Here is the last chapter of the king wrath. there will be a third story to this and I want to thank Chrissy-san for helping with this big time and to allowing me to use her characters

Disclaimer I dont own any of the danny phantom characters or the OC's of Chirssy-San. the only characters that are mine in here are Ghost Recon and Mystic Prowler Please review and tell me what you think of both stories so far

thank you

Chapter 10 It Has Finally Happened

As Dark Dan charged towards the two specters that were coming towards him, he realized that there was something different from the last time they fought. Even though they looked like they were bruised and battered, he sensed that they were stronger from the last time. He started to let off the charge, though Addison and Melanie didn't and they both sent Dark Dan flying into the ground.

"Like we said, Dark Dan you cannot defeat us this time, even if you use all your attacks it's no use, you will lose this fight." Melanie shouted as she and Addison step back into their battle stance.

Dark Dan sat up from the attack and started to rub his head like he had a massive migraine. "Ok these two are going to get what's coming to...argh!!!" Dark Dan shouted as he hit with a full blast of ecto energy from Melanie's Fenton mini blazer. He keeled over from the pain and gave Melanie a deadly look before he started to fly towards her. Mel though didn't move, she just put her weapon back in her holster, and she built up enough energy for her ecto blades to appear. As he got a little closer he started to think he was being set up. He was right, cause as soon as he got within 20 feet of Melanie, two flash bangs grenades and a smoke grenade went off right in front of him.

"Damn this stuff is deadly, what on Earth is that smell?" Dark Dan asked himself as he covered his mouth from the fumes and tried to get his bearings from the flash bang.

"I can tell you what is in it, but I would have to kill you later." Melanie whispered from right behind Dark Dan. W hen he heard the voice, he quickly swung his fist around and he did make contact with something, because Melanie came flying out of the smoke and landed hard against the rocks. Addison quickly ran to her side and helped her out of the rubble.

"We have got to be careful when we get closer to him; even when he's blind, he can hear where we are coming from really well, honey." Melanie said as she started to breathe heavily from that last hit. Addison was a bit concerned of his girl and asked if she was able to keep up the fight. Of course Mel just glared at him with her solid oranges eyes saying... "Hey you said we can take him on together, so that's what we're going to do. Don't tell me you're going to back out on me, because if you do, I won't speak to you for the next few weeks after we defeat this clown!"

Addison smiled and put his hands up in defense, knowing that if he said anything else to her, he was going to end up in the dog house. And even though he couldn't see her irises, he knew that she was looking very annoyed. Addison was going to say something to try and calm her down, but then Dark Dan came down on both of them with his fists glowing bright red. Mel quickly got out of the way in time, Addison though got hit and he went flying back into the Frozen wasteland of the Ghost Zone. "Ad- I mean Recon!" Mel shouted as she flew after her boyfriend to see if he was alright.

Dark Dan was a bit puzzled on why Mystic Prowler had to correct Recon's name; his mind was starting to wonder who this guy really was.

"Addi, Addi are you ok, speak to me wake up." Melanie whispered, while tapping Addison's face to wake up. He started to stir which was a good sign; as soon as he opened his eyes, Mel just sighed in relief seeing that he was ok.

"Man I hope Danny and Carrie are doing better than us right now…Look out!" Addison shouted as he pulled Mel into him as a giant ball of red ecto-energy flew towards them.


Danny and Carrie were actually the opposite of Addison's thoughts; just after they told General Stryker to command his Army to charge forward, they both went straight for King Pariah, who was just standing; waiting for the two, as if he was waiting for them all along. "So it's now down to us three, you pathetic peasants." Pariah chuckled darkly watching the young halfa couple comes flying over, "You still have a chance to live if you want if you join my cause." The King stated holding out his hand that had the mace in it.

Carrie just made a sarcastic snort and she charged forward. Danny gasped and tried to tell her to wait and to think of a strategy, but she was already out of ear shot. The king just smiled sinisterly and swung his mace right to her gut, which sent Carrie flying sideways onto one of the floating islands.

"Carrie!" Danny shouted in fright and concern as he saw his girlfriend make a giant dust cloud before he flew over to her at a fast pace. When he came upon her, she was crawling out of the cloud of dust holding her side that slammed into the rocks.

"Ok, next time, I'll wait for a plan to be made before I go charging into battle." Carrie chuckled sarcastically as Danny just smiled back at her, helping her up.

"Awe that so sweet, even when they are about to meet their fate, the peasants will stick by each other no matter what. Too bad it's not going to be for long." The evil king snarled as he was now towering over Danny and Carrie with his mace glowing. He was just about to smash it down on the two halfas, until Danny got in front of Carrie and released his Ghostly Wail on him. The sound was so unbearable the king just dropped his mace and covered his ears. Danny though couldn't keep it up, for he was starting to get weak, and Carrie could see it as she saw him fall to his knees.

