Kawarimi no Naruto

Hi all! Behold, another chapter of KnN. This one took me awhile, given that I've been working hard for finals the last week. Papers, papers, papers, and more papers…. My break? Writing KnN. So, hoping you all enjoy the chapter. Remember to post jutsus for me to use for Naruto, I've been getting very few suggestions lately… Read and review, and thanks for all the support. :D

Chapter 9: Fallen Konoha

"Hijutsu: Guardian of Sand" The Kazekage shouted as a behemoth made of sand nearly two stories tall burst from the ground. It's red eyes opened as two wings burst from its amorphous back, and two bent-backward legs sprung from the bottom. A tail grew from its behind, covered in spikes, whipping around menacingly.

"You gotta be kidding me…" muttered an ANBU near Naruto, who was hiding around the corner of a nearby building. A second ANBU joined him and used handsigns to send a signal. The first ANBU nodded, and the two jumped high above the ramen stand they were using as a shield. The Kazekage turned to them just in time to see a dragon made of water combine with a dragon made of electricity slam into his guardian creature. And he smirked.

"That's it? I expected better from Konoha's ANBU. Two A-rank jutsus, even combined won't make a scratch on this." The Kazekage stated, patting his sand dragon guardian gently. It puffed some air out its nose, then took flight.

Roaring, the mighty guardian blew a ball of air onto the ANBU, the concentration of the wind cutting a swath of destruction, annihilating anything in its path. The two ANBU jumped to opposite sides of the blast.

Naruto peered around the corner and saw their masks; Bird and Snake. Bird launched a second water dragon at the guardian, attempting to turn it into mud. However, the sand that fell merely reformed from the ground when the beast landed again, this time next to Naruto.

The tail whisked around violently, coming deadly close to Naruto's head before he put himself back around the corner.

"A genin? Now now, what would you be doing in the middle of this fight?" The kazekage's voice echoed around the courtyard he'd created, debris of the buildings that used to be there apparent. "It seems as though you wish to stop me. How cute." The robed man said. With a hand signal, the guardian again took flight, and this time when they dodged they found themselves struck in the temple with the blunt end of some kunai, knocking them unconscious before being cut in half by the guardian's mighty jaws.

'I gotta stall and wait for help. Who can help though? Jeez.. where's Jiraiya when you need him?!' Naruto thought to himself. On the outside however he appeared calm. Walking out from the corner, Naruto said calmly. "If we must fight, I wish to know your name. It is customary after all to know the name of the man I must kill. Maybe then I can repent later."

"Ah, how humorous. There's a demon in your village, there's an invading force here of thousands.. and you, a single genin not only intend to stop me, a KAGE, but you intend to kill me? If I gave you a clear shot at my chest I bet you couldn't even scratch me. No, if you can manage to give ma a paper cut, I will tell you my name before I kill you."

"Then I suppose I have no choice" Naruto said confidently. However, on the inside he was panicking. 'This is a freaking KAGE! What am I supposed to do? How does this keep happening?!'

With a handseal, The guardian jumped up into the sky, flapped its wings once and shot a ball of compressed air where Naruto was. Without even thinking, he used Kawarimi to replace himself with a piece of debris across the clearing. Then, concentrating his chakra, the blonde made a cloak of it around him, turning him invisible. However, this attempt at hiding was met with laughter.

"I can feel your chakra. You think that kind of academy technique would work on someone of my caliber?"

"Yes." Naruto replied, removing a kunai from his pouch and slowly filling it with chakra. After a few more seconds of the Kage's laughter, the kunai was literally humming with chakra. 'Time to strike'

The kage sent his guardian off to go raze more of the village, just as Naruto shouted "Ninpou! Shadow Kunai no Jutsu!" Naruto shouted, throwing the kunai and making 49 copies of it at the still laughing man. Except, he wasn't laughing anymore. He was behind Naruto with a kunai held to the boy's neck.

