-oOo- Chapter Four: Somethin's Not Right... -oOo-

.....The tentacles came closer and closer every second. Rukia saw it all in slow motion, but in reality, it was only a fraction of a second. Thankfully for her that her Zanpakuto was positioned right in front of her chest. Therefore, the tentacles didn't hit her there, because she deflected them. The other two hit her. One on the shoulder, the other one on the right side of her hip. Rukia wasn't bleeding, but she was sure, that that'll leave a mark, probably an enormous ugly and painful bruise.

The Hollow didn't let Rukia think about her injuries any longer, because the tentacles headed at her once again. Rukia could dodge that one, but the two beneath her weren't hindered by anything. It hit her again, this time with more force, though. This little game continued for a while, and soon the petite Shinigami realized, that the Hollow WAS playing with her. Damn that thing! How am I supposed to get to it with all those tentacles around it!!!? Then her eyes widened in disbelieve. The Hollow had actually four tentacles, now it doubled its amount of tentacles. Rukia started to feel uneasiness in her stomach, which was replaced by a sharp pain immediately.

She didn't pay attention for a brief second, and the Hollow took advantage of it. One tentacle tackled her, hitting her in the stomach, again. She winced at the pain. While she was trying to catch herself, so that she could focus on the Hollow and a plan, the monster hit her again. This time from above and with more force, too. Her shoulder felt numb. Thankfully, it was the left one not the right one, where she held her Zanpakuto. Why the hell does this filthy Hollow now when to attack? Rukia was confused about why the Hollow could plan an attack. Then it hit her. The Hollow showed signs of intelligence. It planed, dodged and hit. But that was not all. It had a better tactic than the other million Hollows she encountered in her Shinigami-career. No, it shouldn't be possible. Hollows had only the basic instincts. Why? What in the world happened?

Because she was hiding somewhere, in order to regain her strength, she could think about that. But the Hollow sensed her and destroyed her hiding place with one tentacle. Two other tentacles appeared on both sides next to her. Her eyes widened, because she knew what would happen. She could use her power, the one that was spared from exhaustion and pain, but she couldn't. It was all too quick, too confusing.....

-oOo- Bathroom of the Kurosaki house -oOo-

Ichigo went to the bathroom. He wanted to clear his head before he started talking with Rukia. Like he said once It must be organized this time...or else it'll be another disaster and sleepless night! But how should he talk, when he even didn't know the answers he needed to understand everything? He sighed and bowed his head. Then he regained his determination by thinking about the little woman, that changed his life so much. Sure, he wouldn't have to fight in order to prevent doom, but if it hadn't happened, he wouldn't have been able to protect the people he so desperately wants to protect. Ichigo wouldn't be the man he is now if it wasn't for Rukia Kuchiki. He owed her...he owed her a lot! Suddenly he felt a strong Reiatsu. It wasn't one that he knew. But it couldn't be a Hollow, since it was too strong for one.

"I better check out what's going on. Rukia probably felt it, too...I wonder what she thinks about it..." Ichigo said to himself. He entered his room and the stuffed lion jumped at him, yelling:

"You idiot! What took you so long in there? What were you thinking? Didn't you feel it, you moro-" Kon was interrupted by Ichigo's foot, which was squeezing his face.

"Of course I felt it. But I suggest you be quiet now, or else you wake up the oth- Hey, where's Rukia?" Ichigo asked, stopping to maltreat the stuffed animal.

"Mwoo mooroom, mshoo mwenth mwo-" Ichigo took his foot off of Kon's face." You moron, she went out to kill the Hollow about 20 minutes ago! Alone!" the Mod Soul yelled.

"But it's to strong for a Hollow!"

"Maybe it's not a Hollow anymore!"

Kon, what the hell are you talking?"

"Stop standing here and help her!"

"Did she want me to follow?"

"No..."Kon said, looking down at the ground. "But Ichigo..."his voice was full of sincere concern, now."I think she might get in trouble, because she wasn't quiet herself when she left."

