So hey! This is my first human fan fic and I'm a little nervous about it. So please review and tell me what you think. Constructive criticism is always welcome just try not to be too mean Thanks xo Aimee

Chapter1- Barbie Bella

"AAAAHHHHHHH". I screamed my head off. I had just woken up and there she was. Alice. Freaking Alice Brandon.

"Hey Bella, ready to get ready?"

I wish I was invisible.

Everyday Alice is at my house to get me ready for school. I mean, it doesn't even matter what I wear. I am the most popular girl at school. Along with Alice, we rule the school. I have been popular ever since kindergarten. Everyone wants to be my friend. I still don't know why. I am not the head cheerleader and I am not president of the school. The only thing I am president of is the Biology Club and Chess Club.

"No Alice, leave please. How did you even get in here?" I moaned.

She usually woke me up knocking on the door. Even when I tried to ignore her Charlie, my dad would open it. Charlie adored Alice. Alice loved Charlie. Sometimes I think that Alice is secretly my dad's daughter not me.

"Well...when I pulled up, Charlie was just leaving for work so he just told me to come on up and get you."

My dad is the Chief of Police so he normally leaves pretty early.

"But Alice..."

"No butts Isabella. I heard from Angela who heard from Ben who heard from Mike who heard from Jessica," (she did a quick intake of breath before continuing), "that a new family are moving to Forks today and that they're starting at Forks high today!" She shrieked.

Great; new people; not my speciality.

"I don't care. So why do I have to play Bella Barbie today?"

"Because silly. There might be cute guys."

Just then a horrible scent started to fill my room.

"Eww what's that?" I sniffed and started to follow the scent down the stairs.

"EMMETT!" I yelled.

My stupid idiotic brother had decided to make French toast; with the oven.

"What? I was only trying to do something nice for you and Alice. Not my fault I can't cook."

This is true. Emmett is 18, a year older than me. He is doing his last year at Forks before going to college. He is the typical big brother. Whenever I have dates he is the first to grill them even before dad. However our relationship is a little bit different from those of big brother, little sister types. He is (apart from Alice of course) my best friend. I tell him all my secrets and he tells me all of his. I told him when I had my first kiss with Mike Newton. Euh! He told me when he let the lab frogs loose in the principal's office and so on.

"Ok, ok. Thanks but two things. 1. You do not cook French toast in the oven; you use the stove and 2. Let me do the cooking from now on. Deal?"

"Deal" He said picking me up into a bone crushing hug. Yes, he is huge. He works out like everyday.

"Can't breathe..." I managed out.

"So Emmett what party are you attending this weekend?" Alice asked.

"Alice..." I moaned. "It's only Monday."

I was complaining even though she was right. I was also popular because of Emmett. He was the most recognisable guy in Forks. So when I was growing up all I ever got when I introduced myself was "Oh yeah, you're Emmett's little sis." It would have been annoying but I did get to go to a lot of cool parties with Alice and we met a lot of great people.

"Ha ha. But actually I heard it's Mike Newton's birthday on Saturday and me and a couple of friends are thinking of crashing." Emmett grinned.

"Well, do you need a date, for this crashing party?" Alice asked.

Oh my god. I think I just threw up in my mouth. Just a little.

"Jessh Alice, would you stop flirting with my brother."

"Bella, could you kill the mood anymore." Alice complained.

Emmet was just chuckling away to himself because this was regular protocol for Alice and me.

"Alice, it's Emmett. Goof ball Emmett. MY big brother Emmett."

I knew I fighting a lost battle because Alice regularly flirted with Emmett.

"Guys enough! Alice as much as I'm flattered I do have a date and plus you're like my little sis' best bud. B it weird don't you think?"

"Okay I am defeated. For today." Alice grinned an evil grin. I just yawned.

"Ok I'm gonna get going. Don't be late for school you two!" Emmett shouted.

"When am I ever late for school? Bye." I hugged Emmett and run up the stairs to shower before my uneventful day began with a make over from Alice.

Before I knew it we were on our way to school in Alice's Porsche. Yes I said Porsche. It was a gift for her sixteenth birthday from her parents. Might I just add that it's yellow so very noticeable. Not that I cared or anything. We sped into the crowded parking lot where everyone was just lounging around waiting for the bell to ring. I hopped out of the car and ran as fast as I could to the library: my favourite place in this entire school.

"Bella wait!" Alice shrieked behind me but I just ignored her.

As I was running in through the front door some idiot banged into me causing all my books to fall.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" I grumbled as I picked up my books.

"I'm s-s-sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going."

I froze what I was doing and looked up into the beautiful green eyes that were staring down at me. I took a step back and drank this marvellous boy in. He had golden tousled hair and I could feel his muscles where he was holding my arm with his hand. His most prominent feature was his smouldering emerald green eyes that had a little glint in them. I gasped. Then I could feel my cheeks beginning to blush: a regular occurrence for me when I'm nervous.

"Hey Edward, we need to get to class come on." I heard someone shout. I hadn't realised that we had been standing just staring at each for nearly five whole minutes.

"I...uh...have to go. Bye." I scurried down the corridor and sighed with relief when I closed the library door behind me.

It's not that I didn't enjoy standing looking at guys all the time: I mean me and Ali did it all the time. But there was something really different about this Edward guy and I had decided right then to make it my business to find out what it was.