As the wheel chair wheels spun fast as it was rolled down the hallway of the hospital, a contracting Gabriella was trying to breathe through a contraction. With Troy by her side she knew that she was going to get through this. He was going to be there, he wasn't going to leave unless she told him it was okay.

A nurse in light purple scrubs with yellow flowers printed on them pushed Gabriella to her room. She saw mothers like this every single day. They were scared about not knowing what was going to happen and they were cursing their husbands in their head as they battle through the pain.

Troy felt his hand start to tingle as blood stopped rushing through his fingers. Gabriella was going to brake his hand by the time this was all over. They were about 60 minutes into this and already his hand was starting to swell a little.

The wheel chair made a left turn and cruised into a room that was covered in white. White bed, white wall, white blankets, white TV. It was depressing. Gabriella's contraction was ending as the nurse parked the wheel chair at the edge of the bed.

"Alright Gabriella. All I need you to do is to get up on the bed." The nurse said as Troy walked around to the front of her and took her hands to help her stand up out of the chair. Gabriella put her hands on the edge of the bed and put her head down to try to calm herself down a little. This was happening fast. Should it be happening this fast? She hasnt been in labor that long and these contractions were coming about 6 minutes apart now.

"You okay?" She heard Troy ask her as she felt his hand sink on her lower back and start to rub it gently. She nodded as she lifted her head up and slowly moved onto the bed. She laid down and closed her eyes and tried to not freak herself out.

"We paged Dr. B so she should be here soon. In the mean time we are going to hook you up to a monitor to measure the baby's heart beat and put you on an IV. Just change into this gown and we will be back shortly. Okay?" The nurse in the purple scrubs said to the young couple.

"Sounds great." Gabriella said trying not to sound like one of those stuck up bitchy people they probably see all the time. The nurse smiled and nodded and pushed the wheelchair out of the room. Troy placed the overnight bag on the chair that they had sitting next to the bed.

Troy took Gabriella's hand and kissed her fingers. "How you doing?" He asked her sympathetically.

Gabriella's eyes shot open and she looked at her husband. "Im okay." Her voice shook a little. "Im trying not to freak myself out." Troy sat on the edge of the bed next to her and kissed her hand once more.

"You are going to be great. There is nothing to get freaked out about." Troy said trying to calm her the best he could.

"This is happening so fast." she blubbered. "The baby books say that labor could take hours and contractions are usually like 10 minutes apart in the beginning. Mine are 6 minutes. 6 minutes apart Troy! Thats to fast!" Gabriella shrieked.

"Maybe she is more then ready to come out." Troy placed his hand on Gabriella's 9 month old stomach. "She tired of being cooped up inside there that she is just more then ready to be brought into the world." Gabriella's bottom lip stuck out.

"You think so?" She asked him. Troy leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Gabriella's stomach.

"I know so." Troy said to her. "And who knows maybe when Dr. B comes into to check on you, it might still be a long time. You just dont know yet, so just sit and relax." Troy soothed her.

"What about the gown?" Gabriella asked him. Troy reached at the end of the bed and picked up the gown. Then he reached for Gabriellas hand and helped her out of bed and over to the bathroom. Troy let her go and sat back down in his chair. Gabriella came back after a few short minutes wearing the gown and holding her clothes which she handed to Troy to put in the over night bag. Gabriella then crawled back in the bed and tried to get comfortable again. There was a quick knock on the door and the nurse in the purple scrubs entered with Dr. B in tow.

"Boltons!" She cheered. "Its finally time!" Gabriella and Troy couldn't help but laugh a little and smile at their doctor. She was always on the ball and ready for anything that came her way. "So tell me when all of this started." She said standing at the end of Gabriella's bed looking at the couple.

"I had some back pains throughout the day. They were nothing major I have back pains all the time. But after everyone left my baby shower I was sitting on the couch with my girlfriends when a shooting pain went up my back. It was stronger then the others but I didnt think much of it, I just moved the wrong way. Two, three minutes later a felt a contraction. It was so much stronger then the ones that I felt a few months ago so I knew this was it." Gabriella explained her tale of how and when labor started.

"How long did that start?" Dr. B asked as she walked over to the monitor to get it set up.

"About an hour ago." Troy answered before Gabriella. Dr. B nodded as she took these notes in her head.

"How far apart are they?" She asked lifting Gabriellas shirt to place the monitor band around her stomach to track the baby's heart beat.

"About every six minutes." Gabriella jumped fast. She turned to Troy and smirked. "Beat cha." Making Troy laugh at his wife.

"Has your water broken?" Dr. B asked.

"I did right when we were walking out to the car to get here." Gabriella answered again. With a smile Dr. B walked to the end of the bed.

"Before we get any further, lets see how far you are dilated." Dr. B said. "Just bend your leg like this for me." Dr. B said taking Gabriella's leg and bending it on the bed to show her how. Once she did Dr. B examined Gabriella to see how much progress she was making. "Looks like you are about 4 inches." She said finishing her examination and straightening Gabriella's leg back out for her. "We still have a long way to go."

"What I think what happened was you were having contractions all day but you never realized it. Those back pains were your contractions. Even though they felt like nothing, they caused you to go into fast labor the way you did." Dr. B explained to a shocked looking Gabriella.

She had been in labor most of the day and she didn't even know it. How could she not know?

"Im going to come back and check on you every hour to see how you're doing. Once you hit a certain number of centimeters you can get an epidural if you like."

"Absolutely." Gabriella said without any hesitation. Dr. B laughed at how quick she was on that one.

"Just sit back and relax you two, alright? Ill be back in to check on you." Dr. B said making her way to the door with the nurse in the purple scrubs. She had just finished Gabriella's IV.

"Thank you doctor." Gabriella called out. She threw her head back on the pillow and took hold on Troy's hand. "Contraction." She seized through her mouth. She held tight to Troys hand and to the edge of her bed. All she wanted to do was the yell out, but she wasn't going to do that. She quietly, the best she could, breath in through her nose and exhaled out of her mouth. When it was finally over Gabriella exhaled a very long breath.

"I don't even want to know what its going to feel like later." Gabriella winced to her husband. "These kill." Gabriella placed a hand under her stomach and rubbed it gently. Troy pushed the little sweat that she had on her forehead into her hair as she recovered from her latest contraction.

Another knock echoed in the room. In came the queen.

"Hi sweetie." Sharpay smiled ear to ear. "How's my girl holding up?" She asked walking over to stand next to Troy.

"Fine." Gabriella said weakly. "Turns out Ive been in labor all day and I didn't even know it."

"Get out!" Sharpay said shocked. "How do you not know?" She was completely baffled. Wouldn't you feel that rip roaring pain going through your abdomen? Its a pain you cant really miss.

"The sharp pains in my back were them. I just didnt think anything of it." Gabriella explained to her rolling onto her right side.

"Well, you are here and safe now. What did they say?" She asked touching Gabriella's stomach.

"Im 4 centimeters. We still have a long way to go." Gabriella explained to her friend.

"I just wanted to let you guys know that I spoke to your mom and her and Lucille said they were coming right over. I told them that it was going to be a while and to just finish and eat their dinner. It took a lot out of me, but I got them to stay. They are probably scarfing it down as we speak." Sharpay giggled.

"Thank you for calling them." Troy spoke up.

"Anything else you guys need?" Sharpay asked them. Troy and Gabriella looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Not that I can think of." Gabriella answered after taking it into thought.

"You don't want ice chips or water or anything?" Sharpay offered.

"No way. That's what I have him for." Gabriella said pointing to Troy who just shrugged then smiled at his wifes joke.

