Chapter 13: Keith Oswell vs. Adam Archer
Disclaimer: I don't own Vandread or the Armored Core games, just my OC and his NEXT.
Vandread Raven
The Dread pilots struggle in their battle against the Harvest fleet, Meia manages to destroy a sea urchin. She commanded, "All Dread fall back immediately. We'll meet the Nirvana on the planet's surface."
One pilot alerted, "Meia! Enemy closing in from 11 o'clock!" Fakedread Meia closes in but she avoids it. Jura has her own problems dealing with Fakedread Jura.
She grunted, "You won't beat me that easily you fake!" Dita's also in the same situation with Fakedread Dita, Meia distracts it from the redhead then suddenly the red colored Fakedread comes out of nowhere and slices off her Dread's left wing. She spirals out of control luckily the delivery ship catches her.
Gascogne ordered, "All units head to the planet. We'll lose them in there."
Meia covered a wound in her shoulder while apologizing, "Gascogne, I'm sorry!" Nearby Black Dragon dukes it out with Black Heart.
The two NEXTs exchange gunfire and blows with none gaining the upper hand. Frustration sets in as Adam did everything he could think of but no matter how much damage he dishes out on Black Dragon, the machine's amazing regenerative power kicks in, closing the holes in less than a second. He didn't expect this. He still thought Keith's Armored Core wasn't upgraded if he only knew that Black Dragon had undergone a metamorphosis 9 months ago. Keith's aggressive fighting style becomes even more brutal when he begins swinging the 07-Moonlight beam saber with speed unheard of, he destroys Black Heart's grenade rifle.
Canis fires a barrage of missiles at Julius annihilating her NEXT and in turn freeing her soul he receives the order to retreat. Keith receives it as well, he wanted to kill Adam Archer and make him pay for his crimes. Adam has no idea of how much pain he's caused Keith.
Keith growled, "I must retreat for now, Adam! But don't think for one minute that I'm not done with you prick!" He puts the 07-Moonlight back into its holding place and fires up Black Dragon's boosters. He was steaming on the inside he wondered why Gascogne gave the order to fall back but he still obeyed the order, he didn't want to get demoted from second in-command of the Dreads. The fighters and both NEXTs enter a gas planet's atmosphere and put their shields up. The Harvesters follow but after witnessing Fakedread Meia and a Seed Ship being crushed by the planet's immense gravity, the two other Fakedreads head back and wait for their victims outside the gas giant. The Dreads return to the Nirvana and land, the mechanics automatically begin working on them for repairs. Jura sits near a wall with her legs held up to her face. She, along with Dita, heard the hovering of a stretcher with Meia on it. Some shrapnel tore through the shoulder padding she wears fortunately the cut isn't deep.
Meia said in a tired voice, "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." Then they hear canopies opening up and lifting wires lowering.
Dita turns to see Keith and Canis getting off the lifting wires and remove their helmets, there was some sweat on their foreheads though they wiped it off.
Jura sobbed, "I can't take this anymore! I can't stand picking fights we can't win!"
On the bridge the occupants can hear the sound of metal being compressed by the atmospheric pressure.
In the engine room the Pexis was flashing a pink color from an unexpected power build up.
Duero attempts to treat a cut on Barnette's arm but she swats it away.
Duero said, "Let me treat your injury."
Barnette retorted, "I don't need the help of a man! In case you have forgotten I still don't trust you!"
The doctor remained unfazed, "Before then I was your prisoner but now I'm your doctor and if I don't treat you, your injury may become infected."
Keith stops by the infirmary after getting a bottle of cold water from the cafeteria. He checks on the condition of Meia and Barnette. With every battle Keith and Meia's relationship grows stronger, Meia can still feel the air of sorrow looming over him, she begins to think of some way to help him forget his pain but didn't know how at the moment.
Dita comes to the infirmary with urgency.
She said, "Doctor, we need some kind of medicine to help make everyone feel better."
Duero replied, "I'm sorry, Dita but I think medicine won't help with this kind of situation."
Dita's heart sank, "But everyone is saying that it's pointless."
