Silence danced across the battle field. The two members of the Akatsuki stood back-to-back, one holding a scythe, the other boredly counting a wad of yen. The scythe wielder was watching his weapon and neither paid their enemies any mind. Asuma Sarutobi and his team glared, preparing to fight.

"Hey," he snarled, "who're you?"

The one with the scythe grinned sickly, his face lighting up. "My name is Hidan." His partner rolled his eyes.

"I am Kakuzu." Asuma blinked. He had an impromptu flashback of the first time he met one Hoshigaki Kisame and stepped back, staring in horror at the Akatsuki duo. They… They weren't going to sing, were they? Please no… Please no! Kakuzu turned and looked at Hidan. "Shall we get this over with?"

"Fuck yeah," snapped the white haired man. "Can I take my cloak off? It's fucking painful under it." Kakuzu narrowed his eyes and made a few hand signs, music starting from somewhere far off. Asuma's eyes dilated as he stared. Oh god. Two Akatsuki cloaks flew into the air as the wind kicked up around them. Izumo and Kotetsu flushed in embarrassment and Shikamaru blinked a few times, rubbing his eyes.

Before them stood the very same Akatsuki members only… Different. Kakuzu wore a black suit and a bright pink tie, just to contradict the black. He wore his mask which just looked creepy. Hidan, however, was a sight. Asuma stared and got a dark glare from the man in a suit. Hidan wore; yeah you guessed it, a dress. It reached his knees and fanned out and was a pale pink, matching his eyes and Kakuzu's tie. It was strapless and zipped up the back and had a ribbon wrapping around the entire top half, showing bits of the dress and bits of skin. He wore pale pink ballet flats with bows on them and ribbons wrapping up his legs.

"Troublesome," Shikamaru groaned just before Kakuzu started singing, keeping his back to his partner.

"Do ya hear me? I'm talking to you," began the man decked in black, stepping slowly away from Hidan who walked in the opposite direction, twirling the edge of his dress absently. "Across the water, across the deep blue… Ocean under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying." He bowed his head, keeping his back to Hidan who turned to the side, looking to the sky sadly.

"Boy I hear you… In my dreams… I feel your whisper," he twirled a strand of hair around his finger, "across the sea." He pressed both hands to where his heart would be and twirled so he was looking at Kakuzu. "I keep you with me, in my heart… You make it easier when life gets hard." Kakuzu spun on his heel to face Hidan.

They walked until they were together, linked hands, and stood back-to-back again. "I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend, lucky to have been where I have been. Lucky to be coming home again… Oooh, oooh, oooh, ooh, ooh…" They walked apart, only connected by their pinkies.

Hidan started singing. "They don't know," Kakuzu joined in, "how long it takes… Waiting for a love like this…" Hidan sighed and they dropped their hands to their sides. "Every time we say good bye, I wish we had one more kiss," Hidan turned to Kakuzu as they sang this, a devastated look in his eyes as he stepped back. He clasped his hands in front of him when Kakuzu turned around and looked down slightly at him. Together, they sang, "I'll wait for you, I promise this. I will."

Asuma looked away and Shikamaru sighed. What the hell was this? Shikamaru looked at his captain and blinked in shock. It was like… He expected this or something… Odd.

"Lucky I'm in love with my best friend, lucky to have been where I have been, lucky to be comin' home again," sang the Akatsuki duo as Hidan twirled, his skirt flaring out even more. His back was to his partner, his hands behind his back as he danced side to side lightly. "Lucky we're in love in every way," Hidan smiled at this, continuing his swaying. Kakuzu too swayed, snapping to the beat, "lucky to have stayed where we have stayed… Lucky to be comin' home… Someday…" They glanced at each other and Hidan spun, facing their victims. He crouched down and rested his elbows on his knees and his chin in his palms and Kakuzu walked over slowly.

"So I'm sailing, through the sea… To an island where we'll meet," sang the man wearing a mask, spinning as he walked around his partner who watched him every time the suit wearing one walked in front of the white haired one. "You'll hear the music fill the air," Kakuzu flung his arms out, spinning in a circle and he pulled a flower from thin air, crouching down beside his lover, "I'll put a flower in your hair." He tucked the rose behind Hidan's ear.

Kakuzu stayed crouched and Hidan stood, spinning away. "Though the breezes through the trees are so pretty," began the white haired man. He held his hand out to Kakuzu who looked up at him. "You're all I see." Kakuzu took his hand and Hidan pulled him into a standing position. "As the world keeps spinning round, you hold me right here right now." Kakuzu pulled Hidan into his arms and spun in a circle, causing Asuma to blush and cover his face.

Hidan spun from Kakuzu and tilted his head to the side, clutching his Jashin-Necklace in his hand as they sang, "Lucky I'm in love with my best friend. Lucky to have been where I have been," Kakuzu walked towards Hidan who spun away in his lovely ballet flats. "Lucky to be comin' home again…" Kakuzu caught Hidan's wrist and their eyes met. "I'm lucky we're in love in every way… Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed," Hidan spun in, falling on Kakuzu's arm. He stared up at his partner who stared back down. "Lucky to be comin' home someday…" they trailed off, staring into each other's eyes as the Jutsu continued for them.

"Oooh, oooh, oooh, ooh, ooh…" The music died down and the Akatsuki members' foreheads met as they continued to stare into each other's eyes.

"Zetsu and Tobi," whispered Hidan.

Kakuzu sighed. "Don't want to break each other's hearts, Hidan."

Shikamaru rubbed his eyes, much to Kotetsu and Izumo's amusement; he'd been crying [1]. Shikamaru glared.

"Something in my eye… Troublesome…"


[1] I cried when I first heard this song, I was so touched. And, c'mon, Hidan and Kakuzu being emotional to this song. If you actually SAW it happen and not just pictured it, you would SO cry.