Have you ever wanted to be extraordinary?

To leave your boring, uniformed life behind and sail up through the clouds....breath under water for an infinite amount of time, or have the power to cure any illness?

Heroes are among us. They appear to be ordinary citizens, but what are they really? The next stage in human evolution, or some part of god's divine plan? But is it their extraordinary abilities that make them heroes, or is their will and the choices that they make that earn them the title?

As ordinary humans across the world begin to discover their extraordinary abilities they will be thrown prematurely into a series of elaborate mazes and plot twists that will have them fighting for their very lives as even the bonds of trust, friendship, and brotherhood will be tested.

Heroes: Apocalypse

In the slums of Harlem, New York, a young boy struggles under the weight of poverty and the constant pressures of a gang war that has enveloped his entire family. As if things weren't bad enough for young Luke, he soon discovers that he has the incredible ability to paint the future after his attempt at graffiti becomes a message of the coming apocalypse.

Meanwhile, Sylar is once again on the loose, using a list stolen from Primatech to hunt down people with abilities. But as he will soon find out, he isn't the only predator knocking off supers. Will he find an enemy that matches his ruthlessness or new partner to join the cause.

As if things weren't bad enough for the new Heroes developing their powers, Primatech, aside from hunting Sylar full time, has also committed its resources to imprisoning those that they deem to be 'Too dangerous'.

As your powers grow, you must choose your path. Will you save the world….or leave it in ruin?

A/N: This story is a serialization of the RP on the Gaia Online available at this address: www. gaiaonline. com/guilds/?gmode=index&guild_id=54501 (remove spaces in address). It was created through the combined efforts of the people listed below with their Gaia name as well as the characters they play. I edited for grammar and continuity but otherwise tried to keep the original script intact as much as possible.

Noah Ranura Luke Johnson, Jacob Elliot
XxWise Prarie DogxX Sirus Demium, Alex Demium
iPodofJustice Jackson Harper, Kai Summers
jhodder Sylar, Scott Maxwell
Devil Jinn John Walker, Ryan Daniels
bloodylilrose Rose Doppler
Hypatia Star Bela Luxor, Nica Luxor
Naughty Paige Paige Tehbo
syberfang Eliziah Slade
TearsOfMyBrokenHeart Adem Johnson
The Spoonish Farmer Maxie Thomas, Daniel Thomas