so this is the last chapter. After I get done I'm gonna edit stuff and yeah...start my new story The Necklace. I'm so tired...Didn't get home til 11 becuz of a track meet. But yeah youy don't care so here it is...
"Cream…," Tails groaned. He opened his eyes and looked up at Cream. She was still on the ground unconscious . He crawled over to her and held her in his arms.
"Cream. Please wake up." Tails shook Cream a little and she stirred but didn't wake up. Tails hugged her and rocked back and forth with her.
"Tails…," Cream whispered.
"You're awake!"
"Yeah…what are you doing?"
"I uh…sorry," Tails laughed and let her go.
"Wow I had a very strange dream. I kissed you so many times in a gross way and I started to like you," Cream said nervously and giggled.
"Uh, Cream, that wasn't a dream."
"He heh WHAT!?"
Sonic started to groan and wake up. "Sonic, I didn't see you over there. Are you hurt!?"
Tails ran over to Sonic and knelt next to him. "I'm fine. Just a couple scratches here and there. Where is Shadow and Mephiles? Wait where is Amy?"
Tails and Sonic looked across from them and saw Amy curled into a ball.
"Amy!" Sonic got up as fast as he could and went over to her and held her in his arms. "Amy! Amy! Come on! Wake up!" Sonic kept shaking her but she didn't wake up. "I think I…like you."
Sonic sighed and hugged her. " I wonder what Mephiles did to her. She got hurt trying to protect me. I'm so sorry…"
Sonic moved the hair out of her face and lowered his face til his lips met hers. Sonic kissed her gently and put his hand under her chin. Amy twitched a little, but Sonic didn't notice, and opened her eyes. Her eyes were wide for a minute but she shut them again and kissed back lightly and wrapped her arms around Sonic's neck.
Sonic pulled away as soon as he felt her arms on him and blushed. "You're awake," He said happily.
"Yeah." Amy blushed and looked at Sonic. "Wait where's Shadow?!" Amy hopped out of Sonic's arms and looked around but couldn't find Shadow or Mephiles.
"I don't know. I woke up and he wasn't here." Sonic got up and stood next to Amy.
"What if Mephiles hurt him!?"
"I doubt it. He's Shadow. He can take care of himself. He's fine…I promise." Sonic pulled Amy into a hug and stroked her hair.
Amy looked at Sonic's arm and traced her fingers over Sonic's scratches on his arm and sighed. "I need to clean you up."
Sonic put his hand under her chin and looked at her. "I'm fine. Promise." Amy smiled and continued to hug him.
"You guys alright?"
Amy pulled away and turned to Tails and Cream. "I'm fine, Cream." Sonic and Amy noticed they were still hand in hand and smiled.
"Let's go home," Sonic said.
The four started to walk through the forest but Amy stopped and turned back to where they just came from.
"I hope your okay Shadow. And thank you." Amy turned back to Sonic and grabbed his hand.
"Now let's go home."
The end :)