Disclaimer: Final Fantasy does not belong to me...however much I may like it to. I own no characters, places etc. etc. so please don't sue me! I'm a nice person :)

Author's Note: Chapter Twenty-Nine...PLEASE review as I really enjoy reading your views and they inspire me to get better! It would make me very very happy! Anyway stop reading this and get on with reading the fic! Hope you enjoy! :)

READERS: Any 'gap' or 'space' between lines that looks bigger than normal is actually meant to be a page break (for some reason not all of them are showing up when I post the chapter no matter how hard I try to get them to work (*grumble grumble*), so take that into account ^_^

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Confusing People and Finale Confessions

Well this was certainly odd.

Being held prisoner by one's own body was never a particularly enjoyable experience; in fact Rufus found the whole thing rather humiliating.

Everything was so quiet; he hated that too.

He wasn't too keen on the way the nurses insisted upon poking variously sized needles into him every few hours either.

But even so, those things were barely niggling irritations compared to having being stuck sharing a hospital room with him.

The red head's fingers tapped down upon the set of buttons within his grasp.

"Nurse, nurse, nurse…NURSE!"

A small, timid looking young male with dusky blonde hair entered the room; apprehension clearly plastered all over his face.

"Yes, Sir?"

The Turk inspected the offering with his eyes, almost as if contemplating him. Eventually he let out a well-held sigh.

"Well you're certainly disappointing; where are all the cute buttons?"

The young nurse looked pretty petrified.

"Erm, excuse me Sir?"

Reno shrugged, his eyes still roaming over the nurse as if hoping the boy would suddenly turn into something else.

"Oh sorry if I offended you, I mean you really are quite pretty for a guy, but I don't think my imagination's that good for me to let you give me a sponge bath."

Ok, now the poor boy looked petrified.

"Erm…so…what-what is it that you wa-"

The red headed patient clasped his hands behind his head; his eyes drifting up to the ceiling in thought.

"Hm, well I suppose you could go pick me up some beer, though you look pretty young so maybe not; unless you have fake ID-

His attention dropped back down to the nurse with new found enthusiasm.

" -do you have fake ID?"

My, that man was possibly the most infuriating employee he had ever had; what had compelled him to allow such a disgraceful creature to become part of the Turks?

He blamed Tseng for this.

A soft clicked sounded from the room's door as a very familiar raven-haired male entered.

Good timing…

At the mere sight of the tall, brooding Turk the young nurse scurried out; a part of him looking particularly relieved by the interruption.

Reno on the other hand looked most disappointed, but that was hardly a concern.

The Turk gave a greeting nod to the President; completely ignoring the red head; something Rufus couldn't help but find pleasure in.

"How are you feeling today, Sir?"

"I'm quite well, I believe I won't be here for much longer. I trust the company is being looked after well during my absence?"

"Oh yes, yes of course Sir; everything is running smoothly as you'd expect."

"Good, good."

An almost uncomfortable silence washed over the room as Rufus stared at the waiting Turk expectantly.; eventually emitting a attention-drawing cough.


"Yes, Sir?"

"Do you have some kind of a report on what happened for me?"

"Oh right-"

The raven-haired Turk, realising why he had come there in the first place, quickly began to retrieve his papered-report from his jacket; though how it fit in there and still remained un-creased was a mystery in itself.

"Ok, some nurses raised the alarm upon hearing the gunshots. When we got there we found that you, Rufus Shinra, had been shot and were in a critical condition, along with the Turk Reno, although the cause of his condition was unidentifiable at the time. Tifa Lockhart was also on the scene, although unharmed. The perpetrator of the 'incident' was apprehended after a short chase, and has since been taken into integration-"

"Bugger me you're one boring dude Tseng, couldn't you report a bit more…dramatically?"

The older male sighed, rolling his eyes over to the red head with the look of a tired parent.

"Reno… are you not meant to be getting some rest; aka not being a nuisance."

The red head shrugged; a giddy expression gracing his features.

"Sorry, but I'm feeling much better now."

The standing Turk raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, thanks to Shinra."

"Yeah yeah yea-"

"Luckily for you our own methods of persuasion were more than enough to get our doctor friend to happily tell us how to cure you."

Reno clasped a hand over his heart dramatically.

"If I could, I'd be grovelling in appreciation."

Rufus's voice broke through the air.

"And what happened to Miss. Lockhart?"

"Ah, she was interviewed about the incident; our only other witnesses being busy fighting for their lives. After we were sure we'd received all the information we needed and that she was unharmed, we allowed her to return home."

She hadn't even visited.

