Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or its characters.

Hi, this is my first fanfiction ever so comments and feedback would be nice. My story centers on Serena and Seiya but has some Yaten, Mina and Taiki, Ami with more pairings still unknown to me to come. This is just the first chapter, I really love this pairing so I will probably go on it for quite a while and the rest of the chapters will be longer but I just really wanted to get something up hereā€¦ so ENJOY! Oh, and just so you know I used the english names out of habit, I hope no one minds.

Starfighter silently stared up at the night sky, just as she had those endless nights before. 'Oh my dear dumpling, how I long to again hold you in my arms', she silently prayed to the universe. She continued to allow the cosmos to consume her for only a moment more before retreating to her bed.


"Serena you need to wake up!" Mina was attempting to shake her friend awake to no avail. "You're gonna be late for your lunch date with Darien." That finally did the trick, though Mina wasn't sure if it was being late for Darien or missing lunch that convinced Serena to let go of whatever dream she was holding so tightly too. Lately Serena had been growing more and more distant, not only with Darien but with everyone. More often than not her friends would catch her staring up at the sky, her mind gone to a place her body longed to follow.

Serena jumped out of bed as quickly as she could, "why didn't my alarm wake me up?" Serena whined as she fell out of bed.

"Maybe it did, and somebody threw it across the room," Said Mina as she pointed to the brocken clock lying on the ground across the room.

"Oh... oops?" Was all Serena could respond to Mina's finding, she couldn't even remember ever doing it, but then again Serena was a deep sleeper.

"Just forget about it for now, you've got a date in ten minutes!" Mina shouted, Serena really had to get moving fast.

"All right, all right. I'm going," She ran into the shower and all Mina could hear was rushing water and Serena humming one of the Starlights last hits.


"Hey Darien, I'm so sorry. I hope that I didn't keep you waiting too long."

"Don't worry about it Serena, I only just arrived myself." Darien held back the fact that 'I only just arrived' really meant 'I've been waiting for over an hour'. He figured that getting mad would only serve to push Serena farther away, and that was definitely something that he wanted to avoid at all costs. When the starlights and Princess Kinmoku had first left everything had been great, it was like falling in love all over again. He and Serena had spent as much time as possible together, and they both couldn't get enough of each other even then. Now it felt like Serena only spent time with him as an obligation, not because she wanted to. All Darien really wanted was for the two of them to get back to how they used to be, young and in love.

Darien took Serena's hand and kissed it as a romantic gesturebefore leading her into the restaurant. Then out of the corner of his eye as they were being led to their table Darien caught a glimpse of someone, or something in the corner of his eye, something moving fast, but before he could get a better look it was gone.

He glanced over at Serena looking for any signs that she had noticed anything astray but only found that her head was lost in the stars asit so often was these days. He missed having her full attention when they were together, seeing only love in her eyes, love for him. Now he found that her eyes still held love, but it was mixed with sadness and longing, longing for someone who he knew was not even of this world.

Darien silently tucked away whatever it was that he had seen and spent the rest of lunch trying to enjoy his time with his Serena, and to rekindle some of their former hapiness.


The next day Starfighter awoke and went about her morning duties as silently as she had since they had returned to Kinmoku. She had taken a vow of silence, only speaking when required to.

Her fellow starlights were very worried about her but knew that they could never give her what would fix what plagued her.

"I don't know if I can stand to see her like this much longer." Mused Sailor Starhealer,

"If you ask me I think that she is completely overreacting I mean seriously, it's not like she's the only one to leave something she cares about behind." Sailor Starmaker sharply retorted. She hadn't meant to say it, but as soon as she did she realized the truth of her words and how much she missed Ami. She couldn't stop herself from breaking down into tears. She had tried to fight the feelings she had for the petite blue haired girl but could no longer deny it, they were there, strong as ever, and the worst part was that now Ami would never know how she felt.

"Oh Maker, please don't you become sad too, crying won't solve anything except to cause distress. The fact is that no matter our feelings we have to stay here and protect our princess and repair the vast damage that Galaxia caused." Healer missed Mina as well but she refused to let a trivial thing like feelings get in the way of her duty, she was a starfighter and she would act like it.

Just then Princess Kakyuu walked into the room and was not at all surprised to find sadness and longing in her two Starlights eyes. "You miss Earth." There was not even a hint of a question in her voice, the princess was just stating the fact that she had known since they had first returned home. She had thought though that after being home for awhile that they would get over it, but instead they had only become worse. The worst one of course was Fighter, she refused to speak except to the princess and one word answers were all she could get. She would have to think of a solution, and soon, because she didn't know if she could handle seeing her starlights like this much longer, especially her fighter.

"No, no, why would we want to be anywhere but here." Healer responded as Maker quickly wiped away her tears and nodded her agreement but Kinmoku didn't buy a word, they're voices, and tears had said it all.


"My Serena, if only I could hold you forever"

"Why can't you, I am not objecting, in fact I would be very saddened if you let go"

Serena couldn't believe it; Seiya had come back for her, just as her heart had insisted he would. She rejoiced in the warmth she felt as she was twirled around in her love's arms. She wanted this magical moment to last forever.

"I love you my princess." And his words held nothing but truth, he loved this girl more than he believed possible. As he led Serena around the room he admired her grace and poise, a little surprising he silently admitted, but very beautiful all the same.

"I'm sorry." Serena whispered quietly into Seiya's chest. She hadn't wanted to ruin the moment but it needed to be said.

This brought Seiya back out from his thoughts. "For what?"

"For not telling you how I felt, you were always there for me and you made your feelings clear, I feel so stupid." Serena paused and looked up at Seiya for reassurance, and found what she was looking for she continued, "But I am ready to tell you now." She took a pause and looked up right into Seiya's loving eyes and said, "I love you."

Seiya's heart soared at those words, never before had he felt such an intense happiness. "I love you too dumpling-"

With a start Serena awoke, her alarm had gone off and so she got up and began to prepare for school, not remembering her dream.


"What a dream." Muttered Starfighter as she awoke, "If only it hadn't been a dream..."

So there it is, I hope you enjoyed the first installment. I hope to get the new chapter up soon, I want to know whats going too happen too. Comments and Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanx