A/N: And I'm back! Has it really been two months? I'm so sorry, but I had to take November off for NaNoWriMo, and then in December I was busy with Christmas stuff. Anyway, I hope to be updating this more frequently (I really want to get this stupid challenge over and done with!) and I might even finish soon! Yay!

So this turned out a bit differently than I had expected, but I'm happy with it. I apologize in advance for any mistakes. I'm too exhausted to edit. :P

And I am stupid! I had forgotten that I had already written dance, so I wrote this. Thankfully, it kind of fits for star, so yay! I really hope this doesn't happen again...

13. Dance

Sabrina sat alone in the forest near the Grimm home. Well, the forest was near the Grimm home, but Sabrina wasn't. Puck had been bothering her non-stop for the past two days, his logic being that no prank he could devise would be more annoying to Sabrina than him following her around incessantly. Unfortunately, his logic was correct. Having had enough, Sabrina waited for Granny to announce dinner time -- not even pranks were more important than food in Puck's eyes -- and quietly slipped out of the house. Wanting to get as far away from Puck as possible, Sabrina quickly wound her way around the close-growing trees.

About half an hour into her walk, she had heard Puck calling out to her. The sound of his annoying little voice, cracking more than ever, only spurred her on. It wasn't until she heard Daphne's voice join his that she began to slow. Biting her bottom lip, Sabrina leaned against a tree as she considered what she was doing. Technically, she was going for a walk, but it was a very long walk and a very long way away from the Grimm house. For a second, she faltered, already turning around to head back to the house -- she shouldn't make her little sister worry, even if it did mean being annoyed to death by His Stinkiness. She had even taken a few steps, four to be exact, when Puck's voice danced its way to her ears. "Hey Ugly! Get your butt back to the house. The old lady says it's my fault you're gone and I don't get desert until you come back. Hurry up, will you? I'm starving."

That did it. Sabrina promptly turned around once more and continued on her way. She felt bad leaving Daphne, but it's not like she would never come back. She continued walking for another hour. It was around this time that a strange feeling washed over her, almost as if she were walking through the still surface of a pond. The sensation had lasted no longer than a second, but she knew instinctively what had happened; she had left the barrier, and therefore the town of Ferryport Landing, behind her. A wide grin spread across her face and she settled down onto the grass of the first clearing she encountered. Puck couldn't annoy her now.

For a while, she laid there contentedly, enjoying the peace and quiet. As she laid there, she contemplated many things. She remembered back when she was eleven and she and Daphne had first been sent to live with Granny Relda. All too well she remembered how she had tried to force Daphne to leave and return to New York City. She had known they'd get thrown back in the orphanage, but at least they could enjoy their freedom for a few days. Thinking back on it, their constant escapes seemed almost like one of the old fashioned dances Sabrina had seen in movies; just like the girls would leave their partners momentarily, only to wind up back in their arms, the girls would leave the orphanage only to end up trapped within its grasp.

She remembered how the Everafter War had begun, and how, because of Mirror, the girls and Puck had wound up in the Book of Everafter, working their way through the lives of their friends. After they had finally gotten their baby brother back (only because they had managed to trap Mirror once more inside his mirror), the three had returned to their lives, all the while noticing small changes in their friends. Occasionally, Snow would reveal a glimpse of Daphne's child like naiveté. Occasionally Charming would get a mischievous glint in his eye that was so akin to Puck's. And sometimes, Red would even throw a fit of stubbornness so familiar to Sabrina. It was strange for all three to see their friends acting just like them, but it was to be expected. After they had gotten out of the Wizard of Oz, they had even had a discussion, agreeing to act as much like their roles as possible; there was no way they wanted to mess with people on such a personal level.

She remembered how Henry had talked Veronica into moving back to New York with their little brother. Daphne had begged to stay, and not wanting to leave her sister behind (especially not with Puck), Sabrina had too. In the end, Veronica and Henry had let them, and they still visited once a month. It definitely wasn't the life Sabrina had pictured over and over, and sometimes she was tempted to just leave Ferryport Landing with her parents and baby brother to go live in New York City again, but every time she pictured leaving, she also picture Daphne's inevitable look of betrayal, and she couldn't stand that, not after all that had happened. And so she stayed.

She remembered the few times Puck had been sweet to her, too. It didn't happen often, but it did happen. Sometimes he would just go a couple of weeks without pranking her, and once he had left a hamburger in the kitchen for her (of course, he hadn't told her that himself, it was Red who informed her of that particular event). It was never anything big, but sometimes the small things say enough. And with that thought came a sigh. Had she really just gone from being angry with Puck to realizing that maybe he wasn't so bad after all in such a short time. Sitting up, she shook her head. Whatever, she thought, I'll think about that later.

Standing up, she made her way back to her home, going more slowly than before. Even though she wanted to go back, she enjoyed the peace and quiet. Occasionally, though, she would catch a glimpse of the rapidly darkening sky and quicken her pace; the forest was never a safe place to be at night. To her surprise, when she reached the barrier Puck was leaning against a tree, waiting for her. When he saw her, a quick flash of relief danced across his features before being replaced by anger. "What the hell did you think you were doing, Grimm?! Never cross that barrier. If you get into trouble -- which you always do -- I won't be able to save you, and I know you can't save yourself. You're as helpless as the princesses that live in this town!" he exploded.

Still, she smiled. Some quiet time had done her good. "Well Snow is one of those princesses, then I think I'll be okay with being as 'helpless' as her."

He threw his hands up in the air. "You know I wasn't talking about her. I was thinking more along the lines of Belle and Rapunzel."

"Well in that case I'm insulted." Growing weary of the verbal battles -- she had walked a long way, after all -- Sabrina changed the subject. "What are you doing here anyway? And where's Daphne? I thought I heard her with you."

"You heard us and you still kept running? Damn it, Grimm. You just want to get yourself killed, don't you?"

"Not particularly, no. But that wasn't my question."

He rolled his eyes but let it drop. It's not like she was in any real danger anyway, the Scarlet Hand had long since disbanded and ceased their attempts to kill the Grimms, and there weren't any wild animals roaming the general vicinity. "I took Daphne home a couple hours ago. She was starting to get tired. And I'm here because I still want that desert."

That got a smile out of her, and her alone time had put her in a good enough mood to just work with him. "Alright then. Let's go home." He looked a bit surprised by her answer, and she started to walk back to the house.

She stopped and turned around when Puck said, "It'll be quicker if we fly."

She held out her hand. "Good point. Just remember, second star to the right and straight on 'til morning."

His face darkened but he grabbed her hand and launched into the sky. "How many times do I have to tell you? Stop bringing up that stupid, tight-wearing scoundrel."

"You're just jealous. You wouldn't look nearly as hot in tights."

He glared. "You wanna bet?"

She grinned. After four years of Puck she had learned how to manipulate him. "Sure. I have some green tights at home, and I just got allowance."

"Fine then. It's a bet." And then his cheeks flushed as he realized what he had just agreed to. "Wait! I take it back."

"Too late."