"Hang on Danny, you can do it." Carrie said to herself as she wrapped her arms around Danny's waist as if trying to support him. What happened next was pretty astonishing even for Danielle and Carlos as they were coming up on the scene where Danny and Carrie were. They stared, awed in amazement as they saw Carrie's white aura start to glow pink and the aura around Danny was glowing green. They also covered their ears from the harsh sound of the Ghostly Wail, but it was different. It was not just a constant green wave piercing through the air. Every second wave that was coming out of Danny's mouth was pink and green. Somehow Carrie was able to help Danny to keep his strength up and also add more power to his Ghostly Wail.

"This is impossible! The sound is too much! Ah!" The king shouted as he went flying back into the rocks of a nearby Island.

As soon as the evil being was out of sight, Danny left off on his Ghostly Wail, both auras' that were around the two halfas turned back to white. "I guess pink and green are compatible." Danny chuckled as he was breathing heavily with his girl's arms still wrapped around his waist. Carrie was also exhausted from that last attack, but she just smiled up at Danny and held him close to her, while burying her face into his shoulder.

Their little bonding moment was interrupted though when the king lashed out and charged forward. "You think that would have stopped me?! Nice try, give up ghost children! There is no way you can defeat me." The king shouted, as he smashed the ground were the halfas were with his mace.

Danielle and Carlos watched in horror as the king was beating that same spot over and over again where their older counterparts were. "Carlos, I can't watch this." Danielle mumbled as she buried her face into his chest. Carlos though kept on watching as he thought that Danny and Carrie were gone. He kept on seeing the king beat that exact same spot repeatedly while holding Danielle close in his arms.

The dust was really starting to get thick around the area where Pariah kept smashing his mace. Finally, he let off as he was getting tired from swing his weapon mercifully. "There. I have done what I thought was possible; I have destroyed the ghost children." Pariah shouted and laughed evilly as everyone who was in the area heard what he said.

"Hey King, you forgot one thing, Carrie has superspeed!" A familiar male voice shouted from behind. As the king turned around to see who it was that interrupted his moment of victory, a swirling green and pink ecto blast that looked like a candy cane hit him straight in the face and he went flying into Amity Park, smashing into the streets.

When the clones looked around to see who it was, they saw Danny and Carrie, holding hands and their auras' were again their colors. "Oh my god! We thought you two were history and we tried to help but... Whoa..." That was all that Danielle said as she and Carlos came upon their older counterparts. On closer inspection Danny and Carrie's eyes were completely solid green or pink.

"Guys, we will get a hold of you, when we need you. Go and help General Stryker command the army to defeat the skeletons. We're putting you in command." Danny said to the young clones. Both of them looked at each other with a smile, and then gave a quick nod to Danny, before they quickly took off into the sky to find where the general was located.

"I wonder if what happened to them will happen to us. What do you think, Carlos?" Danielle asked with a bit of a smile.

Carlos just tried to explain to her that some day it will happen. Danielle blushed a little from this reaction and both clones held hands as they kept on searching for the General.

As Danny watched the two clones disappear in the mass of ecto life forms, couldn't help but say, "I think those two are coming around for each other don't you think Carrie?" Carrie though wasn't looking at the two clones as they were disappearing from sight; she was looking at him with a sly smirk before saying,

"I'm more interested in you right now and I can't wait until we win this fight and have our own victory celebration."

Danny couldn't help but smile back. They both held each other close and leaned in for a passionate kiss, until they were interrupted by a building that flew right by them. "Why do we always get interrupted when we have time to ourselves?" Carrie scowled as she turned her head to see King Pariah flying towards them.

Danny though just smiled and explained that they will have time by themselves later, right now they had a job to do. Carrie agreed with what he said and they both flew to the streets of Amity Park and to face off the king.

"You will never send me back to my sarcophagus, Ghost Brats." The king shouted as the two halfas landed in front of him in battle stances.

"What makes you think we can't? We did it before and we can do it again!" Danny shouted as he started to build up his elemental power.

The King didn't say anything he just smiled sinister and brought his sarcophagus forward, he then built up the energy in his mace fired it towards is tomb as it shattered into a million pieces. Danny and Carrie both gulped slightly knowing they can't put him back in it since it was now broken.

"Like I said, you will never put back into that box, now prepare to meet your doom, children." The king said sinisterly. The only reply from Carrie and Danny was that they started to both build up there elemental powers. Carrie's hands formed two giant fists of red flames while Danny's hands formed two giant fists of blue ice.

