by: Kyara-Gaara's girl




(Gaara's Stupid Mistake)

Chapter One

"Gaara-kun, please…" the girl had said, had begged, "don't do this to me. You know that I love you so much."

"I told you already," the man's voice had been barely above a whisper, "I'm tired and sick of you. I'm sick of looking at you face… I don't want to see you ever again." He looked the other way, like he truly despised her, face stone and cold of indifference.

"But why? What have I done?" The fifteen-year-old girl had stepped closer. Her fingers were trembling to reach for him, for his warmth; her brown eyes threatening to spill her heartache.

"Nothing, I just don't love you anymore," he had replied so evenly as if he was just telling the time of the day.

Those words had stabbed her heart a thousand times over but at that time, she hadn't believed them to be true. She had wanted to shake herself awake from the bad dream, this nightmare. The young girl had bit her lip painfully, had tried to prevent herself from crying out loud in an open park.

How could he? After everything they had been through, after every moment of love and happiness, it had let to that. She had loved him with all her heart, mind and soul and had he not felt the same? Had it all been lies? And just like that, he came up to her to say that it was over between them.

She had held on to his shirt tightly until her knuckles were white. Silently tears had fallen to the sandy ground.

"I see…" she had told him, trying to smile wearily despite herself, "Th-this is just a joke, right? You don't mean it. Tomorrow, when everything's all clear, you will apologize to me and say that you didn't mean everything, right? Tell me and I will forgive you, j-just like I always do." She looked up to him expectantly.

"No, I meant those words," he had said, looking at her straight in the eye, "no one will come up tomorrow and apologize to you. All you'll see is an empty hallway and you will hear nothing but the blow of the wind."

The girl refused to believe, shaking her head violently, pleading to him to take back his word. It had been too much to take in that her lungs almost wanted to seize up.

"Pack your things, Kyara," the man had spoken with finality, again his gaze looked away from hers. "I don't want you in my house. We're no longer together."

That night everything seemed to have stopped entirely and all she felt was a tightening of her chest and the sorrow of her heart. He didn't want her anymore but he wasn't giving her his reasons. Any reason. Just that… he did not want her anymore. It was possible that he never even loved her at all. Would she have press on, force herself to him? That there a glint of hope of saving that relationship?

"Gaara-kun… thank you for everything," Kyara had settled her surrender, "thank you for… for loving me. At least, I have experienced being in love. I felt how it is to be loved even for a short time. I will never forget our memories together."

She had then pressed her lips to his unresponsive ones for the last time.

"Goodbye, Gaara-kun… I will never bother you again."

That had been their last meeting for three years. That was how Kyara remembered the events and the retching feeling that seemed as fresh as it was before. The morning after, she was gone, taking all the few things she had in a rush get away. It had been so convenient enough that after that break-up, the Kazekage had then given her an immediate return home to Konoha along with her mentor, Resha Mutsunagi, for an exchange program. Resha-sensei had explained that, this training exchange program would benefit both Sand and Leaf and would uphold the alliance of the two hidden village. As a former Leaf ninja herself, Kyara had been glad or would have been if not for her situation. She had thought the transfer as a refuge for her heart, taking that mission without a second thought.

After returning to Konohagakure, Kyara had been determined for a change. Things will be different, she had pledged, a new Yukino Kyara will emerge out of the old. She had promised herself that she would forget about that man. She had trained harder, forcing herself not to wallow in tears. And a little over three years, she had passed to jounin level. Serving as an examiner for Konoha's chunin exam committee and as an understudy to Sakura Haruno had occupied much of her time. New friends had also helped her. Training with Naruto and Sasuke had not been easy; they were no beating around the bush. And by the end of the day, Kyara had been practically beaten like one with all the stinging sores and aches on every inch of her body.

But now, it's time. Looking back and staring at the Kyara in the mirror of today, she could say that indeed she had changed. Physically, she had grown taller with curves of a woman. Her hair, once just sweeping her shoulders, had grown quite long past her back and down to her waist. She kept it tied back with a white ribbon but her bangs fell off, covering the left side of her face. She traded her black sleeveless shirt and shorts for an off-shoulder fitting blouse that barely covered her slim taut stomach and a skirt with cycling shorts underneath. A shuriken case belted to her right thigh, a medical kit tied to the small of her back, sheathed katana to her left hip and the Sand's hitai-ate around her neck; she had now realized she had become a beautiful powerful young woman of eighteen. But was she ready to face her past?


As much as she wanted to stay in Konoha forever, she had already crossed the Rubicon years ago, pledging her allegiance to another village because of what she had thought was out of love. She was Suna's ninja now and it was time to head back to her village. The three-year training exchange program had ended.