Paiway gave into her fear, "That's right! They're saying it is the end of the road for us. They said we should've ran away when we had the chance!"
Keith finally snapped, "Enough! I will not stand here and give up hope. You may allow some mechanical ass wipes hurt your morale but I won't!" For as long as they have known him, the crew hasn't seen such fire in his eyes.
In the hanger Hibiki is formulating a plan that's never been done before. He sneezes on Pyoro's screen.
He said, "That's disgusting!"
Hibiki replied, "Oh, shut up. Well, Pyoro do you think it'll work?"
The white robot explained, "I'm afraid it won't. Although it's true that this planet is about to turn into a star, it is impossible to carry out this mission all by yourself." Another plan down the tube! Hibiki starts to think up another plan while Pyoro only sighed at his attempts.
Canis talks to Gascogne about a delivery order for Savage Beast's ranged weaponry out on the battlefield. He gives her a card to download the data onto a hand-held register computer. She slides it down for confirmation then gives it back to him.
Back at the hanger Hibiki views over the plan, "Okay if we combine the gas masses and the Pexis, we'll be able to ignite the planet we are fine up to that point. Now the question is how we'll be able to escape in time without being caught in the explosion once nuclear fusion starts in the core?" He gets a negative response, in a reaction to this Hibiki starts rubbing his fist against the robot indicating that he's tired of the robot's negativity.
BC comes up onto the platform and suggested, "Have you considered using boosters? I'm sure you will be able to build one out of spare parts we have."
Pyoro cried, "We've added it to our calculations but we are still 20 seconds short." Then they hear Dita's voice over the intercom system.
She said, "Hello? Can you hear me? I know you're feeling depressed however, you can't let that stop you. I know that we all die someday but that's the point of life, right? Living it to the fullest? So I don't want anyone to be sad and I you need to look into your hearts and find hope! We'd be dying a coward's death if we gave up now! So please don't give up now!" Dita starts to cry, hoping they heard her plea.
Hibiki smirked, "You idiot."
Dita wipes the tears from her eyes and continued, "I won't give into my fear and Keith won't either. So find the courage and fight your fears."
Keith walks into the room she was in and places a hand on her shoulder; the Dread pilot looks up to see him smiling before heading over to the intercom machine.
He said, "Listen everyone, I know what the horrors of war can do to your mind but I managed to keep my sanity throughout my battles and I know you can do the same. We're fighting a new enemy who has no sense of honor or respect towards life. We're not fighting for pride, superiority or personal interests but to prevent extinction of the human race. We're fighting for our right to exist. I will face anyone that doesn't value life. This will be the time where thriving planets stand in one voice and say 'We will not submit to your rule! We won't go down without a fight.' We're going to live on we're going to survive. Today, this battle will mark as a turning point in our war against planet Earth!" He ends the speech, praying that the crew will accept his and Dita's morale speech. He embraces Dita in a hug to let her cry. At this point he had his gloves off to stroke Dita's hair, feeling how soft and silky it is after a full minute of crying Dita looks at him with happiness as he allowed her to let out her sadness.
She smiled, "Thank you, Keith." He silently nods at her compliment
He lets out a small chuckle, "You are one of the most precious people to me, Dita. Your positive attitude can lift anyone's spirit. You and the others have healed a part of my shattered soul and for that I thank you, Dita. I have always thought of you as a little sister I never had." The redhead puts on a bright smile for that acknowledgement.
Pyoro said, "Nope, still impossible." Another plan is about to be scrapped.
Hibiki growled with a tick mark and grinding his teeth, "Would you shut up with that? Nothing is impossible!"
Meia asked, "How about using my Dread? That should solve your speed problem, I trust that you managed to figure out the next step?" Hibiki smirks at that.
Jura slides up the hanger door and purred, "Here you are. You are gravely mistaken if you think you can hide secrets from me. You should know by now that I have a keen eye for finding things interesting." There was a bit of a seductive tone in her voice.
When Keith and Dita walk out of the room they see that their speech had restored the crew's morale. They rush to the hanger to see Barnette, Hibiki, Jura, Meia and Canis going over Hibiki's plan.