Ichigo's eyes widened in shock. He knew, that Rukia wasn't herself, hell, he wasn't himself either.

Then he felt it again. The already strong and unfamiliar Reiatsu increasing again. Rukia's on the other hand, a pressure he would even feel, when he would be half dead and million miles away, faded. It didn't vanish, but it was getting weaker.

"Damn it!" he took his badge and disappeared through the window, hoping that he will make it in time. Kon looked after him, hoping the exact same thing.

-oOo- Ishida residence -oOo-

Uryu was about to finish his last homework for the next day.

"Oh boy" was all he said. The day tomorrow....more or less tomorrow....will be hard. I wonder if Kurosaki finished all his homework....but knowing him, he didn't! Rukia didn't do it probably either....Uryu let out a little laugh. Those two were so alike. Fighting, stubborn, graceful, caring, mad....everything fit perfectly. A perfect match thought Uryu and he couldn't hide the smile on his face. He wondered though, what has happened between them, that they were fighting so intensely this afternoon. He replayed the event during lunch break. He couldn't believe it, because those two never, ever fought like this before. Even Kuchiki's play, being the nice innocent girl, didn't last. She didn't care that others were watching.

He then felt a strong Reiatsu. He recognized it as a Hollow, but it was way to high for a mere Hollow. Uryu stood up then and headed out the door. He went for the playground, since it was the place where he felt the Reiatsu. He saw it. An ugly Hollow, mid-sized, four tentacles and two claws.

"What a weired creature....and the mask! What's with the weired mask?" Uryu noticed, too, that something was different about this Hollow. Then he saw someone fighting it and recognized that it was Rukia. Should have figured, that she will drag him anywhere....Then he saw, that she was thrown in every direction. She didn't attack, but just fend off the attacks. What is she trying to do? She vanished then. He knew that she was hiding, which was his chance to get to her and tell her, that he's here to help.

When he reached her, he saw that the tentacles had surrounded her. There was no way to escape and he saw in slow motion, that she was attacked. Rukia just stood there, doing nothing. Either she couldn't move or the Hollow was too fast for her. Thanks to his perfect abilities, he shot an arrow at one of the tentacles, hoping to save Rukia.

Rukia couldn't move. She had to, though, if she wanted to see the rise of the sun again and hear Ichigo's apology....Then she felt a familiar Reiatsu and suddenly one of the tentacles was hit by a blue arrow. She knew those arrows just too well. Uryu. He felt the Hollow ,too and came to help her, not like some certain Substitut. But that was not the right time to be mad at him. She had to focus, so that she would be able to be mad at him. The tentacle, which was hit by Uryu's arrow didn't have a scratch. It was just thrown out of his direction. That actually shocked her, and she was even more shocked, when she felt something hitting her extremely hard in the back. Another tentacle of the eight the Hollow had, tackled her. She flew through a wall and came to a stop when she hit the second. Rukia was getting weaker. The Hollow was successfully killing her, slowly and step by step.

What?! Uryu didn't understand. He definitely hit the Hollow's tentacle, but it didn't vanished, not to mention got a scratch. He then saw that Rukia was being attacked by another arm. He wanted to fire another arrow, but was too slow. He could only watch now, how the raven-haired girl was thrown through a thick wall. She thankfully stopped at the second one. He wanted to go to her, but knew, that if he did, then the Hollow would have another target. Then they both would be definitely toasted.

Where's Ichigo when you need him? That idiot! Didn't he feel that?? I shouldn't wonder that he, still, sucks at this... but come on!!! Rukia was trying to get up now, but another tentacle was heading her way. Uryu saw that one in time now, and shot an arrow. It hit perfectly, but like the other one, it was not injured. It simply was forced to changed the direction. Rukia got up and headed in the opposite direction Uryu was standing. She just looked at him, and before she took off a little faster, she simply told him to go away or at least to hide with a wave of her hand. She obviously didn't want him to get caught. Then she ran, but, yet again, was hit by another arm. This time it appeared right in front of her, surprising her and finally hitting her.

