Nothing But Good Times Ahead- A Trunks and Pan story
By: Sailor Destiny
Trunks: 28
Pan: 21
Goten: 27
Bra: 22
Marron: 26
Author's Notes: My first Dbz fic!!! And of course it's Trunks and Pan! Any idiot should know that I wouldn't have it any other way!! Except Trunks and Sailor Destiny of course!!! That's the BEST paring I can think of!!! PUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! It's the basic falling in love story...yadiyah.... except I wrote it so it WILL have a DISORIENTED twist...count on it!! I really don't like the age difference so I changed it. I already know the year differences. Trunks is 14 years older...blah blah. So if you want to yack about the wrong age, I just call you stupid because you didn't read the author's notes...Also, this is more Dragonball AF (magna only) than GT.
When I first posted this story, I was accused without cease of copying someone else's story. So since you DBZ fanfic readers and authors are so damn harsh, I re-wrote certain parts of this story. This time, you either like it, or you don't. I'm not rewriting anything, and I DON'T, and I repeat I DON'T steal other people's ideas! So if you want to accuse me of something, bring proof to back it up, and then, I'll look into it, and if by chance, I think our stories are too similar, I will re-write, and re-post. This all depends on the publish date. I first posted this fic in July.
Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball GT or Trunks. Because if I owned Trunks, you can be darn sure that I wouldn't advertise his body on TV, for all of the teeny boppers to see...he'd be in a hot tub with nothing but wet boxers sticking to his butt muscles.... and he'd be all mine...*sigh* I WANT to hate Akira Toriyama for creating him, but then.... who would I obsess over? The twelve other anime men I'm in love with? It's not enough!!!
Enough with my retarded author's notes!! Let's get to the story!!! *Writing inside the two stars indicates thoughts*
"NO!!! This can't be happening!!! HELP!!!" Son Pan, a very nice young lady was screaming at a flashing computer screen. "You can't do this to me!!! STOP!!!" The stubborn computer didn't comply and the screen started to blur. *I gotta do something before it's too late* she thought. *Trunks is only a few floors down.... * Pan soared into SSJ and blasted out the open window, towards the third floor. *Faster Pan!! FASTER!! * She arrived at Trunks's open bedroom window and began to scream.
"Trunks!! You gotta hurry!! The computer!!" A flu stricken Trunks groggily sat up. His lavender strands had been hassled by his pillow and his nose was a raw red.
"What do you want Pan?" he said in a stuffy voice.
"The computer!! It's dying!!! HURRY!! You've got to help me!" He made a feeble attempt to get out of bed.
"Okay.... I'm coming...." he was moving about two miles per year.
"Forget this!! I'll take you!!" Pan swooped Trunks up and flew towards his office.
"My knight in shining armor..." he teased.
"Shut up before I 'accidentally' drop you..." she shot back. They reached the office and Pan dumped Trunks in the big leather chair. He looked at the computer, typed in one code, and the budget files appeared once again.
"There...." Pan sighed a breath of relief.
"How do you do it?" He gave her a halfhearted smirk. *Damn that smirk is so sexy! * Pan mentally kicked herself for her last thought.
"It's not that hard, all you have to do is type in the code to activate the anti-crash doctor...just don't slam on the keyboard anymore..." Pan blushed slightly. *How did he know I was abusing his keyboard? *
"Well, that's what it gets for making me mad...Five hours of work and it wants to screw with people..." Trunks just shook his head.
"Your something else Pan-chan...Just don't destroy my computer while I'm out."
"Remind me again why I'm doing this for you." He gave her a lopsided smirk. *Oh, that smile is sexy too!* Pan mentally kicked herself again.
"Because you are the best friend a guy could have. Thanks Pan-chan."
"Yeah, yeah. Go back to bed you virus."
"Oh you make me feel so special."
"Bye Trunks!"
"Where is thy knight, to carry thou princess to her room?" Pan shot him a glare.
"Thanks to that smart remark, you can walk down 17 flights of stairs..."
"Or take the new and improved elevator!"
"Gotta hate technology these days..."
"See ya' Pan."
"Later..." She heard the door click and knew that he had left. *He sure is lazy...but I still love him...* The way her thoughts sounded may have made it sound like she loved Trunks as a brother. The truth is, she loved him with all of her being and them some. Every time he smiled, every time a lavender strand moved on his face, she thought, 'I love you.' Pan sighed and leaned back in the chair, causing it to spin around a little.