"Alright well then I'm going to head out. I have to go and clean up after the party. I have the troops cleaning right now, but I just wanted to come see how you were holding up." Sharpay said to her friends.

"Thank you for everything you did today." Gabriella said sincerely to her friend. "It meant so much."

"Anytime." Sharpay said kissing her on the cheek. "You better call me if anything big happens. I don't care if I'm sleeping you wake me up. You hear me Bolton?" Sharpay asked giving him a hug and a peck on the cheek.

"You got it kid." Troy said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I mean it, call me." Sharpay ordered as she walked out with a wave and the door was closed leaving just the two of them.

The next few hours were the same. Every six minutes a contraction came through and Gabriella battle it out. She wasn't really making any progress at all. When Dr. B came to check her she was still 4 centimeters. At around 2 in the morning she jumped to six. She told Gabriella to try and rest as much as she could before things really started to get rolling.

By the time this happened, Maria and Lucille were long gone. The came about a half hour after Sharpay left and stayed for a few hours with the couple. They both wanted to make sure that everything was going smoothly and that they were both holding up okay. And they were. The baby's heart rate was good and Gabriella was doing amazing through her contractions. By the time 11 o'clock came around, and with much pleading for them to leave to get some sleep, the two soon to be grandmothers left. They made Troy promise that if anything happened that he would call them right away.

The bed was set back a little so Gabriella could try to lean back and relax. She was exhausted. She hasn't slept a wink yet. She found it so hard when she knew she was going to be up in just a few minutes anyway. She knew she wasn't going to sleep through the night. But she felt even worse for Troy.

His hands rubbed his heavy eyes and then they glided through his hair. Gabriella opened her heavy eyes and looked at her husband. She closed them again and sighed.

"Troy, go to sleep." She said sleepily to him. Troys head perked up and looked at his beautiful wife. He took her hand in his and rubbed her knuckles softly.

"I cant sleep knowing you cant sleep." Troy told her. "Besides, I don't want you to be by yourself." He said to her.

"Oh stop. It will make me feel better if one of us got a little rest." She said with a huge yawn.

"Im not falling asleep on you." Troy said. "But you are allowed to fall asleep...on me." He said mid yawn. Gabriella gave him a small smile.

"I dont know if I can." Her hand crawled on top of her stomach and rubbed it gently. "Please come out!" She moaned making Troy laugh. "I was so worried that this was going to fast but now its moving a little slow." Gabriella said with a little giggle.

"You have been in labor for 9 hours now." Troy said as he counted the hours in his head. "Hour 1 you thought the kid was going to pop out in the next hour!" He joked.

"Boy, I was wrong." When she gave her smile a small moan came out of it as another contraction hit her body. Her left arm pushed her up a little and she squeezed Troy's hand. The air was sucked in hard through her nose and was let out strongly through her mouth. She did this about two more times as the contraction made its way through. When it was over she threw her head back on the pillow and moaned again.

"They are getting closer." Gabriella moaned as Troy pushed the sweat off of her forehead and into her brown curls. He gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead and then looked right into those beautiful brown eyes.

"You are doing amazing. I am so proud of you." He cheered her. "I told you I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. We are going to do this." Troy kissed her as Gabriella sniffled.

"We can do this." She squeezed his hand for assurance as they prepared for the rest of a very long night.

The morning sun shined through the hospital windows in the early morning hours of March 14th. It was a beautiful day. The weather was in the mid 60s, the sun was shining, there were no clouds in the sky. There was no terrifying news on the national stations of the bad things that happened in the world today. Although the day was still very young, there was always a chance for something bad to happen.

Thirty three minutes. That was the total of minutes Gabriella slept last night. Only thirty three minutes. After around 4 am, her contractions started coming every four or three minutes. It was starting to tear her down now. She was getting frustrated and the pain was ripping through her tiny body like a fright train. And these were just the contractions.

It was 6 o'clock when Dr. B's smiling faced entered the Bolton's hospital room.