"I see."

Tseng returned his report to the lining of his jacket before giving a parting nod to the President.

"Well I must get back to Shinra Headquarters, but I'm glad to see you're on the mend."


"I do hope to see you back at the office soon Sir, but in the meantime-"

He moved back towards the book before turned the handle and making to leave, but not before adding a final blow.

"-I'm sure the two of you can keep each other company."

Tseng's knowing smirk was highly irritating.

He didn't have to open his own eyes in order to see the glare directed upon him; he could feel it well enough as it was.

Why did that tiresome red head have to survive anyway? He was always getting in the way, whether it was on purpose or not.

At least he could take comfort in the fact that Miss. Lockhart hadn't come to visit the Turk either.

Rufus sighed with an almost defeatist attitude, opening his resting eyes to gaze wearily at his room-partner opposite him.

"You know, that's highly unsettling."

The red head shrugged nonchalantly; though his attentions seemed to drift towards the ceiling.

Silence once again settled upon the room, though it was not to last for long; Rufus had a pressing matter to discuss with him and he couldn't bear the tight, uncomfortable pressure that it caused him to keep it restrained.

"So, do you plan to interfere with myself and Miss. Lockhart?"

The question didn't seem to take the red head by surprise, though that wasn't to say he was pleased to hear it either. He just seemed, well, almost disappointed.

He turned towards the President, with no hint of humorous intent in his eye.

"Depends on what you mean by interfere…"

Well he certainly wasn't making this conversation easy on the young blonde. Rufus wasn't sure whether it was because he had been ladled with drugs or because he was being deprived of her, but a part of him just wanted so badly to lay this situation to rest; he'd had enough of fighting for her.

"Do you love Miss. Lockhart?"

Reno's cheeks flushed and he started twitching uncomfortably; this question had taken him by surprise.

"Well, I…I don't know-I mean I suppose I might, but that's not really the point is it?"

A short, soft chuckle arose in Rufus's throat, though there was no mockery in it.

"I see."

Reno expression was not so much downcast as it was ponderous as he drew his gaze to the window.

"Listen Boss, I don't plan on getting in your way. I haven't been myself lately; but this isn't my choice to make, it's Tifa's. Even if I don't agree with you two being together it is not my place to decide."

"So you don't like me and Tifa being together then?"

The young Turk turned back towards his boss; his glowing aquamarine eyes fixed resolutely upon Rufus's.

"To be honest, I hate the idea."

And he was serious, anyone could tell that, but perhaps that didn't mean that much in the grand scheme of things. Reno was bound to dislike the thought of Tifa being with such a man, but just because he didn't want such a thing to occur didn't mean it could not.

The red head began sigh; a small sense of laughter lining his words.

"But I suppose you hate many a thing about me."

"Of course, how could I not?"

Another silence graced their presence, with this one being much longer than before; it seemed both were considering what the other had said.

Eventually it was Reno who seemed to come to some sort of dead end in his thought track.

"So… if you don't like me so much, why don't you just have me fired?"

Rufus's natural reaction was to laugh.

Well that's a stupid question to ask your boss…

Even with that being the case, he couldn't help but humour the young red head with an answer; after all, even he had often wondered why he hadn't just had the boy thrown off the nearest cliff.

"Because you are good at your job...though sometimes it's difficult to notice your skills when you persist on acting like such a child."

"You're one to talk."

Reno gasped at his own emission; even he knew that was a dangerous thing to say. He supposed he could be thankful that his boss was currently tucked up in a bed. But it turned out he didn't have to worry about his outspokenness at all, for Rufus's response was not one that he would have predicted.

"Yes, perhaps I have been rather reckless of late."


The President turned to view his room-partner, only to find him narrow-eyed and open-mouthed.

"What is it?"

"This is weirding me out Sir."

"How so?"

"Well you're being all...weird."

"I believe people use the term 'agreeable'."

"Yeah, well 'agreeable' on you equals 'weird'."

Rufus's brow creased.

"You are most confusing..."

"Just how much morphine has the doctor been giving you?

"Be quiet."

Days passed slowly for Rufus, and although he gained strength with every sunrise, the doctors still refused him leave.

"Do you really think that's a good idea?"

The red head viewed his room-partner with mild interest, as the fair-haired male pulled himself from his bed and attempted to pull on a robe of sorts whilst leaning heavily on a walking cane.

"Reno, I need to get out of this bed."

"You were shot dude, maybe you should-"

Rufus turned to face the watching red head with a look of utter annoyance.