"Why can't you love me too?" she said to no one. She smiled as she thought back three days ago and why she was here.
"ACHOO!!!" That was the 39th time Trunks had sneezed in the last hour.
"Are you okay Trunks?" Pan asked worriedly. She had been watching TV with Trunks like they normally do everyday, but the shows were drowned out by his constant sneezing.
"Yeah..I just think *achoo* that I'm *achoo* coming down with *achoo* something..."
"I think it's more than've sneezed 42 times in the last hour." Trunks looked at her in surprise.
"You've been counting?" She turned back to the TV and said,
"Well I couldn't hear the TV so what else was I supposed to do?"
"Sor- *achoo*ry..." his voice told her that he really meant it.
"Brat! Will you shut up with that sneezing?!!" Vegeta yelled from the kitchen. He didn't have to have sharp hearing to hear Trunks's constant sneezing.
"Sorry dad.." he said in a stuffy voice. Vegeta just humphed and went back to raiding the fridge. Bulma had been cooking and she whacked him on the head with her 'famous spatula' for being so insensitive. She walked into the living room and sat next to Trunks.
"Are you okay honey?" Bulma put a hand to his head, and Trunks scowled.
"I'm 28 years *achoo* old mom. I can take*achoo* care of myself." Bulma shot him a glare and he shut up right away.
"Don't talk such nonsense Trunks. You must have the flu or something...maybe you should take some time off of work." Trunks stood up to protest, but quickly sat back down. He put a hand to his head before he began to speak,
"I can't mom...*achoo*it's around the time when*achoo* the budgets have to be filed. If I don't go to work, there be hell at Capsule *achoo* Corp."
"Shut up Pan." Bulma stood up.
"Well I can't cover for you Trunks...I have to go to a conference in America tomorrow. I'm still trying to convince Vegeta to go with me."
"I'm not going woman!!!" he hollered from the kitchen.
"Yes you ARE!! You just don't know it yet!!!" He humphed again and continued attacking his food. "Anyway, " she said, turning back to Trunks and Pan, " you need to find someone to cover for you because I'm not letting you to work sick." Vegeta chose then to walk in.
"He's the son of a saiyan prince woman!! No stupid virus can stop him from going to work!!!" Bulma frowned and started one of their famous arguments.
"Being half saiyan will only make it worse you idiot!!"
"Who are you calling an idiot woman?!?!?!?!?!"
"You of course!! The same man who is going to be sleeping in the gravity room for a week if he doesn't shut up!!!" Vegeta shut up and haughtily walked off. Pan snickered.
"You find that funny Pan?" she stopped laughing and blushed at being caught.
"No!! Of course not Bulma!"
"Well I always win using that one...sleeping in the gravity room means no sex so he always shuts up." The younger couple blushed heavily.
"MOM!!!" Trunks yelled.
"Well it true!! There's no shame in it!"
"Well that should *achoo* be on a need-to-know basis and *achoo* I don't need to know!!!!"
"50..." Trunks glared at Pan
"I could've sworn I told you to shut up." Pan just smiled smugly.
"Oh shut up! You'll be doing the same when you get married! Anyway, we need to find someone to cover for you dear..."
"But the only *achoo* people who know how *achoo* to file the budgets are you, me, and.." Trunks stopped and looked over at Pan. Bulma did the same. They both flashed devious grins.
"Oohhh Paaan..." Trunks sang. Her eyes doubled their normal size, and she got up of the couch and backed away a few steps.
"Oh way!" Trunks stood up and walked over to her.
"Please Pan? Your the only other person who knows how to file the budgets the RIGHT way....please?" he pleaded, giving her his best puppy dog eyes.
"You are getting a little old for the puppy dog bit..." *But I can't resist those beautiful eyes...* she thought.
"Come on Pan...Please?" She sighed in defeat.
"Alright...but you owe me BIG time!" Trunks hugged her and she nearly melted in his arms, but she quickly straightened herself to avoid questions from Bulma.
"Thanks Pan-chan, you're the best." he said in her ear He turned away and sneezed.
