Disclaimer: Potterverse is not mine! The plot, however, is.
Hermione smiled happily, stretching out on the decking and letting her skin soak up the sun's rays.
"Severus, could you put some sunscreen on my back, please?"
"Of course." Moving from his comfortable position in the shade of the house, he settled next to Hermione's warm body. Untying her bikini strings at her neck and back, he squirted some lotion onto his hands and warmed it before starting to apply it to his wife.
"Mmmm… thank you." Sighing, Hermione wriggled slightly, causing her bikini top to shift and uncover her left breast; too relaxed and drowsy to notice, she squealed in surprise when Snape tweaked her nipple.
"No," he whispered into her ear, rolling her over till she was on her back, "thank you." Positioning his knee between her legs, he lowered himself onto her before letting their lips crash together, revelling in the feel of his wife's arms as they wrapped tightly around him.
The End
AN: Thank you to everyone that helped polish this chapter up... and thank you to everyone that has been reading and reviewing!