Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or Naruto.

Warnings: Alternate Universe.

Pairings: Future MinatoxUsagi. Unrequited MamoruxUsagi.

Summary: A house divided cannot stand. The future of the Fire Country is threatened by the looming possibility of a civil war as the imperial family stands divided about who is the true heir to the throne and who is the usurper. Can a young princess survive against the machinations of those around her and save bother herself and her country?

A House Divided


The earth seemed to echo with the beat of the drums as the imperial procession inched its way along the grand boulevard toward the soaring Kinmoku Palace in Tenkei, capital of the wealthy Ho no Kuni. Snow white horses garbed in red and gold, with their stately riders in full ceremonial armor, stepped elegantly to the drum's rhythm as they lead the procession onwards.

The four drummers marched behind the riders on the white horses, faces set in stoic concentration, never faltering. In their wake came an elaborate golden palanquin hung with crimson curtains bearing the ornate crest of the crown princess and supported by eight of the strongest men in the imperial guard.

Behind the great palanquin marched a regiment imperial guard, in full and gleaming regalia, followed by the retinue of the youngest princess. Her palanquin was far less ornate then that of the crown princess but still far more grand than many had seen. Her devoted handmaidens walked beside her palanquin, their painted faces serene as they carried bundles of Sweet Osmanthus flowers in their arms.

Still yet another regiment of the guard marched solemnly behind her. The teeming throng followed behind as the last of the great procession passed. They were held back from overwhelming the procession only by steadfast members of the guard. The sounds of their cheers slowly swallowed the sound of the drums as they drew closer to Kinmoku Palace.

"It feels wrong, deceiving them like this," Kakyuu-hime murmured quietly to her companion from her vantage point on the top floor of Kinmoku Palace. Two servant girls knelt in deep supplication behind her, before them trays of fragrant perfumes and delicate combs of the finest jade. Discarded robes, bright and elegant trappings worthy of one who world soon rule Ho no Kuni, lay draped across skillfully carved cedar chests. The finest of these were from the farthest reaches of the continent and beyond.

Many had praised Kakyuu-hime as the most beautiful woman in all of Ho no Kuni. She had been the inspiration of poets and painters alike. Standing before the window looking down upon the streets of the capital she appeared wan and weary, like she had been stretched too thin. Even the lovely robes she wore, her finest on this day of her coronation, could not distract from her solemn mood.

"There have been too many threats against you," Kaguya-hime remarked quietly, concern clear in her voice. She turned and gently dismissed the kneeling servants with quietly murmured words; they silently exited with their heads held low. Kaguya-hime was the youngest granddaughter of the former daimyo. Those that knew her agreed that her beauty was an easy rival to that of her cousin, Kakyuu-hime. She was fondly called Usagi by all within the royal household and at the Hikawa Jinja where she had served as priestess for five years as was the duty of the youngest princess.

Hikawa Jinja was a cloistered world ruled by strict traditions. Kaguya-hime had willful ignored rules and traditions of the great temple and sought to explore the world beyond its confining walls. Her name became renowned and venerated because of her charity and compassion towards the common people. Kaguya-hime had easily become through her generosity the most admired individual within the imperial family.

Usagi gazed down at her hands, brow furrowed. "I…worry that the Chiba and Kusaka clans might try to move against you…that Mamoru is really that angry that you were chosen as the heir and not him." She whispered. "I'm even more afraid that if they are serious that they may…hire ninja from one of the other nations…to…" Her hand drifted to her throat, clenching tightly into a fist just under her chin as she averted her eyes.

Kakyuu-hime rested her hand lightly on her companion's shoulder. "Cousin, I know. I worry too. How can I not with all of the whispers of unrest within the Chiba and Kusaka clans that have reached my ears?" She asked gently. "But please don't worry for me. I have every confidence in the guard, they will watch over me, and I can handle Mamoru. He hasn't the wealth or power to be a true threat."

Mamoru was the eldest male heir in their family, considered by some to be the true heir to the daimyo's throne, but whatever affection the old daimyo had for his mother, the eldest of his four daughters, he had little for her child. It was speculated in the court that Kakyuu-hime had been named heir because of the long discord between Mamoru's power hunger father, the patriarch of the Chiba clan, and his maternal grandfather, the daimyo.

"Still…" Usagi hesitated. "I would feel easier if I went to Konohagakure no Sato to discuss things with the Hokage." She fiddled with the beautifully carved bracelet of white jade around her wrist, not looking at her cousin. "I would rather not have the ninja involved…but if it comes to that, I want to know you will be protected." When she finally looked up, her eyes were full of tears. "This country needs you, Kakyuu."