"Bring it on your royal nutcase!" Carrie said as she and Danny took one step back and waited for the king to make the first move. When he did charge forward, Danny and Carrie smiled at each other as their powers made contact causing one giant steam cloud. King Pariah quickly stopped and tried to get his bearings on where the young halfas would be.

"Come out from hiding, you know you can't win." King Pariah said though he was coughing and choking from the smoke that Carrie and Danny caused. The only response he got though was a couple of chuckles and laughter. Through the mist he couldn't see anything until the attack was right on him.

Carrie was the first one to come in with her flaming fists and she gave the king a right hook. Then Danny came in with his giant ice fist and he gave the king a left hook to the face. He tried to fling his mace at them, but they were already gone. "You had enough your majesty or are you ready for the main course, because you are paying for the bill." Danny taunted as his and Carrie's silhouettes were starting to become visible through the fog.

The king just snarled and fired two giant green ecto balls of fire towards them. Of course they didn't see them and when the ecto-rays came into view, it was too late; both halfas flew up into the air and landed hard on the ground. Danny struggled to get up and he was able to. Carrie on the other hand was having a hard time even sitting up and Danny could see why. Carrie's right side got cut and it was seeping green blood pretty good.

"Carrie, are you ok? Can you stand up?" Danny asked in concern as he helped his girlfriend up and also saw the damage that the king caused to her.

Even though she was holding her side, Carrie nodded yes, but yet she was breathing heavily. Danny could see she was exhausted. After the mist disappeared completely, the king saw them and started to walk towards them with an evil grin on his face.

"Fools, there's no way to defeat me. Now prepare to feel my wrath, brats." The king snarled as he lifted his mace slowly above his head.

Danny and Carrie knew that they weren't going to be able to pull off the escape like last time. Carrie was too weak from the cuts in her body to even fly at her top speed. So they held each other tightly as they waited for the mace to come down.

"Well…at least on the bright side, we'll be going out together. I love you Carrie." Danny said as he and Carrie closed their eyes.

"I love you too, Danny. Sorry it had to come to this…" Carrie replied as she held on to him tightly burying her face into his muscular chest.

The king watched the two hold each other with their eyes shut. He smiled even more sinisterly as he brought the mace back even further. He was just about to drop the mace on top of them at full speed, when all of a sudden; Dark Dan comes flying towards him. When they made contact with each other, they went flying into a derelict building which collapsed on both of them. Danny and Carrie took notice that nothing happened after a few seconds; so they opened there eyes to see why they weren't wiped off the face of the earth.

"I thought we told you two to fight off the ghost army to help with General Stryker and then all of us would take on the ghost king together." A familiar voice shouted in the distance as two figures appeared out of the blue. Danny and Carrie snapped their heads from the rubble that just crumbled on top of the King and Dark Dan to see Addison and Melanie land right beside them.

"Recon, Prowler, man thank whoever was watching us, you guys came in time." Danny sighed happily to see his cousin and his girlfriend show up at the right place at the right time.

Addison though was a bit annoyed that they went head on with King Pariah already and they looked a bit exhausted and injured. He asked Melanie to take care of Carrie wounds while he and Danny watched their back until Carrie was able to fight.

Melanie quickly nodded and asked Danny to let Carrie go so that Mel can fix her up. He quickly passed Carrie to Mel, and they both took off to an abandoned building which was a few feet behind them.

As soon as they were in a safe place, Danny and Addison watched the door while Melanie went to work to see if she can mend her wound. "Don't worry Carrie you'll be back in the fight." Melanie said in a soothing tone as she pulled out a tube from Addison's first aid kit. At first the silver-haired girl didn't know what it was until she remembered the last time she saw that tube was when Addison told Danny to stick inside his wound.

"Oh great…This is really going to hurt isn't it?" Carrie grunted annoyed as she saw Melanie prepping the quick clot. The older woman sadly nodded yes, but it was going to help the wound heel like nothing. She was about to stick it in, when Carrie quickly stuck up her hand and asked Danny to be by her side when it went in. Melanie smiled and nodded a yes before she called Danny over to hang on to him closely.

"Carrie is going to sting really badly. So just hold on…" Mel warned as Carrie held Danny's hand.

"Yeah, yeah…just get it over with before I change my mind." The girl halfa stated waving her free hand.

"Ok here we go." Melanie stated and she quickly stuck the tube into Carrie's wound. When it went in, Carrie yelled at the top of her lungs as the quick clot was doing its job. Her hand gripped Danny's, but since she had no super strength like Danny, it didn't bother boy halfas one bit. He just smiled as he watched his girl twitch. Finally, when the tube was empty, Melanie told Danny to apply the bandage so that the wound wouldn't get infected.