"How we doing?" Dr. B asked with a strong smile. Gabriella put her hand out and moved it back and fourth to give her a eh. "Is there a lot of pressure yet?" She asked walking towards Gabriella. Gabriella nodded in response to her question. She was just to tired to even speak.

"Let me see how far her are babe." She said as Gabriella rolled on her back so she could check how far she was dilated.

"You're about...7 centimeters." Dr. B announce to the couple. Gabriella had been stuck in on spot for about 4 hours. It frustrated her more then anything. Dr. B walked over to the monitor to check how far apart the contractions were. "They are about 4 to 3 minutes apart now." She said taking notes allowed to herself. "Were you able to get any sleep?" She asked Gabriella who spoke up right away.

"Thirty three minutes." Gabriella groaned as she battle a contraction. In through her nose and out again. In through her nose and out again.

"Well, I can give you the epidural right now so that way you an get a little more sleep." Dr. B explained to her. "You really need some sleep because there is no way you can push a baby out after only thirty three minutes of sleep." Dr. B said. "Plus it will give you a chance to sleep too." She said to Troy which made him laugh. That would be much appreciated at this point.

"I want the epidural." Gabriella said as sweetly as she could. Dr. B told her absolutely and that she will be in to give it to her in just a minute.

"How you feeling baby?" Troy whispered in her ear as Gabriella held back the tears she felt coming on.

"I just want to sleep." Gabriella tried not to cry out those words. "I'm so tired." Troy brought his head up and looked at his exhausted wife.

"You heard the doctor. Hopefully this will help with the pain and make it so you can sleep for a little. I will call everyone to give them a report and tell them to come a little later." Troy explained to her. "Who knows maybe by the time you wake up we will be almost there." Gabriella nodded as she sniffled a little.

"I really hope you are right." She said.

Dr. B entered the room and she prepped for Gabriella's epidural. With Troys help, Gabriella was able to sit up strait so she could insert the needle into Gabriella back. Gabriella's head rested on Troys shoulder as Gabriella felt the needled enter her back and she winced in a pain a little. Once it was all done, another contraction hit Gabriella. About 25 seconds later it was over and Gabriella was able to lay back down on the bed. She was told it would take about a half hour to kick in and when that half hour was over Gabriella was out like a light. So was Troy.

Two hours had passed and Troy opened his eyes to the sight of his mother and Maria sitting on the couch they had on the opposite side of the room. They were chit chatting as they sipped their coffee. Troy pushed the blanket off of him and turned to look at his wife who was still out. Thank god. Troy looked over at the two mothers as he yet out a quiet yawn.

"How long have you been here?" He asked standing up and walking towards them scratching his head.

"About twenty minutes." His mother said to him. "We brought you coffee." she said pointing to the coffee sitting on the table top. Troy smiled and grabbed the cup off of the table. He took a sip and then yawned once more.

"How much did you sleep?" Maria asked him concerned.

"About an hour. Maybe an hour and a half." He said taking another sip. "We were up all night. Around 6 this morning they decided to give her an epidural so she can at least sleep for a little while." Troy explained. "She slept about a half hour all together."

"My poor baby." Maria cooed as she looked over at her sleeping daughter.

"How far is she?" Lucille asked her sleepy son.

"When they last checked her she was at about 7 centimeters. Her contractions were coming about 4 to 3 minutes apart." Troy updated them. The two mothers looked at each other and smiled. The baby was coming soon and they were going to be grandparents!

Troy finished off his coffee and he seemed to be more awake then he was earlier. He told his mother and Maria that he had to make a call and would be right back. They assured him Gabriella was in good hands as he stepped outside to call his good friend.

The phone rang a few times until a peppy girl answered her phone. She was so excited to hear from Troy to see when her god child was going to be brought into the world. Troy updated her on what was going on and how Gabriella was feeling. Sharpay told him that they were coming down around 10 or so. Troy joked that they will be there and he hung up with his friend.

