Disclaimer: Don't own a thing.
Author's note: This will be a series of one shots of the biggest events in the relationship of Lexie Grey and Mark Sloan.
Three Little Words
"Lex." Mark Sloan slightly nudged his sleeping girlfriend. "Lex." He repeated, and softly shook her again.
"Mmm…" Lexie Grey slowly stirred. "What time is it?"
"I don't have rounds till 9."
"But I made you breakfast and I have to leave in ten minutes."
Lexie's eyes flew open and she sat up. "You made me breakfast?"
"I talked to the kitchen staff this morning and they let me use the kitchen to make you breakfast."
He put the breakfast tray over her lap. "Oh Mark you're so sweet." Lexie smiled at the single red rose that laid on the tray. She looked over the plate of food he had made for her. Hash browns, bacon, and…She winced slightly. Eggs.
"Is something wrong?" Mark asked her, noticing her expression change.
"No nothing is wrong." Lexie lied.
"Everything looks good right?"
"Everything looks amazing." Lexie took a bite of hash brown. "Wow…This actually really is good." She took another bite, and the a bite of bacon.
"What about the eggs?"
"Right. The eggs." Lexie took a bite. She sighed. How in the hours upon hours they spent talking did the fact she was allergic to eggs never come up? She looked at the clock, estimating how much time she had to get to the hospital before the allergic reaction she knew was coming got too bad.
"How are they?" Mark asked. He obviously nervous about what she thought of them.
"They are delicious. Thank you."
"Well I got to get to the hospital." He kissed her on the lips. "See you there at nine."
"Uh huh." Lexie answered. Of course he was leaving after she finished the eggs.
As soon as Mark left Lexie scrambled to get ready. She knew she had to get the shot of epinephrine soon. She already feel her throat closing up and her tongue swelling…
Lexie arrived at the Seattle Grace a half an hour later. She prayed she would not run into Mark until after she got her shot of epinephrine and her hives at least started disappear. She took fast steps and did not notice the Chief and George walking in her direction. She bumped directly into the Chief. "Shorry." Lexie cursed silently. Damn swollen tongue.
"Dr. Grey what hell happened to you?" The Chief asked.
"I need epi—" Lexie felt her throat close up even more. She closed her eyes. She knew what was coming. She was going to pass out.
"She's having an allergic reaction. I'm getting her a shot of epinephrine." George jogged off to get the drug.
"Dr. Grey what are you allergic to?"
"Eggs…" Lexie managed to get out. The room started to spin, she heard the Chief say something else, but his voice seem far away and distorted.
"Dr. Grey are you going to p—" Before Richard could react Lexie went down, hitting her head on the way…
"Dr. Sloan." George O'Malley jogged up the plastic surgeon.
"What do you want O'Malley?" Mark sounded annoyed.
"The Chief sent me. Lexie passed out and hit her head. She needs a few stitches on her forehead. And since you are her boyfriend and are really go at stitching up faces with out leaving a scar…"
"Wait—Lexie passed out? What the Hell happened?"
"She had a really bad allergic reaction to eggs. She's okay. She's waiting to you to stitch her up."
"She had an allergic reaction to eggs?"
"Yeah, that what happens when people are allergic to things."
"What room is she in?"
Mark walked in to the room. Lexie was sitting on the hospital bed. "You're allergic to eggs?"
"Yesh." Lexie sighed. "Shorry, my tongue is shtill shwollen."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Mark asked as he began to clean the small cut on her forehead.
"I didn't want you to feel bad." Lexie admitted. "You went through all that trouble…"
"That's just stupid." He began to work on the cut. "I had to learn that you are allergic to eggs from O'Malley of people Lex. O'Malley! And I didn't want to poison my girlfriend." He placed a small white bandage over her closed cut. "You should have told me."
"You were so excited this morning…" She paused noticing she was able to talk a lot better now. "I just didn't want to make you feel bad."
"You didn't want to make me feel bad, so instead you ate your poison, had a horrible reaction and passed out in front of the chief."
Lexie nodded and shrugged slightly, "I thought if I told you I'd hurt your feelings."
Mark broke out into a huge smile. "So you poised yourself because you thought it would hurt my feelings?" Lexie nodded. "Do you have any idea how amazing your are?" And before Mark could stop himself he said it, "I love you."
Lexie's jaw dropped open. "You…You what?"
"I love you." Mark repeated. "You are amazing and I love you."
"But I'm all red and blotchy…" Lexie told him, the significance of what he just told her still sinking in.
"I don't care. I still love you." Mark laughed.
Lexie smiled. "I love you to." She took his hand and squeezed it. "I so want to kiss you right now. But I'm covered in hives so I couldn't imagine that you would want to kiss me. Not that I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to kiss red blotchy me either—"
"Lexie…" Mark held a finger to her lips. "Shut up." He pulled his finger away and then pulled her into a long passionate kiss. "I love you Lexie Grey." He said again when he pulled way.
"I love you to Mark Sloan."
"Now…" He laid her down on the hospital bed. "You need to get some rest…" He paused, "And I'm going to hold you and stroke your hair."
Lexie smiled. "Okay."
TBC…? Please send feedback. And what event do you think should happen next, their first big fight, or moving in together?