"Listen to me you foul little thing, if I have to stay one more moment strapped to this bed with you as a conversation partner, I will be the one doing the shooting."

The hospital floor was strange on his feet. It wasn't cold though, in fact it was almost too warm. Maybe he just wasn't used to the sensation of walking this freely.

That being said he couldn't help but feel that a percentage of his liberty was being withheld by the cane grasped in his hand; it reminded him far too much of that damned wheelchair.

My, what had possessed him to be so reckless? Was it really just to protect that woman? He couldn't help it though; it was just instinct.

But why did he have to be put in that situation to begin with, it wasn't fair! And now she hadn't even bothered to see him, he had been hurt and she wasn't even there; perhaps she had been using him for her own games. What was the point of going through all of this if he was just going to lose her now? Should he chase her? No, that would be too demeaning for him; he was the President of Shinra after all.

Stupid woman, why does she have to be so-


That voice…

His head swung around to the point of the voice's origin.

She looked so beautiful; he couldn't help but stare.


He continued to gaze at her, his brow creasing slightly; what was he supposed to do when faced with her all this. He had been so confused, so angry, so-

But how could any of that matter now that she stood so near to him? How could any of it matter when she looked like that?

But I-

He swiftly turned his eyes from her, and with a twist of his body he was soon making his way as best he could away from the young brunette. It didn't take more than a moment for her to start giving chase.

His cane pressed upon the floor with a great deal of force as he attempted to launch himself forward, though maybe in hindsight that was not the smartest technic as the cane's base soon found itself on a rather well-polished piece of tile.

The sudden movement from the cane forced his hand from its handle and he found his legs giving way below him.

A pair of small, but firm hands clasped themselves around him; pulling him steady against their owner's body.

"Get off me."

He struggled from her grasp before propping himself up against the wall.

"What do you think you're doing Rufus!"

His voice was halted by the breath caught in his throat, and he found himself unable to answer his saviour.


He couldn't bear to look her in the eye; the frailty that was found there was not something he wished to share.

"You shouldn't see me like this."

Tifa huffed in exasperation, crossing her arms in an almost child-like anger and after only a moment of silence she sighed and her voice became coated in something very close to endearment.


They'd been sitting there for at least thirty minutes now and both were yet to say one word to each other.

Tifa had practically dragged him from that wall and the pair had somehow managed to end up on some kind of balcony, though it was hardly like any balcony Rufus was used to and the air whipping against him had a rather unpleasant sting to it.

At least the mixture of bird calls, rustling trees and traffic was enough to drown out the silence that was being held between them.

Rufus's gaze drifted carefully over to the young woman. She looked well; in fact she was almost glowing. Her hair hung around her gently flushed cheeks with a delicacy only she was able to pull off and-

That clip…

Nestled behind her ear was a group of beautifully crafted emerald green butterflies.

She noticed him noticing and a warm smile graced her lips.

"You remember…"

A chuckle rose in his throat.

"How could I not?"

That clip could be blamed for the start of all of this; though if he started accusing hair decorations for him getting shot people might think he'd finally lost it.

"Who didgive you that item anyway Miss. Lockhart?"


Relief spread across his face as an airy sigh escaped his lips.

"Oh, good."

The young lady began to smirk playfully.

"Why, were you feeling a need to be jealous?"


The wind stirred around the openings of Rufus's pristine white hospital robes; the material all too thin to retain any warmth.

"You didn't visit."

"Did you want me to?"

Rufus sighed; this time it was his turn to be exasperated

"You're just as confusing as Reno."

The young woman rose; taking a few steps forward before leaning herself against the railing, her back facing him.

"I rang the hospital every day to check on you were ok."

Her fingers wrapped themselves around the top of the railing as she leant her body away from the edge her head tilting backwards slightly, allowing the gentle wind to work through her deep brown locks.

"Plus, Tseng had told me of your' room arrangement' with Reno and I didn't want to cause any more disruption between you two."

"Hmph, you think highly of yourself."

She swung her head even further backwards in order to gain some sort of eye contact.

"I'm right though aren't I?"


With her head still bend back, the young woman's eyes wandered away from him and towards the sky above.

"So, erm… how are things with you and Reno?"

"He's doing as he's told."

Tifa began to giggle lightly.

"Well that doesn't sound like him…"


Tifa, rather abruptly swung herself forward, and for a moment Rufus's breath caught in his throat as he began to believe she may just topple over the railing itself; though he was only allowed to worry for a moment as she stopped firmly in place. In fact her body remained so still it was almost as if she had been frozen.

Her hair seemed to be the only part of her moving as it ever so delicately played about in the breeze.