"Now now, don't be so hasty" the Kage said nastily, before drawing the object in question across the boy's throat. However, he was just as quickly disappointed when he cut nothing but a log, as Naruto had done a kawarmi without handseals.

"Clever, but a master of that jutsu can do it in an instant." And again, the Kage was behind Naruto. Teleporting around the field with various replacements, Naruto soon realized he had nowhere to run, no place to escape unless he wanted to keep getting his neck almost slit for the next minute or so. Thus, Naruto was on the defensive. Leaping away and receiving a moderate cut on his left collarbone, the blond recovered his breath.

"That was almost 3% of my power. Ready to give up yet, brat?"

"I will not submit. So long as Konoha is in danger, it cannot be afforded. Prepare to die!" Naruto shouted the last part, but the man only chuckled.

"So young yet so brave. Too bad you're no match for me. Fuuton: Headhunter no jutsu"

A large discus made of wind appeared and shot towards Naruto at incredible speeds. Subconsciously, he used a kawarimi but still managed to get a small cut on his abdomen. Appearing across the clearing, he realized the danger was far from over when the discus changed direction and shot towards him again. The Kazekage smirked as Naruto reappeared over and over again around the clearing, attempting to escape the disc. Only 20 seconds later the Kazekage decided to see how the genin was doing, and dispelled the technique.

Naruto was coated in lacerations, ranging from paper cuts to the deep gashes across his back when the disc changed direction and hit him from behind. His body was rapidly repairing itself. However, the deep cuts would still impede him for the next few, vital minutes. His chakra capacity was still pretty full, probably on 10% used by the numerous replacements the past few minutes.

'If not Jiraiya, then someone. Please someone, I don't want to die' Naruto prayed. And his prayers were answered when two ANBU arrived…. And were promptly engaged by the guardian which reappeared over them.

"Shit" Naruto cursed under his breath. "Well, looks like all that training will come in handy for something after all…"

A stray fireball launched itself between Naruto and the Kage. Taking the opportunity for what it was, the blond through a kunai through the fire and replaced himself with it, landing directly in front of the much more powerful man.

With a slash of a recently drawn kunai, he managed to cut open the front of the Kage's robes, showing a little of the man's skin. "Ninpo: Cursed Skin no Jutsu" Naruto shouted, stretching ten chakra strings from his fingers and attaching them to the man's exposed hip. With a yank, Naruto removed several layers of skin, but failed to take the bone out of the man's body.

"Damn it!" The man shouted, clutching his bleeding hip. With a swift couple handsigns, his left hand began glowing green while his right hand glowed blue. With his superior chakra sensing ability, he noticed the chakra strings stretching out from the Kage's hand. Leaping away, Naruto escaped 20 feet away, but soon found this wasn't enough as the strings wrapped around his arms.

"Interesting trick you have there kid. Let's see, I can't rip yours arms off, but.. what'd ya call it… cursed skin? Let's see just how much skin I can take off!" The angered man shouted. His left hand was now strengthening the chakra strings, his hip had been healed in a mere moment.

'Fuck! I need a distraction..' "WAIT! You told me if I could cut you, you'd tell me your name!"

"Tch, brat. You caught me off guard is all, don't get so cocky. My name is Karura."



"Sandaime-sama, what should we do?" A random jounin shouted up to his Hokage. The old man was buried in his thoughts of how to stop the demon. It was currently contained by the wooden pillars of Yamato's demon-neutralizing technique, but the demon was too powerful to be restored so quickly to just the body of the man. It appeared the seal was far too unstable, and had broken, thus leaving the demon completely free. The small boy, Gaara, was still alive but unconscious atop the demon. He was only partially exposed on the head.

"I can't think of another way to seal the demon. Someone find Jiraiya and get him here as soon as possible. This takes precedence over those giant snakes, and he should be done with them by now anyway" The Hokage demanded. Several ANBU jumped away to fetch the white haired Sannin.

