Chapter 16: Then I was thinking of throwing the book at him.

"I hear you've agreed to help expose Snake's real employers," Sheppard said by way of greeting. After finally getting Dr Lam to agree to a quick visit to the cells, he'd got the marines guarding the door to unlock it and let him speak to Vulture alone.

"It is the least I can do," Vulture replied.

"It wasn't all your fault," John folded his arms, leaning against the closed door. "Aperio was very practiced at operating with apparent innocence. When it was first created it managed to fool the Ancients themselves. It was so insidious they couldn't delete it but only trap it inside their systems."

"Strangely that doesn't comfort me," Vulture said wryly.

"Well hopefully the news that I made sure everything in that building was destroyed beyond recognition will," Sheppard offered.

"It is gone?" Vulture asked hopefully.

"Obliterated," John confirmed. "You didn't make any copies, right?"

"No," Vulture confirmed. "There was just the original Ancient device that you destroyed and the system in that room."

"And Snake, did he have an opportunity to make a copy of any part of the system?" Sheppard persisted.

"As far as I know, he didn't," Vulture replied.

"Okay – that's good. So ... you got a name, other than 'vulture'?" Sheppard asked.

"The ranks of the beloved of Ma'at are based on the animal symbols of Egyptian hieroglyphs translated to our alphabet," the other man explained. "A - the symbol of the vulture – is the highest. I was … proud to wear the title, until …"

"Until Aperio came along and did what she does so well," John concluded. "Distorted reality … made you believe what she showed you. She fooled me too – the first time we came across her. Hard to believe something so beautiful on the outside could be so twisted and corrupted on the inside."

"It is," Vulture agreed.

Sheppard nodded. "I'm heading home soon … I just wanted to say thank you. You could've made it difficult but you didn't. At the heart you're a good man … don't let the Trust make you forget that." Turning, John knocked on the door to get the Marines to let him out.


John glanced back, brow raised.

"My name … Jacob," the other man explained.

"It's a good name," Sheppard said. "Maybe you should think about dusting it off." Nodding again, he turned and left the room.


"Do you have a minute Sir?" Sheppard stood in the doorway of General O'Neill's temporary office.

"Good to see you up and about Colonel," Jack waved the younger man inside.

"Got a pass from Doctor Lam," John joked. "An hour and then I'm back to being an inmate." He put a hand to his side with a grimace.

"Broken ribs?" the General queried knowingly. "One of those 'cure is worse than the injury' things isn't it," he smirked, recalling too many times when he'd had his ribs strapped so tightly.

"Yeah," John hesitated for a moment, thinking about the reason for his visit. It was an odd situation from his point of view … he'd gotten to know a version of General O'Neill the previous year but the man in front of him knew nothing about that. Sheppard had to remind himself that that man wasn't the same – that any responses he might expect based on past experience could be way off.

"Now I know you didn't just stop by to say hello. What can I do for you Colonel?" Jack got them to the point with his usual bluntness.

"Jacob, Sir," Sheppard revealed. "Ah – you know him as Vulture – the leader of Aperio's followers. I was wondering what your intentions were."

"Interrogate him for anything I can find out about his employers," Jack said blandly. "Then I was thinking of throwing the book at him."

"He'd not a bad person General," John began. "Misguided … too easily manipulated by Aperio, but I can't really blame him for that. She could be quite … persuasive when she wanted something … knew exactly where to hit you too. He was just the wrong guy in the wrong place."

"Let me get this straight," Jack straightened in his chair, pinning John with an intent gaze. "This guy arranged for you to be captured. He stored you in a DHD for days so they could take you to another galaxy, threw you into a cell and then let a twisted computer program have a go at you before sending you out into subzero conditions. And you're asking for leniency?" There'd been enough time for him to get a full briefing on the situation so Jack knew what John was asking.