Ichigo...it would be good if you came already.... thought Uryu angrily. Rukia was in really bad shape, and he had to do something. He couldn't really believe that she, even in an situation like that, would rather risk her life, than getting one of her comrades...friends, hurt. From where do I recognize this behavior... Uryu thought with a little smug. Yet again, Uryu was brought back to reality and tried to think of some way to help his little friend.

"I know..." with that Uryu took off and searched for the source. The Hollow. He found that ugly bastard an started without hesitation to shoot a shower of arrows at the monster. Dust was forming around it, while the thousand shots hit it. The dust slowly disappeared after Uryu stopped firing. Then, suddenly, three arms were coming right at him. He dodged it successfully and hid immediately. The Hollow didn't see where he went, so he started to taunt Rukia again. Why didn't she ran off? But, wait a minute....Why didn't the Hollow die? I hit him! I know it?...What's going on here?

She watched as Uryu tried to help Rukia with his thousand arrows. Rukia really hoped, that it will work. It had to work. What should they do, if it didn't? Then what, keep dodging and running? For how long? Till that idiot of a carrot decided to come?! Rukia was downright pissed! She should have run away, when she had the chance, because now, since the Hollow didn't catch Uryu and hasn't seen where he went, it directed its attention back on her. But then again, how could she put a friend in her situation and just ran off? So the dodging and running continued.

Uryu was watching helplessly. What would Ichigo have done? What a stupid question! He would have saved Rukia, no matter what, even if it meant to get hit by all sixteen of those tentacles. Wait! Sixteen? Uryu's eyes widened in horror. He counted the arms and it really were sixteen. They doubled. Rukia must have noticed, too, since she was being hit harder and more often now. He could see her lacking of energy more and more. She was screaming now, because the pain must have become unbearably. If you don't come soon, Ichigo, Rukia will most probably die! He thought about what Ichigo might do, when he finally arrives, seeing the Hollow devouring Rukia, or seeing her dead body on the ground. Hollow gone. Rukia gone. He'd go postal! He probably would kill him for not at least trying to help her. Crap, he will kill me, if I don't do something! He sighed.

"DAMN IT!" Uryu shouted while he was leaving his hiding place. He ran towards where Rukia was barely standing. He stood in front of her and fired arrows everywhere where tentacles appeared. Now he won't say I didn't try...

"Uryu! What are you doing?" Rukia shouted at him furiously that he dared to risk his life for her.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Uryu said between the arrows he was firing."I'm doing Kurosaki's job here!"

"What? Get the hell out of here, or it will kill you!" she shouted even more.

"It doesn't matter ...if I die by the hand...well, tentacle actually.....of a Hollow...or by Ichigo's Zanpakuto...or hands." he replied.

"What ar-"

"Rukia...even if you two are...fighting...he won't dare to risk it...to loose you!" those words shocked her. And for a moment Uryu stopped shooting and turned to the exhausted almost laying Shinigami.

"He cares to much for you to let a stupid fight between the two of you letting him risk loosing you! Besides, if I don't do anything, he will finish me!"

Rukia just looked at him, not knowing what to say. The young Quincy shouldn't have stopped shooting the arrows, though, because that kept the tentacles away. Two of them came out of the ground right at Uryu. It was too quick for him to react in time. Therefore he was thrown back into the wall, his head hitting it very hardly. He wasn't unconscious, but he couldn't stand up either. He was too dizzy.

The it was Rukia's turn again. She wanted to get away, but she felt no energy anymore. The rest didn't do her much good. It just let her get used to the painless situation. Watching the tentacles come closer and closer, she thought Who will come now? Orihime? Chad? Urahara? Ichigo?...Please, come already....I need....you. She looked up at the tentacles, thinking about her last thought. Did she really need him? Did she really needed him that much, that she begged him to come and rescue her? Did she really want to be a bigger interference in his life? Do I want to be so selfish? She thought about Ichigo's selflessness, his promises, his strength and suddenly felt, that her strength was returning a little bit. She stood up, shaking slightly, and started to run. It was slow, way to slow to escape the tentacles, though. But she tried, thanks to Ichigo....