Within minutes after the quick clot was applied, Carrie was starting to feel better but she was told by Melanie to be careful not to make any sudden movements. The young halfa girl just smiled at her and gave her a quick hug for helping her feel better. Danny walked back over to Addison who was still watching the door, "So it looks you and Carrie are really meant for each other." Addison said as he noticed Danny and Carrie with their different color aura and their eyes were still solid just like his cousin's and his girlfriends.

"I guess, Addison…I think we both were meant to be, when we first decided to be with each other. We made sure that it was until death do us part. And I guess from that day on we have been together ever since. We plan to keep it that way or Carrie will have my neck. Just like you and Melanie are unbreakable." Danny replied with a chuckle as he looked and smiled back to see Mel and Carrie were talking about something.

Addison looked in the exact same direction that Danny was looking and he was right. All four of them had this inseparable bond to each other. They were snapped out of their happy thoughts when they heard the nearby building that crumbled on top of the king and Dark Dan, explode into a giant ball of fire as the two evil specters emerged from the flames.

"Well guys, you ready to finish this battle?" Danny asked the others that were taking refuge.

"I'm with you all the way, Danny. I'm sure you knew that by now" Carrie said as she stood alongside her man, holding his hand.

"Let's get rid of these guys once and for all." Addison added with Mel at his side who just nodded yes.

Addison then threw out the last of his 5 smoke grenades and waited until the entire street from where they were to the building that Dark Dan and Pariah Dark were standing. "A little smoke show is not going to help you win, Ghost children." The king shouted as the smoke was starting lift. What they saw was four beams of ecto-energy fly straight towards them; green, pink, yellow, and orange. All the beams hit them both straight on, causing them to fall to the ground harshly.

When Dark Dan and Pariah Dark dusted themselves from the blast that hit just in front of them, they both saw all four of them blazing in their colors starring down the king and his knight. "It's overtime you two and we're going to win, so ya better get ready to feel the heat." Danny shouted as he looked towards the two and were now a bit concerned about the look of the two halfas and the two dead army specters.

Dark Dan just stepped forward into his battle stance saying... "I'm ready but you're the ones that are about to..." he was interrupted when Addison fired his ecto grenade launcher towards the specter.

The king just launched forward and charged towards the four of them but the same happened to him when Melanie launched her grenade towards the king and he fell back with Dark Dan and both of them were fused together in black goo that had Skulker trapped before. As they struggled to get free, Mel shouted,

"Will you both just shut up; you guys will never let it go that you will no longer exist from here on end." Melanie shouted as the two specters continued to struggle. But since the battle had them weakened before, they couldn't move at all and the goo was starting to close on them all but their heads.

Everyone who was standing beside her jumped a little from her shout, but Danny was wondering how Melanie got a grenade launcher attached to her mini blazer in the first place.

Addison rubbed the back of his head and told them that he also acquired that little device other then the Fenton phone from the house. They then all went back to the task at hand. As all four of them walked towards the two trapped evil spirits in the rubbery goo, Addison stated,

"I think it's best if you two leave. Mel and I will deal with these two." He and Mel drew their weapons and pointed them. Danny and Carrie though said nothing. Carrie just told them what Addison told them about finishing this battle together. "But…Ok fine…let's do this together, but don't say I didn't warn you." Addison stated to the group before going back to the task at hand.

Danny though got on the radio and told Danielle, Carlos and anyone who was in the area to get back immediately. At first she didn't know what her brother meant but she then realized that Addison was probably going to release his ultimate power. She then told anyone who was with in their area to evacuate immediately. She then suggested that Danny, Carrie, and Melanie to get out of there too.

"No Danielle, we're staying. Just keep everyone back until the light dims away." Danny replied as he and everyone else who was with him took their communicators out of their ears as well.

"Let's finish these boneheads," Addison said before they all started to say the same chant that Addison used on Skulker.

"They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old." Everyone said in unison as the two ghosts in the goo now stopped struggling and started to tremble like Skulker before did, before them seeing their weapons and their bodies getting brighter.

"Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn." They kept chanting as they shut their eyes and their powers were getting brighter and brighter.

"At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them." The spirits that were trapped in the goo closed their eyes and waited to see that their afterlife was finished. Everyone else though snapped their eyes open before Addison repeated the final verse.

"WE WILL REMEMBER THEM!!!" He shouted as he and Melanie pulled the Trigger on their weapons and Danny and Carrie released all their energy through either Ghostly Wail or Fury Ectoplasm Blast on Dark Dan and King Pariah. Everyone and everything that was around them, completely disappeared into a white light.

