Disclaimer: Last time I checked I wasn't J.K. Rowling. I just ain't rich enough.
A/N: This story started purely because I had this wish to read Lily II stories and there are so few out there. So I took the initiative and started my own story. I will try my best to make it entertaining. I promise it will get longer and better after this intro chapter.

What is it that all good love stories must have? Stop it with the suggestions! This is my story and I will tell you what they must have. They have to have the perfect girl; one with long fiery red hair, brilliant and sparkly hazel eyes, this soft face with the perfect smile, and a fabulous body to boot. Sigh. What? Right. Right. I know, stop daydreaming. Where were we? Oh, yeah. The most important factor is that she must have the last name Potter.

Okay, I admit it. I may be describing only my particular love story, but that is why you are here reading my own private (and sometimes pervy …. joking, only joking …. mostly) thoughts. Where were we? Lily. Lily Potter. Lily Luna Potter. Sigh…………….. Daydreaming, I know. Anyway, back to my story. If you will remember it is the one with me in love with that Potter girl.

At this moment, you are probably sitting there with a hundred questions, give or take. Things like who are you, and why are you in love with her, and more importantly will this story ever start?! We will take this one at a time. First: Remus, Remus Longbottom, double oh nothin'. Second: please refer to the part where I describe what all love stories must have. Last: give it time, all intros are long and dull (have you never read a novel before?).

I will take this second's pause to apologize. I am random, scatterbrained, easily distracted. Can you tell? Well, if you want to read about me and my wonderful Lily flower then you will have to deal with it. I cannot and will not change. Why? Because my Lily loves me for me! At least I hope so. Back to it.

Right, well let's talk about me. I'm my second favorite subject. Bet you can bet what my first favorite is (hint, redhead with last name of Potter). My full name is Remus Frank Longbottom. My dad as you could probably have guessed is the famous, kind of, Neville Longbottom. I was born on March fifth, just three days before my beloved. I knew even in my mother's womb, Hannah Abbott for those curious, that I was destined to be with Lily and the man must be older. Not to mention taller, stronger, etc, etc. So I was like 'got to leave mum, got to be out before Lily,' (yes, I knew what her name would be). Anywho, I stand about five foot, eleven and fifteen sixteenths inches tall, weigh about one sixty, have short blonde hair, and pretty blue eyes, if Lily did say so herself (which she did). There you go. Enough info for a drivers license. If I was a muggle. Which, I am definitely not.

Now how did I fall in love with Lily, you may ask. It all started, as I explained, in my mother's womb. Okay, I give. I wasn't in love with her then (I didn't even know she existed). It really started because Lily and I are the best of friends. We are two peas in a pod. Close as a wino is to his bottle.

Lily and I have known each other for our entire lives. We played together as babies. Our mothers gave us baths together, ah just think about it. I know, very pervy. But we were, like, toddlers if you please. We didn't even know that there were differences between boys and girls. Onward! My dad and Lily's dad fought in the war together and are old pals, so they were (and still are) having all sorts of get togethers, meaning that from that early age I was very accustomed to the Potter and Weasley families. Lily and I grew up hanging out, with Hugo and some of the other Weasleys at times, and playing together. It was just natural that we became the bestest of friends.

I can't honestly say that anything too interesting happened to us before good ol' Hogwarts. We were young and free and didn't have a care in the world. The one thing that did develop when we were little, besides our friendship, was our love for quidditch. Now, if you must know, close to three-fourth of all Weasleys and Potters play quidditch. Epic tournaments would often start between different parts of the families. As for the Longbottoms, I'm the first to play quidditch for quite some time.

Then our letters came when we were eleven years old, bringing much excitement. And much worry. At least for me. See, although Lily may have been confident of getting into Gryffindor, I was not. Lily was a descendent of Weasleys and Potters, all of which had been in Gryffindor since, like, the dawn of time. Seriously, all of them were in Gryffindor: Bill and his children, Charlie (who I barely know because he is still working with dragons), Percy and his wife and children, George and Angelina and their children, Ron and Hermione and their children, and last Harry (hiss) and Ginny and their children. Excuse me while I take a breath. Okay, I'm good. It's just a lot. Give it one hundred years and the Weasleys and their relatives will rule the earth. Back to me; I was worried that I might not be in what I had grown up hearing as the best house at Hogwarts. True, my mother was in Hufflepuff and nobody bashed that or Ravenclaw, but I needed to be in the house with all my friends.

Well, as you could have guessed (it was rather predictable after all), I was sorted into Gryffindor with Lily, Hugo, and, surprisingly, Luna's girl Pixie. We became the next great foursome to walk the halls of Hogwarts. The four of us dabble in everything. We prank, we study, we laugh, we cry (except for me, I'm a man and men don't cry), we play sports (me and Lily are on the Gryffindor team), we do this, and we do that. Throughout four years of schooling we have been friends. Over four years, I have come to be closer and closer with Lily. At some point the evil puberty hit making us teens interested in the opposite sex. Wait while I giggle. Sex. He he. I am too immature for my own good (another thing my little Lily describes of me). Now, what puberty did was make me grow attracted to the girls of Hoggywarts and then starting late winter last year I began to see Lily as a girl. Like a good friend, I held in my feelings (ew, not manly): Emotions? (still no), how about simple thoughts? (yeah, that will do). Over the months my thoughts grew to love. Which brings us to now: the summer before our fifth year.

Wait! Hold your horses. The intro is not quite over. I would appreciate it if you will allow me to introduce one of the great agitators of my story. Harry Potter (hiss): the boy who lived, the chosen one, the savior of the wizarding world, head Auror, husband, father, blah, blah, blah. To me he is Mr. Potter: overprotective and adoring dad to my Lily. This is the man that keeps a stern watch over his precious little girl; making sure that no guy, besides me and relatives, gets within ten feet of her. Although as I have grown, I believe that Mr. Potter has kept a closer watch on me. And for good reason. Because I love his daughter.

A/N: There, chapter one is up. It is kind of short, but the chapters will get longer. I promise. Leave a review. They make the sky blue (and the world just wouldn't be the same with a green or red sky, now would it?).