"'re welcome. Now you don't want me to get sick too, do you?" Trunks stepped away from Pan and gave her his best smile. *Oh Kami, he looks so good...* Trunks nose was a raw red, and heavy bags were around his eyes, but he still made her heart pound a million miles a minute.
"Sorry, but you are really saving my butt right now..." *achoo*
"No prob, that's what friends are for Trunks." *achoo*
"Shut up!"
*******************************End Flashback**********************************
'Friends' That word rung in Pan's mind over and over again. *I hate that word!* she thought. *I want to be so much more...* She shook all her thoughts of Trunks out of her mind for the time being and continued her work. Two hours and five cups of coffee later, she had finished. Pan turned the chair around and stretched lazily. She check her watch, *Eight-twenty-three? I didn't know it was THAT late! Oh well...I'm outta here!*
"Finally!" she said to the walls that imprisoned her. Pan grabbed her coat and backpack, and left the room, locking it behind her. *Might as well visit Trunks on my way out.* Pan took the stairs instead of the elevator because she wanted to stretch her legs some more. She finally made it to Trunks's room but stopped at the cracked open door. She peeked inside. *Marron?* Marron was sitting next to Trunks in his bed. She was holding his hand while talking.
"So can we still go to the movies on Friday?"
"Sure, I should be better by then. It's only Monday. I never did like Mondays..." he trailed off as he looked at Marron's unusual smile.
"What's that look for?"
"How about a good-bye kiss?" Pan's heart missed a beat.
"You're going to get sick if you kiss me..."
"I'll take the risk..." her voice trailed off as she leaned down and kissed Trunks on the lips. He responded in full. Pan walked away from the door, towards the stairs. Inside the room, Trunks broke the kiss, looking confused.
"What is it?" Marron asked. Trunks thought he had felt a familiar ki, but he was to distracted by Marron to concentrate and find out who's it was.
"Nothing." he said, shaking his head.
Pan had barely walked two steps away from Capsule Corp. when she broke into a run and leaped in the air. She wanted to get as far away from 'him' as she could. Tears were spilling over already. Pan knew that Marron and Trunks had started seeing each other, but it still didn't stop the pain every time she saw them together. It was the same feeling she got every time she saw him with ANY girl. It felt like Trunks had powered up his most powerful beam, and blasted her through the heart. After flying around awhile to dry off her tears, Pan decided to go home. The sun had long since fallen under the horizon and her father would be worried. Pan flew to her house and landed on the doorstep. She thought about just flying to her room, but then her dad would ask her why, and she didn't feel like explaining anything to anyone. Pan took a deep breath and opened the door to find her father on the couch reading. He smiled warmly at her.
"Hi honey! How was your day?" Pan pasted on her best, fake Son smile and brightly replied,
"It was good daddy." she walked over and kissed him on the cheek before going upstairs to her room. Unlike his father Goku, Gohan wasn't stupid. He knew that something was wrong with Pan as soon as she looked at him. Her smile might have told him otherwise, but her eyes didn't. He decided to leave her alone for a while before he confronted her.
*Someone's gonna bleed if they hurt my little girl....*
Once Pan had gotten to her room, she collapsed in her pillows and let her tears freely flow. Lying to her father had only added to the pain she was feeling. *I'm so sorry daddy...* she thought. After about half an hour of crying, she lifted her head and wiped her remaining tears with the sleeve of her coat. Pan got up and hung her jacket and backpack in the closet before laying back down on her bed.
*Is he even worth all this?* she thought. *There are plenty of other guys out there for me, I don't have to wait around for that baka!!!* Pan got up once more changed into her usual gray sweats and white tank top without even taking her usual shower, before crawling under the covers and drifting into a troubled sleep. Unknown to her, Gohan had been watching her through the crack of her door. He had come up to see what was wrong when Pan hadn't come down for dinner. He looked at her face and saw traces of crying. He was about to go and 'not-so-nicely' ask Trunks what he had done to her, but he made the better choice. He had known for years that Pan loved Trunks, but he hadn't said anything. *She's a big girl now, I'll let her handle it.* he thought before closing the door so he could go to sleep himself.
