James acted up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, Gary, obey the speed limit and go with the flow, we aren't rushing into some criminal's lair like that."

Gary tossed the remark aside. "Awww, come on, James, I want to see some action!" Gary karate-chopped to the right. "I wanna put my fighting skills to the test!"

"You were a janitor at a cheese fermentation factory." James cut in.

"Doesn't mean I don't know a kick or two," he showed off his amazing janitorial combat with a cross jab to the right. It knocked over a trashcan that rolled down the road and went right smack into Mater's garage wall, causing the trashcan's lid to ricochet to the east, knocking out an old lady car (it was some shiny purple Volkswagen, and now it's a shiny purple Volkswagen with a dent).

Silence from the GCLEF 24. Brad slowly pushed his team behind an old dumpster.

"'Kay, bad start," Sheryl whispered. "Let's just make sure no one knew it was us-I mean, Gary who knocked that old car out."

Avoiding confrontation, Gary said: "Heeeyy, let's not forget why we're here." He said, unfolding a printed file with their commissioner's note, "Always brush your teeth after eating."

…No, the other note: "Save the cars of Radiator Springs…"

"So, we'll have to look for this rusty tow truck guy." James said, eyeing the note.

Something stirred in a distance not far from their position; the cranking of some gear, the crash of metal. Sheryl looked to the side.

"That's him!" she mouthed to Gary. The four then took a peek over the garbage container they were hidden behind.

Mater was going in and out of his garage with boxloads of junk and stuff, mostly old cables and other appliances of Ramone which he'd broken.

Taking less notice of the target himself, James saw the name over the rusty truck's garage. "Tow Mater? That must be his name…Tow." He nudged the others.

James pondered. "We should do something."

"We should." Sheryl commented.

"Yeah." Gary yawned.

"Mm-hm." Brad nodded.

Silence from the GCLEF 24.

They all turned their heads to the side of the dumpster. Someone was definitely watching them.

A little yellow Ford Fiesta-like car, probably something pimped or hybrid. He had went there to take out the trash and there were the four 'spies' huddled into a corner, now visible to the kid under broad daylight.

Gary, with his mouth hung open, deployed a utility case.

"You saw nothing!!" he shouted. And deployed a smoke bomb.