Danielle, Carlos, Ember, Wulf, General Stryker, and Walker all watched in amazement as the ball of white light grew brighter and brighter in the sky. Walker though took the opportunity to see that everyone was distracted and he took out his shot gun and fired it off towards Wulf. The poor ghost yelped out loud to snap everyone out of their trance to see the situation unfold right in front of them.

"Walker what are you doing?! I thought you wanted to help us!" Danielle scowled as she and Carlos built up their energy in their fists.

"Of course I came here to help, but did you really think I was going to work for free? I came here to collect my payment and what better way than to this old boy back in solitary confinement." The warden replied with a sinister grin as he shocked the poor creature until Wulf was on his knees. Danielle and Carlos were not going to let this guy get away with it and they each jumped at Walker. Danielle went high while Carlos went low using every marshal art tactics they were ever taught. From every blow that hit the white suited warden dropped his gun like device and keeled over when Carlos dead legged him. Danielle on the other hand went right to the face and knocked out Walker right where he stood. The device shut down and the metal collars that were around Wulf's neck, wrist, and legs, dropped to the floor and quickly disappeared. Wulf chocked slightly but he smiled happily as Ember put her hand on the creature's back knowing he was alright now.

"Now for what you did Walker, you're going back to where you belong." Carlos implied as he pulled out a Fenton thermos and quickly sucked Walker in. "Guess that little speed bump has been taken care of." Carlos added before he slammed the lid shut on the thermos. Danielle couldn't help but giggle at his little comment, but then their mind went back to seeing the ball of light in the sky.

The light started to dim and two figures emerged from the mass. At first Danielle and Carlos tensed for battle think that the two figures were Dark Dan and King Pariah. "If it's those two, they're going to pay for Danny's, Carrie's, Addison's and Melanie's sacrifice." Carlos said as his and Danielle's fists were blazing ecto-energy.

As the figures came closer though, they could see that it was small figures, and they were male and female. Also the sky was starting to change back to normal sky blue. The skeletons were disappearing into dust. When the figures came in clear sight, Danielle and Carlos smiled with delight as they flew at high speed towards Danny and Carrie.

Both of them now had their auras white and their eyes were no longer completely solid of color. They both looked exhausted from the last attack, because as soon as the touched the ground, both of them fell to their knees. "Danny, Carrie, you're alive!" Both clones shouted in unison as they each tackled their older siblings to the ground.

"Ok guys come on, we are just exhausted from that last battle, and I know you two were worried sick, but we're alright!" Danny sighed as he tried to pry Danielle off.

"Yeah, so can you at least give me some breathing space, Carlos!" Carrie said as she cringed from the fact that Carlos was actually squeezing her wound. Quickly both of them got off their older counterparts and saw that they were hurt, but not bad though. They then all gazed throughout the town as the last skeleton was destroyed; the town looked like it needed serious repair work, but that wasn't going to be too bad. They then looked on as the entire 3rd mechanized specter army started to disappear as well.

"General what's going on?" Danny asked as the general came walking towards the two warn out halfas and their clones.

Stryker just explained that his army task was done; that they were to return to stand down status and back to base in the ghost zone. He also wanted to thank Addison for his help to get this entire operation going personally. Danny though sighed and turned away from the general as he mention Addison's name. Carrie was the one though that told the General that after they launched the attack they both lost sight of Prowler and Recon after the light was blinding everyone.

"I see. Well if you see him or when you see him, son…" the general paused before he added, "He is welcomed to be my second in command of the army. If you don't see him though, I was proud to serve with someone that was noble as him and his female partner." The General finally finished before he stepped back and saluted Danny and Carrie for what he did. Danny and Carrie just smiled and they both saluted back the General for his gratitude.

"Oh before you go back general, can you drop this off at the prison." Carlos asked as he pulled out the Fenton thermos he used on Walker. At first Danny and Carrie were puzzled on why he was in there when Danielle explained to them that Walker tried to capture Wulf again while they were all distracted from the big ball of light that was in the city.

"I will gladly take this back to the prison young soldier. Besides you think Walker is the boss of his prison, guess again…he just runs it. The warden and I will have a nice long talk when we get back." The general stated as he put the thermos away in his map case. Everyone's reaction from what he said had them all confused on why they haven't seen this guy soon when Walker was running amuck around the city. Just as they were going to ask him if he can keep Walker off their backs, the general phased away into nothingness and the all the specters except for Ember, Wulf, Frostbite, and Flamebreath with their kind were left.

"Well Great Ones, it is also our time to part ourselves and head home. We hope your warrior and his spouse is alright." Frostbite implied while Flamebreath just nodded her head in agreeing with him.