"Kami help us" The Hokage muttered as he stared up at the enormous sand demon before him, as it continued to struggle, trying to break free of Yamato's technique.


The Raikage was the last to leave the village, his battalion having long since fled when they figured out they weren't needed anymore. A pleased smile rested on his face, his specially trained lightning battalions had killed more than three hundred genin, and more than 200 chuunins and jounins of Konoha. They had lost barely more than a dozen. 'Yes, harvesting that bloodline was an excellent idea indeed' he thought, thinking back to the event just a few months prior.


Raikage Tower: 5:20 AM. "Raikage-sama, there's a guest here to see you. Shall I send him in?"

With a nod, the Raikage beckoned the man inside. The guest was one of his jounin who was walking in an unfamiliar way. His eyes opened, and they were yellow and slitted.

"Ah, Orochimaru. To what do I owe the honor?"

"I have a deal for you. In a few months my village and the Sand will be attacking Konoha during the chuunin exams. I know you have some past… disagreements with that village and I believe you'd like to seem them truly suffer. I don't think I need to point out the advantages of such an opportunity."

"No, it seems you don't… In exchange for a Hyuuga delivered to me by you personally.. a main branch member, I will take part. Though.. I may have a good deal for you as well. I would like to introduce you to someone."

Orochimaru looks on interested as the Raikage sent out a messenger.

"I am aware of your technique, and I think I may have the perfect.. body for you."

"Oh? Do tell." The Snake said, though internally he was surprised at the information leak. A civil conversation this may be, but underneath it was a challenge that said 'I have better intelligence than you. I know you. Thus… I am a danger to you.'

"It is a bloodline that occurs only once every three generations."

"Ah, the Raikanyugai? I believe it is an interesting bloodline yes, but compared to others in this nation, it may pale in comparison."

"You mean the Tezeraiton I believe?" The Raikage asked, now aware that Orochimaru knew, likely, all the bloodlines of the country.

"Yes. Instant bodily transportation. When lightning strikes, finding yourself anywhere in the world. I believe your son has it, does he not?"

"You will not touch my son. Though.. Is it wise to assume you would appreciate the Raikanyugai?"

Just then the messenger returned, a genin in tow. "Raikage-sama, I have brought Lokran."

"Ah, very good. Lokran, allow me to introduce you to Orochimaru. He needs to perform a simple physical examination on you, so I ask that you go wait outside the room for a few minutes."

"Yes Raikage-sama" the boy said as he bowed and left. He felt a shiver run down his spine as the yellow-eyed man eyed him.

"Dissect his bloodline and make the armor chakra supported. If you can recreate this ability, then I shall bring my elite corps to Konoha. They will slaughter at least 500 Konoha nin before we leave, and I will personally…"

"Destroy the Hokage Monument." Orochimaru finished.

The Raikage's eyes widened, but as he mulled it over in his head it was entirely possible. "Agreed. Now, I believe you have some work to do."

And with that, Orochimaru walked out the door, and with Lokran the Magnificent in tow, he began to examine the boy's bodyi n a way that would scar the boy forever. After all, being dissected then put back together would do a lot to a boy.

Two weeks later, Orochimaru delivered the shell of a previously happy boy, and the blueprints for electric armor which functions in the same way that Lokran's body worked. It would make all typical ranged weapons useless, it would shock any that touched it other than the user, and all it required was channeling chakra into the armor. It would become a staple for all jounin-and-above ranked ninja in Lightning Country, and for secrecy purposes, each would be registered to the blood and chakra of the jounin. The seal design was made by a traveling master named… Akuma.

(End flashback)

Now, carrying the body of Hyuuga Hanabi, he silently left the walls of Konoha. 'Ha, destroy the monument? Yeah right, even Kage's lie at times. I prefer a smaller role in this war…' Traveling at top speed, he made it several miles away before he felt a chakra signature. Assuming it to be the rendezvous crew he'd set up beforehand, he headed for them and landed moments later.

