-Chapter 3-

Stella started to lose consciousness; she knew that this man was far from his assault on her. Her arms steadily hurt. She wanted to know what he was doing and what he wasn't at the same time. Stella's eyes opened wide in fear as the man came towards her again. He had the knife in his hand again, his eyes were filled with so much darkness.

As soon as his eyes locked with Stella's, he smirked. He raised his hand and swiftly swiped the knife...

Stella gasped loudly, cringing, expecting instant pain, but nothing. Her hair even blew as the force from the knife made contact with the rope that held her hands together. She was probably hanging two feet off the floor when the rope was cut. She grunted as her feet hit the floor; she prepared herself for everything but the fall and was pretty sure that her left ankle had twisted a little.

He grabbed her arm and dragged her near the railing of the boat. Stella prayed that he wouldn't send her overboard. Not now, not while her hands were still tied together. "Look out there and tell me what you see?" The man said forcefully.

Stella looked out in the dark waters; nothing. Then her eyes traveled back to the pier. She saw the helpless bodies floating about. Just gruesome. It was a gruesome scene.

"You're going to be one of them," he sneered in her ear.


Mac jumped out the navigator truck before it had a chance to fully stop. Flack was right behind him and ran over to one of the victims.

"Stella..." Mac said defeated. From the back, it looked like it could be Stella. The woman was face down and her dark brown curls danced in the wind. He turned her around and his heart practically skipped a beat. "Its not her." He looked up at Flack.

Flack's attention was diverted to the numerous other women who's body were scattered across the pier and the grounds around it. "Its a massacre." He raked his hand through his hair, sighing in the process. "I can't believe this."

Mac stood to his feet and walked over to the other victims. "Is this oddly strange that a lot of these women have the same characteristics?"

"All of them have the same characteristics," Flack said. His mind instantly thought about Stella. Whoever kidnapped her was responsible for the massacre as well, but of course, it didn't take a CSI to figure that out.

Mac's attention instantly went towards the water as a woman's scream came from a boat. He squinted his eyes a little. That voice, he knew that voice anywhere. "Stella!" Mac shouted. He turned his attention to Flack. "Get police in the water and a chopper in the air." He took his shoes off. "I'm going in to get her." Without a second thought of hesitation, Mac dove into the icy cool waters of New York, swimming towards the boat.


"You see all those women out there?" the kidnapper sneered in Stella's ear again. "You'll be joining them." He picked her up.

"No...don't, please don't." Stella's hands were still tied. It did no use because she still went overboard. She let out a scream as her body made contact with the water. Her head went instantly under water and she fought to keep it on the surface. It was doing no use. The icy waters chilled her body and she tried hard to focus. Once again, her head was under water from the shifts of the water. She resurfaced. Oh God, she thought in her mind. She didn't want to die like this but the violent waters rushed over her again once more, this time she didn't resurface.


Flack placed a hand on top of his head in disbelief. Less than eight hours ago, this had been an active crime scene. There were no humanly way possible for so many bodies to pile up in such a short amount of time.


"Stella," Mac said, fighting against the waters. He was an ex-marine and even these violent waters began to prove difficult for him. "Stella," Mac called again, sucking in a deep breath of air before going under again.


As much as she could, Stella tried to hold her breath from the waters. How long she would be able to hold it, she had no idea. It wouldn't be long before her lungs began to crave something. She fought against the water but it was becoming impossible. Her lungs began to burn...she let go. Instantly, cool water began to rush in, filling her lungs. Slowly, she stopped fighting as darkness took over.


Stella..." Mac said once more. His fingers were starting to get numb from the cold water but he refused to give up hope. He dove under once more. As he was coming up for air this time, his left harm hit something. A body, that much he knew. Who's body was the question, especially with so many bodies floating about. He lifted the head and gasped. "Stella...oh Stella," Mac mumbled softly. He looked towards the sky and back to the shore. He had to get back to the shore soon. Diving under water again, Mac positioned Stella's body so that she was on his back. He swam towards the shore.

Flack had already gone on a police boat to the other vessel to make an arrest when Mac made it to shore. He put in a call to the EMT and lay Stella on her back to begin CPR. "Stella, stay with me," he said as he began to press firmly against her chest. CPR was proving to be unsuccessful. Finally, Mac, put his lips over Stella's and began mouth to mouth resuscitation. After three breaths, Stella began to choke up water. She closed her eyes to compose herself.

Mac let out a sigh of relief and gave a little smile. She would be alright. Ambulances were heard in the distance. Pretty soon, they would show up.


Mac padded Stella's hospital room. Already, her room was decorated with 'get well' cards, balloons and flowers from the team. It was just their nature. Everyone cared so much. He walked to her bed slowly and smiled at her. She looked so peaceful; much better than she did at the pier a few hours ago. Mac grabbed her hand; it fit perfectly in his hand. Something out on the pier changed him. He'd never come so close to losing Stella before. "Stella, if you can hear me-"

He didn't get the chance to finish because he felt her hand tighten in his. Stella opened her eyes and smiled at him. Then she frowned. "Is he..."

Mac nodded his head. "He's in custody but I don't want you to focus on that."

For the first time, Stella actually realized that she and Mac were holding hands and she smiled.

"You're feeling okay?" Mac asked quietly.

Stella nodded her head. "Thanks for saving me out there."

Mac smiled. "I couldn't lose you." He tightened his grip. "You mean so much."

Stella smiled and pulled on Mac's hand to lean him in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek. They stayed like that for a while. She shared a smile when he pulled apart. "Thank you," Stella said.

Mac smiled and sat in the chair as they began to talk.

The End.

I really hope everyone enjoyed this story. This was my first CSI: NY story ever to write and it was extremely difficult since I don't know the characters too well. Maybe I'll write another one some time in the summer. It'll probably be more light than what this one was. So enjoy and please leave a review whether you liked the story or not. thanks :D