***************End chapter one*******************
Author's Notes: I SWEAR that chapter two will be better!! So what did you think? Good? Bad? Make you wanna spit? Well I'll finish the story no matter what so, everyone can continue to review and flame me. Thanks!! ~Sailor Destiny
[email protected]
By: Sailor Destiny
Trunks: 28
Pan: 21
Goten: 27
Bra: 22
Marron: 26
Author's Notes: My first Dbz fic!!! And of course it's Trunks and Pan! Any idiot should know that I wouldn't have it any other way!! Except Trunks and Sailor Destiny of course!!! That's the BEST paring I can think of!!! PUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! It's the basic falling in love story...yadiyah.... except I wrote it so it WILL have a DISORIENTED twist...count on it!! I really don't like the age difference so I changed it. I already know the year differences. Trunks is 14 years older...blah blah. So if you want to yack about the wrong age, I just call you stupid because you didn't read the author's notes...Also, this is more Dragonball AF (magna only) than GT.
When I first posted this story, I was accused without cease of copying someone else's story. So since you DBZ fanfic readers and authors are so damn harsh, I re-wrote certain parts of this story. This time, you either like it, or you don't. I'm not rewriting anything, and I DON'T, and I repeat I DON'T steal other people's ideas! So if you want to accuse me of something, bring proof to back it up, and then, I'll look into it, and if by chance, I think our stories are too similar, I will re-write, and re-post. This all depends on the publish date. I first posted this fic in July.
Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball GT or Trunks. Because if I owned Trunks, you can be darn sure that I wouldn't advertise his body on TV, for all of the teeny boppers to see...he'd be in a hot tub with nothing but wet boxers sticking to his butt muscles.... and he'd be all mine...*sigh* I WANT to hate Akira Toriyama for creating him, but then.... who would I obsess over? The twelve other anime men I'm in love with? It's not enough!!!
Enough with my retarded author's notes!! Let's get to the story!!! *Writing inside the two stars indicates thoughts*
"NO!!! This can't be happening!!! HELP!!!" Son Pan, a very nice young lady was screaming at a flashing computer screen. "You can't do this to me!!! STOP!!!" The stubborn computer didn't comply and the screen started to blur. *I gotta do something before it's too late* she thought. *Trunks is only a few floors down.... * Pan soared into SSJ and blasted out the open window, towards the third floor. *Faster Pan!! FASTER!! * She arrived at Trunks's open bedroom window and began to scream.
"Trunks!! You gotta hurry!! The computer!!" A flu stricken Trunks groggily sat up. His lavender strands had been hassled by his pillow and his nose was a raw red.
"What do you want Pan?" he said in a stuffy voice.
"The computer!! It's dying!!! HURRY!! You've got to help me!" He made a feeble attempt to get out of bed.
"Okay.... I'm coming...." he was moving about two miles per year.
"Forget this!! I'll take you!!" Pan swooped Trunks up and flew towards his office.
"My knight in shining armor..." he teased.
"Shut up before I 'accidentally' drop you..." she shot back. They reached the office and Pan dumped Trunks in the big leather chair. He looked at the computer, typed in one code, and the budget files appeared once again.
"There...." Pan sighed a breath of relief.
"How do you do it?" He gave her a halfhearted smirk. *Damn that smirk is so sexy! * Pan mentally kicked herself for her last thought.
"It's not that hard, all you have to do is type in the code to activate the anti-crash doctor...just don't slam on the keyboard anymore..." Pan blushed slightly. *How did he know I was abusing his keyboard? *
"Well, that's what it gets for making me mad...Five hours of work and it wants to screw with people..." Trunks just shook his head.
"Your something else Pan-chan...Just don't destroy my computer while I'm out."
"Remind me again why I'm doing this for you." He gave her a lopsided smirk. *Oh, that smile is sexy too!* Pan mentally kicked herself again.
"Because you are the best friend a guy could have. Thanks Pan-chan."
"Yeah, yeah. Go back to bed you virus."
"Oh you make me feel so special."
"Bye Trunks!"
"Where is thy knight, to carry thou princess to her room?" Pan shot him a glare.
"Thanks to that smart remark, you can walk down 17 flights of stairs..."
"Or take the new and improved elevator!"
"Gotta hate technology these days..."
"See ya' Pan."
"Later..." She heard the door click and knew that he had left. *He sure is lazy...but I still love him...* The way her thoughts sounded may have made it sound like she loved Trunks as a brother. The truth is, she loved him with all of her being and them some. Every time he smiled, every time a lavender strand moved on his face, she thought, 'I love you.' Pan sighed and leaned back in the chair, causing it to spin around a little.