"Maggots, let's go" He shouted, before realizing his situation. His rendezvous crew had just been slaughtered by multiple white-eyed opponents, all of them having just re-opened the chakra points to fake a signal to the Raikage.

The head of them all stared at the Raikage angrily, looking up from the nearly dead man before him. His rendezvous crew of 3 jounin had been killed, and now standing before the Raikage were the top five Hyuuga jounin, with the retired Hyuuga Hiashi leading them.

"Give back Hanabi or prepare to die" Hiashi said in full confidence. 'She's my daughter you bastard… you hurt her and I'll tear you limb from limb'

(With Naruto)

"That's a girl's name! What are you doing ? Where's the Kazekage?"

"I am the Kazekage now. My husband died when he sealed that monster into the child inside me. You don't honestly believe he survived after my son figured out it was him responsible for his pain? No, no.. My son killed my husband in his sleep. I survived thanks to Chiyo reviving me, at the cost of her life. Then, this knowledge is all superfluous.. I was more powerful than my husband anyway. After all, I am of the guardian clan, the oldest and most powerful of Suna. And now, Uzumaki Naruto, container of the legendary nine-tailed fox, and get a second demon working for my nation."

'I can't go with this woman. She may not know of my condition, but she knows of the fox and that in itself is dangerous. She's too strong for me though.. I must escape' Naruto thought worriedly. Performing a quick kawarimi, Naruto attempted to escape across the courtyard and break into a run for the stadium. However, Karura appeared before him again in a cloud of smoke, and slammed her fist into Naruto's forehead, sending him to the ground rolling. Coming to a stop 50 meters away, his world was swirling, and his forehead protector was shattered by the force of the punch.

"H-how dare you. I.. that forehead protector was my most precious possession in the world.. you will pay for that…with your life" Naruto stated, as his voice took on a darker pitch. Kyuubi chakra began circling in his veins, but barely any could be emitted, creating a thin red shimmer around his body.

Launching himself forward, Naruto slammed his fist toward the kage but the woman only released more chakra strings and attached them to his body, before slamming him into the ground and throwing him backwards. Not one to give up, the blonde formed three lightning fast handseals, pulled out a scroll, and laid it flat on his palm before shouting: "Katon: Hakka Teppodama" (Credit: Flood125).

Instantly, a ball of wind was created, only about the size of a baseball, and shot towards the Kage. Just as it was about to hi, the Kage side-stepped but was unprepared for the spark within the air that burst forth into flames, destroying a ten foot area with the flames hot enough to leave the ground charred black.

Karura's robes were singed and burned through in places, leaving her no choice but to remove the garment, revealing the tight black pants underneath and the plated mesh armor on her upper torso, white and slightly see-through at her waist. On her back was a short sword which she had yet to draw. Her Kage-hat remained in place, hiding her forehead and much of her smooth brown hair from view.

For a woman of 31 she was rather attractive… though that mattered little given the circumstances.

"I liked those robes you know… and for a demonic transformation this is child's play. Why not show me your true potential, demon?" Karura taunted.

Naruto seethed, knowing his attack has worked but did barely anything anyway. Pulling another seal from his scroll pouch, he placed this one on his left palm. Then, channeling chakra to both his palms he shouted "Fuuton/Suiton: Seeking Water no jutsu!"(Credit: PontiusPervert74). The chakra channeled through the seals to create swirling balls of water, which Naruto tossed at the Kage.

Just as they were about to hit, the exploded outwards, creating a shower of water that did nothing but make her clothing a little wet. Internally, he was berating himself for trying to use the incomplete technique in battle.

"Brat.. did you just throw a water balloon at me?" the Kage asked, chuckling at the Genin vessel's attempt to harm her. "That was pathetic. I grow weary of your attempts." She said, appearing behind him in a fraction of a second and lowering the butt of her kunai towards his head.

