I dont own anything!
I think Chase needs more storys, so here is my attempt at a Chase/oc story!
"Come on Ty, I can't wait all day." I yelled to him. No one would expect that it takes me less time to get ready than he does. Most people think that it takes the girl longer to get ready. But I think it's the guy.
"Sammie, what are you talking about. I have been here the whole time."
"Liar. One day you are going to die from doing that." I told him. He just smirked, reminding me of Reid. We walked out of our house and outside to Tyler's hummer.
"You coming with me? Or do you want to drive?" I looked at my car. It was a Corvette and blue. My favourite colour.
"I think I'll drive." I said.
"That's what I thought." He replied, laughing. Tyler and I were always close. Well, we are twins, you can't get much closer than that. The only thing that, appearance wise, that was different as that my eyes were brown, his were blue. We never fought at all. I got into my car and I drove to the Dells. Tyler had to pick up Caleb and Pouge, not two of my most favourite people. Reid and I had always been anti Caleb. I parked next to an old beat up Mazda or Toyota or some really crappy car. I got out, locked my car and started walking to the party. I wasn't watching where I was going as usual, I tripped and fell. I fell right on my face.
"You okay there?" I heard a voice ask me. I sat up and looked at who was talking to me. It was a guy. He had brown spiky hair and amazing green eyes.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I replied. I began to laugh.
"Are you sure that you are okay?" He asked me. He seemed worried. He must have thought that I was crying.
"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm laughing. I tend to be a klutz." I said and he smiled. He stood up and gave me a hand I'm standing up.
"Chase." He said introducing himself.
"Sammie." I replied.
"Nice." He said and I smiled. "Short for Samantha?"
"Nope. It's just Sammie." I replied as we continued walking to the Dells. "So are you new here?"
"Yeah, I just transferred here from Hastings."
"Our rivals." I said and he backed up a bit.
"You don't swim to you?" He asked and I shook my head.
"My brother does. I play softball."
"That sounds fun. I'll have to go to one of your games."
"I'll look forward to that." I said smiling. He smiled back. We finally reached the dells. There were tons of kids drinking, dancing and hanging out. What else would one expect from the last party of the summer.
"Care to dance?" He asked me. He slightly bowed and took my hand. I laughed at him. "What?"
"I don't normally dance. My brother gets a tad too protective. But I'm a few minutes older." I said.
"So that's a?"He asked.
"Why not." I said shrugging my shoulders. He grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we began to dance. After the song was done. I looked over and saw my brother and his friends walking to the party like they owned the place. I rolled my eyes. "You know them?"
"Who doesn't? They are the sons of Ipswich. Yeah I do. My brother Tyler. His friend Reid, and two other guys who I hate. Caleb and Pouge. I should probably go over there." I sighed.
"You don't have to. I'm always up for another dance."
"No matter how much I want to, it looks like there is going to be trouble." I said. I pointed to another guy who was walking towards the group that had just formed. With Kate, Pouge's bitchy girlfriend, a new girl, and Kira. With Kira, came Aaron. "This is going to get ugly." I said. I walked over to where Tyler and Reid were. Reid put his arm around me. I pushed it off. "Reid. I love you dearly, but you are not going to pretend that I am your girlfriend so that the new girl will get jealous." He rolled his eyes.
"Fine." He replied
"You posers make me want to puke." One of Aarons friends stated.
"Is that right?" Reid stepped into the argument, but Caleb held him back.
"Let it go." Caleb said
"I think you owe Kira an apology." Aaron argued, again.
"Actually, I think Kira owes Sara the apology." Oh, so that was the blonde bitches name. Aaron pushed Caleb and Chase came out of nowhere and held Aaron back. I actually wanted to see Aaron beat up Caleb.
"You were being kind of bitchy." He said and I smirked. I looked at Reid. His eyes flashed a ring of fire and one of Aarons friends began to puke all over Aaron. Caleb gave the nastiest look to Reid. My smile grew bigger.
"Guys, Dylan just called. He said he saw three cop cars heading down old dell road." Everyone scattered. Out group began to walk down to where all the cars were.
"Can I get a ride?" Chase walked over to me and asked.
"Yeah sure. No problem."
"Hey, nice going back there. Caleb." The jackass introduced himself.
"Chase. Thought that guy and I were about to go at it. His friends puking sure came at an opportune time."
"Didn't it though." Reid said putting his hands on my and my brothers shoulder. I walked over to my car and Chase followed me.
"Sammie, Meet you at home?" Tyler asked me.
"Yeah, I'll meet you there." I replied getting into the car. Chase got into the passenger side and we drove off.
"You really don't like Caleb don't you."
"Hate is the better word for that." He laughed.
"What happened"
"I don't want to talk about it." I snapped. He nodded his head.
"Do you live on campus?"
"No. My mom wont let me."
"Why not?"
"I have no idea." I said and he laughed. We arrived at Spencer Academy a few minutes later. "Can you get to your dorm safely or do you want me to walk you." He laughed again.
"I'll be fine. You want to get together tomorrow?" He asked me.
"Sure. How about I meet you right here tomorrow night at 8. Is that good?"
"Fine with me." Chase replied smiling. "See you tomorrow Sammie." He walked in to the dorm areas and I drove home. I parked my car outside of the house and unlocked the door to get inside of the house. I walked into my room and I changed into my Pj's. I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and it was Tyler.
"What the hell happened to you?"
"Reid drove."Was all he had to say. I burst out laughing.
"That explains everything."
"Yeah, well. Its Reid."
"True. I'm gonna get some sleep. Night."
"Night." I replied and I closed my door. I lied down on my bed and fell asleep.
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