It was good to be with just Edward hunting. We hadn't done this in a long time.

We were at the bottom of Mount Rainier.

We had just come back to forks after 10 years on the road. We had been to almost everywhere in the world and it felt good to be back in rainy little forks with my father just a minutes run away from me.

I had missed him allot even though he called at least every second day it just wasn't the same not seeing him.

A nice cool breeze came across my face with it brang the smell of human mixed in with vampire. "E...Edward I think...I smell a vampire"

"Wait for me Bella" of course I disobeyed him and followed the scent I had discovered.

It wasn't very long before the smell of human blood became very strong.

I saw a foot behind a bush. I looked over it preparing myself for what I would see. I screamed as I saw what it was.

"Bella" Edward was at my side in a second. "Wha....oh" he said in shock looking at the small girl at my feet.

She had a fresh bite mark on her wrist. "quick we've got to get her back to Carlisle" he lifted the small girl off the ground.

The girl shrieked "'s ok Annie we're here to help we can't take the pain away but we'll be able to help you Hun we're so sorry" Edward soothed her.

We started to run I ran a bit behind him "Edward how old is she won't she be classified an immortal child"
" She's 12 so she won't be classified an immortal child once you hit older than 10 you aren't classified one"
"Oh" I said the mother within me was deeply worried about this little girl. She would have a family and friends at home and that stupid vampire took it all away from her.

How I would like to get him back for that. Why he would choose a child confused me, not that I thought about it but a child had barely any blood compared to a full grown adult.

We were near the cottage now another shriek escaped the girl's lips. How I hated to see this girl in pain I hadn't seen anyone go through the transformation it was torture for me to see this young girl go through it.

I can't imagine how Edward would've felt seeing me go through it I made it across the river in one leap Alice was waiting on the steps "Carlisle's waiting for you upstairs"
"thanks Alice" Edward said ruffling her hair as he went past her.
We went upstairs were Carlisle was waiting for us "how old is she and what's her name" he asked Edward
"12 and Annie" he said laying her on the bed Carlisle had ready

"hello Annie my name is Carlisle I know you're going through allot of pain at the moment all of us here have experienced the same pain.

I'm going to tell you why you're in this pain soon and it will sound stupid but it is true I won't lie to you I promise. We're all very sorry that you have to face the fate that we all have to and I'm sorry but there is nothing we can do now to stop the process the poison has spread. I'm going to tell you why you're in this pain and what's happening to you. This will sound absolutely stupid and you probably won't believe me until after the transformation but you're becoming a vampire."