(With Sandaime)

"Jiraiya! Where in the hell have you been, there's a freaking demon here" The Sandaime shouted, now transfusing chakra into Yamato so he could maintain his technique. "I'm going to have to seal the demon with that technique.. I need you to put the finishing touches on the seal."

"Why can't we just wake him up? It should make the demon return to the seal" Jiraiya stated, the serious of the situation overriding his innate joking personality.

"Because the seal doesn't need to be fixed! It's gone!" he shouted at his student. Jiraiya gasped in shock that someone managed to remove such a seal so easily, then remembered it wasn't the Yondaime who had done Gaara's seal.

"Who are you going to seal it in, sensei?" Jiraiya asked cautiously. Sarutobi just nodded to Gaara's unconscious form.

"You can't! This already happened once, and we'll have to give him back to Suna anyway. This could repeat itself."

"We have no newborns to seal it into. He has a tolerance for the demon, and this time there'll be a better seal. And.. we may not have to send him back. Danzo… will come in handy for once"

"Are you saying you'll trust Danzo to cover this up?" Jiraiya asked skeptically.

The sandaime nodded, then said "We have no other viable choices. I am ready."

"Very well.. Sensei. May Kami spare your soul from the death god…"

"Thank you, my student.. Tell Naruto I love him like my own grandson…" Sarutobi stated, as he began the necessary handseals. "Release the technique now!" he shouted, and the demon was set free, swinging one of its enormous arms at the old man.

Sarutobi merely dodged out of the way, using a seal-less shunshin to appear next to Gaara. With a sweep of his hand, the ritual was set up and the demon began shouting in agony.

Every second, the demon resisted, until the wizened old man dredged up his last bit of strength and dragged the soul out of the demon, sealing it into Gaara. A moment later, the old man was dead. The sand demon lost its shape and the sand fell to the ground, Gaara landing on top of it in the arms of the white haired Sannin.

Jiraiya quickly applied the seal to the sacrifice, and laid the bow down to sleep. A single tear escaped his left eye, before he composed himself and gathered the Konoha shinobi still around him. He ordered them to go aid in the defense of the village, then laid down… and cried.

It wasn't long before he realized he was still needed, and as the most powerful Konoha shinobi left, he was the acting Hokage. With some silent, motionless patience he gathered a tiny amount of nature chakra as he was taught. Then, he drew blood from the tips of each of his fingers, and slammed his palms to the ground with extreme force, shouting "Tajuu Kuchiyose no Jutsu".

Instantly, 8 small battle toads were summoned, each about the size of a one-story house, with armor plating and wielding various weapons. "Go help defend the village." Jiraiya stated. He'd used much of his chakra fighting off snakes and those battalions of Kumo ninja. 'Killed 11 of those bastards before they ran, but given the nature of that armor I don't think anyone else in this village would be able to do much… Is this village really falling on this day?'

He was given no more time to ponder as a few jounin from Suna jumped down before him and engaged him in combat. 'It's gonna be a long day. I deserve some sex after this.'

(With Raikage)

"Hyuuga Hiashi, what a pleasant surprise. I was fairly annoyed when I realized it was your brother you sent our envoy, not yourself. As for your daughter.. well, your eldest has less potential, I may as well take your youngest. Are you here to stop me?"

"No, we're here to make a deal" Spoke up one of the jounins behind Hiashi. Hioashi looked perplexed, and was about to ask what they were talking about when he saw the strike coming from behind. He dodged it, but was attacked by two other Hyuuga.

While not in his prime, Hiashi was still a formidable opponent as he soon swung into a kaiten. The jounin jumped back, and the Raikage watched on in cautious amusement. In less than a minute, Hiashi was subdued by his superior clansmen who attacked just as he finished his spin.

With Hiashi on the ground unconscious, the eldest jounin Hyuuga stepped forward. "We are here to negotiate a deal."

"I'm listening.. for now."

"We offer the body of Hyuuga Hinata in exchange for Hanabi" the jounin said as he stepped forward.

"What's in it for me?" The Raikage stated.

