Greetings Fiction readers!

I know I got a lot of work ahead of me with my other fics, trust me, who doesn't these days, But I just wanted to get this up and posted.

This work of fiction is dedicated to my good buddy Sketchfan, good on ya bro.

I do not own Any of the characters in this fic, they are the property of their respective owners and companys.


Shun Goku WTF?!

Round one.

Gouki was pissed.

Those words alone should have sent a warning to the collective universe to get the fuck out of Dodge before the body parts started flying.

The Master of Fists was normally not the type to let anyone goad him into anger, mainly because no one was stupid enough to provoke someone that could bitch-slap an island out of existence…well, except for Ryu, but then Gouki loved pounding the boy's head into the pavement for his insolence. Ah, the joys of parenthood.

In fact, outside of challenging his master, Goutetsu, and brother, Gouken, Gouki had never instigated a fight, preferring to wait for strong challengers to track him down while he honed his skills in combat, occasionally warping in to mess with Ryu's life, spurring him to become stronger like a father should.

He had actually intended to do so today, lurking in the wings of yet another World Warrior Tournament, having disposed (non-lethally, he didn't kill weaklings) of the security Interpol had assigned to keep an eye out for trouble, watching as his son rose through the rankings like the prodigy he was. The cub's Gaijin rival, Ken Masters, was competing as well, and while not a primary concern, Gouki was man enough to admit the blonde was the perfect rival for Ryu…though his Hadouken skills needed a lot of work, not enough power despite the faster start-up.

Then some little slip of a girl in a sailor-fuku had stepped into the ring, apparently fighting under some sort of 'Saikyo-ryu' team. Gouki wouldn't have paid her any mind were it not for the fact she'd used a Hadouken to send her opponent, some irritating blonde with her hair in plaits, out of the ring. That alone had caught his interest; clearly the founder of Saikyo-Ryu had studied, to an extent, the basics of Ansatsuken, for while Ki projectiles weren't that uncommon, this was Japan for Kami's sake, only a Hadouken gave off that particular aura, a combination of natural Chi and the users own Ki.

Then he'd actually SEEN the founder of Saikyo-ryu, as he leapt into the ring for his match against Masters' disciple. By the time his mind registered that the idiot was wearing a pink, you read right, PINK version of the gi all Ansatsuken users wore, the match was already underway.

Calling the fight a match, however, was stretching things too far. It was a TRAVESTY. Never had Gouki seen such a farce of a martial art. He recognized certain elements of Muay-Thai mixed in with the idiot's moves, but even they were a pale imitation of one of the deadliest arts on the planet outside his own. Had it not been so ludicrous Gouki might have actually laughed at the pitiful Hadouken-knock off the pink clad man had pulled off, the yellow-clad Brazilian had simply landed Shoryuken to the man's face as the attack faded into nothingness.

But then, while the Brazilian had been posing for the cameras, despite the match still being on, the gaudily dressed one had done something that insulted Gouki to the root of what remained of his mortal soul. He'd stood up, crossed his arms before him and HOVERED towards his opponent in what, to the Master of Fist's shock, had looked like the Shun Goku Satsu, grabbing the startled teen from behind.

When the explosions and girlish screams had died down, the Brazilian had been thrown from the ring, landing head first on the concrete floor and rendering him unconscious, while the gaudily dressed one lay spread-eagled on his back, smoking and battered but conscious, giving the referee a thumbs up as he proved he was still, despite appearances, very much alive.

Something Gouki intended to correct right that second. Normally he didn't pick on the weak, but the…sacrilege he had just witnessed, this perverse mockery of Ansatsuken's most vaunted technique, had ignited a need for VENGEANCE that just would NOT be denied.


Dan Hibiki grinned for the cameras, covered in bandages but otherwise okay, holding the Silver Trophy for second place over his head, tears streaming down his cheeks. True he personally believed he could have gotten the gold, maybe, but the fact was he'd actually WON in a tournament! With Ryu, Ken, and a whole host of other notables competing!