"You know, I think there may be a good chance that I've fallen in love with you…"

Rufus's grip upon his cane tightened.

"I see."

The young woman's head bowed ever so slightly. Her body seemed to become smaller as her arms brought themselves closer together and her form curled defensively.

"Oh. I guess that's ok, I mean if you don't-"


He pulled himself to his feet, and hastily staggered forwards towards her.

"It's just, I've never been in love before, how do I know if I am or not? How do you tell!"

Tifa began to turn, and as she did so, the young man tumbled forwards, catching himself this time using the railing either side of her hips; encasing her between his arms as his cane fell to the floor with a clatter.

His lips parted as hastened breath passed in and out of his throat.


She couldn't help but giggle, as her gaze flickered up to meet his.

"You're so cute sometimes."

Rufus's eyebrow cocked.

"I find that very insulting Miss. Lockhart."

The young brunette sighed and rested her forehead against his chest.

"You really need to learn to call me Tifa."

His lips curled into a warm smirk, as he tapped at her chin with a finger; directing her to look at him.

"Fine. Tifa, you know there are some things I can never give you. Not because I'm not perfect obviously, but rather because you're so difficult-"


"I suppose what I mean to say is: do you still want to be with me?"

She pulled back from his chest to look at him, her head tilting slightly as she spoke; her crimson-flecked eyes warming oh so gently.

"We change each other; I'd like to see what happens next."

"Thank you."

"What do you-"

She'd forgotten her question in a moment as her lips were pulled into a kiss that was brimming with such affection and sincerity that for a moment she doubted it was even Rufus Shinra she was with.

When she was released her gaze was met with his own; the icy blue exterior usually seemed so sharp, but she just couldn't see them that way anymore. She was in love with him after all.

Tifa didn't need to know why he'd thanked her. Her head nestled back into his chest, being careful not to be too rough. She breathed in deeply; even in these hospital robes, his scent still remained, and it was still so strangely comforting.

"Are you uncomfortable with this?"

He shrugged ever so slightly.

"With what?"


Rufus paused for a moment, though the tone of his response was that of absolute honesty.


He pulled his companion closer, still steadying himself with one hand upon the railing.

"Just don't expect me to do this in public."

Back in the hospital room, the young red hand began tapping upon his assistance button with much ferocity.


He'd been alone in this room for over three hours now, and that damned blonde hadn't come back.


The door swung open and the same timid little 'thing' for earlier scurried in, looking very much apprehensive.


"Do you know where my room-partner's go to? He's been gone for ages! Not that I'm worried about him, but...you know...he's the one who pays me so-"

"Oh, you mean Mr. Shinra? I believe he had a visitor, a Miss. Lockhart-"

"Ah, crap!"

The nurse jumped at the outburst.


"That President is one crafty little bastard..."

"Are you ok Sir?"

Reno huffed deeply, swinging his head back against the pillow.

"I bet they're kissing...are they kissing?"

The young man began to back away from his patient.

"I'll just go get you some water Sir..."

The nurse wasted no time in getting as far away from the Turk as possible, and most likely held no intention to retrieve any water. But that didn't really matter. Reno was far to busy muttering to himself.

"They're totally kissing."


Ok, this update took a little longer than expected…well perhaps a lot longer would be more appropriate. University just kinda crept up on me and before I knew it I was under a pile of assignments and they took priority! Though I do apologise for how long this took me to get out… on the plus side I was elected Student Representative, and I got A's in all of my work ^_^

Now onto the chapter...

Yes, that's right, it's THE END!

I wanted to make this chapter feel 'simple' in a way and keep the sections very 'slice' like, now that all the action was over everything was able to fall into place as I felt we wrapped up a lot of the issues with Tifa and Rufus quite a few chapters ago there were only a few strings left to be tied up; you may have noticed I didn't wrap up everything but I wanted to leave this fic open to a sequel so that if the mood took me I could always pick up the story and explore more possibilities for it later on ^^

I have been writing an epilogue of sorts, but I'm not sure whether to post it or not; it'll depend on how you readers feel and how the epilogue turns out ^_^

I never knew how popular this fic was going to become, so I just want to thank everyone and just hope that my next RufusxTifa project will be just as enjoyable and hopefully 10 x better!

Speaking of my next fic I have a few drabbles I need to catch up on writing, but I have a bigger and I think much more interesting RufusxTifa story that I've been planning for quite a while now. I'll be busy with University for the next few months, but I'm lucky and have almost 3 months for my summer holiday, starting in Easter so I'll probably post the first few chapters sometime around then.