Chapter 13: Kids: Ok, now I really didn't see this one coming!

It's been 3 months since we took down the School, and everything's pretty normal. Well, about as normal as it gets around here.

Max gave birth to a healthy little boy last months. He looks almost exactly like Fang, except his eyes are the same as Max's. They named him Nat (A/N: his name is said like the little bugs that fly around street lights at night). Ella's super excited to be an aunt, and Mom's excited to have a grandson. Fang's actually a pretty good dad, but Iggy keeps saying he's better because he's taking care of two kids instead of just one.

We also have 4 extra helping hands in the house. Chelsey, Katie, Sid, and Tony moved in with us, and now we have one big happy family. And now, it's about to get bigger:

"OH NO! NOT AGAIN!" I shouted. I marched into our room, to find Iggy and Angel playing with the twins. "Iggy, I need to talk to you. It's important." I then turned to Angel. "And you, little miss blabber mouth, keep quiet." I said. She smiled, and continued to play with the twins.

I lead Iggy out into the hall. This time, I was gonna tell him. No one else. "What's Nudge?" he asked, as casually as he did everything else.

"Iggy….you know how much I love you…"

"Well of course I do. What's this about? Is something wrong?"

"No…it's just....I'm-"

"Nudge, you're pregnant!? Again!?" Gazzy shouted as he stepped out of the bathroom.

"Gazzy!" I shouted.

"You're pregnant again?" Iggy asked.

"Yea. I guess he found the pregnancy test."

"Oh great. Now we got another on the way. Well, better go break the news to everyone."

We walked down the stairs to find everyone in the living room. "Guys, we have something to tell you." They all turned to look at us.

Mom was staring directly at me. It was almost as if she could tell what I was thinking. "Oh my god! It happened again, didn't it? You're pregnant again, aren't you?"

"What!?" everyone said, looking back at us.

I took a deep breath, and turned toward Iggy. "Well Ig, here we go again."

"Yep." He said, giving me a kiss on the head.

The End…of this story…

I'm writing the next one as you read. It's call: Kids: Here we go again!

I will put up the first chapter today, so look out for it!

Remember: Keep reading, writing, and reviewing!

