Chad Blog

Miss me? Who wouldn't? Ok, ok...stop with the applauding....SERIOUSLY! Oh golly...this is....this is TOO MUCH, REALLY! isn't...I deserve to be applauded for. Especially after my appearance on that show...what's it called?
You see, my name isn't in it so I don't quite remember. Gotcha With Gilroy Smith or something??? Well
Sonny and blondie were on for an episode and they invited me to spice things up. I mean, honestly,
who wants to watch a whole hour long show of just Randoms? What good is TV without my face? No good. No
good at all! Well, little Blondie took up most of the screen time and Gilroy was trying to show some heat
backstage between me and my Sonny. I mean Sonny....not MY Sonny...gosh...who said that? Pfh...pstt...hmff...
Ptf...What cha talking about? I...I didn't....we wish you a merry christmas...we wish you a merry christmas...

Well let's just say Sonny loves me. We said it at the same time...I felt sooo very bad telling her
that we were "just friends" but....we are. At least, I thought so. But Sonny turned into a beast, she did.
I couldn't sworn she would have attacked me (probably with her lips) if she got the chance. The monster she is...
When I told her that the feeling were not mutual, then she was just furious...she's a malevolent being, she is.
I mean, its sooo NOT like I think she's hot and that we're secretly dating but not telling anyone! Pft! Not at all!
Sonny and I soooo are having late night rehearsals at her place every Tuesday night....that would be....weird. So
nope! NOTHING is happening there - sorry! Not like we KISSED...EVER...pft....ridiculous....silly people.... I g2g....

Peace Out SUCKAS .



Booknerdifyierrrrr: I will write an encyclopedia on you Chad. You will love it!

udependonme: Your back! Where did you go? Sneaking around with Sonny or something? So HOOOTTTT!

YoDogHomieGrl: Did you not listen to ANYTHING he just said? He and Sonny are NOT a thing!

Muffins4Life: I'm not a fool....well...I'm a fool 4 u ;) - but apart from that...I'm not a fool....I know you love a certain brunette star....ASHLEY TISDALE (unless she went blond again - so hard 2 keep up)....and you won't even tell me your favorite muffin flavor. RUDE.

NicoSuave: I thought the internet canceled this crap!

YoDogHomieGrl: CRAP?????????? Only the best writing in the world.

SuperSuperGirl: It is not crap - you moron!

ShowersofFlowers: I wrote a poem for you Chad. I sent it to you. How did I do this? I know your adress. I watch you. ALL THE TIME.

chadblogofficial: Because that's not weird at all?


SonSHINEMonroe: Chad- shut up!

SoYouThinkI'm: GGC (golly gee chad)!!!!!!!!!!! You are hiding something (HOW ROMANTIC!)

SonSHINEMonroe: Hiding that I hate him....duh....not hiding that...I mean....because i OPENLY hate Chad....gosh

DeliciousHunnyC8kes: Chad... I need to have a talk with you. If this relationship is going to work then I believe that we must seek couple's counseling...It's okay. I'll be with you the whole time and this relationship will not die. It will live on. It will.

Chadisn'tFat: CHAD ISN'T FAT!

rasberryontop555555: I luv how no magazines about Teen Celebs are read anymore because of these blogs.

iluvu: therapist has "disappeared"! NO longer will I have to avoid my passion that has been devoted to you!

uEATBRANMUFFIN5: I'm thinking about dying my hair red.

PeoplePerson8283: No one cares. Unless its Tawni, no one CARES!

Fawn_over_Tawn: High five, sister friend!

chadblogofficial: Who says "sister friend"?

ZoratheExplorer: I don't know....who calls they're secret love "Gummy Bear?" .... Don't think I know nothing, Chad. Air vent travel has benefits ;)

Fawn_over_Tawn: TELL ME!

MyShoeLaceBroke883: What is there to tell?

GRADYfromNARNIA: I will tell you something. I drank two gallons of cheese milk today.

ChristmasJoys12toys: Cheese milk???? AWESOME!

GRADYfromNARNIA: don't worry - its organic