"Something like that," John admitted. "He'll help you willingly Sir – you won't have to interrogate him. He wants to take down the real culprits as much as we do – the other guy, Snake's, employers. Them you can throw whatever book you want at. But Jacob? In a way he was used just as much as anyone caught up in this. "

"I'll think about it," Jack said after considering John's words silently for a few moments. "But I'm not promising anything."

"Of course Sir," Sheppard grinned. "Thank you Sir … and ah … thanks for the quick trip back to Atlantis too."

"Is it just me or is McKay getting stranger the longer he's posted there?" Jack smirked.

"Ah …," John seriously had no diplomatic way to answer that. Rodney's behavior probably had come over as odd – because he was protecting John's 'I can talk to Atlantis and she talks back' secret.

"I might have to come back to Atlantis sometime – see for myself," Jack commented. "I get the feeling you're not telling me everything Colonel … and that whole business of how McKay and Lorne found you was just … odd."

"We'd welcome you any time you'd like to stop by Sir," Sheppard didn't try to defend, knowing anything he said wouldn't be enough. General O'Neill was a smart guy as well as possessing a pretty strong ATA gene himself. He might very well have picked up the edges of what had really been going on during John's rescue.

"Very diplomatic Colonel," Jack's eyes twinkled in amusement. "Now, aren't you expected back in the infirmary?"

"Yes Sir," John said glumly. Turning, he walked to the door. "Thank you Sir," he said again before taking his leave.


The instant Sheppard stepped through the wormhole he was greeted with the welcoming tones of the city.

"I'm ba-ack," he said softly, grinning.

"We are pleased that you have returned," Atlantis replied, her voice rich with what he'd always seen as emotions although he couldn't have said right then which ones, apart from obvious happiness that he was home.

"Mostly thanks to you from what I hear," John paused a few steps away from the Stargate, joined moments later by the rest of his team as the wormhole shut down behind them. "Rodney told me how far you went to get me back." He wasn't talking about the distance but rather the way she'd opened herself to communicate with Rodney and Lorne.

"Your presence is … necessary," the chorus intoned. "And have you not risked much many times in the past to save us?"

"So this is just a little balancing out of the score?" John did the mental equivalent of grinning teasingly. "Not that anybody's keeping count. Well … Rodney might be."

"Doctor McKay was equally dedicated in his efforts to find you," Atlantis scolded. "When will you desist in your childish teasing of his actions?"

"Probably never," John admitted. "Gotta get my fun somehow."

"John?" Teyla put a hand on his arm lightly, drawing his attention to their welcoming party coming down the stairs from the control room. Richard Woolsey and an all business Jennifer Keller.

"Welcome back Colonel," Woolsey said.

"Good to be back," Sheppard returned, looking around. "I see you kept the place together in my absence."

"Yes – somehow we managed to cope," Woolsey said sarcastically, the hint of amusement contradicting his tone. "We'll debrief as soon as possible."

"Tomorrow," Jennifer broke in insistently, looking pointedly at John. "Don't think you skipped out of observation Colonel. Dr Lam sent through your test results before the gate shut down … I'll check them and then we'll see what medical care you require."

"But ...," Sheppard sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing. "Fine," he nodded to his team. "Go get some rest guys - I've got this one," he said before following along as Jennifer turned and led them to the infirmary. As soon as they arrived he spotted the figure occupying one of the beds.

"Is Major Lorne okay?" he asked in concern, frowning across at his 2IC's still form.

"Yes," Jennifer said reassuringly. "It's mostly exhaustion – the Major collapsed after using the control chair for an extended period on top of too many days with very little sleep. He'll be back to normal in a day or two."

"Is that right?" John sent the thought to Atlantis.

"Evan will be fine," the chorus confirmed. "We induced a state of deep sleep to assist in his recovery. Operating the chair for the first time in such demanding circumstances placed too much stress on his mind … but we had no choice and he would not entertain the thought of reducing his efforts."

"So … I've finally got some back up?" John asked casually.

