
Sakura looked over the crowd smiling as the curtains closed. The final show had been a success like always and now all she had to do was to change and meet up with her friends. She looked down at the self and smiled at the costume she had to wear for the ballet show, it was a white leotard and a silver tutu skirt over, her hair was in many small braids that had been set up so it looked like she had a tiara on her head.

When she entered her private room Sakura quickly pulled the costume off and set her hair free before changing in to her normal clothes. "You ready to go Mrs. Sabaku?" Came the deep voice of the man she desperately loved.

"Oh, I'll be out in a minute, just have to wash my face." Sakura answered turning around and smiling to her husband for little over one year now. He walked up to her and gave her a sweet kiss that almost made her knees give out. "You better hurry or Ino will be pissed at us for begin late as always." Gaara said pushing her hair away from her face.

"Aha, like I said give me a minute to wash this of." Sakura then walked to the private bathroom and proceeded to clean her face free of the sticky silver substance she had been forced to wear.

"Forehead you´re only ten minutes late!" Ino stood in the doorway genuinely surprised and smiling as she invited her two friends in to her house. "Yeah, I guess Gaara has some good influence on me after all." Sakura joked as she pulled her jacket of and hung it up. "So where is the birthday boy?" She said smiling widely.

"He is taking a nap in his fathers arms, I swear they are exactly alike, I just hope that the next one will be more like me." Ino said leading then to the living room where Shikamaru was indeed sleeping with his son on his chest and all the other guests were either taking pictures of the cute seen or laughing at the two.

"Do you want me to wake him up?" Gaara asked making all their friends in the room smirk. "Yeah just let me take Kaido away first, I don´t want him to start crying." Ino said picking up her baby boy and walking to the kitchen so he didn´t have to be in all the noise that would soon start. Gaara walked up to the sleeping man and crossed his arms, an evil smirk on his face before leaning close to him.

"NARA WAKE UP YOUR WIFE IS MAKING OUT WITH CHOJI!" Gaara yelled in Shikamaru's ear and making the man jump up and look around in panic.

"What!?" He half yelled but calmed down when he saw his best friend laughing at him along with all of his other friends. "Oh that's nice you guys, you almost gave me a heart attack." Shikamaru said sitting back down on the sofa as Ino walked back in a mock shocked expression on her face. "I can't believe you'd actually think I'd do something like that, I'm hurt." Shikamaru stood back up and hugged her tightly whispering. "I'll make it up to you."

Ino giggled and kissed him softly before turning to their guests. "The cake is coming so make room." She then pointed at Kiba and Kankuro. "You two lovebirds help me carry it out here and you can place Kaido in his seat." She then said pointing at her husband.

The three men all saluted her and walked to the kitchen and marched back with the things Ino had asked for. When all was set all the adults gathered around the young one year old and sung the birthday song for him, cheering when he blew out all the candles him self, he truly was just like his father.

Soon everyone was eating cake and having a good time, Kaido was playing with the plastic mini-mini gun that Gaara had insisted on giving him for his birthday.

"Ahemm… Excuse me every body, can I have your attention for a moment?" Naruto called over the room making his friends turn to him and listen to what he had to say. Naruto did not talk to them but turned to Hinata that was standing next to him blushing a bit at the attention that was turned to them.

"Hinata, we have been dating for a little over a year now and I'm afraid that I can´t wait any longer." Naruto said getting some shocked and confused looks from his friends, it sounded like he wanted to break up with her. "I love you with all my heart and I can not imagine my life without you, frankly I don´t know how I managed to live without you before. So I ask you, hoping that you´ll say yes, will you marry me?"

Naruto was on his knees holding Hinata's hand while pulling out of his jacket pocket a golden ring with a small diamond on it. Hinata looked like she was about to faint and there was absolute silence in the room, all waiting for her answer.

"Yes!" She unexpectedly yelled and jumped the blond crushing him in a hug. All their friends cheered and went up to them congratulating them, giving them hugs and occasional advice.

"Awww… Why couldn´t you do something romantic like that?" Sakura asked turning to her husband while smirking at him. "If I remember correctly then you said you liked the way I proposed." Gaara said in a low voice before kissing her square on the mouth taking her by surprise.

"Please tell me someone got that on tape!" Temari yelled over the room smiling when she saw Shino hold up a video camera. "I want a copy!" Came several voices at ones and all burst out laughing when Hinata blushed deeply, it wasn´t every day you saw her yell over anything.

"So any more surprises?" Ino asked jokingly. Sakura looked up at the red head and gave him a smile which he returned and cleared his throat to get everybody's attention. "Well there is one thing." He said placing a hand on Sakura's shoulder telling her without words to continue.

"Well it's not a big deal it´s just that we´re pregnant." She said in so much of an offhanded tone that it took her friends a few moments to realize what she had just said and when they finally did both Sakura and Gaara were tackled in hugs just like Naruto and soon to be Mrs. Naruto had been earlier.

"Oh my god, I'm going to be an aunt!" Temari screamed in joy. "Oh my god, I'm going to be and uncle!" Kankuro then screamed but more in a horrified voice than out of joy like his sister had done, earning him a smack on the head.

"Wait, oh my god my baby brother is going to have a kid before me!" This time Temari yelled in shock and made everyone in the room laugh at her antics.

When Sakura and Gaara were back at their house they both smirked and looked down at Sakura's stomach which was starting to show if you knew what to look for. "So when are we going to tell them that we´re having twins?" Gaara asked offhandedly while wrapping his arms around her waist.

"After six months or so, I doubt they would handle it this soon." Sakura laughed while taking her husbands hand and dragging him in to their bedroom. "Tomorrow I have to tell Haku-chan and Zabuza, they'll be thrilled."

Gaara just nodded and then said in a half serious half joking tone, though more serious than joking. "As long as they don´t teach them to become master thieves I don´t mind." Sakura looked at him in shock. "Gaara I would never allow them to do that."

Gaara smiled at her and pealed of his shirt but stopped in mid motion when she added. "That´s my job." He looked at her teasing smile, he quickly threw the shirt on the floor and jumped her, pinning her to the bed.

"Oh really." Sakura only nodded, knowing that if she´d oven her mouth now she´d explode in laughter over the face he gave her earlier. "I guess I just have to convince you otherwise." Gaara said and captured her lips with his, managing to make her forget time and place at the moment.

As if he'd allow them follow their mothers career, he was going to teach them how to shoot as soon as they could hold a gun, they were going to become the greatest detectives of their time if it was up to him.

Sakura seemed to read his mind 'cause she panted between kisses. "They're not going to become cops." Gaara stopped and looked down on her deep in thought until Sakura said. "You get the first one and I'll take the second one."

Gaara laughed at that and nodded. "That will be one hell of a duo."

A/N : Ok that is it for this story... I do not care if it's too opened in the end I will end it here so I can concentrate on my other stories I'm supposed to be working on... Anyway... I'll post another story in the summer and it will be a canon... Probably the first and last story I write like that but who knows... Thanks for reading this to the end and for the reviews they really helped and made me glad to know I'm not a crappy writer... Everybody just have to review this last chapter... Ja ne... ;P