Danny and Carrie thanked them both for helping out with this cause and whenever they're in the Ghost Zone, they would drop by whenever they can. Then Ember added in not to shoot and destroy anyone, before asking questions. Everyone chuckled at this reaction when Wulf whimpered slightly. Danny saw this and realized something and turned to Frostbite, "Hey Frostbite, do you think you can watch over Wulf for me? He doesn't really have anywhere else to go. And I'm sure he'd fit fine with you guys."

Frostbite smiled warmly, "Yes Great One, Wulf is welcome to our homeland, but I'm just curious if he can withstand the cold regions of our land." Wulf said something that no one could understand, and to everyone's amazement except Flamebreath, Frostbite answered back in the same language. Wulf smiled happily as he stood by the ice king.

"Wait…you can speak his language?" Carlos asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Of course…Frostbite and I are known to know many languages. Now we must go," Flamebreath answered and they all said good bye to each other before Ember, Wulf, Frostbite, and Flamebreath flew off towards the portal to head back to their realms.

"Now that all that is now behind us, how about we finally take care of our good friends Richard and Amy and bring them to justice?" Danny asked the group. They all smiled at the words that came out of Danny's mouth before they all took off to search for the two that got them in this predicament in the first place.

On the way to Richard place, Danielle asked if they would ever see Addison and Melanie again. Danny and Carrie just hung their heads low before Danny replied by saying, "I don't know, guys. I mean that blast that took out the King and Dark Dan, we were able to get out of there with our lives…we never created something that powerful before."

"Ok look, we can't think about that now. Let's get back to finally putting my stupid half sister away for good." Carrie said as she took off like a bolt of lightning through the sky.

The others shouted behind her in unison to tell her to slow down as they tried to catch up with fastest ghost girl in the Ghost Zone.

At Richards place, Amy was cleaning herself up from the fight that she had with Carrie and Melanie, while Richard was stitching up his gunshot wound from the bullet that Melanie grazed him with. "I can't believe it after going all that, I mean letting out Danny-kin's future evil self, The Ghost King…how in blazes did it all got to cra?! I thought getting rid of those two with the assets we had will assure us of victory and we still lost!" Amy scowled as she blasted the mirror off the wall.

Richard though just quickly sighed and grabbed a beer from his fridge before saying, "Hey calm down Amy. I know you want to get rid of your half sister and have Danny to yourself, so don't worry. We will see them shortly to finally have our revenge on those two."

"Jeez you just took the words out of my mouth, jerks." Someone familiar shouted from one of Richard's open windows. Before the can even react a pink plasma ray knocked Amy right up against the wall. But the 13-year old girl recovered herself from the blast and quickly transformed into her Demon form before she charged right at Carrie.

They were both having one hell of a catfight when the rest of the gang showed up; Danny quickly told Danielle to go help with Carrie while he and Carlos take care of their good friend Richard.

Danielle smiled sinisterly knowing she wanted revenge on Amy anyway for what she did to her earlier before taking off to go help out her brother's girl. "So Richard, you killed my cousin's girlfriend. You know that's going to get you 25 to life in prison, also there is impersonating and member in the military, you know you're going away for a long time." Danny taunted as he and Carlos floated just outside of Richards's window thinking that we would be able to do anything from a second story floor.

Richard however just smiled and said, "Really Phantom? I beg a differ…" he quickly drew what looked like a ghost fighting weapon that came from FentonWorks. Danny and Carlos tried dodging it, but they both got hit and they went tumbling down to the ground.

"Danny! Carlos!" both of the girls shouted before they two were knocked out of the sky by Amy.

All four of them were lying on the concrete sidewalk, holding where they got hit when Richard and Amy came walking out and towered before the four of them. "Why didn't we do this in the first place? Oh well, time to finally say good bye Team Phanturds." Richard stated as he pointed the pistol at Danny's head first. Amy didn't want Danny to be killed, but since he didn't want to be with her, she thought it'd be fun to watch him die here. Richard was about to pull the trigger, when all of a sudden Amy screamed slightly before she immediately disappeared.

"Amy? Amy, where did you go?" Richard asked as he looked around to find out where she went to. His question was answered when he felt two muzzles on the back of his neck.

"I should kill you where stand for taking the life of my girl, you asshole." A familiar male voice said behind Richard who dropped his weapon and slowly held up his hands. The halfas all looked up to see Addison and Melanie with their weapons poised at Richard. It wasn't long though until the rest of the family and friends showed up in a still battered RV. "Monnin, Rameizs, put this idiot in cuffs, since signed the dotted line, he'll be spending time in Leavenworth." Addison shouted as he and Melanie withdrew their weapons; with a flash Richard was in cuffs.