The arms hit her multiple times. She was bleeding practically everywhere. Then, one tentacle hit her so hard that she was sent flying upward. Thanks to gravity, she was falling. There was nothing she could do now. Her released Zanpakuto was on the ground somewhere, so she couldn't attack. But since she had no strength left anymore, it didn't really matter if she had Sode no Shirayuki, or not. So she just fell, slowly falling to unconsciousness. She waited for the Hollow to attack her one last time, she waited for it to put an end to this.

Finally something hit her, or rather she hit something. It wasn't hard though. It was soft and warm. Rukia started to open her eyes, wanting to see what she had hit. She couldn't believe that dying was so quickly, so peaceful, so painless. Then she thought, relieved that it was so quick Maybe it's a bed in heaven? Would I even go to heaven... She then felt a strong grip around her. Rukia started to be confused and then she smelled something very pleasant and familiar. She recognised it, and at once, it clicked. Her eyes shut open to reveal a black Kimono. She was huddled to someones chest. One arm was wrapped around her little form. She looked up in pain and she looked at Ichigo's face. It was filled with worry, blame and, mostly, fury. He was pissed. At the Hollow. That means the Hollow won't survive very long now. Thank God!

"Ichigo..." Rukia said in a whisper. He cut her off, though, while he was landing on the ground. He then leaned her against a wall and wanted to go, when he saw a tentacle coming out of the wall where he just put Rukia. Only the tentacle was a few feet above them. He quickly took her in his arms once again, and jumped away just in time.

"Damn...what is that thing?"

"Be...careful..."Rukia said a little louder now, so that he could hear her.

"Don't worry!" that was his only reply the fury and concentration not leaving his face. I can't fight that bastard with Rukia in my arms! Ichigo thought But if I put her down, it will attack her...Uryu! Where is he? He looked for the Quincy and then he spotted them. Chad was watching for tentacles, while Orihime took care of the still dizzy Uryu. He wanted to get her to their friends, but he was cut off by the tentacles again and again. He dodged every one of them. In order to do so, he had to focus very hard. But it was no problem for him, since he carried someone precious in his arms. He finally made it to Chad, who immediately understood what Ichigo's intention was. Chad revealed himself a little to help Ichigo get Rukia to them. They were surprised by the Hollow's attack though. Thanks to Orihime's Shield, Uryu, Chad and her were unharmed. Ichigo let go off Rukia and drew out Zangetsu. That didn't stop the Hollow from trying to reach Rukia. So it wants her! Sorry, but you just dug your own grave...Ichigo thought very furious now.

The arms vanished, while the Hollow was in the air above them. Then five tentacles came from above and hit Rukia.

"Rukia!" Ichigo hurried to her aid. He swung his large Zanpakuto and wanted to cut the tentacles that squeezed the petit Shinigami. But, either the Hollow's skin was unbreakable or his Zanpakuto lost his strength, because he couldn't cut them. Ichigo didn't want to fire Getsuga Tensho, because he might hit Rukia by mistake. He didn't want to risk that one.

"What the hell am I supposed to do now?" he shouted, getting impatient with this monster.

"Ichigo, try to destroy his mask!" Uryu shouted back. If Ichigo could get through to that mask, he might make it. Without any kind of plan he launched at the lump of tentacles with Rukia in it. He dodged all of them perfectly, having just one aim in mind. Get back Rukia in his arms! In my arms....?...Ahhh, not the moment to think about it... he focused again. Ichigo finally reached the Hollow's mask. He shot Getsuga Tensho right at it....but nothing.

"What the hell is this? Why didn't I kill it?" Ichigo was on top of his furiousness and confusion. He shouldn't have let his guard down, though. The Hollow hit him and Ichigo went down.

Meanwhile, Rukia regained her consciousness back and watched Ichigo's attempt to kill the Hollow. She watched also as he went down.