Jura said, "About time you showed up."
Hibiki added, "Don't just stand there, you are part of the master plan and no slacking off either!" Dita nods happily and with a slight blush on her face.
Keith advised, "I won't do anything stupid but I must warn you, I don't want any outside interference during the operation to transform this planet into a star. I need 100% focus in my battle with Adam so don't get in my way."
Meia replied, "Come back safely, Keith. You are a valiant member of this crew." The NEXT pilot gives her a thumbs-up.
Canis joined in, "Hey Keith, I'll keep any soul fused NEXTs away from you during your dogfight."
Keith smiled, "Thanks, Canis. I appreciate that! Now let's go out there and teach those tin cans a lesson they'll never forget!" As Meia powers up her Dread, Keith hovers to her open canopy.
The blue-haired woman asked, "What is it?"
Keith told her, "I've asked Parfet to install the updated AMS on your Dread as well."
Meia wondered, "Why?"
He assured, "It's a good system, it will increase your reaction time. Try it out! I'll be busy fighting Adam so I won't be able to come to your rescue every 2 seconds." He backs away from the craft, "Don't die out there, Meia. I'd never forgive myself if you did!" Keith hops into Black Dragon powering it up and heads out before the others.
Hibiki straps himself in his seat as he readies the Vanguard for takeoff.
Then Dita contacts him.
She said, "Excuse me, Mr. Alien."
Hibiki growled, "What is it now? I already explained the mission to you, didn't I?"
Dita shook her head, "It's not that! I want you to promise me something. I want you to promise that you'll visit my room after this battle is over."
The young Tarak groaned, "Can we talk about this later?"
The redhead demanded, "No! Promise me now!"
Hibiki sighed, "Sure."
She smiled, "Well, thank you. I'll be waiting."
The pilot sighed again, "Oh, brother." Then grew a confident smirk, "Time to go kick some ass!" He takes off, followed by the other Dreads.
Dita, Barnette and Meia fly down to the center where the gas planet's core is while Hibiki combines with Jura's craft to make Vandread Jura.
Belvedere informed, "Vandread Jura is in position."
Magno nodded, "Hm. Begin the operation!" Vandread Jura puts up its shields around the entire planet. Dita, Meia and Barnette fire their individual Dreads' lasers at the core, causing it to contract and heat up. Hibiki keeps an eye on the progress.
He stated, "All we need to do is make the core hot and dense enough, around 27 million degrees Fahrenheit, for nuclear fusion to start!" Close by, Black Dragon encounters Black Heart again.
'Time to finish this!' Keith thought.
The black NEXTs draw their respective beam sabers before locking them in combat. Adam is now furious to see that Keith is still alive after their previous encounter.
He yelled, "What can you possibly hope to achieve besides getting in my way? Why didn't you be a good little boy and die?"
Keith fired back with burning hatred, "Death wasn't ready for me, that's why! Though I promise you that he's ready to take your soul down into the depths of hell where you belong!" Black Heart fires a round from its rebuilt grenade rifle but gets countered by Black Dragon's Karasawa Mk 3 laser rifle. The two speed by each other with only light from the clashing beam sabers as indicators where they are. Suddenly a swarm of missiles come toward Black Dragon but the NEXT dodges them with no difficulty, when Keith looks at the one responsible for it he sees that it was Vora Nork.
Before the enemy could gain another missile lock Savage Beast comes to Black Dragon's aid. The tiger striped Armored Core fires both its assault and laser rifle at Nork to make it back off. Adam uses the distraction to escape.
Canis said, "Keith, I'll keep Vora Nork busy. You go on and face Adam Archer. Find him, kill him and show him what happens when you pick a fight with the Demon of Hell!" Black Dragon gives chase to Black Heart.
Soon enough he spots it hiding behind an asteroid, much to Keith's annoyance. So his Armored Core fires its OGOTO grenade cannon obliterating the space rock.
