxie looked down at the book and started flicking through the pages.

John sat on the stool behind the counter. "Page 29." He had read the book so many times he memorized what page each ability was on. He had read all that there was to know about his ability, but now needed to learn how to control borrowing abilities and then using them.

Maxie looked at it carefully. "Can I please have a copy?" he said, looking at the guy. "I promise if I find anything out I will come here and show you." Maxie was thinking about the photos he had at home and the board he was developing.

"Um, yeah, hang on." He scanned the book quickly to deactivate the bar code. He was going to have a hard time explaining everything that happened today to his boss, and he would most likely be fired. "Well, after getting robbed by a man who disappeared into thin air, I will most likely get fired so just take the book." He wrote down his phone number. "Let me know if you find anything. My name is John by the way."

"OK," Maxie said picking up the book. "Here's my address. If you want anything just come here." Maxie ran out of the store and round the corner to his apartment.