"Promise that you'll write to me, okay?" Sakura said, teary eyed, "take care of your self or I'll hurt you."

The whole of Team Seven had gathered to see her to the large wooden gates.

"I'm sure you will, Sakura-san," Kyara gave her best friend a tight hug, "promise, I'll write everyday. And you do the same and I'll kill you if something happens to you too."

Two friends glowered at each other but broke into fits if giggles no soon after.

"Don't let Sasuke hurt you again or I'll kill him for real."

"I'm right here," piped the dark-haired man standing right beside them, "and you know I won't do that… again."

"I know," the brown-haired woman regarded him with a firm stare, "but just try and I'll crush your neck."

"Yeah, whatever… take care of yourself too. And don't be fooled with that idiot boyfriend yours again." Everyone gawked at his bluntness. "I mean, ex… I'm not through with him by the way."

Both Kyara and Sakura shook their heads while Naruto tried to tackle the other man down. It was typical of Sasuke to hold grudges.

"Nah, no need to do that. But thanks," Kyara slapped the Sharingan-bearer on the shoulder. Kyara then turned her attention to the blonde would-be Hokage. "Naruto-kun, thanks for everything. And control you temper to and good luck with Hinata-san."

"Y-yeah, no problem," Naruto actual blushed pink, "takes care on your way, Kyara. Give us a visit here if you have the time, okay? And don't let yourself down by seeing him. You'll be the loser in the end."

"Don't worry, I won't."

A few distance away, Resha-sensei called on her student to hurry up.

"Thanks guys. I have to go now."

One last farewell. One last wave. Kyara was out of Konoha with bittersweet tears brimming in her eyes.


For three years she had not set foot in the Village Hidden in Sand. For three years she had not thought of coming back. But within the span of three days after leaving Konoha, she had arrived. Nothing seemed to have changed much since she left. The usual playground was still there will kids around. The buildings and houses were still stone and clay and everything was still covered in, well, sand.

The guards did not put much attention on who she was, only that she was one hot woman walking up to them with legs that went on for miles. She felt the intensity of their stares but went on ahead and greeted them. "Good afternoon, Yura-san. Baki-san. How are you?"

Both stared wide-eyed at the newcomer. Who would have known it was her?

"K-Kyara? Is that you?" Baki was first to come out of his stupor, "when did you come back?"

"Just now," she smiled brightly. "My, Yura-san! You haven't changed a bit. You still got that boring look about you."

The shinobi was still staring however. "Yeah. And you're so… beautiful—"

"Hey! Quit drooling over my student!" Resha marched up to them, bumping Yura on the side. She was already like a mother to Kyara, never the affectionate one but protective and strict at times.

"Sensei's right. Stop staring Yura-san. I'm getting conscious…" she held her hand to her cheek, taking a demure façade.

"Oh, right. Sorry." The man straightened himself.

Someone was running towards them, calling Kyara's name. She first caught the sight of unruly red hair and she instantly thought for the worst. But a clearer view of his face and Kyara remembered to breathe. It was just Sasori.

Resha was quickly in front as the pretty-faced puppeteer seemed to lose the capacity to stop running. "Hold it young man…!"

"Mutsunagi-sensei, Kyara's my friend too," the lad whined, "I want to see her."

"Sensei, it's alright," the hazel-eyed young lady pleaded, "Could we talk for a while?"

"Sure," grumbled the older woman, "I'll be heading for the Kazekage anyway for debriefing. I'll meet you at my old apartment, Kyara. You know how to get inside, don't you?"

"Uhm… I don't remember where you put the keys, so I'll just break down the door then?"

"Baka, what have I been teaching you all this years?" Resha rebuked, hands on her hips.

"Sensei…" Kyara pouted, "You really don't have that faith in me, do you?"

Her mentor simply rolled her eyes heavenward, praying that the girl hadn't learned any of Haruno Sakura's ground-breaking techniques. Or she might need a new door tonight.

They bid their farewell to the three older shinobi. Resha-sensei joined the other men for the kage's office. When they were out of sight, Kyara turned her attention to Sasori, linking her arms with the young man.

"I missed you, Sasori-kun!" she cuddled his arm, "Oh my! You're taller than ever!"

"And so have you, Kyara-san… and beautiful too."

The way he said it, with all the sincerity in his eyes, actually made her flush pink. "Really? Thanks."

"So how was your training in Konoha?"

"It was hard but I enjoyed my stay. It was tough that my shirt got so ratty I could have used it for rags."

"That explains the new look, huh? Well, it suits you. You look good."

"You're flattering me too much."