Even the fact that Sakura, his 'student' and friend, had somehow beaten him for the Gold was of little import, the fact was that, for once, Dan was in the limelight, and was enjoying every second of it.

The match-ups had been epic, once the cannon fodder had been done away with, though the semi-final match-ups between Ken and Ryu had been the REAL draw. Even Dan, loathe as he was to admit it, had been enawed by his onetime fellow students as they'd unleashed the full destructive might of Gouken-ryu Ansatsuken's power on one another. Needless to say Ryu won, though Ken took it well and had stuck around to watch his disciple's match-up, saying that he was looking forward to seeing how Sakura was going to fare against his own student.

'Like MY disciple could lose to that little brat.' Dan scoffed smugly, though his jaw still ached from Sean's Shoryuken, not to mention his ribs from the young man's kicks…and his nose from the head-butt. 'With this, Saikyo-ryu's name will spread further!'

"Hibiki-san? Are you alright?" Sakura asked, ever concerned for her strange, delusional friend and one-time sensei as she lloked down on him from her position on the first place stand, wincing from the camera flashes "You look like you're in pain there."

"Just tears of joy Sakura!" the pink-clad man assured the girl, though if he were honest with himself he was in a world of pain. The Otoko Michi might be his strongest technique, but DAMN if it didn't hurt like a bitch. But then he HAD based it off of something he'd once seen in Gouken's sealed scrolls, one of the reasons the old hermit had chucked him off the mountain, so it stood to reason that kick-ass power came with a hefty price, namely pain.

But Dan would've gladly put up with such pain for the memory of the absolutely GOBSMACKED look on Masters' face as Sean had been carried out of the stadium on a stretcher, he'd taken a picture of it and was intending to have it mounted on the dojo wall when he got home.

"If you say so…" Sakura muttered, a bead of sweat sliding down her head as she watched the man raise his trophy over his head, crying out for his father as he always did 'Hibiki-san's so strange…'

Not that the girl gave much thought to this. Dan Hibiki had been one of her more eccentric friends for some time now. Even though she was notably stronger than him in certain areas, make that a lot of areas, he'd always stood by her when she needed it, picking up rumors of Ryu-san on the street fighter grapevine and passing them on to her when she came to visit his Dojo, which surprisingly had picked up a few students since the time she'd last been there.

In fact, if it weren't for Dan signing her up as a member of his team for the tournament, Sakura probably would've never got her chance to face off against Ryu in the finals, though her idol was obviously still drained from fighting Ken Masters the previous round, and so had humbly stood down after a clash of Hadouken, telling her to keep practicing.

Oh yes, the budding street fighter decided, putting up with Dan's eccentric behavior was well worth the benefits of having him as a friend.


"I can't believe this!" Ken muttered for the umpteenth time, scowling across the crowd at the jubilant form of Dan Hibiki "Both of us get knocked out near the finals and THIS clown makes it into the top three?"

"Master always said to never underestimate an opponent." Ryu pointed out, amused with the situation if he was honest with himself. Dan may have been thrown out of Gouken's dojo, literally, for his desire to kill Sagat, but Ryu had missed the bumbling man's presence when they were younger, it had taken longer for him to warm up to Ken than it had to Dan. "How's Sean taking it?" he asked, referring to Ken's pupil, who he noted had been making some improvement during the match.

"How would YOU take it?" Ken muttered, though he did smirk guiltily. Sean took great offence at being compared to Dan, whom most fighters considered to be nothing but a joke, comedic relief best suited for a half-time show than any real competition. The fact the Brazilian had LOST to the pink-clad man was quite an upset.

"Sakura's improved quite well too." Ryu noted, watching as the ecstatic teen put Dan in a headlock, cheering for the cameras whilst giving victory signs deapite the look of agonizing pain on Dan's face "Her Hadouken in particular."

"I heard she learnt how to fire it from watching Dan's Gadouken." Ken supplied, smirking at the look of shock on his rivals face "Yeah, my reaction was the same…guess the dumbass makes for a good teacher in his own way."

Ryu nodded, looking back towards the stands, where Dan was raising his silver trophy over his head, tears streaming down his face as he cried out, as always, for his father. 'Ah well…there's always next year.'