"You know our preferences John Sheppard," the city replied. "But … in your absence, Evan Lorne is an acceptable substitute."

"Excellent," John was surprised that he meant it, his prior need to protect the special aspects of the city not threatened by the inclusion of Lorne into the equation. He trusted Evan … wouldn't have made him his 2IC otherwise. And if it had to be anyone then Lorne was a good choice.

"Okay Colonel, let's get started," Jennifer drew his attention back to the physical world.

"If we must," he quipped, taking a seat on one of the examination beds.


"Colonel Sheppard?" John glanced over from his bed in the infirmary to see Major Lorne awake and looking at him. It was past midnight and the infirmary was quite, the lights muted for sleeping.

"Last time I checked," Sheppard quipped back, raising a slight smile from his 2IC. "Got the mandatory 24 hours of observation to get through and then it's back to business as usual. How're you feeling Major?"

"Like a team of really clumsy interior decorators came in and rearranged my brain Sir," Evan replied, rubbing a hand over his head and messing up his already messy hair.

"I remember what that feels like," John replied with a smile. "Jennifer tells me you'll make a full recovery and Atlantis confirms it."

"Ah … you're … okay with that, Sir?" Lorne asked hesitantly.

"With you knowing all there is to know about Atlantis you mean?" Sheppard queried, getting a nod in return. "She's okay with it and that's good enough for me."

"I'll keep it quiet," Evan promised.

"I know you will," John replied. They fell silent for a time before John spoke again. "Listen … I should probably apologize for keeping you in the dark for so long. You're second in command here … this is the kind of thing you need to know about."

"It is," Lorne agreed. "And yes, you should have told me Sir. But I understand why you didn't." He grinned suddenly. "I have to say I'm kind of relieved to finally have an explanation for some of your more … colorful behavior Sir. I was seriously beginning to wonder if you weren't all there upstairs – if you know what I mean."

"Not crazy or possessed," John quipped. "Just a man with very unusual friends."

"I'm sure Atlantis is beyond glad to have you back Sir," Lorne said in a low tone. "I know I am."

"You can ask her yourself … when you think your head can handle it," Sheppard stated it casually, watching to see when the penny dropped.

"Ah … I kind of assumed she'd want to go back to the status quo," Evan admitted, surprised that John expected he'd be talking to the city again in the future.

"For some reason she likes you Major," John grinned. "She'll hear you now you've done the trial by fire thing in the chair. And you know – having backup in that regard isn't a bad thing." He paused to let that sink in. "You're second in command now in every respect. Think you can handle it?"

"As long as it comes in small doses, yes Sir," Lorne made the commitment without hesitation. "Did Rodney tell you about the dreams?"

"A little … why don't you fill me in on the details … I wouldn't mind hearing the true story without McKay's exaggerations. Assuming he really didn't save two galaxies all by himself."

Evan laughed, settling back in his bed to tell his CO what was to his mind a pretty incredible story.

Atlantis, the chorus of systems, hardware, buildings, everything that made the city what it was, lingered on the edges of John's mind, listening. The relief of having him back – the one who'd made her substance rather than merely shadow – was very sweet indeed. And while the events of the past few days had been desperate and difficult, the city appreciated getting to know Evan Lorne as more than just a hovering presence at John's side. John himself had judged the other man worthy of stepping in for him … she could do no less now that she'd measured him, seen the core of what made Lorne who he was. And John was right … for the first time in too many years to count, Atlantis felt comfortable having more than one person to communicate with, if the need arose.

With a melodious sigh, the city finally relaxed. John was back … and all was right with her world.

The End!

Authors Note:

Okay, so that's it for Sheplantis ... for now or maybe forever depending on whether I get ideas for more stories. Thank you to everyone for reading, and extra thank yous if you took the time to review. Sorry this story took so long to come together - it's back to the old rules of no posting until the story is complete from here on - well, except for the stories I've already got in progress *grins*.

Bye for now.