Fireheart3205: Yo people, how is everthing, this is another fanfic I thought of that I wanted to share with you.

Nagem: Yay, she couldn't get it off her brain for a loooong time.

Fireheart3205: It kept floting into my brain at the most random times, so I thought just get the darn thing on paper.

Nagem:I'm doing the disclamer.

Fireheart3205: Okay....okay, I get it.

Nagem: Good, Fireheart3205 dosen't own warriors, 'cause if she did there would be more drama.

It was a bright sunny day, most warriors were relaxing, kits were pretending to be warriors, and the apprentices were pestering their mentors for lessons. Of corse, even if all seemed well, there was the reality that no seemed to know about. Everone exept Fireheart and a select others knew about the possibility of Tigerclaw being a traitor. Fireheart was still suspisous about him and things were getting scary, but because of his once kittypet life, very few would believe him if he told anyone,so he kept it to himself untill he could get better hard evidence.

Currently our favorite warrior was out hunting food for the clan, even though most of the warriors were relaxing, Direheart wouldn't let his clan starve. He had little luck so far only being able to catch a mouse and a rabbit, so he decited to take a short break in a clearing. 'It's warm today, shouldn't there be more pray out?' he thought as he layed down.'I wonder if Graystrips has caught anything? He said that he was going to catch three mice, two rabbits a maby a sparrow, pfft, good luck in this weather.'

'At least Tigerclaw seems to be loyal to Thunderclan right now, but is it an act or does he really mean it? Argg, why does he have to be so confusing?' He complained, but before Fireheart could think ant more on the matter, a mouse poppe up from under a leaf at the base of a tree. Fireheart stood up real slowly, so not to startle it. 'thi could feed an elder or two.' He thought happly. Slowly Fireheart stalked foward, closer and closer until he pounced and caught the mouse. 'YES!' Fireheart thought triumphantly, as he buried the fresh kill. Thinking that there was more pray out there Fireheart ran into the undergrowth and sniffed around.

After a few more minutes of serching, he found a rabbit munching on some grass. He imidietly got into a crouch and stalked foward just as he was about to pounce a voice rang out.

"Well if it isn't the kittypet." The voice sneered. The sudden noise startled the rabbit and it took. In one last attempt to catch the rabbit Fireheart sprang foward, but it was all in rabbit got away and Fireheart hit the ground. Fireheart clawed at the ground furiously, who would interupt him while he was hunting. He came up with alist of names, and he shouldn't be suprised at who it was. This cat was at the top of the list, but still this was food for the clan!

"What do you want, Darkstrips?" Fireheart spat. "It better be good, you just lost some food for the clan."

"I didn't let it ge away, besidekstrips as you wouldn't have caught it anyways." Darkstrips said uncarringly. This made Fireheart growl in anger.

"WHAT!" Fireheart shouted in disbeliefe and anger.

"You heard me, once a kittypet always a kittypet, and kittypets can't hunt." Darkstrips said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Ths just made Fireheart even angrier, he wasn't a kittypet anymore he gave up that life, way couldn't they see that? Suddenly Darkstrip's eyes narrowed and he swung his paw at Fireheart calws unsheathed. Startled Fireheart jumped back.

"What are you doing?!" Fireheart yelled out in confusion and outrage. Darkstrips didn't answer though, he just kept tring to hit Fireheart. Fireheart kept dodging though. Finally after getting hit across his mussel Fireheart unsheathed his own claws to defend himself. tHe two warriors kept going at each other, but the strange thing was that Darkstrips kept leaving himself opened whenever he attacked, giving Fireheart a place to hit to defend himself. Slowly Darkstrips was gaining more wounds than Fireheart, none of them serious, just scraches. The two hissed and snaraled as the fight progressed, untill a shout stopped both of them.

"STOP!" The shout came from Tigerclaw, as he emerged from the undergrowth. "What is going on here!?" he yelled while glaring at Fireheart like it was his fault for the fight. Neather Fireheart nor Darkstrips answered.

"Fine then both of you fallow me." Tigerclaw growled then stalked into the undergrowth. Fireheart and Darkstrips fallowed, both of there wound startint to sting. Fireheart refused to be ashamed,'Its his fault anyways.' Fireheart thought, 'he attacked me first, I was only defending myself.' They traviled on in silence, untill they reached the ravin, where they ran up then threw the entrence to the Thunderclan camp. Unfortunately they came through right in the middle of a clan gathering. Every cat that was listening to Bluestar turned to look at them including Bluestar herself.

"Tigerclaw? What is going on? Is the clan under attack!?" She asked from on to of the Highrock noticing the wounds on Fireheart and Darkstrips. The other cats gathered also started to whisper amoung themselves as they listened. Fireheart glanced at the crowd, he could see Graystrips and Sandstom, Dustpelt and Whitestorm near the middle. Longtail and the others who didn't like Fireheart so much were closer to him. The Queens were all near the nersery listening, some of the elders joined them. Apprenteces were also amoung the crowd but the kits were all safe inside the nersery.

"No, Bluestar, the clan is safe, but I did find something disturbing out there." Tigerclaw answered.

"Well, What is it?" Bluestar asked.

"I was out hunting when I came across Fireheart and Darkstrips. They were talking about something that I couldn't hear, when all of a sudden Fireheart attacked Darkstrips." Tigerclaw lied. Fireheart Bristled at the lie.

"It's true, I was only telling Fireheart how to fix his crouch, when he suddenly attacked me, I was only tring to defend myself." Darkstrips said. After Darkstrips comment, talk begain to break out like wildfire.

"I knew letting a kittypet into the clan was a bad idea." One commented.

"Kittypets always cause trouble." Another said.

"Once a Kittypet always a kittypet." That was the last straw for Fireheart, as he hung his head, 'I've been set up.' He thought, 'they planed this whole thing.'

"Silence!" Bluestar shouted. the whole clan became quiet. "Fireheart, do you have anything to say in your defence?" she asked.


"Fireheart, if you don't answer I have no choice but to exile you." She said softly.

"Wait! You can't do that! Fireheart is a great warrior, he would never attack someone from his own clan!" Sandstrom yelled out.

"Sandstorm is right!" Graystrips said.

"Yay!" Said other cats said, they weren't going to let Fireheart go, he was there friend damn it! Hope grew in Fireheart's heart as he heard his friends shouts. As long as they wanted him he woud help them, hell, he would even help them if they didn't want him.

"Silence!" Bluestar yelled. "You think I don't know that! I do know! I just can't do anything though if he won't defend himself! Now Fireheart do you have anything to say in your defence?"


'What is the point.' Fireheart thought. 'It's obvious that I'm not getting anywhere inside the clan.'

"I'm sorry." Bluestar mumered to the clan and Fireheart. "Fireheart you are to leave thunderclan territory, if any cat sees you in thunderclan territory after sunset, they have my permission to kill you. Do you have any last words?"

"Cloudpaw," Fireheart said still not looking up,"Become a grea warrior, Greystrips, Sandstorm and everyone else, you have all been great friends and Clanmates." Firehaert said, Then he looked up. His expression was one that tore at most of the Thunderclan cats some more than 's face showed sadness and an expression of one betrayed by the one they trusted most. Dustpelt couldn't look Fireheart in the eyes, the brown cat had been acting very strange when he came back, more so when Fireheart, Tigerclaw, and Darkstrips showed up, and had gone very stiff and started to bristle at Tigreclaw and Darkstrip's lie. With one last look at the clan Fireheart turned an ran threw the tunnel and into the night.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...." Bluestar muttered as she made her way to her den sobbing slightly. The rest of the cats broke up slowly and made there ways toward their dens, all of them feeling as if part of thunderclan had just died. Only a few felt no remorse, Darkstrips and Tigerclaw being two of them, and a one warrior felt really guilty.

Fireheart3205: YES! I finished the first chapter.

Nagem: Yay...

Fireheart3205: You don't seem very exited.

Nagem: How can you expect me to exited, I'm nowhere in this fanfic!

Fireheart3205:Thats it!!!

Nagem: Well....yay!

Fireheart3205:Uhhgg....Nevermind, anyway Read and review!

Nagem: And No Flames!!!!!

Next Chapter preveiw:

"Bite me!!"

"D-Dustpelt...w-what do you m-mean?!"

"It feels like part of Thunderclan is dead, likes it all turned gray."

" you think he headed toward the twolegs homes, interesting."

What will happen in the next chapter, who knows?