It was 8:45 when Troy returned and when he opened the door Gabriella was just opening her eyes.

"Where did you go?" She asked a little groggy. Troy smiled and kissed his wife on the forehead.

"I went to call Sharpay. She wants to know how you are doing." Troy explained to her making Gabriella giggle a little. "She said she will be over soon." Gabriella just nodded.

"How you feeling." He asked caressing her cheek. Gabriella sighed as she told her husband how she was.

"I'm okay. The epidural really helps though." She said with a little smile. "I'm so happy I just got to sleep a little." She said to her husband as he kissed her hand.

"Did you see who was here?" He asked nodding to the other side of the room as Gabriella gave him a confused look. She turned her head to look behind her to see her mom and Lucille.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked with a huge smile. The two mothers laughed as they walked over to their kids.

"We are here to see our grand baby be born." Maria said placing a sweet and gentle kiss on her daughters forehead.

There was a slight knock on the door and Dr. B stepped in.

"Hey sleeping beauty." She joked with Gabriella. "How did you sleep?"

"It was amazing." Gabriella said smiling. Dr. B scooted past the two mothers and went to check the monitor that was measuring the contractions and the baby's heartbeat. She held the paper out and made little checks on the paper with a blue inked pen. "It looks great Gabriella." She praised her. "Lets see how far we have gotten." Dr. B took Gabriella leg and bent it on the bed like she had done the previous times. Gabriella shifted her body down on the bed so she could get a little more comfortable. "9 centimeters." Dr. B cheered. Gabriella progressed faster then she thought. Everyone in the room found a huge smile on her face. "It shouldn't be long now."

Troy kissed Gabriella's temple as she smiled toward her doctor. "How much longer you think?" Gabriella asked her.

"It depends. It could be less then an hour. More then an hour maybe two hours. It all depends on your baby." She said to her patient. "Ill be back in a little bit to check on you again. Alright. Just keep hanging in there!" She said placing a hand on Gabriella's shoulder.

When she left a contraction hit Gabriella. She found her self curl in a little ball as she battle it out. In and out through her nose. Troy timed this contraction which last about a minute long. Gabriella put her head down into her neck as she breathed out strongly.

"You're doing so great baby." Maria praised her. "You're doing so great." Her little hand rubbed her daughters lower back for support.

The next hour was the slowest hour of this labor yet! Gabriella's contractions were coming about every two minutes and she hadn't moved that last centimeter. Gabriella figured with her luck she would be stuck at 9 centimeters for three hours. At 10 A.M Sharpay and Taylor emerged in the room with Zeke and Chad in tow.

"I cant believe shes almost here!" Sharpay exclaimed as she hugged her friend who just finished her contraction. Sweat was pour off of her head and down her neck. Sharpay pushed it into her hair for her. "How are you doing?" She asked very concerned for her.

"A little scared." Gabriella admitted.

Sharpay shook her head. "There is no need to be scared. You are going to be amazing." Taylor came behind her and sat in the chair that Troy sat in all night and took her hand.

"I cant wait to meet her!" Taylor cheered. "My first niece!" Sharpay smiled at Taylor and then back to Gabriella.

"Do you think shes going to be a kinky kid?" Sharpay asked Gabriella who was starting to feel the next contraction about to come.

"What?" Gabriella asked baffled as she breathes strongly through her nose preparing for a strong wave of contractions.

"You went into labor when I was talking about having sex with Zeke. Shes going to be kinky isn't she?" Sharpay asked Gabriella which made her laugh.

"I hope not." Gabriella giggled. Her hands went on both sides of her stomach as a contraction roared through her. Taylor and Sharpay went right into coaching mode. As they coached her through the contraction Dr. B entered the room.

"Alright Gabriella." She said walking over to her bed side. "Do you think this is it?" She asked a little eager to find out if the Bolton baby was going to be born.