"ICHIGO!" she shouted. That woke him up and he pushed himself from the ground before he hit it with his head. He tried again and again and again. But nothing.

"Alright! That's it!.... Bankai!" Ichigo lost patience and used his Bankai, revealing the black coat like dress and the small black sword, which contained so much power. The usual black energy was circling around him.

"GETSUGA TENSHO!" finally. He cut off one of the tentacles. The Hollow roared in pain and was whirled around. He then let go of Rukia again, who was caught immediately by Ichigo.

They were on the ground now and Ichigo hoped he had some time that he could think of a way to keep Rukia safe, without putting the others in danger and still being able to fight. But then, once again, tentacles surrounded them. Nobody knew now how many the Hollow copied, but they knew it were a lot. The both Shinigamis were in the Hollow's trap an couldn't escape. Using Getsuga Tensho wold be to risky. He would use it, if he were alone here But with Rukia....to much of a risk...It was also to tight to avoid all of those damn tentacles. The only think that was left to do was to protect the raven-haired Shinigami with his body, life and heart. So he bended over Rukia, shielding her with his entire body.

"Ichigo, don't!" Rukia felt helpless now. She didn't want him to get hurt, because she was to weak to finish that Hollow.

"Shut up!" was his only reply, though it was a soft tone. He held her to his chest, eyes closed and waiting for the impact. It never came though. Instead, they all heard a painful roar. Ichigo looked up and saw that the Hollow was retreating. Several arms were cut off, the mask was still intakt and scary, it got scratched, though. The Hollow disappeared into the black hole behind it. Then it was quiet.

Everyone was confused now, because of what happened.

"My, my, that was a really unpleasant Hollow and a very strong one..."Urahara Kisuke was standing a few feet away from them, slowly joining Orihime and the others. Tessai and Yoruichi following closely. Kisuke had his Zanpakuto, Benihime, released. Thank Goodness, that the man was in time.

"The story wouldn't have ended very nice if I hadn't showed up in time..." the shop owner added calmly.

While he made his way to Chad and the other two, Rukia shifted in Ichigo's arms. That's when he noticed that he still held her. He let go of her a little, so that they could see each others faces, yet he was still supporting her.

"What took you so long?" Rukia asked in an exhausted voice. Eyes angry at first, but the more she looked at that idiot, the more her eyes softened "We really needed your help here a little sooner? What wh-" she was interrupted by his action. He was holding her against his chest again, resting his head on hers. But, not like a few minutes ago, this embrace was warm, soft and full of relieve. Relieve that nothing happen to her. Rukia's eyes widened with surprise. She didn't know how to react and definitely didn't know what to say. But Ichigo did that one for her.

"I'm sorry, Rukia." she didn't know if the apology applied for him being late or for their fight.

"I'm sorry.....I'm so sorry...." now she knew, by hearing his voice, that it was for both. She also knew now how to react. She gripped his Kimono, buried her head in his chest and closed her eyes. Rukia slowly drifted away, feeling the exhaustion now. But she felt comfortable, safe and warm in his strong arms. Ichigo noticed her silent reply forcing the corners of his mouth to rise a little. It was a small, calm even tired, but relieved smile. Rukia was safe. She was Ok, more or less, well she was alive and they obviously made up. But Ichigo didn't want to think about that now. All he wanted to do was to get back home, take care of Rukia and get at least two hours of sleep. They stayed like this for a few minutes, savoring the comfortable moment, both had missed deeply. Then he stood up, Rukia still in his strong arms and went up to the others.

"Urahara, that was quiet a timing!" Ichigo said, looking at his saviour with gratitude in his eyes.

"Wasn't it, eh?" the Ex-Captain answered a little playful."You're welcome, Ichigo." he added, this time his voice was serious.

"Listen, I think we all want to know what just happened, but I think everybody is really tired, especially Rukia." Orihime said feeling concern for her friend.

"You're right Orihime. We still have to go to school tomorrow." Chad added.

"I agree. We'll talk about this some other time!" Urahara said.

