Husky looked out over the ocean. His feelings were kind of... empty. His eyes scanned the sea, searching for something different. it was the same old sky, the same old feelings. At least I'm not alone. He looked at Cooro, Senri, and Nana in their sleeping forms.
Cooro was... well, Cooro.Hyper-active, sometimes, but always hungry for apples, and still definitely foolishly trustworthy of people.
Senri never said much. His eyes looked distant, most of the time, as if he were always thinking of other things, other people. These were probably his memories he was trying to retain.
Nana... Husky didn't think much of Nana. Stupid girl... but, a little different than other girls... I think. Husky had never bothered to get to know other girls besides Crystala and his mother. I can barely stand one girl, let alone more. It was true. Nana was the single girl of the troup, and Husky woul fight tooth and nail to keep it that way.
"Husky?" Husky turned back to Cooro.
"Mmf?" That was Husky's way of saying 'What?'
"I'm hungry. Can you catch some fish for us?" Husky clenched his teeth.
"Yeesh. Why am I always the one getting food for us?!" He said loudly, clomping Cooro on the head with his pokpok stick. After making sure that his staff had made contact with Cooro's head, he turned around and took off his cape, about to dive into the ocean.
"You know, Nana gets us food, too." Cooro said.
"Hmmph. Girls always do that stuff to get attention. It's so pitiful. I get food for us to survive." Husky made sure Cooro understood the difference. He turned around and jumped into the sea. Wow. He just loved the sea. Swimming in it was second nature to him, and something he enjoyed doing. If I could, I would be a champion swimmer. Of course, this was impossible, because Husky had a tail, and, even if he didn't have a tail, it wouldn't be quite the same.
Husky came up with six fish. He had got one extra for Senri, because he was so big he needed two, and the other extra one was for if someone was still hungry and wanted another half a fish to split with somebody, or a whole extra fish. Like, say, Cooro.
"Mmm, yay, food!" Cooro's mouth was watering. "That looks good Husky!"
"Hmmph," Husky muttered.
"Now, Senri can cook it with his spices, and Nana can get some yummy berries from the woods to go with it!!" Cooro exclaimed.
"What are you going to do?" Husky pointed out.
"Oh, yeah! I'm gonna.... look for some apples!" Cooro exclaimed. "Apples..." His mouth started watering as he took off.