"Oh god I hope so!" Gabriella moaned through the pain of the worst contraction she as felt yet. As she still battle out the contraction from hell, Dr. B bent her leg on the bed once more and checked Gabriella for the last time because. "You are at 10 centimeters." Dr. B announced to a still contracting Gabriella.

"Really?" She breathed. Dr. B pulled the blanket back over Gabriella and smiled.

"We are having this baby right now." She announced. As Gabriella's contraction ended she turned to Taylor and pleaded for her to go and get Troy who was out in the hall with the boys because it was to crowded in the room. He knew that Gabriella was in good hands with the girls so he felt comfortable stepping out into the waiting room with them. Taylor darted up from her seat and went to get Troy. In a matter of minutes Troy was running into the room and got right by his wife's side. He took her hand and got to her eye level. Even though he didn't say anything Gabriella knew exactly what he was thinking and she just smiled. Another contraction came and Gabriella squeezed tight on Troy's hand. Dr. B came in with two nurses and ordered for everyone to leave so they could start to prep for delivery.

The girls, Chad and Zeke and the two mothers placed kisses on Gabriellas cheek, the guys patted Troys back, and yelled good lucks as they were rushed out of the room.

"This is really it." Gabriella breathed to her husband.

"This is really it." Troy smiled to her. Gabriella looked at him and Troy just saw the fear in her eyes. He knew that she was thinking the worst going into all of this. "I'm not leaving you." Troy assured her. "We started this and we are going to finish this."

Dr. B folded the blanket that was covering Gabriella over her stomach and placed both of her legs in the stirups. She told Gabriella to scoot down as far as she could on the bed. The other nurse placed a blue sheet that was almost like a huge napkin over her stomach and it just went over her knees. Dr. B scrubbed up and took her seat in front of Gabriella. The other nurses were setting up for after the baby was born.

"Alright Gabriella the next contraction I need you to push for me alright?" She asked stepping into her serious mode now. Gabriella nodded nervously as she waited for her next contraction to come through. When it did she bared down as hard as she could and pushed for ten seconds, not letting go of Troy the entire time. Troy was standing up right behind her counting to ten and then she could rest for a minute until the next one came through.

"Good job Gabriella." Dr. B praised her. "Next one bare down as hard as you possibly can alright?" She asked and Gabriella nodded nervously again. The next one came and she did what she was told to do. Troy counted and she pushed.

"I see hair!" Dr. B cheered as Gabriella was pushing. She fell back on the bed and tried to take control of her breathing. "Next one lets try to get her head out." Dr. B said.

Troy leaned down into Gabriella's ear and whispered to her. "You are doing so good baby. I love you so much." Gabriella reached her arm around his neck and put her head against his and she caught her breath.

"I love you too." She whispered back. The next contraction roared through her tiny body and she was able to push her baby's head out. The one after that was the baby's shoulders which took 4 pushes to get out. Gabriella fell back on the bed not wanting to do any more. Those last few pushes took to much out of her. She was starting to doubt herself after 16 hours of labor.

"I cant." She half cried to her husband. Troy leaned down to make sure she was looking right at him.

"Honey you are almost there. The hard part is over. All we need is a few more and shes here. You can do this." Troy encouraged her as Gabriella shook her head and squeezed his hand as the contraction came through less then thirty seconds. She pushed will all she had in her. Dr. B was holding more then half of their daughter in her arms.

"Gabriella this is the last one and she is going to be here." Dr. B said to her. Troy leaned over to see his daughter. He suddenly felt a few tears start to burn in his eyes.

"Honey shes beautiful." Troy cheered to his wife. "Come on baby one more. One more!" He kissed her forehead a few times.

"This is it Gabriella." Dr. B said as she watched for the next contraction to hit. When Gabriella felt it she pushed with what little she had left and her and Troy's baby, the one they have been waiting for for all of these years, cried for the very first time. Dr. B held up their daughter for them to see. She was wailing, which meant that she had great lungs. Gabriella automatically burst into tears.

