Bleh - Gaara...this doesn't portray him in the best light.


Because she was like the sand.

Always present, always there.

By his side, beneath his hand.

Never leaving, never false, ever loyal.

Like a thousand grains, she was so complex.

She would cry, scream, smile, yell.

Her constant changes, intrigued him, confused him, infuriated him. Always something new to expect.

She claimed she loved him. He could have laughed. She was such an innocent creature and he was such a violent thing.

Because she was like the sand, he used her. Manipulated her. Craved her. Thought twisted and obsessed thoughts about her. She was his, and she complied.

He stroked her cheek, he tried to be gentle but she was just so breakable. Blue and black clouded her skin.

She said she loved him, even though she knew he didn't. He saw the hurt and pain in her eyes. Oh how he loathed to hurt her, oh how he lied.

And just like all good things, she had to end.

Because she was like the sand and was under his power.

Too delicate…Too frail…

And her life was his to devour.
