She turned to the blackboard, wrote her name so that everyone could see it. Professor Granger. It still gave her chills to think about it. Her, a professor at Hogwarts.
Her hair was a tamed wave now, the front was pulled back and braided, color of rich milk chocolate. It framed her face and made her appear softer than she usually looked. Brown eyes smiled warmly over her reading glasses, she was someone the school evidentally thought the students would adjust to easily. And that was alright because teaching was something she'd wanted to do since before she knew she was a witch. And now she finally could.
She looked at the class, her third year class. Oh, what an adventure her own third year had been, being hunted by a convict, helping that same convict escape from prison, going back in time. It'd certainly been a lot for three young kids to handle. She just hoped theirs would be a little less interesting. That would be too much for most children and it suprised her still that thier adventures didn't kill them.
"Welcome to third year defense against the dark arts. I know most, if not all of you, are accustomed to Professor Potter, but she's taking some time off for personal reasons. So until you have a permanent instructor, I will be your teacher." The class was a mixture of groans and curious murmers, no one liked adjusting to new teachers. And defense against the dark arts was worse. Even these kids had heard the rumors of the curse on the position.
Personal reasons, a cold professional way of saying she'd quit to take care of the baby her and Harry were expecting. Ginny was so happy, and she'd worked so hard the last couple of years. And it'd be good for them, this well deserved break. And Hermione was more than willing to take over her position until they could find someone more suitable.
She sighed as she began to call off names and begin memorizing faces. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she wondered what Ron was doing. Probably something exciting, like chasing down the last of the death eaters. Was he lonely? Was he thinking of her as she thought of him?
He'd certainly been anxious for her to leave. "Go," He'd told her the first moment they were alone. He hadn't even taken the time to kiss her hello, he never did anymore. "If someone doesn't teach the future Aurors, we'll be stuck doing this for the rest of eternity." He sounded so sincere, she'd believed him in a heartbeat and had agreed. But she had her doubts now, she wasn't stupid and could see him growing more distant with each passing day. It hurt her to know she may not have what it took to keep him as her own. She didn't blame him though, three years for a long time to be with one person. And in the end, she just hoped her love would be enough for him.
But for now, she had a class to teach and she couldn't think of such things. "Pair up." She ordered and with a wave of her wand she had all the desks against the wall, the children stared in amazement. They never could have done something quite that easily, not yet anyway. "Today will just be review. Try to disarm your opponent. Do not harm eachother too seriously, please, I don't need an injured student on my first day." That brought on a round of snickers from the Slytherin section of the class. She ignored it, knowing they'd snap out of it quick, Slytherins were something she knew how to handle.
There was a single girl who stood in the corner of the room. She didn't seem to mind the solitary, but it struck her heart. She wore Slytherin robes and she had almost bleach blonde hair. Round glasses sat on the edge of her nose, she watched the class with speculative eyes. And there was something familiar about her, she just couldn't place it. "Don't you have a partner?"
"My friends paired up with eachother." She explained with a sigh, pointing to the two boys across the room. They were both thin, each with a different shade of brown hair. They were close, that was obvious enough. They seemed confused, just a little lost without her. And she knew that feeling, to have your friends depend on you for the answers. But if the girl needed them, Hermione was sure they'd be there.
One of the boys finally gave up and called to her from across the room. "Hey, Mel, come be my partner? Dungbrain here doesn't know his left from his right. Please."
Hermione laughed before sending the boy a reproachful look. He shrunk back, muttered an apology. " Go on. "She told the young girl called Mel. "We seem to have an odd number today." She ran off and Hermione started circling the class, correcting students when necessary. There was a knock on the door, she turned. A familiar face was waiting for her, and she smiled. "Good afternoon, Professor McGonagall."
"Good afternoon." McGonagall nodded properly. "Can I see you for a second?"
"Just a second." She turned back to the class. "I hear one inappropriate spell and the one who cast it will find them in detention during the first quiditch match. Another round of groans.
Hermione stepped out of the classroom to find that McGonagall was not alone. It took her a minute to recognize, three years had changed him. His silver blonde hair was loose, long enough to cover his ears, steel grey eyes seemed inviting and friendly instead of cold and full of hate. She'd never really noticed before, but he looked like something the angels may had carved thousands of years ago. His face was just that rough, that rugged, that gorgeous. Before she could give away her thoughts, she looked away.
"Hello, Hermione." He smiled at her, she ignored the thumping in her chest. She couldn't, wouldn't let herself become attractive to someone like him. Appearances could be deceiving. Besides, there was too much that would never be forgiven between the two of them. She was being foolish, that was all. And that was her own problem.
"Malfoy." She nodded at the potion's master, then turned to McGonagall expectantly. The contempt she held for him was obvious, but then again, so was thier history. McGonagall knew this had been a good idea, and she was glad the portrait had thought of it. These two needed work.
"Well." McGonagall cleared her throat. " The students have requested that we have a dance, and they've earned it. However, I need you two to arrange it. Please." She added as an afterthought, still adjusting to seeing these two as teachers and not students. Could it really have been three years ago that she'd done her best to teach Malfoy and four since she'd had Hermione in her classes?
"Oh no, Professor McGonagall," Hermione glanced at Malfoy, she'd have to plan it with him? What could McGonagall be thinking? The same man who'd called her mudblood on several occasions and had given her humongous buck teeth and helped Voldemort take over the castle. How was she supposed to cope? "You can't be serious! I mean, you did great with the yule ball and everything. You really don't need my help."
McGonagall laughed, it was easy to imagine why Hermione had burst out. And who could blame her, Malfoy'd been perfectly wretched to her through out thier years at school. Now she could see the changes in him, if given a big enough push. And McGonagall was going to make sure she pushed hard. "I very much am, dear. I'm afraid it wasn't me that set that up either. I'm no good at parties, take my word."
Malfoy snickered, earning a sharp look from McGonagall. Hermione shook her head. Some men just didn't know when to keep quiet. Laughter had been totally inappropriate. Hermione'd caught on, almost automaticly, and couldn't believe he didn't figure it out. Dumbledore had planned the Yule Ball, it'd been his project from the start and this all brought up unpleasant and painful memories. The least Hermione could do was put up with a snake like him. "Fine, I'll do it."
"Yeah, sounds like fun." He smiled at her, her gut tightened. Did he have to look so damn perfect? It was nearly impossible to remember why she hated him as her heart skipped a couple of beats. McGonagall looked at him, then at her and nodded.
"Good then, I'll just leave you to get back to your class." McGonagall left before Hermione could say anything.
Malfoy cleared his throat, she glanced up at him. Until he'd stood beside her she never realized that he was taller than her, just by a couple of inches. It was a slightly overwhelming and intimidating. But she was sincere in her anger, she couldn't let him effect her at all. "So, Hermione..." He started but she interrupted him.
"Like she said, I have a class." She turned and walked back into the classroom, she could feel his eyes on her back as the door shut. This was going to a long school year.