Danny and Mac walked through the hall s of the hospital several days later. Danny had spent two nights in jail for his actions. and he was suspended as well. As terrible as it sounded, Danny was glad. It meant he could spend all his time at the hospital by Lindsay. Even better, Lindsay had been taken off the ventilator, as she had started breathing on her own. She was still in danger, but it was good sign.
They walked through the doors of the hospital and were met by a large group of people. The entire team had been notified of Danny's actions and Lindsay's conditions. When a member wasn't at the hospital, they were at the precinct, keeping and eye on Danny for his safety. They had all scolded him, but they were still supportive of him.
Stella was the first one to greet them. She hugged Danny tightly, patting him on the back. Hawkes came up next. Both had been on each side of the bars. Hawkes gave Danny a sympathetic smile and pat his shoulders. Flack was behind Hawkes. He hugged Danny and let him head to Lindsay's room. His parents were seated outside her room. They looked up as Danny reached the door.
Inside Lindsay room, Danny could see Lindsay's parents. Mac had informed him that they'd arrived yesterday morning. They had gone straight to the hospital and had yet to leave her side. Lucas was settled in Lindsay's mothers, Janice, arms. He was dead asleep.
Danny inhaled deeply and opened the door. Janice and Tyler looked up as they heard the door open. They both stood when they realized it was Danny. Janice managed to hug Danny with Lucas still asleep in her arms. Tyler squeezed his shoulder. They made their way to the door, giving Danny time alone with Lindsay.
After Danny heard the door shut, he took Janice's seat by Lindsay. He took her hand into his and held it gently. His eyes scanned over her face. The tube had been removed from her throat and a smaller breathing tube was set under her nose. Her chest rose and fell with perfect rhythm. The beat of her heart was strong and firm.
"Hey babe. I uh…I'm sorry I haven't talk to ya in a few days. The other's probably told you what I did. But uh…you need to hear it from me." Danny started. He stroked the back of her hand. "I uh…heard Flack talkin' to your doctor and I…I snapped. I went after Serjio…alone. Serjio…he…he knew I was comin' for 'em. Managed to beat the hell outta me too…but I got the drop on 'em. If it hadn't been for you 'n Mac always keepin' my temper down fro the past few years…I woulda gone there with a loaded gun. Mac showed up before Serjio could do anything' else. Then Flack and S.W.A.T. showed up. They took in Serjio and Mac took me in. I only got out today. I've been suspended for three weeks…but that's all. I know you think I'm a moron, Linds, but I…I can't accept what they did to you…and Louie. The only reason they went for you was cause of me. That ain't fair to you."
Danny inhaled deeply. His eyes watered. He gripped Lindsay's hand tighter. "You know, your folks flew over here as soon as they could? They've been by your side since they arrived. And the entire teams waitin' outside with 'em. Everyone's worried about you, but the doctors are saying that since you're breathin' on you own, there's reason to be optimistic." He wiped the tears from his face.
"Keep fightin' Lindsay. Fight. We can't lose you. I can't lose you. You're everything I ever wanted in life. 'N I…I can't do this without you, Lindsay. I need you with me." Tears fell freely from Danny's eyes. He'd given up trying to hold them back. "I love you, Lindsay. Wake up."
Danny lowered his head to the bed. He held Lindsay's hand in both of his as he cried on the bed. He'd walk through hell on earth if she would wake up. He do anything, if she'd open her eyes for him. A soft motion beneath his head ruffled his hair. Danny's head shot up. Lindsay remained motionless. His head lowered, realizing it was a muscle spasm. Danny sighed deeply and closed his eyes. He lay his head back down next to Lindsay's hand.
Then he heard a soft moan. Danny's head shot up again. He gazed astonishingly into deep chocolate eyes. Every ounce of breath within his chest had been seized. His inhaled slowly. "Linds?"
Lindsay gave Danny a small smile. "Hey cowboy." Her voice was horse from the tube.
Danny smiled and kissed her hand. Tears flooded his eyes. "Oh my god, Lindsay. Can you scare the hell outta me any more?"
"Probably." Lindsay choked.
"Hey, before I forget, you fan clubs waitin' outside." Danny explained. He looked over his shoulder toward the window. Lindsay arched her head to the side and smiled. The entire team was lined up against the window smiling and waving at them. Lucas had woken and was banging on the glass. Lindsay's mother was crying, holding her hand pressed against the glass. Stella's fingers were laced together, pressed against her mouth. She looked relieved, as did the others. Mac was smiling at the both of them, standing next to Stella. Hawke and Flack waved to her.
"You've got one hell of a hold on us, Montana." Danny said. He turned his head back toward Lindsay. Lindsay smiled and gripped his hand tighter.
tada!!! finished. so how bad was it? be honest. reviews are love and helpful.