"When?" Ichigo wanted to know, looking down at Rukia again to check if she's still asleep.

"Well, why don't you all just go home and do what you have to do. I'll inform you, don't worry about that...." he said with an assuring voice. They all nodded but before everyone could go their own direction, Ichigo wanted to make sure that Rukia would be alright again.

"Orihime, can you-"

"Put her down and I'll make her better in no time!" said the girl in a zealous voice. She pointed to the ground where he should lay her down. Orihime asked herself, when she could finally help her little friend. She called her powers and immediately Rukia was covered underneath the yellow-orange-like curtain. Ichigo knelt down to watch regretful how his little midget was being healed. I Should have come earlier! I should have noticed! Everyone noticed how troubled he was and looked at him, wishing that he wouldn't blame himself all the time. Orihime remembered in an instant, that they where already once in this kind of situation. It was right after the Arrancars came to the real world for the first time. Rukia was injured by Grimmjow and Orihime, after healing the Captain of the 10th division Hitsugaya Toushirou, started to work on Rukia. Meanwhile Ichigo joined them and knelt down beside Rukia. He carried the same expression back then. Frightened. Ashamed. Angry. Heartbroken the girl thought. She saw everything from the corner of her eye. Just like back then.

After a while she finished and Rukia's wounds were gone.

"So! She's all patched up. No wounds. Just the blood is there. Rukia might still feel extremely exhausted and weak...but she'll be just fine!" Orihime said. Yoruichi was chuckling right now.

"What is it?" Orihime asked confused.

"Oh, nothing...it's just that you already sound like Captain Unohana...." the purpled-haired woman said. With that the girl laughed with her cat-like friend. After a few seconds, the other joint in a small laughter. Even Ichigo cracked a smile.

"Well, thank you Orihime..." Ichigo said while he was picking up the sleeping Rukia.

"No problem..." the gile said in response. Everyone then said goodbye, knowing that they will definitely solve the mistery at Urahara's tomorrow.

Orihime walked next to Uryu in silent. They both were shocked and confused at the same time, that no one was able to defeat that Hollow. Not even Urahara, who was a Captain, for crying out loud. Uryu saw that Orihime was troubled, but he wasn't sure if it was because of the Hollow or because of...Ichigo. He knew that Orihime was a very caring person and that she was always interested in making things better. That means she was always willing to sit together for hours to find a solution or at least a plan. She cared a lot about others and she cared about the fate itself. Then again, he knew that she had a thing for Ichigo. He didn't know how deep her feelings were, but he knew that she had some. Uryu sighed at his thoughts, not knowing how to comfort her, especially since he knew, or at least got a feeling, that Ichigo didn't care about her the way she wanted him to. Of course he cared. She was his friend, ally, comrade...but nothing more. He went to Hueco Mundo to just free her from Aizen's evil hands. But still, I know he doesn't feel about her the way she wants him to...Can't she see it or doesn't she want to see it? he thought, sighing again.

Orihime noticed his frown and knew he was in deep thoughts. He was probably thinking about that Hollow. No wonder, she too, was thinking about it. What if it's a new species of Hollows they couldn't defeat? Maybe it was Aizen, coming back already....

"Ohh boy..." she quietly said to herself, sighing a little shaky.

"What is it Orihime?" the boy next to her asked.

"Oh. No. Nothing...I was just thinking about the Hollow. You know I'm a little concerned about what might happen next, you know!?" answered the girl. So she was thinking about the Hollow...I'm so stupid! should have figured that she'd put the others before herself...thought the Quincy, a small smile forming on his face.

"What are you smiling about? That's a serious topic, Uryu! You cannot laugh like that!" Orihime said in disbelieve. Uryu was stunned for a second, but regained his composure.

"I had a certain thought right before you said, that you were thinking about the Hollow....and this thought of mine was...well...you crashed it." the smile was still on his face.

"Ohh...I'm sorry, Uryu!"

"No, no, don't get me wrong. It was actually a good thing...so don't worry!"

