Disclaimer: I do not own GX, all of it is owned by Kazuki Takahashi!
Summary: Another version of how Haou got control of Judai. Yaoi warning! Don't like, don't read!
"The Supreme King?" Judai asked, his thoughts suddenly becoming hazy.
"Yes," His dark half answered, "Call me Haou."
"But….How can I….How can I trust you, Haou?" Judai asked, desperately trying to keep his thoughts together.
"Shh….." Haou whispered. He reached out and caressed his light's cheek, "Don't think anymore. Let me think for you." He slowly approached Judai, and embraced him gently. Normally, he would never have done something like this, but he thought it would be easier for him to take Judai's mind by being, if only for a few moments, nice.
But Haou could still feel Judai resisting him. He thought about ways to make the brunette give in. He then smirked as the idea came to him. He gently lifted his Light's head to make eye contact. Haou erased his smirk and put on a fake small smile.
"Judai, I know what is keeping you from me," He whispered, "But….Haven't your friends already abandoned you? Remember…."
An image of Syrus Truesdale appeared in one of the mirrors next to them. Haou forced Judai to look at it and listen.
"You've changed Aniki," Syrus said, "You don't care who gets hurt! As long as you get what you want!"
Haou felt Judai's resistance falter as the brunette whispered, "That's right….He…." A lone tear fell down his cheek. Haou put on another fake smile, and said,
"Yes and your other friends…remember what happened to them?"
"No….please…..please, don't….." Judai begged quietly. But Haou showed him what happened anyway. Judai sniffed, as more tears fell.
Haou embraced him, and rested their foreheads together, keeping their eyes locked.
"But I won't abandon you, Judai….I can help you….You know this…"
Judai nodded slowly and involuntarily. His eyes were already half closed and glazed over.
"So why do you keep resisting my help when you have nothing else?"
"I…" Judai thought. Was there really a reason? He didn't think so anymore.
Haou brushed his lips against Judai's, making the light gasp quietly. His eyes turned into empty yellow orbs before he closed them, and let his head fall onto the other's chest and grasp his black clothing.
"That's it, Judai…." Haou encouraged. His voice became flowing and enticing, "Just give up….Let me take you over, and I'll make it all go away…."
Judai let Haou get closer, allowing him to snuggle more into the other's chest. He let the darkness close in and encase his mind.
Haou smirked and chuckled. Finally, he could have the power he so rightfully deserved……
Yauksiei: Wow. That was horrible.
Lizzie: You did alright….ish.
Haou: Why is your name "yauksiei"?
Yauksiei: It's a blend of Aki and Yusei together. I love that couple too.
Haou: Ah. Well, hope you enjoyed! Review plz!
Lizzie: And also, please be nice, you may flame, but this was her first fic, so…yah.
Lauren: Thanks for reading! Sorry for the shortness!