"But it's true! You're just so different now. I had to look three times to make it was really Kyara Yukino standing at the other side of the street. I bet you changed your odd ways now, huh?"

"Not really. I'm not that far off from the old me… but," Kyara had looked away solemnly, "I'm not the weak Kyara anymore. Not this time."

Sasori felt her change in mood but instead chose to amicably pat on the shoulder. "Now that's more like it!"

"Yeah…" she kunoichi sighed, "you know, I really need to rest. The trip here was tiring."

"I'll walk you home then."

"Okay. Come on…"

For a while she thought she could just pretend. For days, maybe from the every moment she was informed of her return to Suna, a certain dread and foreboding filled her gut. Inevitably, she would have to face him—the man she once loved. This was his home village after all and if that so happens, would she have the courage to look him in the eye? To say his name without bleeding inside? She was ninja, strong and powerful, but was it enough for her to stand tall beside the one person who hurt her the most?

The kunoichi unconsciously held Sasori's arm tighter, seeking solace on the nearest warmth of a caring soul. Yes, Sasrori had been very comforting; a true friend when all hope seemed to have fled her that night three years ago. He opened his doors for her when she had no where to run to, gave her a shoulder when she could not hold back the tears and an ear to listen to all her woes and heartache. Kyara owed him so much and with him around, she might still remember her courage when faced with her fears.

"Hey! You listening?" Sasori waved a hand in front of her face as they walk side by side along the road towards the village's housing district.

"I, uh, what?" Kyara snapped out of her reverie, flushing pink with embarrassment, "Sorry. Did you say something?"

"I was asking you of your plans tomorrow?"

"Oh, let's see… I'm going over to the Kazekage. Missions update, maybe. If he has something already for me. Or I might do some training."

"Who'll train with you?"

"Who do you think? Myself, me and I. And Kyara," she laughed at herself.

"Woah… was that a joke? I didn't know you could do that."

"Of course. I can joke around as much as I want… oh, here we are!"

Resha-sensei's two-storey house was old and grey. The thick clay walls, once corn-yellow, were pale, chipped off and washed out. The windows were boarded and the door stood locked.

"Well, see you tomorrow, then," Sasori bid his farewell, walking backwards, waving to her.

"Yeah. Thanks for walking me here." The young lady waved back.

"No problem."

Kyara watched her best friend walk away, turn around a corner and disappear completely. She needed to catch up on things with him; maybe over tea or a meal. She might ask him tomorrow if neither one of them was busy. But now she needed to rest. Turning to Resha-sensei's old house, she remembered the last time she had been inside. But it had been a time where she had wanted to change herself so badly.

Kyara could still remember it clearly, the night when she came barging in that very door she was staring at the moment. She had fallen to her knees with tears streaming uncontrollably down her pale cheeks. "Sensei, please! Please train me… make me stronger! Please sensei!"

"Kyara, will you calm down—" Resha-sensei had tried to pacify her but Kyara had almost been delirious

"I don't want to be weak!" she had cried, "Train me sensei, I beg you!"

"Idiot girl, get a grip of your self!" the older kunoichi had yelled, appeasing the other girl, "Kyara… you are shinobi. Look at yourself. You can do better than this! Stand up!"

Kyara had done what she had been told, standing up on wobbly feet, face still held down with tears flowing. "Now, tell me what happened," Mutsunagi Resha had ordered.

"I-it's—it's Gaara-kun…"

"…what did he do?" the teacher had asked slowly.

"He broke up with me, sensei." Kyara had then hung her head again.

"Not a big deal," the woman had suddenly said, "boys are always like that. After they got what they wanted from you, they'll just dump you."

"N-no, sensei, Gaara-kun's not like that…" the younger kunoichi had replied between hiccups and sniffs.

"And that's a typical response from you, Kyara. But you shouldn't forget, you're the one whose been dumped here."

A short pause.

"You're a ninja, a chunin at that," Resha-sensei had began again, "You're capable of special powers. Not just that, you've worked hard to achieve what you have now. You are worthy, Kyara, you are unique. You ask me to train you, I will train you. You want to become stronger, I will make you stronger. But I will not do this for you to get back that idiot boy's affections."

"Sensei…" Kyara had replied with intense resolve, "I want to be stronger. I want to be tougher. I don't want to be undermined. I don't want to be played by people anymore."

The older woman's stern onyx eyes had softened. "You will become stronger, Kyara."

And now after three years, she once again stepped inside her sensei's dust-covered living room. But this time she did not come to crawl and beg. This time she stood tall and proud of herself. She had attained what she had asked for and returned a new person. But still there was that lingering apprehension: was it enough?

authors note: hello there guys! this is my first story to be posted. i'm a little nervous about this though. it's still on progress.=)