"Alright!" Orihime calmed down again. "Uryu?"


"What were YOU thinking about?" this question caught him off guard.

"Well, I..was thinking about the same thing..." he lied.

"Ahh, OK!" she didn't believe him entirely though. There was something else he was thinking about and he didn't want to tell her. Maybe he will tell her tomorrow, when he will be sleepy and won't pay attention. Orihime smiled a little to herself. Then she stopped, because they were at her house already.

"Well, here we are! Thanks for bringing me home, Uryu."

"No problem Orihime."

"Well I see you in...." she was looking up, trying to count the time till they'll see each other again.

"Three and a half hours in school." he helped her.

"Well, alright. But I actually wanted to count it in minutes!" Uryu almost fell to the ground.

"But why???"

"Because it's funnier and not so common!" she said cheerfully.

"You're still so cheery after all this happened!" it was rather a statement, than a question. "You're unbelievable!" a second later, he blushed a little after he said those words. Orihime looked at him a little surprised first, but then smiled at him widely.

"Thanks Uryu!" she then turned around waved at the still red Uryu and entered her home. Uryu was still standing there, a little baffled. Then he turned around and shook his head in disbelieve. What the hell was that? But he didn't care, actually, if it sounded a little weired. He just said the truth about Orihime. That's the way she is and she shouldn't change that at all! He walked home, thinking about the girl he just dropped off and about the new problems they had.

Orihime closed the door and smiled to herself now. Uryu really is nice and caring! It was her time to blush a little. She didn't know why she blushed, but, actually, she didn't mind that much. Uryu was a very good friend of her and she liked him a lot. She never thought about him differently yet. Maybe he would be an alternative to Ichigo. But she quickly shook off that horrible and hideous thought. It was also a disgusting one. Taking Uryu as an alternative. How gross! It's not like he wasn't handsome or so, the mere thought was just so wrong. Then her thought trailed to Ichigo again. Seeing how much emotion his eyes radiated, while he looked at Rukia. She once again felt this ugly feeling, she felt at Urahara's. She didn't want it though. Orihime fell on her bed, shutting her eyes close and hoped to get rid of those awful thoughts and feelings. What is wrong with me? she thought before falling slowly into a deep sleep.

Ichigo was Shun-poing home. The fragile girl in his arms was still asleep and he hoped it stayed that way. He couldn't face her now. Not right after he screwed up. I did it this time, big time! Ichigo thought, disgusted with himself. He finally arrived at his home. He jumped up and entered his room. That's when Rukia suddenly woke up. It was slowly, but she woke up. Great!

Her eyelids fluttered open when she saw a familiar room, smelled that familiar smell and felt suddenly that she was in someones arms, again. I really have to stop being in someone's arms! Rukia thought. She then felt the awkwardness and knew immediately that Ichigo was holding her, but not looking at her. She hated that. Guess it's back to where we started...she sighed in defeat. Unfortunately Ichigo interpreted it in a wrong way and released her in putting her down. She was a little shaky on her own feet, so Ichigo still held her for support.

"I am fine!" she said quietly, looking at the ground and not at him. His eyes were filled with pain and his heart ached really hard by her action. He wanted to say something, something so that they could talk about it, but he chickened out, again. On the other hand, he knew that it was very late...or early...Both were tired, exhausted and just wanted to go to bed. Rukia on top of that, probably had not the nerve to talk to him right now, knowing that he really screwed up.

Rukia thought that he wanted to say something. She saw it from the corner of her eye. He shut his mouth, though. She let out a disappointed sight and started to turn away heading for the door. Ichigo caught the disappointed expression on her face. She reached the door and wanted to open it, when she was stopped by his quiet voice.

"I'm sorry." Rukia turned around, but she wasn't entirely facing him.

"For what?" she, unfortunately, made her voice sound colder than she intended to. Ichigo misinterpreted that cold, once more. He first wanted to ask, what she meant now, but he caught what she meant quick enough. Ichigo wanted to give her an answer, but then he saw, that she was already leaning against the door, almost sliding down. She was weak and had to rest and he kept her from recovering. Idiot! he shouted at himself.