"Shes beautiful." Gabriella cried as she looked at her daughter. Troy smiled and turned back to his exhausted wife and kissed her hard.

"I love you so much!" He said to her.

Troy walked around and cut the baby's cord as the nurse placed her in Gabriella's arms. Gabriella embraced her new beautiful daughter who stopped crying as soon as she was placed in her arms. "Hi baby." Gabriella cooed. "Thank you for finally coming out of me!" She joked making her husband laugh with her as well. "Well dad," Gabriella said to her husband. "What do you think?"

"Shes perfect." Troy placed a soft kiss on his daughters head. The nurse came over and whisked her away to weigh and measure their new daughter. While they did that, they cleaned Gabriella up as well.

Reilly Olivia Bolton was born on March 12, 2010. She weighed 6 pounds and 4 oz. When they brought her back to Gabriella she was wrapped in a pink and white blanket with ducks on it and she had one little pink bow in her hair. When Gabriella was resting with the baby in her arms Troy walked out to the waiting room with people who were anxious to meet the new addition to the Bolton family.

When the group saw Troy they all stood up and waited to hear the verdict. Troy smiled the biggest smile he ever made as he announced the birth of his daughter. "Its a Girl!" He preached and the group with crazy. They all came up and hugged Troy. The mothers and Taylor and Sharpay were crying when Troy asked if they wanted to come back to meet her. The group followed Troy back to Gabriella's room. Troy opened the door a little and peeked his head in.

"You ready?" He asked his wife who nodded her head and Troy opened the door for all of them to step in before him. The women burst into tears when they saw the new baby sleeping soundly in Gabriella's arms.

"Everyone." Gabriella said to the group. "Meet Reilly Olivia Bolton." Gabriella could not stop smiling when she said her daughters name. It just sounded so perfect to her. "Who wants to be the first to hold her?" Gabriella asked. She didn't know why she asked because she knew who she wanted to hold her first. "Mom?" She asked. Maria put her arms out as she placed her daughter in her mothers arms.

"Shes just precious!" She awed over her new grand daughter. Troy walked through the crowd and sat on the bed next to Gabriella and wrapped his arms around her. The baby was then passed around the room one by one.

"Im going to kick so much ass at being your god mother! I promise." Sharpay said shedding tears as she held her new god child in her arms. Gabriella laughed at how much her friend was already attached to her and she wasn't even in the world two hours yet.

As everyone held her pictures were taken as well as video of the new baby and the new family. By four in the afternoon everyone left leaving them to be alone and to sleep. They said they would all be back in the morning. They all gave kisses and hugs to the new parents and the baby. When they all left Troy sat on the bed with his wife and held his daugther in his arms as his wife counted the little fingers and toes.

"You think we are going to be good at this?" Gabriella asked him as she kissed her daughters little hand.

"We are going to kick ass." Troy said cuddling Reilly. "Who do you think she looks like the most?" Troy asked his wife.

"Hmm." Gabriella said looking at her baby. "She has your nose and lips."

"She has your little curly hair." Troy said slipping off her hat showing her little tiny curls she had. "And when she opens her eyes, well we are just going to have to see whose eyes she stole." Gabriella giggled. Troy leaned over to his wife and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Thank you." Troy whispered to her.

"No way." Gabriella whispered back. "Thank you."

Ah! The baby is finally here! I am so proud of this chapter. It was such a long time coming. After much thought I decided that the next few chapters are going to sum up this portion of their lives as they move on to the next step in their lives in a new story. The story is going to take place about two and a half years down the road so some things will change! I am very excited for that project! For you guys who read "Not on the Menu" I just wanted to let you know that I havent forgotten about that story. I know its been such a long time since a wrote a new chapter but Im promising you that it will be coming soon!

Please Review for the next chapters!!!!!