"How did you guys survive the blast? We thought we lost you guys for good back there?" Danny asked as he slowly stood up and walked over to his dead cousin and his girlfriend.

Addison just explained to all of them at once, that after he and Melanie launched their attack, they took cover to recuperate, and once the fight was completely over he knew that Danny, Carrie, Danielle, and Carlos were going to go after the two that started this mess in the first place. So he called the rest of the family to come and help them out.

Just then a Time Portal appeared and Clockwork appeared out of nowhere. "Well done Team Phantom and the rest of you. You all helped stopped a menace that would of destroyed you all and now I only have one more task to do before I head on my way." Clockwork said as he floated over towards Melanie.

The young lady was slightly scared that this guy was coming towards her, but Danny and Addison assured her that he was a good specter, so she let him come up to her before he stated, "Young lady, you have been through a lot these past few days, and I'm here to give you a choice. You can stay the way you are as a ghost or I can revert time to back before you got killed. I will let you decide."

Everyone was shocked to hear this including Melanie. She looked at Addison as he smiled knowing she would make the right choice. Melanie then opened her eyes and stated. "Thanks for the offer Clockwork to try and bring me back. But I want to be with my Addison. We were meant to be, ever since we first laid eyes on each other. Just like Phantom and Angel here, these two probably are also the reason why I made my choice, but mostly Addison is why I want to stay a ghost."

Everyone was shocked again to hear this, but there was no way they were going to change her mind. She wanted to stay with her man. While everyone gathered around the team, Clockwork just simply smile and sneaked back through one of his Time Portals.

"Well guys, as you can see there something I've wanted to do in a long time with my girl. So if you will excuse us, we will see you all later." Addison stated as he picked up Melanie in his arms like a bride and took off into the sky.

As they watched the couple fly away, Danny spoke out asking what are they to do with Melanie's body; it was still in the basement. The families talked it over and they knew what to do as they piled in to the Fenton RV and headed home.

It was a few days later when everyone who knew Master Corporal Melanie Jones was at her grave site which was right next to Addison's final resting place. Danny was the one that actually said the eulogy for Melanie and he finished it off with a little poem before the honor guard fired there three shots.

"It is the soldier

Not the reporter

Who has given us the freedom of the press.

It is the soldier

Not the poet

Who has given us the freedom of speech.

It is the soldier

Not the Campus organizer

Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.

It is the soldier

Who salutes the flag,

Serves beneath the flag and

Whose coffin is draped by the flag.

Who allows the protestor to burn the flag.

And when he or she reaches the gates of heaven to St Peter he will tell 'One more Soldier Reporting, Sir! I've have served my time in hell'."

Everyone had tears in their eyes when they heard this. Danny though was looking around the area to see if Addison and Melanie were around. Usually either they were watching from out of sight but that wasn't the case here.

Back in the Ghost Zone

Ember got a call from Carrie, that they were heading to Melanie's resting place and that she wanted to know if Mel and Addi wanted to come down and see. Addison and Melanie had decided to stay at Ember's since she had enough room for all three. Ember told them that they would be down as soon as they could. After she hung up though she heard some funny noises coming from Addison's room. At first the blue-haired girl wanted to knock, but what if they were in trouble or something? So she cracked the door open to see inside. At first her eyes had a hard time adjusting to the light, but when she started to focus, and she silently gasped before closing the door nice and smoothly so not to make a sound.

"I didn't know you can still do that after your dead and they have been going at that for the last few days." Ember whispered to herself as she walked down the hall to get back on the communicator with Carrie.

Twenty minutes inside Addison's room, there were clothes, boots, gear, and stuff you couldn't imagine all over the place with two specters in bed under the covers resting; it was clearly obvious of what they have been doing.

"That was amazing sweetie; I thought I was never going to be able to do that again." Melanie said as she rested her head on Addison's chest.

"Me neither Mel. I mean, now that we're together, I think we should carry on what we wanted to do in a while now." Addison replied with a smirk. At first, Mel was a bit confused as she looked into his big yellow eyes. It then hit her on what he meant and she had the biggest grin on her face.

"I was wondering how you want to do this though…should we make it small and invite only the people we know close to us?" Melanie asked as she got out of bed and started to get dressed.

Addison just explained that it was their wedding, even if they were already dead; they should dead as man and wife not just fiancées. As he swung his legs over the side and put on his pants shirt and boots.

Melanie though was just too excited as she ran out of the bedroom to tell Ember the good news. Addison just chuckled to himself when he heard the two girls screaming like their favorite rock band were coming to town. Within the next few weeks Danny and Carrie heard the news that Addison and Melanie were finally getting married and they were both to be the best man and the maid of honor.

