A/N: Hey guys, the last chapter was really short, yes I know. Do forgive me. This one will be longer. I don't own scrubs, or the wonderful Perry Cox, but I wish I did.
Perry sighed, wondering how the hell he was supposed to knock on the door and expect everything to be okay. How was JD even supposed to look at him. With another sigh, he pounded without any expectations at all.
He could hear movement within, and he knew it was neither Carla nor Turk. They'd left for work after roughing him up. He knew it was going to be JD that answered the door. And when he did answer, he didn't look surprised at all. He simply stared at the older man, a nonchalant, expectant look on his face. When Perry failed to speak, JD didn't. "What do you want?" The words were not gentle, nor were they welcoming or friendly. They were demanding. Cox winced slightly from the sting.
"I just wanted to talk to you," he said cautiously. JD crossed his arms, and narrowed his gaze.
"About what, Percival? This isn't really a convenient time for me. I'm busy." Cox winced again, but refused to back down.
"You're pretty messed up, aren't you?" JD interjected, not really wanting to listen to anything Perry had to say. "You always have been. But I've always been there beside you thinking 'It's not his fault. He's just stressed. It'll get better'. But I was wrong. You're not going to get better. Ever. You're content to sit on your couch and drink yourself to death, while you pretend to not give a damn about anyone else."
Perry was caught for a moment. He never thought that this man would work up the gall to speak to him this way. Not that he didn't deserve it, because he did, but he was still amazed. JD's words burned him, almost like his own words had burned so many other people. "JD…I'm…I'm sorry. For everything. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. You were supposed to love me no matter what, and I was never supposed to love you. That's how it was supposed to go. But, it didn't work. I fell for you, wanted you, and it wasn't fair. You swooped me up out of nowhere, and made me lose track of everything all at once."
JD shook his head, keeping his hard gaze on Perry. "So, this is my fault? It's always my fault, isn't it?" He turned and began to shut the door, but Cox stopped him.
"I didn't say that. Didn't you hear the part where I fell for you?"
Again, JD shook his head, but sadly this time. "I heard you, Per. I heard you loud and clear. You don't mean it, but thanks for saying it just the same."
Cox was completely dumbfounded. Isn't this what JD had been waiting for all these years? "JD, I don't think you understand."
"No, I don't think you understand, Coxy." JD stepped into the hall, putting his hands on Perry's shoulders. "I know what I want. I've always known. Deep down, I've always known it was you. But, you don't know. You never have known. All these years, you've wanted so many things, and you've gotten them, only to be bored after awhile. You don't want me, Perry. Not really. Right now, it's what you want because it will make you feel better. But in the long run, it's not really me that you're looking for. So, I will keep on loving you, no matter what. And you? You'll keep on not loving me and ruining lives, including your own, and I'll still be here to say you'll get better. And that's how it's gonna be. Take baby steps, Per. Small baby steps, and maybe one day you won't need me to believe you're gonna be okay. Maybe someday, you really will be."
Perry was stunned. How could JD be so very, painfully insightful and honest? And how could Cox not have known this about himself? "JD…"
The younger man lent forward and placed a gentle kiss on Perry's lips and backed away, into the apartment, and shut the door. Perry did nothing for a moment. He couldn't concentrate, couldn't move. He thought. He was always this way. Always to too drunk, to concentrate or move. But not this time. He was genuinely stuck, by the power of JD's words. He was hurting, in all the most horrible ways. But then, by some force not his own, he turned and took a step. A small step away from this crutch. A small step towards some sort of better life. Baby steps. Baby steps and he would really be okay. Someday.
A/N: Well, guys, that's it. That's all I got. Sorry there can't be some sort of happy ending, but this is how it goes. I hope you enjoyed.