"Rukia, you should go to sleep...you're exhausted." Rukia looked at him then, hurt visible in her eyes.

"I already told you I'm fine! So why not continuing the conversation, Ichigo?" she was getting a little louder now. He wanted to say something, but was too slow, once again.

"Ohh, I see, you don't want to talk about it!"

"I never said that!" he countered, using the same volume level she did.

"Why don't you say, what you want to say then?"

"Because you're finished!"

"I said I'M FINE!"

"Really? Why don't you come over here then!" Ichigo challenged.

"What? I don't need this!" she turned around and wanted to leave when she felt a hand grabbing her arm.

"Don't!...I mean...ugh..."Ichigo sight in defeat. "Rukia, you probably think, that I don't want to work this out, right?" she looked at him now, nodding slightly, though her eyes showed anger. "Well, that's not true! I want to settles this, because I don't like it! I don't like it at all, when we fight like this..." Rukia's expression softened at his words.

"That's...good...Ichigo, because I hate it too..." she wanted to say more, but she collapsed. Her loss of strength finally got to her. Ichigo quickly caught her, seeing that her eyes where shut. He picked her up, went to his sister's room and placed her inside of her body, the Soul Candy popping out immediately. He placed it to its original place and started to walk away, when he heard someone cal his name.

"Ichigo..." he turned and saw Rukia looking at him. "We'll work this out, alright? Please? We will, right?" her voice was a whisper, very weak, but he heard it. Ichigo would hear her anywhere. Rukia sounded almost pleading, hoping that he won't just turn around. The young man stepped to her bed, knelt down and looked into her tired, yet still incredibly beautiful eyes.

"I promise!" that was all she needed to hear and with a slight smile, a smile showing hope and a little happiness, she fell into the dream world. Ichigo looked at her for a little while, noticing once more, how beautiful she was and how peaceful she looked when she was asleep. He smiled to himself, but then his face fell into a frown again. I almost lost her! That cannot happen again! he swore to himself while he got up and left his sleeping precious half of his soul. MY? Why on earth MY??? And PRECIOUS??? Huh...interesting, but weired. But it kinda feels...right...my precious...I guess she kinda is, now that I think of Yoruichi's words....with that thought, he went to bed, hoping to get a little rest in order to survive the next day.

-oOo- Urahara store -oOo-

"So, you think I should go and look for her?" Yoruichi asked her long time friend Kisuke.

"....." he didn't answered her question though. He was thinking intensely.

"Kisuke?" he then snapped out of it and looked at the woman next to him.

"Sorry...I was thinking..." he said in a serious voice."What did you say?"

" Yeah, I could see that...." she said, assuring him with the expression on her face, that she wasn't mad. "I asked, if you think, that I should go and look for her?"

"....No!....I think we should wait....She might even appear by herself." the Ex-Captain said, concern in his voice audible.

"Probably...but we cannot be sure, and we shouldn't wait too long!" Yoruichi said in the same concerned voice.

"I know, I know....But still, we shouldn't hesitate!"

"Right, too..."

"Besides, if there was something unclear to her concerning this, fate in general, she would come here immediately. I know that. When things are clear to her, she doesn't bother. But if things are uncertain....It makes her nervous, you know...And that's when she 'interferes'." Both sighed and looked up, watching the sun replacing the moon. Both elements so different, yet so close to each other, and the one can't survive without the other. The two Ex-Captains sighed, hoping that thinks will end good. Hoping that fate and "it's guard" will be generous. !-- page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --

AN: YAY...I kinda get the feeling that my chapters get longer and longer...well as long as you guys like it and review, then I don't mind.

By the wa, I'm implying a new character here, don't wory, it won't spoil the Bleach-atmosphere, at least I hope, but I wanted to add something new...so please, if you might not like it, then be kind with me^^ but critics are of course allowed....and whished^^

Well, then have fun. And thank you soooo much for the reviews^^