Jack was to be the minister and Vlad was asked by Mel to hand her off to Addison since these people she only knew for the past few months from when they first met, had become the best families she ever knew.

The day finally came just around the end of the month and December was coming up fast. They used the Lab down in the basement of FentonWorks as their little church. There were only a few seats to sit on and only their closets friends who knew their secret were the only ones that were allowed to show up. Valerie, Steve, Eric, Alan, Sam, Tucker, Ember, The Masters and the Fentons, were the only ones attending. And they made sure even for a dead couple they wore their best cloths to this ceremony.

As it went on, Danny couldn't help but gaze over at Carrie with the way she looked; she was wearing a pretty pink dress with black tints, and she has a rose in her hair. Carrie quickly looked back at him and mouthed a 'One more step, then it will be us.' They both blushed at that moment, before they were snapped back to reality, when Jack announced, "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Without a second to loose Addison quickly pulled Mel close to him; they gazed into each other's eyes before they kissed for the first time as husband and wife. While everyone around them cheered and clapped.

Before they both walked into the portal, Melanie threw the bouquet up in the air and Jazz was the one that caught it; she couldn't help but blush at the sight of seeing all the girls looking at her and Alan, who was blushing too.

Danny and Carrie though weren't around when the bouquet was thrown; for as soon as the older specters kissed, the two halfas flew up on to the roof of the Emergency Op- Center and held each other close in their ghost forms as they watched the night sky twinkling with stars. "What a great way to end the evening, I have to admit…" Carrie whispered as she looked into Danny's bright green eyes.

Danny couldn't help but nod a yes to her, but there was another reason why they were both up there. "Um Carrie… you know that grad ring I got for you a while back but it was sort of screwed up with the engraving even with your name on it." Danny implied as he dug into his phantom suit pocket.

At first Carrie was a bit confused on why he would mention that; of course she always had it. It sat next to a picture of Danny on her night stand next to her bed. It wasn't long though until Danny pulled out what he was looking. It was a small box as he passed it off to Carrie. Now she was really puzzled at why he pulled this out,

"Danny…aren't we both too young to get married?" She sarcastically pointed out holding the small box while glancing up at her boyfriend.

"It's not a wedding ring…just open it." Danny smiled.

Carrie shrugged and did so. When she saw what was inside, it took her breath away. She saw the ring with a few little diamonds in the center.

"Danny it's beautiful I love it. Seriously. But this must have cost a lot!" Carrie said with joy as she slipped it on her finger.

"It's a promise ring, Carrie. And it didn't cost that much…" Danny chuckled slightly as he watched the silver-haired girl continue to admire the ring, "You see, a while back when we caught Walker and his goons in the thermos, Addison and I had a long chat before I came to see you at the movies. Well…I know it's too soon, and I may have said this before but I'll say it again." He paused for a moment before he gazed into her hot pink eyes when she finally glanced back up to hear him out, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Carrie."

Carrie couldn't help but blush at what he said. She couldn't believe there were tears coming down her eyes. She glanced down and wiped them away. She felt a glove hand gently touch her cheek and she opened her eyes to see Danny looking right at her. They then leaned in for a passionate kiss. As bright light beams were waving back and forth across the sky's.

Those lights were from the prison and they were search lights; they were going all over the place with the sirens a blazing due to the fact Richard somehow escaped from military prison and he had a Fenton Thermos in hand, which indicated Amy was inside it. "We will get back at those two, Amy. But for now, we need to lie low." He said as he disappeared into the tree line running for his life.

Back on the Op-Center, Danny and Carrie finally parted from their kiss and just gazed into each other's eyes for awhile longer.

"Hey Danny…I have to say something…if you don't mind…" Carrie whispered with her forehead touching Danny's.

He smiled, "Yeah?"

"I kind of missed our little get together we had back at the cabin…" She stated now blushing slightly; Danny did as well, but he too missed it, "You think it will every happen again?" She asked in a soothing voice as she cocked an eyebrow, smiling slyly.

Danny could see what she was up to and he still had the key to the cabin as he pulled it out, before he replied with a sly smile as well. "We can always go back to that place whenever we want."

"Yeah…but what about our parents?" Carrie laughed slightly.

"Come on…with your speed, we'd be back here before they miss us…and for all they know, we could be out just flying around…" Danny stated he held out his hand.

Carrie just giggled seeing he was right before taking his hand. They then took off into the night sky, towards their destination.

Around the corner of a building floated a shadow with big horns and big red eyes; he watched the two halfa's disappear into the night sky. "Have your fun now while it lasts young ones. Soon you will wish you would be dreaming those thoughts when I'm through with you." The dark voice said as it disappeared laughing like there was not tomorrow.