As Dan limped happily towards the locker rooms, having just finished promoting Saikyo-ryu on camera and ready to head back home triumphant, sort of, and feeling pretty chuffed with himself. He'd even managed to rib Ken about his disciple's performance, as well questioning the man's ability to teach, which put the pan-American champion in quite a mood. Not that he could do anything about it as, for once, Dan had been RIGHT, though Ryu actually coming out and congratulating him had taken the wind out of Dan's sails.

'First time one of them actually thought I was worth something…' he muttered, recalling his eviction from the dojo all those years ago, how Ryu had seemed the only one upset he was leaving 'Then again, that's Ryu in a hand basket, credit where it's due.'

A snapping sound from below drew his attention to his geta, cursing at the snapped thread, stooping down to fix it even as something hurtled over his head, almost severing his ponytail.

'There a breeze in here?' Dan wondered, only to shiver as whatever passed over him stood up, glowering at him with the reddest, ANGRIEST eyes he'd seen since that Interpol officer with the crush on Ryu tried to arrest some scantily dressed kunoichi chick with a fan. Eyes set in a face that would've scared the bejeezus out of a mountain, framed by Crimson locks done up in a lotus-bud top-knot.

"Uh…can I help you buddy?" the master of Saikyo-ryu asked, a little unnerved by the intensity of the man's stare, only to yelp and roll to the side to avoid what looked a hell of a lot like a hurricane kick that, to his horror, sliced right through his trophy "SUNNUVA-! OH IT'S ON NOW YOU MOTHER-!"

A swift series of flying kicks brought him within range of his assailant, who merely grabbed his foot out of mid-air and threw him to the ground, Dan countered by striking out with his feet, aiming for the ankles, only for his assailant to leap into the air. "Gotcha! KORYUKEN!" Dan cheered, rising from his crouch, his punch clipping the man on the chin, but doing little more than piss him off further "Uh…oops?"

The retaliatory Shoryuken sent Dan crashing into the ceiling, digging a trench through it until he was tossed clear, rolling to a stop on the path.

"…ow…" the disoriented master of Saikyo-ryu muttered, rising painstakingly to his feet, shaking the little Blanka chibis out of his sight, only to pale as he realized the shadow he was kneeling in was getting bigger.


If anyone had asked Dan later he'd have boasted that his sharp reflexes had allowed him to roll out of the path of the blow, but in reality, his foot got caught in a divot, causing him to fall backwards, out of the path of the blow that would've rendered him in half, Dan rolling with it to put some extra distance between them.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Dan yelled out, rolling out of the path of a fiery Hadouken he could've sworn only Ryu could pull off "You trying to kill me?!"

His answer was an Hadouken launched from on high, which left a small crater in the ground from where he'd been standing two seconds ago.

"Stupid question!" Dan yelled, rolling to his feet and posing "Apparently my name's attracted the big guns! Already I got people challenging me!" he smirked, gesturing for his opponent to draw closer "C'mon then! I dare ya!"


"Ryu-san?" Sakura asked, looking up as her idol and role model froze in his tracks, a look of intense focus she normally associated with him sensing some new threat on his face "Is something wrong?"

"You feelin' that too Ryu?" Ken asked, looking around warily as he felt the telltale signs of murderous intent grow in the air, setting his hackles on edge, like the feeling you get from walking onto a static ladden carpet.

"He's here…" Ryu muttered, eyes like flints as he whirled round towards the main building "GOUKI!"


Ryu blinked as something crashed down from on high in a smoking mess, coming to a stop right on top of Sakura's sneakers, earning a shriek from the girl as she punted it away, only to gape as it crashed into a wall. "H-HIBIKI-SAN?!" the girl stammered, eyes wide in alarm as she eyed her singed, battered, decidedly NOT happy friend as he somehow mustered the strength to give her a thumbs up "What happened?!"

The answer came, again from on high, as a black-clad man with blazing red hair and eyes crashed in front of them like a panther, leaking murderous intent.