"We'll let you leave without anymore hassle and guarantee you make it out of fire country."

"This sounds, suspicious. Why so willing to give away the heir?"

"Because, the elders say Hanabi will make a better heir. Hinata is worthless and in the way. As the other part of this deal, we request that you kill Hiashi, so that this deal does without witness."

"I'm not here to start any more of a war than I already have. Killing a clan head may just make me a bigger target than Suna will be after this." The Raikage said.

The Hyuuga jounin shook his head. "It will not, because we Hyuuga will not support a war against you. When the time comes, the Hyuuga council will recommend we rebuild Fire-country rather than seek revenge. In addition, with Suna's demon, the threat of Orochimaru, and the show your battalions have put on today, Kumo will likely be put as a threat not to be challenged. Your country will be safe from the Hyuugas."

"Very well then.. I accept your offer."

Stepping forward, the Raikage charged his body with lightning chakra and smashed his fist down onto Hiashi's head, blowing it apart. Then, he set down Hanabi's body. A Hyuuga council member emerged from the woods with the body of Hinata, and handed it over to the Raikage. He checked her eyes briefly then asked "Is there a seal?"


"Very well, I will take my leave then. Ah, and for future reference, deceit and power struggles are typically done in offices rather than on battlefields."

"It will be noted" The Hyuuga council member said, before turning away. The other 7 Hyuuga jounin followed him, and took Hanabi's body with them.

As the Raikage leapt away, he did a thorough body check with chakra and medical analyses to make sure he hadn't been tricked. He found nothing, he finally had the Hyuuga eyes, to be harvested or bred from the body of Hyuuga Hinata.

(With Naruto)

"I'm afraid I can't allow you to do that Miss." A voice said, as Karura's kunai was stopped. A hand was grabbing hers, and there stood Akuma in his brown tunic, black pants, and strange silver and black gloves.

"This would be a good time for you to leave the village" He suggested helpfully, a cheery smile plastered on his face.

"Oh really, and I suppose you're going to make me?" Karura asked with a smirk. "How amusing…"

"Ah, I have not properly introduced myself, have I? Well, Karura-san, I suggest you allow me before you make such rash decisions. After all, I may be someone you don't want to mess with."

Akuma's smile remained plastered on his face. Summoning a fire-breathing squirrel, the size of a horse, he stood atop it and shouted for all to hear: "I am a man feared wherever I go, I make women swoon at the sight of me, I am the squirrel summoner, master of fire, jutsu genius, I AM AKUMA TARANOGII"

Naruto sweat-dropped despite the kunai near his face, and Karura just burst out laughing.

"What the fuck kind of introduction was that?" She asked in her hysterics.

"It was my kind. Now, must we fight or can you leave peacefully?" Akuma asked, allowing some killing intent to slip into his voice and demeanor.

"I am scared of no ninja, especially not ninjas I can beat by kicking them in the balls." Karura stated confidently. She threw Naruto aside into a building, and stared forward at her new opponent. "Will you at least present a challenge?"

"If I must. Though, I don't really like fighting, so I will ask one last time… would you please leave?"

His answer was the guardian springing up from behind him and shooting a wind bullet at him. His squirrely mount flew into action, jumping high and allowing Akuma to punch it.

"Ninpou: Mind Mimic no Jutsu" Akuma shouted as he punched it. A wind bullet appeared and shot towards the guardian at point-blank range, destroying its head and dispelling it.

"Ah-ah, you may have defeated that guardian, but you did not win the battle" The Kazekage said, as she moved through handseals, while running forward.

"Fuuton: Air Slash no jutsu" (Credit: Krillin794) she said. Pulling her short sword from its sheath, he imbued it with the attack and swung, creating a blade of wind that flew at them at ridiculous speeds.