Kakyuu-hime smiled sadly at her. "After the coronation we will put together an envoy to see the Hokage. I trust you to be my emissary to Konohagakure no Sato and handle matters." She ran her hand over the hem of Usagi's sleeve, tugging slightly. "Everything will be well, you'll see." She murmured softly.

"Thank you," Usagi replied. "Mamoru…" She hesitated a moment, thinking of Mamoru. At one time he had made tender but fervent pronouncements of love for her before she had left to serve at Hikawa Jinja, only to scorn her when she had not supported his claim to the throne. "…I just want to make sure that nothing happens to you."

Kakyuu-hime took her hand and held it tightly. She leaned forward and rested her brow against her cousin's, a small smile curling her painted lips. "I would do the same for you." She said, taking Usagi's hands in her own and squeezing tightly.

"I know." Usagi murmured as the door behind them slid open revealing a kneeling servant. She stepped away from Kakyuu as they turned to regard the servant, hands slipping from her cousins to fall to her side. Kakyuu folded her arms behind her back, face tranquil as she gazed down at the humbly clad young woman as if they had not just been having a serious conversation.

"Please excuse this unworthy person." The servant said, bowing deeply towards the red haired princess. "Kaguya-hime, you mother requires your presence in her chambers." She said bowing towards the younger princess.

"Thank you," Usagi said, cheerfully. The servant bowed again, deeply, and left quietly. "I hope the coronation goes well today." She said as she turned towards her cousin. A small smile graced her face but her eyes were still dark with concern.

Kakyuu-hime smiled at her. "You worry too much," She gently chided. She glanced out the window at the sky thoughtfully. "We will talk again after the ceremony in the Lotus Room." She concluded, turning to regard Usagi with affection.

Usagi bowed respectfully towards her cousin, clasping her cousin's hand once more, and left the room, leaving Kakyuu-hime standing by the window. The red haired princess gestured with the subtle curling of two fingers after Usagi slid the door shut behind her.

A section of the ceiling slid aside and a young woman dropped to the floor with soundless grace. She knelt and bowed lowly, head pressed to the floor in supplication. "How may I be of service hime-sama?"

Kakyuu-hime stared down at her coolly. "My cousin is going to go to Konohagakure no Sato as my emissary. I want you to go with her as my eyes. Keep her safe and away from my enemies. She is far too important at the moment to be risked. Too much relies on her, do you understand?" She narrowed her eyes, mouth pursed, and fists clenched tightly.

The young woman stood swiftly; head bowed and her simple white kimono whispering softly as she retreated gracefully. "I understand hime-sama." She murmured. "You're humble servant will do as you say."


Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Sandaime Hokage, drew a long puff on his pipe as he watched the rain fall heavily on Konoha. "It seems the new Daimyo desires to secure ties with Konoha. It's no surprise what with the situation between her and her cousin. There have been rumors of a civil war lately. The Chiba clan wants to see their heir on the throne and the Kusaka clan seems eager to aid them."

"I've heard the same rumors myself," Minato Namikaze, the Yondaime Hokage, replied. "They also say that the only thing preventing civil war is the support of the esteemed Kaguya-hime for the new Daimyo and pressure from the rest of the twelve noble houses." He rested his chin on his fist as he gazed at the older man. The fingers of his other hand beat out a rhythm on the hard wood of his paper laden desk.

"Ah, the people's beloved princess." The older Hokage murmured, a smile tugging at his lips. "I've heard stories about her from her time at Hikawa Jinja. The people have started to praise her as a 'goddess of mercy.' Kakyuu-hime made a wise move gaining her support."

"I suspect that it is more that Kaguya-hime seems to have earned the allegiance of the Hino clan that makes her more valuable to Kakyuu-hime and Mamoru respectively." Minato commented. He stared at a decorative scroll on a distant wall, eyes absently tracing the strokes of the calligraphy. "The Hino are still the most powerful of the twelve noble houses, even the old daimyo stepped lightly around them."

Sarutobi hummed quietly. "It makes you wonder why he didn't name the virtuous Kaguya-hime heir." He remarked. "I have a feeling that if he had, civil war would hardly be a concern."

"Regardless, I'll have to put together a team to make sure she arrives here safely with her convoy." Minato said, rubbing his temples with both hands. "Not to mention setting up appropriate housing for the duration of her stay for both her and her attendants and a guard."

"It is occasions like this that make me very glad I retired." Sarutobi commented, chuckling. "I think I'll leave you to the paper work, then. I imagine there is quite a bit of it to do before you can return home to your son." Minato glared at Sarutobi's retreating back. He managed to stifle the urge to throw a kunai at him…barely.


Author's Note: This is the first fanfic I've written in what seems a long time. I'm not sure if I've pulled it off so please review and be gentle.