Keith spoke with venom, "Not this time, Adam! You're not going to hurt Meia or any other innocent people again. I won't let you!" Black Dragon puts the Karasawa Mk 3 into its holder, a series of magnetic clamps hold it in place. Then the heat whip is extended then the black NEXT accelerates to its enemy. Oh Keith has waited a long time to get in full measure of retribution against Adam for all the atrocities that the terrorist had committed against Keith and made his life a living hell.
Savage Beast places the assault rifle on its right hip and pulls out the beam saber. Canis weaves through the missiles and cuts off one of Nork's arms. Retreating to a safe Canis switches to both multi-chain missile launchers and locks onto Vora Nork. Gaining a 10-lock max, Savage Beast unleashes a huge barrage of missiles at his opponent. The projectiles hit home, obliterating the blue-white NEXT. Then Canis decides to keep some of the cube-types away from Vandread Jura.
On the Nirvana's bridge Belvedere stated, "3 minutes until the pressure crushes us. Please proceed with the procedere."
Meia said, "Roger that. Parfet, it's time!"
In the engine room Parfet cried, "Alright we're going for it! Energy reverse!" She and some of her fellow engineers throw a few switches, this opens up hidden hatches on the Nirvana's wings and release excess Pexis crystals into the surrounding atmosphere of the planet. The flashing pink light emitted by the Pexis gradually subsides then finally returns to its normal blue appearance.
Belvedere told Mango the good news, "The Pexis' power level is returning to normal!" The Harvesters don't let up their attack of Vandread Jura despite Canis' efforts to minimize the damage. There is simply too many. Eventually the planet's core ignites.
Amarone spoke out, "They did it! Nuclear fusion has started!" That was their cue to leave.
Magno yelled, "We've got to get out of here! Bart, turn the ship around now!" The helmsman did just that. The three Dreads evacuate as well.
Meia screamed, "Dita, from here on out, don't slow down for one second!" A flare follows them and quickly starts catching up to them Hibiki separates from Jura and combines with Meia's Dread to form Vandread Meia.
Hibiki exhaled, "That was close."
Meia joked, "If we hadn't combined, I would not be able to hear any more of your wise cracks."
Hibiki smirked, "I can say the same thing. Let's go!" Meia nods and the Vandread grabbed Dita's craft with its talons, doubling its speed. Now it's pretty much a race between the Nirvana and its fighters and the flare. The star changes color from green to yellow as its surface expands and increases in temperature, the Nirvana's shields weaken considerably without warning. One possibility is that the energy from the flare was too much for the shields and they weakened. The ship enters an asteroid field where Keith and Adam are fighting in.
Magno asked, "What the hell have you got us into?"
Bart answered, "I'm a little busy at the moment!"
BC hops into an empty bridge control console and ordered the bridge bunnies to switch the ship's thrusters to manual control and synchronize them with Bart's movements. A chasing Seed Ship crashes into a nearby asteroid making it glow bright orange, the pirate ship is getting dangerously close to it. Bart just panics and before they collided with the space rock Celtic presses a button that saves them as the Nirvana does a barrel roll to avoid collision. BC and the others stare at her with silence.
'About time.' They thought.
They see Black Dragon and Black Heart speed past the observation window as the pilots play a game of cat and mouse. They see sparks coming from Adam's NEXT; this meant that Keith has managed to cause damage.
Keith shouted, "Come here, you heartless piece of shit!"
Adam replied, "You can't stop me! You are histoy, Keith. History!" Vandread Meia closes in on the Harvest flagship then Hibiki feels a hand on his shoulder.
Meia said, "I leave the rest to you. Make sure to come back."
Hibiki answered, "Right."
The Dread leader nodded, "Dita, begin phase 4!"
Dita smiled, "Roger!" Hibiki combines with the blue Dread to create Vandread Dita. The machine's shoulder cannons come off its back and combine to form a javelin. It charges up and Vandread Dita throws it like an athletic pro. The weapon enters the enemy flagship wrecking havoc in the interior before coming out of the other side the flagship explodes taking any nearby units with it. But their victory is short lived when they see the vessel come out the smoke, badly damaged but still functional.
Ezra gasped, "No way!"