Akuma jumped from his summon and dispelled it just before it was struck. While in mid-air, Karura repeated the action. With nowhere to dodge, Akuma shouted out his jutsu "Ninpou: Ghost-form no jutsu"

The blade of wind cut straight through him, separating him as he fell. Karaua smirked but was confused when he faded out of existence, then returned to normal, completely intact and standing where his parts had landed. All that could be seen of the damage was a small gash on the front of the man's torso.

"Katon: Tajuu Karyuu Endan" Akuma shouted as multiple dragons made of fire shot from his palms and began circling around Karura, who had dodge their initial charge.

Her analytic mind soon figured out that the tails were connected to his palms still, thus allowing him to control their movements so easily. With a few short handseals she said not a word and placed her hands on the ground. 'Doton: Earth Chamber no Jutsu'

The world circled around her and made a dome, protecting her from the dragons. Then, she made a few more handseals and performed : "Doton: Shinjuu Jashuu", the double decapitation technique. Appearing under Akuma, she took hold of his ankles and dragged him under… or tried to. He jumped, but lost control of the dragons which flew in all directions and exploded, destroying several more buildings and almost killing Naruto who had been watching in awe.

Appearing underneath him, she shot another blade of wind at him. 'I grow tired of this' Akuma thought, deciding that he'd wasted enough chakra.

Dodging the air blade, he noticed she was tiring as well. However, he had seen her whole fight with the Konoha ANBU, the jounins and other enemies before that, and her fight with Naruto. Plus the guardian looked like it would consume a lot of chakra. Akuma guessed she had about 20% of her reserves left at most. 'If I can force her to use enough chakra, then offer for her to leave.. I may get out of this battle without killing again.'

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Akuma shouted, allowing six clones to appear around him. They all charged and engaged Karura in a fierce taijutsu battle for a few moments, before every clone was destroyed.

"I take it taijutsu is not your strong point then?" Kaurar asked rhetorically. 'Even my students are better than that and they're only chuunin. This guy's what.. my level. He could be a Kage.. All I know is this is not looking too good for me unless I can get him into close combat.'

Karura sprinted forward and swing her sword for his neck. Akuma, not used to her speed, received a cut on his shoulder as he dodged away. He continued to dodge and use a kunai to block, but after a few minutes it became apparent that Karura was winning.

As a last resort, mid-combat Akuma shouted "Katon: Soul's Ire no jutsu"

Flames swarmed from his hands as he suddenly tackled Karura, receiving a sword stabbing straight through his abdomen. However, his attack succeeded as tendrils of fire wrapped around Karura, burning her alive. Mixed with some spiritual chakra, several of the tendrils penetrated her body and burned her on the inside.

Karura screamed in agony for a few seconds until the technique cut out and Akuma fell to the ground, terribly wounded and dying from a pierced liver, several broken ribs, internal bleeding, and lacerations coating his body. A pool of blood was being formed beneath him.

Karura stood over his body with her sword and made to stab it again into his body, but found her sword replace with a piece of debris.

Naruto stood holding her sword in his hand while Karura looked at him with utter hatred apparent in her eyes. Naruto's glare equaled hers, before he threw the sword like a kunai straight at her. However, she managed to sidestep it and grab it, sheathing it again regardless of the burning pain in her flesh at every movement.

Naruto spoke up, saying "You should leave."

Karura gathered her Kage robes, singed as they were, and left. Right before she shunshined away she said "This isn't over, for either you Naruto. I will get that demon soon."

Naruto was left shaking with Akuma on the ground before him, dying. Picking up the man, he wrapped some bandages around him, and used kawarimi to transport him and Akuma slowly across the city to the hospital, too tired to physically run there.

(With Tenten)

'That was the last one, they're all in full retreat now. All I need to know now is… where can I find Naruto?'

And that's the chapter! I hope you liked it. It took four hours to write, and I honestly should have been writing a paper by now…. Or eaten… Regardless, I did it and it just kinda flowed to me. I hope you like it. I won't be posting for another month or so, so read and review, and send me some jutsu. In a chapter or two we'll be headed for the time skip!