Er .. this story is rather crack-ish, LOL. But I just had to write it!

DISCLAIMER; If I owned Prince of Tennis, Kaidou would go 'whoooosh' and we'd call him Birdy instead of Viper.


"You are being unreasonable, Fuji."

Echizen watched with somewhat amusement as his acrobatic senpai paused comically in mid-bounce, eyes widening to what might possibly be the size of saucers. Then, Eiji fell to the floor in a tangle of flailing limbs and red hair. Echizen stiffled an uncharacteristic giggle; of all his senpai, Eiji-senpai was his favourite to watch.

The cat-like boy bounced up to his feet again, dragging Echizen by the collar to the door of the clubroom, listening in on the conversation within the room.

"Maa... you're no fun, Tezuka!"

Tezuka sighed dramatically, "Fine, Fuji. What do you want, rough or smooth?"

"Saa... you know I always pick rough."

Echizen turned to Eiji. "They've done it many times, nya!" squeaked Eiji, waving his arms aound wildly as if that would explain everything. Echizen rolled his eyes at his enthusiastic senpai, taking a sip of the Ponta he was holding. He really did have a ridiculous bunch of senpais.

"Tezuka-ah!" Eiji and Echizen both jumped at the sudden cry from within the room and both eavesdroppers turned an interesting shade of red. Eiji squeaked again and Echizen wondered whether now would be a good time to pull his senpai away from the door and let Tezuka and Fuji have their way with each other without intrusion. However, he could not seem to pull himself away from the door and froze at the voice that came from within the closed door.

"Ah! Grab my balls, Tezuka! Ugh, I'm all wet!"

Eiji just barely managed to muffle an alarmed shriek and Echizen pulled down his cap. So much for not letting you guard down, Tezuka-buchou, he smirked. "Mada mada dane, senpai." he whispered to nobody in particular. Eiji looked like he might faint. He heard Tezuka and Fuji mutter and grunt things from inside.

"Here, get on top of me, Tezuka, and use your..."

Quickly, Echizen dragged Eiji away from the door of the clubroom before they heard more than they ever wanted to.

"...hand to grab that tube of tennis balls."

Inside the clubroom, Tezuka sighed stepping lightly on Fuji's crouched over back to reach up for the extra tennis balls perched on a high shelf. "See, Fuji, this is what happens when you make me determine who gets to serve first inside the clubroom."

"Saa..." came the reply, "It wasn't my fault you twirled the racket badly and sent all my tennis balls flying. Look, they're all wet because of the water from the shower. Even my shirt got wet!"

Later, it was with much confusion that they were confronted by the Regulars as they exited the clubroom, and amongst them a red-faced Echizen and Eiji. Echizen simply coughed, pulled his cap down over his eyes and, with a shaking hand, lifted the Ponta up to his lips.

Eiji, on the other hand, flushed even more red and pointed an accusing finger at the two of them, jumping up and down and shrieking, "Mada mada dane, nya!"


My first time attempting crack .. tell me how it is. (: It was really different going from just recently writing Reach, which was serious, and then writing this .. anyway, leave a review and tell me whether or not I fail at crack, LOL.