Magno asked with a twitching eyebrow, "They are persistent, aren't they?" The flare envelops Vandread Dita and all contact is briefly lost before it comes out, glowing orange from the intense heat and plows through the Harvest flagship, delivering the final coup de grad with one of its bladed gauntlets. This deathblow is all that is needed to cause the final explosion, signifying the star's birth.
The captain admired the scene and said, "Ah, this makes a long life worth while. I never dreamed that I'd be here to witness the exact moment a new star is born!" The newly fledged star's color settles at blue-white, averaging a surface temperature of 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. It enters the main-sequence phase as it begins to fuse hydrogen into helium at its core.
Vandread Dita hovers above it. Inside the cockpit Dita's swaying arms hit Hibiki as she lets out happy cheers. Adam spots the motionless machine and targets it with its Kojima rifle. He fires a shell and it screams toward Vandread Dita but suddenly Black Dragon gets in its line of fire and takes the hit. When the fireball cleared the entire crew sees two beams of light shielding Black Dragon. The NEXT's eyes glow red as it spreads the beams of light to reveal them as a pair of...dragon wings.
Keith shouted, "Behold the power of Black Dragon! Now, Adam you will see why I've been dubbed the 'Demon of Hell!' You took my parents away from me you even killed Katrina, the first love of my life. You have no idea of how much pain and suffering you have caused me. Now it's your turn to suffer!" With a single flap of its wings, Black Dragon zeroes in on its target with the 07-Moonlight poised to strike. Adam fired another round from the Kojima rifle but the NEXT's Primal Armor deflects it. The terrorist could only gasp as the black Armored Core neared then with a scream of pure rage; Keith drives the beam saber into Black Heart's chest and into the cockpit, slightly missing his intended target. He pulls the 07-Moonlight out and stops his attack for a moment as Black Heart sparks. Keith points his machine's weapon at the enemy's neck.
He growled, "You have no remorse over who you kill, you hurt innocent people just to satisfy your goddamn ego. Understand? You have no heart!"
Adam evilly laughed, "So what? Your parents died ungracefully and I relished every moment of it."
Keith announced in anger, "They're waiting for you now!" Black Dragon does a swift spin with its beam saber effectively cutting the enemy NEXT in half, "Burn in hell!" Keith hears a gurgling scream from Adam as his machine explodes, taking him with it. Keith watches the explosion from a few feet away. Keith finally got his revenge! Keith's finally got his retribution! He felt a deep sense of satisfaction somewhere in his heart.
Canis just arrived back and whistled at the sight, "Whew, man Keith. You were dead serious about killing Adam. What was going through your head during that fight?"
Keith answered, "How about inflicting punishment, inflicting pain, shutting the terrorist up and make him suffer? Everyone must pay for the crimes they commit during a war! Now let's take out the Answerer!" They first fire their ranged weapons to destroy the missile launchers before cutting off nearly all of the support fins, then released a charged up shot from their laser rifles to destroy the behemoth. The massive explosion demolishes the Spirit of Motherwill as well. They retrieve Vandread Dita and land in the hanger.
As Hibiki comes out of his Vanguard he spots Dita, Jura and rest of the crew welcoming him and the NEXT pilots back. He slips and lands on the platform, only to be picked up by Jura. Hibiki is so tired that he can barely keep his eyes open.
Jura said, "You were amazing out there!" She starts kissing him much to Dita's jealousy.
Dita screamed, "Hey! Stop that!"
Jura asked, "What's your problem? I was only thanking him!"
Dita pulls Hibiki further away from the blonde, "Mr. Alien still has to fulfill a promise he made." The rest of the crew look on with amusement as the two Dread pilots fight over Hibiki. Canis stands by Barnette, the Lynx got out of his machine before Hibiki did. He just loves having company after a hard mission he considers it as a way of calming his nerves. Then the alarms go off.
Pyoro yelled, "We got a problem!"
Jura snapped back, "Go away! Can't you see we are busy here?"