"GOUKI!" Ryu yelled, moving into a fighting stance, ready to challenge the master of fists once again, only to blink as he was ignored as his master's murderer advanced on the downed master of Saikyo-ryu like some wrathful deity. "Uh…hello?"

"Dude…burn…"Ken chuckled, looking between the Master of Fists and his rival with barely suppressed humor. Ryu, with a frown that was equal parts irritated and insulted, marched up and grabbed Gouki by the shoulder.

When the world stopped spinning he found himself embedded in a wall, upside down, with a imprint of Gouki's backhand on his face.


Ken whistled, looking from his concussed rival, who was slowly sliding to the floor, a distressed Sakura running to his aid, before turning his gaze towards Gouki, who was holding Dan of his feet by his hair. "That's not good." The American muttered, only to wince as Gouki slammed Dan into a wall so hard he punched through it, following it up with a close range one-inch punch that sent him out the other side "Okay, THAT'S not good!"

"Masters!" a familiar voice called out, Ken turning to find a familiar oriental Interpol officer racing towards him in her usual blue chinese opera outfit and spiked bracelets "What the hell is going on?!"

"Pleasure to see you too officer Lee," Ken chuckled, his tone mildly hurt, though it was simply an attempt to fluster the woman known by many as one of the highest ranked fighters in the world "I mean how long has it been?"

"A year and a half." Chun-Li shot back instantly, her tone and posture all business as she looked around the damaged walkway with her usual determined gaze "Now what happened here?"

"Gouki happened." Ken shot back, earning a look of alarm from the woman, for no fighter worth his salt didn't know the name of the Master of Fists "Yeah, we didn't sense him till now either."

"Is Ryu okay?" Chun-Li asked, regretting it instantly as Masters gave her a knowing look and smirk "Keep your mind out of the gutter Mr. Masters." She warned him "We both know that Ryu's like a powder-keg when it comes to Gouki."

"That he is…" Ken agreed, honestly not fathoming WHY Ryu felt the need to challenge the Master of Fists every time they met. Yes he killed their master, a sore point neither of them would forget any time soon, but hadn't Gouken always preached that revenge was not the path of a true warrior? And it wasn't like Gouki had a habit of killing people like Bison either…hell, he'd actually done the world a favor by killing the twisted sunuvabitch once already, the Bison running around now wasn't even HALF as powerful as the first time they met at the first World Warrior Tournament.

"Anyways, believe it or not it isn't Ryu that Gouki's set his eye on this time." Ken assured the Interpol officer, thumbing over his shoulder at his rival, who was being shaken back to consciousness by a frantic Sakura, the spectators sweat-dropping at the sight "Believe it or not, he's after Dan."

"Dan?" Chun-Li repeated, blinking in confusion at the American's words, as if she'd somehow forgotten how to speak english in the last ten seconds "Dan Hibiki? He's Fighting DAN HIBIKI?"

"Wouldn't really call it fighting…" Ken muttered, as one of Dan's comical screams filled the air, shortly followed by an audible explosion that rocked the area "But…yeah."

"Kami-sama…" Chun-Li muttered, pushing past the blonde with a look of professional concern on her face "That idiot…He's going to get himself killed!"


Gouki had to admit, as he watched Dan pick himself up off the floor for what had to be the umpteenth time in the last ten minutes, that the pink-clad buffoon could certainly take a beating.

At first he'd been holding back out of spite, believing the defiler of Ansatsuken was undeserving of a quick, painless death, but as the man continued to get back on his feet, Gouki found himself putting more and more power into each blow, only for the master of Saikyo-ryu to come back for more.

'What is with this man…' he muttered darkly, gazing into Dan's eyes, or what was visible off them from behind the swelling. Dan's face had been battered so much it looked like lumpy play-dough, and his stance, not only loose, was offset by his waving dizzily from side to side.

