A/N: Ok so this is just a random story i'm writing out of boredness (is that a word??) anyway it's from the deep depths of my mind which is a very weird and disturbing place. So it's Dark Knight Joker and Batman Begins Scarecrow just to clarify that. Umm really none of the back stories of anything from the movies going on here i don't think.....i don't maybe. Ok here we go!
Disclaimer: i don't own!! well now i'm sad :(
Jonathan Crane once known to the staff at Arkham Asylum as Dr. Crane was now better known as Inmate: 135327. He'd been in the Asylum for six months now. He was slowly making progress, after two months they allowed him to be without his straight jacket, then for the past month he'd been in a "better" room. You see at Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane the inmates are arranged by their level of insanity and depended on their level you know what room they're assigned to. Now all the rooms at the Asylum are padded that's inevitable, but some of the real wackos didn't get anything in the room with them not even a bed, so mostly they would just sit on the floor of their puffy rooms in their straight jackets waiting to be taken out for meals.
But Jonathan was pretty high up as far as the room situation goes. He had a bed, a pathetic excuse for a bed, the mattress is so thin that the springs bore into his back and some nights he feared that one of them was going to puncture his organs. He also had a window barred of course, I mean he can't see out of it but it's there, see the cells in Arkham are very tall so Jonathan's window is as high up on the wall as it can get without being on the ceiling. Lucky bastard even has his own toilet, lucky bastard that's what some of the lower, jealous inmates call him. The last difference in Jonathan's cell was something on the ceiling, if you looked in the corner above his toilet you would see there was a vent, pretty much useless since the temperature never seemed to change around the place. And it was also to high up for Jonathan to reach so he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.
Truth be told Jonathan was content here. Not necessarily happy but content, he was perfectly fine with waiting till his time was up and focusing on getting better. It was better here he didn't have to be around people constantly he could just sit in his cell all day if he wanted to, he didn't even have to talk to anyone, except Tuesdays and Fridays when he had his therapy sessions. Life was just so much easier when you took all the annoying people out of the equation.
A guard was leading Jonathan back to his cell that night. Even though he had his own toilet he lacked the luxury of his own shower. But he absolutely refused to shower with the other inmates, it's not that he thought he was better but he did once work here and he knew what went on in the shower area. He told the guards that he wouldn't shower at all until they allowed him to shower alone, after about a week they gave in. So every night at 11 a guard comes to get him and he showers alone and safe.
Jonathan was locked back in his cell and he looked around the small padded room. As he was being lead down the hall he'd caught sight of a clock 11:29 it said, normally inmates are allowed a 10 minute shower but since it was night and he was alone the guards didn't really give a shit. Jonathan sat down on his bed and put his head in his hands, there's nothing to do, he thought, there's never anything to fucking do. Jonathan got up from his bed and began pacing this is how most of his time was spent, but it's better than being out there, he told himself. Anytime he thought he was gonna lose it from being in here he always reminded himself about life outside of the Asylum and it made life on the inside easier.
After pacing for what felt like and eternity but in reality it was only about 2 hours Jonathan laid down on his bed. He was going to leave his eyes open cause he didn't feel all that tired but he knew if he did he'd and up counting the padded ceiling tiles, again, there were 32. So he let his eyes close and he lay flat out on the bed trying not to think about the horrible pain shooting through his back. He began to let his mind wander when he thought he heard someone rustling around his cell. He chose to stay where he was thinking it was just a guard doing one of their nightly checks he lay there faking sleep.
Then it felt like someone was close to him, hovering over top of him. He tensed a bit worried it might be another inmate who broke out and now coming here to kill him. Then he felt the person's breath on him the person's mouth was right over his. The person was whispering something to him but his thoughts were so loud he couldn't hear him. He tried to calm himself down so he could hear what this person was saying but he wouldn't open his eyes yet.
"Wake up, wake up," the voice said.
After hearing the voice clearly Jonathan was a little curious as to who this person leaning over him was. He opened his eyes the slightest bit but then they got as wide as eyes can possibly get when Jonathan saw the clown staring down at him.
"Wake up you freak," said the Joker.
A/N: ok there it is. i'm sorry to leave it like that but i just really wanted that to be the last line. so i hope you liked it, it's going to get funnier trust me. thanks for reading!!