The white robot said, "There's no time for that. Take a look at this." His face changes to a projection screen, "Earth has just discovered that the Nirvana has destroyed one of its flagships. In a reaction to this, they have directed other flagships from different solar systems and are preparing to strike Mejale and Tarak!"
Jura groaned, "There's five of them?"
Barnette asked, "What are we going to do now? We were barely able to get rid of one."
Hibiki declared, "What is wrong with you? Are you going to shrivel up in fear? This means we'll have to fight harder and make sure Earth doesn't win the war! Right?"
Dita nodded, "Right!" They hear the canopy of Black Dragon opening up and Keith steps out then jumps onto the platform.
He takes off his helmet as he walks down the stairs with a series of thuds from his boots. The crew gives him room to walk past them. Meia watches him leave, staring at that bleak face. Keith gets out of his g-suit and boots, putting on some normal clothes and socks and takes off his circlet. The 16-year old puts on his shoes and walks out into the garden area, standing close to the railing. He hears the sound of footsteps approaching his location Keith turns around to see Barnette walking up to him.
Barnette said, "So the man who killed your parents and mentor is dead."
Keith replied, "But that won't bring them back will it?" His dark green-haired friend knew that he was struggling to hold back the tears.
She offered, "If it'll make you feel better, we will give your parents a funeral when we get back to Mejale. You're not alone anymore, Keith. You can think of us as your new family. That is if you let us."
The teenager looked at her with shock before saying, "Yes." The tears start falling out of his eyes. Barnette hugs him, allowing Keith to cry his heart out. That entire pint up sorrow that was buried inside him gets let out finally. After crying his heart out, Keith gives Barnette a smile before heading to his room to rest. When he enters he sits on the bed, releasing a big sigh. His control panel buzzes he knows only one person would visit him.
He said, "Come in, Meia." The door slides open to reveal the Dread leader, she had a sympathetic look on her face. She now had a way to help Keith forget his pain. She locks the door and sits on the bed along side him.
She cried, "So Adam is dead." Keith silently nods.
He let out a sad laugh, "Ha ha, yeah. Barnette told me that the crew will give my parents a proper funeral once we arrive at Mejale but I don't know if I will be able to walk on the surface." He is silenced of any further conversation by a kiss from Meia.
When their lips parted Keith asked, "Meia, what are you doing?"
Meia answered, "I want to help you forget your sadness." The U.S. NEXT pilot gives into his passion. Meia removes her circlet and places it on Keith's nightstand.
(Okay, here I go. Lemon time so if you are not of the proper age to view this, then leave immediately. If you are of the proper age then read on. Enjoy.)
Meia gives Keith another deep kiss, this one with more passion. A blush appears on both of their cheeks as they kissed. Keith licked Meia's lips, begging for entrance. She gladly responds and opens her mouth their tongues played with each other then the two pilots separate from their breathtaking kiss. They looked into each other's eyes to see love in them. Keith removes the chest and shoulder padding then proceeds to unzip her flight suit and pulls it down to her waist. He sees that Meia's breasts were just right for her height and build; she even had some impressive muscles on her body especially on her stomach but nothing hideous. He reaches out and touches them; they felt incredibly soft. Meia gasped at the feeling of Keith's hands on her breasts it sent a shiver down her spine. She never knew that a man touching a woman's breasts could be so arousing. He rubs them gently causing the Dread leader to moan softly. Meia removes Keith's shirt to reveal his muscular chest, she rubs it feeling the warm and soft skin against her hands. Keith then licked Meia's right nipple making her moan louder fortunately the entire crew was asleep at this hour so there was hardly a chance of someone coming to investigate where the noise is coming from and they also respected the black-haired American's privacy. Keith removes her boots and the rest of her suit, leaving her completely nude. He stares at her naked body it had all the right swells and curves. Seeing Keith stare at her made Meia blush harder.
Keith chuckled, "Sorry about that, it's just that I've never seen a woman naked before. I am disciplined enough to know that even Katrina wouldn't let a man see her naked when she was like taking a shower otherwise she would punch that guy's lights out. Believe me, Katrina's punches felt you were getting hit by a brick wall."