"Why can't you love me too?" she said to no one. She smiled as she thought back three days ago and why she was here.
"ACHOO!!!" That was the 39th time Trunks had sneezed in the last hour.
"Are you okay Trunks?" Pan asked worriedly. She had been watching TV with Trunks like they normally do everyday, but the shows were drowned out by his constant sneezing.
"Yeah..I just think *achoo* that I'm *achoo* coming down with *achoo* something..."
"I think it's more than've sneezed 42 times in the last hour." Trunks looked at her in surprise.
"You've been counting?" She turned back to the TV and said,
"Well I couldn't hear the TV so what else was I supposed to do?"
"Sor- *achoo*ry..." his voice told her that he really meant it.
"Brat! Will you shut up with that sneezing?!!" Vegeta yelled from the kitchen. He didn't have to have sharp hearing to hear Trunks's constant sneezing.
"Sorry dad.." he said in a stuffy voice. Vegeta just humphed and went back to raiding the fridge. Bulma had been cooking and she whacked him on the head with her 'famous spatula' for being so insensitive. She walked into the living room and sat next to Trunks.
"Are you okay honey?" Bulma put a hand to his head, and Trunks scowled.
"I'm 28 years *achoo* old mom. I can take*achoo* care of myself." Bulma shot him a glare and he shut up right away.
"Don't talk such nonsense Trunks. You must have the flu or something...maybe you should take some time off of work." Trunks stood up to protest, but quickly sat back down. He put a hand to his head before he began to speak,
"I can't mom...*achoo*it's around the time when*achoo* the budgets have to be filed. If I don't go to work, there be hell at Capsule *achoo* Corp."
"Shut up Pan." Bulma stood up.
"Well I can't cover for you Trunks...I have to go to a conference in America tomorrow. I'm still trying to convince Vegeta to go with me."
"I'm not going woman!!!" he hollered from the kitchen.
"Yes you ARE!! You just don't know it yet!!!" He humphed again and continued attacking his food. "Anyway, " she said, turning back to Trunks and Pan, " you need to find someone to cover for you because I'm not letting you to work sick." Vegeta chose then to walk in.
"He's the son of a saiyan prince woman!! No stupid virus can stop him from going to work!!!" Bulma frowned and started one of their famous arguments.
"Being half saiyan will only make it worse you idiot!!"
"Who are you calling an idiot woman?!?!?!?!?!"
"You of course!! The same man who is going to be sleeping in the gravity room for a week if he doesn't shut up!!!" Vegeta shut up and haughtily walked off. Pan snickered.
"You find that funny Pan?" she stopped laughing and blushed at being caught.
"No!! Of course not Bulma!"
"Well I always win using that one...sleeping in the gravity room means no sex so he always shuts up." The younger couple blushed heavily.
"MOM!!!" Trunks yelled.
"Well it true!! There's no shame in it!"
"Well that should *achoo* be on a need-to-know basis and *achoo* I don't need to know!!!!"
"50..." Trunks glared at Pan
"I could've sworn I told you to shut up." Pan just smiled smugly.
"Oh shut up! You'll be doing the same when you get married! Anyway, we need to find someone to cover for you dear..."
"But the only *achoo* people who know how *achoo* to file the budgets are you, me, and.." Trunks stopped and looked over at Pan. Bulma did the same. They both flashed devious grins.
"Oohhh Paaan..." Trunks sang. Her eyes doubled their normal size, and she got up of the couch and backed away a few steps.
"Oh way!" Trunks stood up and walked over to her.
"Please Pan? Your the only other person who knows how to file the budgets the RIGHT way....please?" he pleaded, giving her his best puppy dog eyes.
"You are getting a little old for the puppy dog bit..." *But I can't resist those beautiful eyes...* she thought.
"Come on Pan...Please?" She sighed in defeat.
"Alright...but you owe me BIG time!" Trunks hugged her and she nearly melted in his arms, but she quickly straightened herself to avoid questions from Bulma.
"Thanks Pan-chan, you're the best." he said in her ear He turned away and sneezed.