"Zhat all youse got?" the battered fighter managed to get out, several teeth comically missing from his mouth as he gestured for Gouki to advance "Didn' heah no bell…"

In truth, Gouki was a little intrigued by the clowns durability…admittedly he'd known several people who'd lasted this long, the ancient assassin Gen for example, but that was mostly because they had the skill to hold him off with their own techniques and strength. But here was someone, the physical equivalent of a starved, three-legged Chihuahua to his Rabid Doberman, who by nothing more than sheer will, or stupidity, kept getting up when by all rights he should be a greasy smear on the pavement.

But for all his intrigue, that still wasn't enough to garner Dan a reprieve from the wrath of the Master of Fists, for even as sirens began tearing through the air, Gouki began channeling his killing intent throughout his entire being, his body glowing a dark, murderous crimson-laced black as he began to hover slightly off the ground.

"Prepare yourself…" Gouki called out, hovering slowly towards the doomed fool, his eyes glowing blood-red, only to widen in disbelief as Dan suddenly grinned and crossed his arms before him.

"Youse fell fer it!" the pink-clad master of Saikyo-ryu taunted, a light glow covering his body as he began to hover himself, advancing on the momentarily stunned Gouki "Feel th' might of Saikyo-ryu's throngetht technique!"

'Such…INSOLENCE!' Gouki snarled, recognizing the mockery of his vaunted technique and pumping even more of the Satsui no Hadou into his own move, even as Chun-Li, Ken, Sakura and a half-conscious Ryu stumbled round the corner.



Sakura screamed as the world went white, shielding her eyes with her arm, the other supporting Ryu, a fierce wind kicking up, sending dust and litter flying in all directions. Up front, Chun-Li and Ken braced themselves against the wind, their eyes fighting to remain open through the glare, only to be knocked off their feet as a shockwave crashed through the area like ripple in a lake, setting off car alarms and shattering every window within a ten mile range.

"JEEZUS!" Ken swore, fingers digging trenches in the grass as he fought to keep his footing "What in the hell's going on?!"

"Hibiki!" Chun-Li called out, shielding her eyes as she tried to catch sight of the buffoon in the light, only to yell as the light intensified yet again, a second, larger shockwave tearing through the area, sending them all crashing to the ground yet again.

And then it stopped, the roar died down to a low rumble, fading into the afternoon sky as dust slowly drifted around them. Ken, the closest to the scene, quickly leapt to his feet and raced back to the battle-zone, only to pull up short, eyes widening in disbelief as he gaped down at the scene before him.

A massive, make that GARGANTUAN crater had formed in the middle of the street, easily thirty feet in diameter, and twice as deep, the rocks beneath cracking as they cooled, showing they'd evidently suffered from extreme heat, some of them having taken on a glassy sheen.

There was no sign of either Gouki or Dan.

Chun-Li, who had by this time made her way to Ken's side, breathed something that sounded like a prayer in hushed mandarin, her eyes wide with disbelief as she took in the destruction below.

"Masters-san?" Sakura called out, jogging up to the older Street Fighters, a dazed Ryu following her unassisted "What's going…!" she trailed off, eyes wide at the sight of the crater, looking around in sheer awe at the amount of destruction "Wha…how…"

"I can't sense Gouki's killing intent anywhere." Ryu note, his face solemn as he eyed the crater with half lidded eyes "Not only that…but I can't sense his ki either…he's just…gone."

"Wha…what about Hibiki-san?" Sakura asked, looking around desperately for her friend, turning to look at Ken, only for the American to look away, his fists clenched tight "No…Ryu-san! Can you sense his-?!" she trailed off at the apologetic look in Ryu's eyes, shaking her head in disbelief .

"I'm sorry, Sakura." Ryu stated, his eyes downcast and his shoulders slumped in depression. Sakura stepped back, shaking her head in disbelief as tears began to form, only to look up as a hand dropped on her shoulder, gazing up at Chun-Li, the stern Interpol officer's eyes filled with understanding.

"Hibiki…san…" Sakura stammered, tears falling freely down her cheek as Chun-Li hugged her close, the officer's own eyes clamped shut as the girl screamed "HIBIKI-SAAAAAAN-!!!!!"


And there you have it...

Are Dan And Gouki gone for good? How will the world react to the dissapearance of the Master of Fists and Dan?

Tune in next time to find out!