Meia discards his pants and underwear before the two lovers lay on the bed, he thrusts two fingers into her vagina, causing Meia to scream in pleasure. He pulls his fingers out of her hot, wet core and licked the juices off his fingers it tasted like cherry. He continued this for about a minute then Meia came. She pants from her orgasm and spots Keith's fully erected member.
The Lynx scratched the back of his head, "It happens."
Meia decided that it was her turn to pleasure him. She rolls them over and places his cock in between her breasts and started to message it, Keith groaned in ecstasy. He didn't know that his lover could be this bold. Of course, she has never tried this with a male before. She messaged his member faster until he came over her breasts.
He said, "That was something I can't explain. Are you ready?" The 19-year old nods and lays on her back and parted her long, slender legs. Keith gets in between them and slowly pushed his penis into her vagina, Meia gasped as she felt her walls stretch in order to accommodate his member. Then he encountered her barrier this meant one thing.
He asked, "Is this your first time?"
Meia answered, "Yes. With a male, of course. Remember I come from a planet populated only by females."
Keith nodded, "Okay. I'll be gentle this is my first time as well. This may hurt at first."
Meia braced herself as he broke her barrier with a quick thrust, she yelps at the pain but to her it felt like a bee sting. Keith stops, giving her the time to calm down and get used to him being inside her. Then she feels an ache in her stomach.
She said, "I need you to move your hips now, Keith." Keith followed her request and applied slow thrusts into her, Meia relished in the sensations that were hitting her nerves. The pleasure is so new to her yet it felt natural. She looks up to see that Keith remained true to his word. He was being very gentle to her body and her directly. He doesn't want to hurt her because it would make Keith feel guilty. Meia instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and enveloped him in a passionate kiss while making him come closer, this allowed her breasts and nipples to touch his chest further adding to the pleasure they were both experiencing. Keith switches positions and now Meia was on top. She lowered herself and moaned louder as she once again impales herself over his member. She begins to thrust up and down while holding onto his shoulders. Keith rubbed her breasts making Meia moan in absolute bliss. Normally a Mejalian making love to a man would be called a traitor but Meia gave up on her teachings about what men were thought to be. She no longer believes that all men were barbaric; Canis told her that the men from his and Keith's universe were different in terms of personality, hobbies and so forth. Meia felt Keith's member hit her g-spot, sending their pleasure through the roof. Keith holds onto her hips as they continued their intimate experience. They soon felt that they've reached their limit.
Keith said, "Meia, I'm going to..."
She replied, "Me too!" They both scream out their orgasm at the same time. Meia felt Keith release his seed it warmed her insides like nothing else would and felt unbelievable. It coated her walls sending waves of ecstasy through her body. Keith felt Meia's vagina milking his penis and it felt extraordinary, he swore he could feel his feet twitch from the sensation. Keith looked up to see the blushing face of Meia Gisborn. He always thought she looked cute when she blushed. Once their orgasm died down, Meia collapsed onto his chest breathing heavily. She looked at his deep blue eyes with a smile. She gives him a passionate kiss. From Keith's perspective, he felt whole again after having sex with the Dread leader. The same thing can be said about Meia as well. Making love to Keith helped her in forgetting some sad memories of her alone in the slums of Mejale.
Keith cried, "My goodness, that was absolutely incredible. Thank you, Meia. I won't forget this."
Meia said, "You were incredible as well, Keith. I never felt anything like that in my life." Keith pulls the bed covers over them and they both let the grogginess of sleep take over. They held each other close. Besides having sex, the battle made them completely exhausted.
'Man, what a disgusting list of body parts Earth is after. First it was blood components, then the spinal cord, then human skin and now reproductive organs. What will they think of next?' Canis thought before he went sleep.
A/N: Well, chapter 13 complete. This concludes the first stage of Vandread Raven.
How was the lemon? To be honest, this was my first lemon so I won't accept any negative responses.
The battle between Keith and Adam had a little swearing but that's one reason why this story is rated M, right? I'll do more lemons in future M rated stories.
Read and review.
Stick around for Vandread Raven: The Second Stage.
Vader 23A.