"'re welcome. Now you don't want me to get sick too, do you?" Trunks stepped away from Pan and gave her his best smile. *Oh Kami, he looks so good...* Trunks nose was a raw red, and heavy bags were around his eyes, but he still made her heart pound a million miles a minute.
"Sorry, but you are really saving my butt right now..." *achoo*
"No prob, that's what friends are for Trunks." *achoo*
"Shut up!"
*******************************End Flashback**********************************
'Friends' That word rung in Pan's mind over and over again. *I hate that word!* she thought. *I want to be so much more...* She shook all her thoughts of Trunks out of her mind for the time being and continued her work. Two hours and five cups of coffee later, she had finished. Pan turned the chair around and stretched lazily. She check her watch, *Eight-twenty-three? I didn't know it was THAT late! Oh well...I'm outta here!*
"Finally!" she said to the walls that imprisoned her. Pan grabbed her coat and backpack, and left the room, locking it behind her. *Might as well visit Trunks on my way out.* Pan took the stairs instead of the elevator because she wanted to stretch her legs some more. She finally made it to Trunks's room but stopped at the cracked open door. She peeked inside. *Marron?* Marron was sitting next to Trunks in his bed. She was holding his hand while talking.
"So can we still go to the movies on Friday?"
"Sure, I should be better by then. It's only Monday. I never did like Mondays..." he trailed off as he looked at Marron's unusual smile.
"What's that look for?"
"How about a good-bye kiss?" Pan's heart missed a beat.
"You're going to get sick if you kiss me..."
"I'll take the risk..." her voice trailed off as she leaned down and kissed Trunks on the lips. He responded in full. Pan walked away from the door, towards the stairs. Inside the room, Trunks broke the kiss, looking confused.
"What is it?" Marron asked. Trunks thought he had felt a familiar ki, but he was to distracted by Marron to concentrate and find out who's it was.
"Nothing." he said, shaking his head.
Pan had barely walked two steps away from Capsule Corp. when she broke into a run and leaped in the air. She wanted to get as far away from 'him' as she could. Tears were spilling over already. Pan knew that Marron and Trunks had started seeing each other, but it still didn't stop the pain every time she saw them together. It was the same feeling she got every time she saw him with ANY girl. It felt like Trunks had powered up his most powerful beam, and blasted her through the heart. After flying around awhile to dry off her tears, Pan decided to go home. The sun had long since fallen under the horizon and her father would be worried. Pan flew to her house and landed on the doorstep. She thought about just flying to her room, but then her dad would ask her why, and she didn't feel like explaining anything to anyone. Pan took a deep breath and opened the door to find her father on the couch reading. He smiled warmly at her.
"Hi honey! How was your day?" Pan pasted on her best, fake Son smile and brightly replied,
"It was good daddy." she walked over and kissed him on the cheek before going upstairs to her room. Unlike his father Goku, Gohan wasn't stupid. He knew that something was wrong with Pan as soon as she looked at him. Her smile might have told him otherwise, but her eyes didn't. He decided to leave her alone for a while before he confronted her.
*Someone's gonna bleed if they hurt my little girl....*
Once Pan had gotten to her room, she collapsed in her pillows and let her tears freely flow. Lying to her father had only added to the pain she was feeling. *I'm so sorry daddy...* she thought. After about half an hour of crying, she lifted her head and wiped her remaining tears with the sleeve of her coat. Pan got up and hung her jacket and backpack in the closet before laying back down on her bed.
*Is he even worth all this?* she thought. *There are plenty of other guys out there for me, I don't have to wait around for that baka!!!* Pan got up once more changed into her usual gray sweats and white tank top without even taking her usual shower, before crawling under the covers and drifting into a troubled sleep. Unknown to her, Gohan had been watching her through the crack of her door. He had come up to see what was wrong when Pan hadn't come down for dinner. He looked at her face and saw traces of crying. He was about to go and 'not-so-nicely' ask Trunks what he had done to her, but he made the better choice. He had known for years that Pan loved Trunks, but he hadn't said anything. *She's a big girl now, I'll let her handle it.* he thought before closing the door so he could go to sleep himself.
***************End chapter one*******************
Author's Notes: I SWEAR that chapter two will be better!! So what did you think? Good? Bad? Make you wanna spit? Well I'll finish the story no matter what so, everyone can continue to review and flame me. Thanks!! ~Sailor Destiny
[email protected]